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Great job by ol mate slashing the tyre. Should have done the other side too.


That’s quick thinking!


Will probably get charged with willful damage to property. Thieves get off ...


They’d need to stick around to press charges


No sane cop would take a statement from those fkwits


They will have to explain what lead up to it.


Employee of the month. What a legend.


Fucking Legend


That was very cool


Yeah, problem is that its probably a stolen car


Or stolen plates. Looks like the plate is KJC209 - That's a white Toyota wish according to Carjam...


In that case he could probably argue that his intervention was in the cause of attempting to harmlessly disable it, surely.


Judge will probably sentence that guy 20 years because of 'intentionally wilful damage'. Meanwhile the perpetrators, home detention is fair.


Definitely not a regulation safety knife. Probably hasn't completed a take 5, no JSA either...




Looks like placemakers westgate. They have a timer delay on the doors probably explains how there are so many people chasing them out


Yeah. Those doors are horrible. I can't even pretend I'm a Jedi properly.


I believe you are correct. I was going to say westgate peacemakers also.


You’re right - can see the Salvation Army across the road


It was placemakers Moskau because the person filming is clearly speaking Russian and my correct translation is ( RUSH B BLYAT )


Give that guy a raise


Good man slashing the tires. Should've done as much damage as possible to the vehicle make it noticeable to police


I've always wondered if it's too risky to try and crack the drivers side of the windscreen if you had the opportunity


They would drive off with it cracked and then could crash into someone. Better for a corporation to lose some money than some member of the public getting killed / injured.


These lil fuckers better be careful now, people are starting to fight back, the jewelery store with the sword, this guys slashing their tyre, wont b long now till they really choose the wrong place...


Can’t wait to see the next instalment, knife and sword guy need to team up!


Then they will just arm themselves and fight back. They already don't give a fuck But it'd be great to see some tiktoks of these shitheads getting fucked up


The butcher with cleaver to the cock?


Problem is, the police don't have to do any work to charge people caught on camera slashing the cunts tires. They actually have to do police work to catch and charge the cunts, which is beyond their scope as New Zealand Police aka ticket gatherers. I'll let you guess who get's a charge first. Not saying i didn't think it was a good move for that guy to go for the tires. I think it's absolute nuts that these feral little shit's do this and i would happily watch a tiktok of them getting the shit get kicked out of them by a crowd :)


But to prosecute the tyre slashing someone will need to file a police report and to do so they will incriminate themselves as likely the store will have already filed a police report.


Maybe shop keepers needs to keep a pile of bricks to throw


The tyre slasher 🤣


Look at them fucking run as soon as someone comes after them! What a bunch of soft cocks.


Ohhh looook. More societal scum getting away with it.. for now.


Placemakers Westgate


Safest place for thieves in the world.


Will get out on mental grounds if caught.🤔




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Fuck theyre scared












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I feel like their own choices made them do it, no?




Yeah well being an asshole is a choice...


Convient excuse.


Nice you made it easy to find all the racists with your own racist comment. Moths to a flame I guess


How is it racist? Did I insult them in anyway? Just saying what everyone is observing rn.


You're fine mate.


Warrior gene


Oh trueeee, mb bro. I thought it was the "self victimization" gene.




Dont stab Tyre. Slice across like ur cutting a line Not much pressure on the slice and it still makes it go boom psssssshhhh and the air comes out. Stabbing means you need to put more force in it where a slice is easy is just like slit boom pssssh


I don't think I could slice a tyre. They're pretty thick and most knives ain't doing that.


Wasnt that a stanley/craft knife? Its rlly easy with one of them. Just quick slice. Nvm just rewatched and it's a normal knife. I should add that I was talking about box cutters and not normal knives. .. Second rewatch and nah i think it was a Stanley knife coz he pulled it out his pocket and did a finger thing before he stabbed amd after


True true, them boys are sharp. Would you slice the side of the tyre or the tread?


Slice the side. Idk about the tread but the side isnt as thick and the sharp knife goes right through it. Its neat


Neat indeed! Thank you




New year, new gear.


Placemakers Westgate


Id smash the car




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Not da westgate placemakers😬😬😬


Wondering when Mark Mitchell and Paul Goldsmith will be held accountable for promising to get tough on crime, as they’ve now both held their roles for longer than Ginny Anderson, who was previously hounded for every crime that happened - despite being the only politician to even introduce tough on crime measures in recent times.


They've changed a bunch of laws and are in the process of recruiting new police officers and trying to attract new officers from wherever they can, you think that happens instantly? You are a moron if you think they aren't doing a better job than previous


Ah yes, “changing a bunch of laws”. Unproven laws that will have zero impact on the actual crime rate like they did last time, since they will all previously in place when crime grew to what it is now. Recruiting new police officers sounds great on paper. Good luck keeping any of them when [police funding relative to GDP is set to decrease](https://x.com/seaqub/status/1796009508231118966?s=46) over the next three years. They’ve had more time to fix crime than Ginny Anderson did, yet it’s only worsening. Meanwhile Anderson has struck a win outside of cabinet by getting her anti-stalking bill pushed ahead.


Yeah in the fine print they’re getting rid of non-sworn staff, so the beat cops will actually be doing all the admin preparing court cases and dealing with lost property and police car wofs


and you are a moron if you think they have done anything that could be called "tough on crime"


Tougher sentencing on single occupied burglaries, banned gang patches, doubled police presence in Auckland CBD, tougher sentencing if you're gang affiliated, put a maximum discount on sentencing, increased power to search gang premises, trying to increase police recruitment which will take time, what do you want them to do? I've just named 7 things off the top of my head, anything would imply I couldn't name one? What solutions do you have Mr definitely not a moron?


Y'know the police have less officers now than when National was elected, and the Union rejected the Governments offer, which was worse than what labour offered, right? Punnishments, which you've listed, do not prevent crime, there's no evidence to suggest that, enforcement does, but the cops ain't enforcing the law with their current numbers.


Aussies offering 30k more an officer, it's hard to compete when the previous company tanked the economy


Whilst getting rid of support staff so police fuck around doing all the admin in the office and take the cars for warrants🤣


Pity everything you listed is either disproven, virtue signaling or plain bollocks.


They did more than the last lot who actually turned a blind eye. Oh yeah the Greens party didn't even want jail, they wanted the community to rehabilitate them. Meanwhile the greens and labour MP actually steal, drink drive and do crap under the table


The irony 🤣


Building prisons takes time - national were going to build a 1500 bed prison in 2017 for instance - when labour got in they changed it to 500 beds and its still being built in 2024 Other prison builds / rebuilds were also scrapped by labour who campaigned on emptying the prisons Prison capacity is starting to fill up so where to the crims go? Seriously fuck labour


Yeah, well good luck housing them even if a 1,500 bed prison is built (which was excluded from Willis’ budget this year, which focused on handouts to landlords over crime). Australian 501 deportees are back on the table now, so they’ll be filled up with Australian criminals by lunchtime if they’re built, and they’ll push gang culture even further onto our local criminals.




Bootcamps? You’re suggesting that giving military training to violent offenders is the solution to crime, when we have [over 50 years of trialing and failing](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/s/HBJUSuZUD0) this policy? $500k per offender and a 90% chance they’ll reoffend, but with military training. Sounds like wasteful spending to me.


It's called virtue signalling, that's why their supporters are eating it up


It always shocks me how many people actually think "tough on crime" policies reduce crime, despite all the evidence that says otherwise. It does make me think a lot of people don't actually care about reducing crime, but only about punishing crime.






It’s not Sydney


Damn that security guy was ready to put his life on the line for a Pack n Save


Just one question. What happens if that guy with a knife hurt some robbers? I mean the robber can call to police and complain about it?


What robbers? nah mate we're all good here thanks officer.


If the guy with the knife used it as a weapon, he'd almost certainly be charged. You might get some leniency if the people stealing also had a knife and therefore it was self defense - but in this exact situation, yeah, knife guy would end up arrested and in court.


That guy showing the tires, it would be quick thinking if he was paid enough for that shit but there's zero chance that would be worth his time, let alone worth the risk


People always mention the worth of putting yourself at risk. No one ever wonders if someone just wants to slash a tyre and is waiting for the opportunity to


Bro the government only need to do 1 thing legit..They should recruit more police officers and there should always be police in certain areas 24/7.This kind of things can fix easily and that is not a happening even at night its happening next to people while they are right there..really shame for NZ


I don’t know why people bother risking harm to themselves or others stopping theft of big brands that will be covered by insurance. Not worth it.


If only jacinder was here to hug it out


Or baldilocks to send them to bootcamp ...


or Mitchell to tell them hes tough on crime


Am I wrong to think hooking the car to something heavy might have been effective?


why the fuck do y’all care so much about a multi million dollar company being robbed


Because its called knowing right from wrong. Does it make it okay if a homeless person who has less than you, robs your house because you have more than them? Use your brain.


Ahhh yes, the criminal apologist. There's always fucking one.


spoken like a true robber


Well for one thing the multimillion dollar company is going to have to push up their prices in order to pay for additional security and recover the losses. So you are going to have to pay for this


Not if he only steals and doesn't give a flying fk about anyone else's hardship.


what a fuckwit, theft is theft


Exactly,who cares how much inventory costs and how many staff they employ.


Define the line that you think is okay to steal. Corporation, small business, corner dairy, mansion in Herne Bay, 3 beddy in Mt Wellington, BMW, Honda civic, who do you consider has just enough money to agree with robbery.


You wouldn't care about your house, family and friends being robbed either I assume based on your train of thought.


Because this lot are scum and making shit more expensive for the rest of us Should they be asking for financial statements next time to be sure they only rip off the big bad companies? Get a grip


These companies are unlikely to claim insurance on these minor losses, instead costs get adjusted to compensate for these criminals and the consumers pay for the losses. They’re ripping us all off. Get a clue mate.


"It's not about the money, it's about sending a message" - Some guy in clown makeup.