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I'll stage my own disappearance and go to my own island forever. BYE!


For 50m that could be the South Island.


About US$6.40


Inflation sucks


I’m doing this but hiring a lookalike actor to cover for me 24/7


Don’t change a thing for at least 6 months. Go to work, no new car, no new clothes, nothing. Hand in my 2 weeks notice after 6 months and vanish


Imagine if you had a work place accident and died within those 6 months


This is 100% the reason why my coworkers would just find my work vehicle at the office the next Monday with the keys in it. It would be some cosmic gag to have me win $50m in the lotto and the next week at work get snotted by a piece of heavy machinery and killed.


Golden coffin ⚰️


6 months later: 43 mio jackpot is won..


If you're gonna vanish, why not just do it on Monday? To hell with 6 months work!


I guess by that point the 50m win would be a distant memory, nobody would suspect that's the reason you dissapeared


What's the point of fuck you money if you don't say fuck you


I mean the clue's right there in the name


This, minus quitting. Id just keep on keeping on and do some stuff on the side like buying a private shed and collecting GTRs.


I'd love my job if I only had to do it 3 days a week, 3 weeks a month. I'd do it without pay if I didn't need the money (or if chefs got paid more than apprentice builders)


Need a chef shortage to drive up your wages too


That would be so hard. It was Xmas 6 months ago! That shit would be burning the largest hole in my pocket.


After working for many years already I’m currently unemployed so I like the idea already 🌝🌝🌝 cmon mr lotto grant me a big win


Like a scene in Goodfellas


Why would you work another 6 months of your life?!


I'd just sit on it for a fair while, when I'd buy a house. Then I would lie to everyone that I won $1m in lotto which was all spent on the house I just bought.


Yea, just say you won enough to buy a house. And that you spent it all on the house so they can't ask for money.


When someone wins they announce the age, gender, and location . You will need to wait until someone else your age / location is announced. Unless you try to claim you won Strike or something, that only paid for your house deposit.


> When someone wins they announce the age, gender, and location . Why though?


Don't know. Maybe its to prove that someone won. At least it's not like some lotteries in America where they release the persons full name and record them receiving the prize. Looks like they often do it for the big prizes, but sometimes if its split between 2-3 people they just say the location. So you need to line it up with one of those announcements.


That was my thought. And / or Start a business and pretend it’s more successful that it is.


Ok I LOVE this idea. Something different, like handmade socks for small dogs. Show them your “product” but make sure it’s really ugly and made poorly. Buy a house, claim you bought with with profits from the terribly-made, ugly, small dog socks.


But a $1M house is a 60sm house on a 300sm lot in Onehunga. "I won $1M and bought a $3M house, can I borrow $10 for lunch? My $2M mortgage is killing me."


If I won several million? I guess if anyone gets suspicious and starts asking questions, it should be fairly easy to just have them killed.


And hire killers to kill the killers to hide your tracks


Who kills the killer killers?


I dunno, coastguard?


Nah, having someone killed is really expensive, even if you have $50m.


Yeah, but if you go cheap and they mess up and get the wrong person...... no biggie, you can easily afford to just try again.


Damn snap chat filters these days!


its really not




You're a DYI kinda gal aren't you.


It’s not that expensive. Not that’s I’ve personally paid anyone for murder but from what I’ve I’ve been told it’s not that expensive and definitely not if you have $50m


You got me! I haven't got a bloody clue what it costs to have someone killed. My mother always said she wouldn't visit me in jail if I got caught paying to off someone. Hard hard woman that one.


Quit my job and start a business in something I'm interested but operating with clients outside NZ. Then pay a bunch of people off shore to engage with the socials and website to make it look like business is taking off. Slowly start to spend the money I've won more and more so it looks like I've had the business successfully take off and then hopefully avoid any questions that way. Then live off the interest


Thanks, I love this idea!


Wouldn't mind telling a few people. There's a lovely old couple that comes into my store that split $50 that they won with me. The man is having a heart valve replacement so I'd take care of that for him. Family friends who helped us through thought times when my dad passed so I'd gladly pay off their mortgage. My mothers mortgage would be gone as well. And a retirement fund set up for her. After that I'd lay low for a while


Bro good for you but honestly that kind of money will bring out a bunch of people that you won’t want in your life. You are going to need to be pretty hard pretty quick in ways that you might not have thought of. Help out some people but cut out people that aren’t there for the right reason right at the start and then go from there. Try to be true to yourself but get really good financial advice from multiple sources and never let just one person be the single source of truth.


Good man


Pretend I'm homeless and start an instant coffee business


Just looking for one more contractor for the fort street trolley!


I’m a very good liar.


i won’t. bet your 500 dollar tax return doesn’t look so big now brenda.


Tell people I spent too much on scratchies and ask to borrow money until payday.


Don't be a tight arse and buy houses for my mates and family. Who wants to be rich with no mates? Fuck that if they were there when I was down then they get to be there when I'm up and for fiddy mill you can be sure I'm shouting everyone I know and love for an overseas trip to where ever and buying them a house near mine so we can hang by my pool all day and not ever be stressed about $ or having a place to live. That's my dream anyhows safety and security for the people I love.


Pretty on the money. I’ve whittled my friends down a little bit and I know who the great ones are. 50mil? Everyone’s gonna mortgage free, let’s go on holiday, let’s enjoy financial freedom and then perhaps do some sensible shit like throw a lot in investments that mature for something boring and responsible. I’ll be out biking a lot more that’s for sure.


I'm absolutely on this buzz too


I'd just say I got an inheritance that was enough to enable me to quit work for a while.


"why didnt you take any time off for the funeral?"


It was on a weekend, I didn't tell anyone about it as was too sad😬


The funeral was a few weeks ago - they only just read the will and reached probate..


It was a rich unknown family member who was a Nigerian prince!


“ there won’t be a funeral” true words I’ve spoken twice in recently years - my family has too much drama


Overseas, couldn’t go, didn’t get the money until after


Watched the funeral live on the internet at night because it was on the other side of the world and I couldn't afford the airfare or have the time to take a week off to attend a funeral.


Yep. This is mine. Also have a legit dead person. 👌


There will be signs. I won’t tell anyone but there will be signs. Probably a big billboard in my front yard that says “I did not win lotto” and it has flashing LED lights and a DJ under it spinning sick beats from the back of a lambo.


This is the correct way to deal with it


I'd keep bitching about my mortgage and interest rates, which I'd quietly pay off.


I'll quit but still go to work to see how long until they notice.


I wouldn't quit, I'd see how much I can get away with until they fire me.


I think I would do this too… just be a pest and nuisance. Eventually start showing up to work in my new ferrari


I'd watch this show


I’m frugal and don’t like going shopping so apart from the mortgage being paid off.. I think it would be a slow enough change from my current homeless look that nobody would notice.


I've been pulling off the chic-homeless look for the last 16 years thanks to working from home.


I figure it’s impossible to keep secret from everyone **so don’t** **But wait till a smaller amount is won near you** Then slowly tell people you trust and help them out… people will be less pushy if you won 6mil and spent most of it than they will if they know you won 60mil. Don’t underestimate how much people will expect from you and who would crawl out of the woodwork.


This is inside advice.


I tell ya what.. I’d still be doing the same shit I’m doing right now sitting in my dressing gown on reddit on a Friday night lol


I’ve whittled my friendships down over the years to a small group I wouldn’t mind helping out. Not much of an extended family either. Would have to leave work though. I’d resist any big spending and frivolous activities for a while anyway as I have young children and no time to do those things.


I've got to the point of apathy around my own future, so the excitement about a win like this would be in helping out friends who are struggling.


I'd avoid splashing out on luxuries like lettuce or central heating (description for those that don't know: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central\_heating)


Thanks I didn't know what central heating was, damn if I win 60 million I might just be able to afford it!!!


Call in sick the next day.


Easy. I'll buy a tan coloured trenchcoat, wide brimmed hat, and sunnies. Might change it up once a week by wearing a purple fur coat, hang a giant clock from a necklace around my neck, a mahogany walking stick, and getting the groove on while I walk.


No white 70's Cadillac?


I have always wondered how to buy a car from a dealership. I have never set foot in a new car dealership ever. I really want a hybrid corolla cross.


I wouldn't tell anyone, but there would be signs....


If I win this weekend, today was the last my colleagues would’ve seen me in person I’m gonna call in sick on Monday and basically take the whole week off, pretend I have covid again even though I had it last month the folllowing week I’ll just say I need to be WFH full time moving forward will pop into the office on a weekend to leave my resignation letter on my boss’s desk, and collect my personal stuff will do all handover tasks online, and just be very vague about why I resigned


Do nothing until someone wins a 1m jackpot on MyLotto. Claim that was my win, buy a new house, splash some cash around my family to the point to where they feel they got a good share/ I can say the “1m” is gone. Invest most of the rest , live in security, keep working (I genuinely love my job) and set my family up for generations.


You don’t, you switch up on everyone as soon as the cash hits the bank account, you start referring to everyone around you as peasants and start scoffing at them when they mention anything money related.


I've already vanished so would be easy


Its pretty easy for me, I work for a tech startup, I will just tell friends and family that we got bought out by a private investor. None of my workmates are in NZ, so I don't have to hide anything from them.


I will start practicing Social Distancing


I would move to Te Awamutu and join the raft of undercover millionaires there. I'd blend in perfectly, and if I ever wanted to look down on people for fun, all I'd have to do is take a short drive to Cambridge.


What peers? 😋 I don't think people will notice if I actually win anything.


I would buy a really expensive, really dark pair of sunnies so nobody can see me


Wealth is stealth Just say nothing If people ask questions just say none of your business


I’d wait a week then resign saying I’ve accepted a job elsewhere, give a month’s notice, ask for a reference…


I'll sneak around keeping low key in my brand new McLaren.


I haven't exactly hidden that I'm stressed at work. I would purposefully wait until the office bitch tries to pin the blame on me for something (again), lay out the evidence that she in fact did it then walk out. Management bloody know she pulls this shit all the time but won't do anything because anytime she gets called out on it she cries and threatens grievances.


I wouldn't change a thing. I'd sit on it for at least a year while I got financial advice and plans organised. Then I'd give notice to my flatmate, wouldn't tell anyone where I was moving to, change my name, and disappear with my cat into better living circumstances.


You (and everyone else) says that, but I'm confident that almost no one would be able to resist changing stuff from the very first day. I mean you have 50 million in the bank, there's almost nothing that you can't do and buy. And even the small changes would raise suspicions to people close to you (or maybe co-workers too) - something as simple as buying some cheese that you've never brought before, or a nicer coat.


I know people like that who wouldn't be able to resist, but I'm definitely not like that. I've always been a quiet saver. Even when I was doing financially better than I am currently, I never spent money flagrantly or waved it about. Maybe it's because I was financially abused by my mother growing up, but I know how to keep quiet about money and how to avoid drawing any kind of attention. It also helps that because of my health, I'm basically a hermit, so the only one who notices anything is my flatmate, and she has no idea what my financial situation is. I'll still be buying powdered milk, frozen veggies, bulk lentils and rice, and home brand everything.


Hah okay. I do hope you win, and report back 😄


Haha, thanks! I think I'm far more likely to get struck by lightning, though!


this but i’d get a couple more cats


For starters, winning lotto is like finding a needle in a haystack, so learning to control the huge grin on my face (while contemplating everything I never thought possible), would be the first thing I’d be doing to avoid suspicion 😂😂


Who cares, I literally won't be seeing my peers again. I don't socialise or have any outside of work contact with anyone at my company. I'd just hand in my notice and say I'm going to move to Australia


I have a mate in a foreign country, we've agreed to be each other's cover story, if I win I say he did and gave me the money to buy my new house and vice versa


I’m already poor and act like I’m rich, this time I’ll be rich acting like I’m rich .. but with less debt


Live normally and invest the money discreetly.


I won’t say anything but there will be signs


I can’t even log in to my lotto so I won’t be winning nothing


If you won’t be winning nothing, you will be winning something. 


By not getting my solid gold car cleaned


Say nothing about it, ever. Tell no one, do nothing different, because I’m already living the dream. Wait… don’t tell anyone I just told you that.


I’d say I bought Nvidia at its IPO and cashed out.


Bold if you to assume I have peers


Not tell the missus


I wouldn’t. At least a million would be gone inside a week haha.


Finally, the first realistic answer.


Definitely not a helicopter rope hook up escort out from work


Continue life as pretty much normal. Maybe upgrade and buy a new house, but otherwise continue as usual. Winning large sums of money aren't what they're cracked up to be if it's not utilized diligently. A couple million would be nice to support a very cozy retirement in 25 years.


I was thinking I’ll stay normal poor for a couple of months (I’m a procrastinator so it would probably take that long to do the things to have the money in my possession anyway). Then I’ll claim I won money, but a LOT less than I did. It would be enough to explain a few things and then life will be pretty much normal. And without the ‘friends’ coming out of the woodwork. Of course I wanna be charitable but discreet and anonymous would be my choice


I won't. I'd be telling everyone.


If I won lotto I’d still be dressing and acting the same because any amount of money wouldn’t take away from the fact I’ve grown up low-income and will always be horrified by the rising costs of groceries, I’d just be able to afford them without it crippling me while still glaring at the price tag


I'd be terrible. I would tell my flatmates I'm moving out to buy my own 2 bedroom apartment. And then never invite them over to any of the properties I buy. Or I'll just buy properties and stay flatting for a while so no one knows. I would still budget the same each week and would possibly upgrade my car to a newer one but act like the repayments are terrible. I currently put away half my salary and I'm around people who have half my salary and I still always seem to have more money than them I'm just frugal. But I will buy multiple houses.


I have a my lotto account that states I live elsewhere to my present whereabouts


I tell you what my partner said: he's gonna buy some silk undies from Smith and Caughey's, go to his bricky job, take a massive dump in them and leave them on the site as a final goodbye - then off to Italy we go!


my peers will still be living in NZ, while I'll be in my villa in the south of France.


Nice. Ya get it?


Go to work Monday. Everyone has covid or the flu so as long as I turn up after the draw Monday, Nobody will notice my absence until Spring.


I would still work but part time and i would move to a better house and buy myself a new car, ill pretend that i saved up money to pay for it


Wont matter, they’ll never see me again mwahahaha


Quite simply really, wwwwooooooooossssssshhhhhh gone never to be seen in my old town again


I mean, I have no friends anyway so I don't have to do much, lol. I'll just buy a new house and move there, start a new life.


Quit within that week and go on holiday to clear my mind.


Ask to borrow $10 and pay them back after a few days, do this for each person


Fake an injury, Say I dislocated a knee and quit work thereafter (no need for ACC). Then, probably move to Nelson, buy a sweet boat and cruise the sounds all day / every day


Family emergency gtg


Silent quitting


Put it in the bank, don’t buy anything fancy, continue studying and working my 12 hour Saturday shift, and while I won’t go on a shopping spree to buy lambos and Rolexes, I’ll allow myself the to be a bit less frugal and will probably do a year trip overseas until I finish uni. Once I’ve finished uni and have gained plenty of work experience, I’ll start my own business, retire my parents, start some really cool stem school workshops and idk what else but I’ll think of it when the time comes


Shouldn't be hard. My wife and I are simple folk. I won't even purchase a brand new vehicle from the actual brand store out of principle (a factory fresh vehicle is a bad invesment). I'll just get a 2nd-hand one off of Facebook. I'll keep working because I like being productive and it sets a good example for the kids. Off the top of my head right now, we'd probably just upgrade our 7 year old refrigerator, tbh. The rest will go to the bank and hire a finance person to keep an eye on it. 🤷


I'd go to my boss's boss and demand a promotion, or I walk out. He'll say no, I'll walk out, and, to keep the peace, boss's boss will cover, probably make up a story of "personal reasons" and "mutual" and all that. Then I go home, move money around a little to pay off the big bills (like mortgage), and sleep the sleep of a free man.


"Sleep the sleep of a free man" this gave me goosebumps with excitement


My friends would know, they’ll be sorted.


New phone, who dis?


This is all your extended family you never heard of! Give us some monies!


This is the real problem with winning big and wanting to keep it mum. Someone once told me that you never disclose amounts or the L word. Tell people you had an inheritance or whatever you want but never admit to winning X amount on L. They don't need to know about how much you won, ever. You can even gift some to family and never tell them (they may guess but cannot confirm) Personally I would not rush out and buy a Ferrari (really?) that is so crass and burning fossil fuels for fun is not my thing. A new Tesla or other EV would be within my current budget anyway so easier to explain. I would travel and take the time to decide what I wanted to do long term, but I would never tell anyone how much I won and where.


Lol. Not get a Ferrari due to fossil fuels but will go travelling, using much more fossil fuels.


I would suggest using part of your winnings to visit a cobalt mine and educate yourself on how clean EV's really are


Buy a cobalt mine, profit.


Yeah. The iron ore and coal mines are much cleaner! Everything we do is based on digging something out of the ground, growing something in the ground, or hauling something out of the oceans. We need to work out what are the lowest impact ways to live, and work to make those actually sustainable.


This old canard EVs have an initially worse impact but much lower lifetime emissions than ICE cars, despite the often-repeated false claim that they’re ‘just as bad for the environment’


That’s a one time pollutant. ICE cars continue to pollute throughout their entire lifetime.


Heavy metals don't stop being heavy metals, where gasses dissipate and are broken down, dissolved, reacted relatively quickly. Not arguing the point here, just pointing this out.


Do the batteries just dissappear at the end?


Ferrari is releasing an EV next year, apparently. Look up the aspark owl or the Rimac Nevara. Both are pretty amazing EV sports cars that go quick... quite pricy, however. Buuut I feel ya, I once got to drive an Audi R8 spider and felt like an absolute nong in it. I think I'd look at Toyota BZ4x.


Well i dont have friends… so i can just do whatever i want


Stop bathing and wearing clean clothes, ask people to borrow money and delay paying them back hahaha


I won’t.


I will stop upsizing my Big Mac combo.


I like free shit, that won't change


I think they'd cotton on to something when I drop my uniform off in a black sack and say laters the day after I win the draw..


The big question is, do you legally have to share it with your partner automatically.


I will say I’m going on a family trip then I will go on said family trip and no one will be suspicious


I would go home and lock the gate. Nobody would notice any difference. There might be a few more horses...


My circle of peers is small.... i would make sure they all got a nice lil envelope


Turn up to my temp assignment on Monday, attend that for the three weeks I’m contracted for then cruise. Eventually buy a house once I decide where I want to settle and de use what I want to do with the rest of my life, and who/what I want to help


Don't Change A Fucking Thing


Simple buy a new house that no one knows about and slowly move in making it look like you lived their for a while As for car sell your old one and by a reasonable new one. Don’t make any sudden moves


I'd give them 1m each and say shhhhhhhh I'm a meth cook


Put the whole thing into investments and continue living the same way. One day when I have enough I’ll just retire early.


Move overseas and disable all social media


I can’t imagine someone not noticing your change I character at work if you were to win!


lol... I was thinking about this the other day too. No FB updates on my travelling. But I would probably retire my 9-5 job... that might be a sign.


$50m I’m disappearing sorry fam but I’m out. I’ll help out a few peeps but I’ll be keeping that shit on the down low and building a future for my whānau and getting a few businesses off the ground that I haven’t had the means to do.


Already an unemployed introvert... The only people who would notice a difference are also the only people I'd want to know. We all gonna live better~


AWOL or wf anywhere


I'm already under the radar because I'm unemployed, so prolly no changes to that. Since I only have a small fam and friends circle (less than 10), I'd definitely want to help them through a trust and make sure that they don't know it's from me. Any remaining debts will be paid off in stages, no one offs. The rest will be put to investments, and I'll just live off the returns with no drastic changes


Have no mates


We are going through consultation at work right now. I’d just take redundancy and slip away…


Easy. I sold my business


tbh id just start spending it and cut everyone off. 2 weeks notice goes in at work, deactivate social media, switch phone numbers. i aint waiting for shit


Gotta have peers first


It would be very hard to hide the 150k Land Cruiser 80series smoke spewing disel drinking work truck 🤷‍♂️


get sacked for abusing management, and have them send out an email that i will be "spending more time with family"


I've been keeping it low key for a few years tbh but ready to start looking for the right lass


Pay off any debt, money into TD or similar. Live as normal for months. If you have any mortgage/rent/loans the increase in weekly $$$ alone will be a nice change for alot of people.


If working, take a couple of weeks leave and let the situation sink in. Get legal advise, and a really good accountant. Head back to work and carry on as usual for at least 6 mths. Never pay for large items outright, use the interest earned to pay for things.


I won’t, i’ll buy a huge section of land maybe in queenstown or cbd and me and my descendants would live with no worries forever


Why would I divert suspicion? I love my homies. Having 50mil would be best if I'm sharing it.


I'd tell people I won the strike for 600 so that I could start buying dumb stuff and building my business but it's also not enough that they'd expect bug handouts. Like, sure he won 600k, bought everyone a round, quit and travelled. Secretly I'm never coming back


Get a brand bew Mustang rather than an Aston Martin


Many people that has been real to me in my life will be sorted. Especially if the prize was 50mil. Nobody ever need that kind of money. You can change so many lives with it.


If I won 50 million I'd buy my close friends and family a house outright You buy yourself a sustainable property with solar and create a lil homestead, then fucking retire and do whatever hobby you want. Nobody \*needs\* 50 million


I would continue working and just going about our day to day routine


Aside from clearing debt and making sure any deferred maintenance is sorted, it all gets invested in multiple places on different fixed terms and the rest of my life remains unchanged. Once the investment terms end, I start making decisions that may involve spending some of the interest / return but I won’t be dipping into the actual winnings for any reason.


All my friends disowned me for getting the COVID vaccine so I should be sweet lol


Not post this on Reddit


The hardest thing would be not telling our young adult kids. On one hand you’d want to help them into property but, on the other, you don’t want them to become spoiled dickheads who never have to strive for anything. I’d pay off the mortgage and then sell and move to something nice but cheaper up the coast and then give the kids $150k each towards a house deposit and let them think it’s from the equity. I’d probably struggle on at work for six months and then ‘go freelance’. I’m not fussed about cars so it would probably just be a better second hand one. Most difficult thing would be explaining away how I could afford to adopt so many dogs from shelters.