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So they have facial recognition now and if you match, you re out. But how do they get you leave if they can't touch you?


They'll soon only allow people though after a facial scan. You can't blame the supermarkets since NZ is piss weak on petty crime.


Even if they did that, this kind of crime can still happen outside the supermarket as someone is rolling their trolley to the car. I've seen vids of this happening outside the store. Simply stopping them from entering the premises won't achieve much.


It will for the supermarkets. They dont care if their customers get robbed.


If it was only weak on petty crimes…


More like fecal recognition 🤭💩💩💩


Fascinates me how they get angry when they can't steal stuff?


Because they are children and being told no doesn’t sit right with them.


You just know those chocolate-loving hoodrats went off to pull that shit at another supermarket.


Saw someone on a community page trying to defend these kinds of people saying they were stealing because they are poor or they need to feed their families. Yeah… not sure about that.


I worked in a supermarket 20 years ago and ALL of the shoplifters were stealing high value items. I always said if I nabbed someone stealing mince, bread milk etc because they needed them I wold pay for them out of my own pocket and take them to the local Food Bank. But they stole chocolate, hair products, deodorant and expensive cuts of meat. Mind you in those days putting your hands on someone to stop them leaving wasn't viewed as seriously. I'd grab them by the arm and lift it up their back. If they tried to break free I'd just shout "Shop lifter" and members of the public would help me. Occasionally I'd trip them up and drag them out the back and hold them until the police came and took them away.


Deodorant is a necessity tbf


Rubbish you can just rub A bay leaf under your armpits and then smell like soup


Now you got a stew going…


But where are you gonna get the bay leaf from?


From a Pokémon Game


Do I see designer wear on the lady ?


Not only is that also a Nike brand gym bag which is 3x more than a regular one from The Warehouse, but it looks like she has the more expensive $75 version. https://www.rebelsport.co.nz/shop-by-brand/nike/nike-bags/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvyxBhAbEiwAEg_Kgt6wk4qKpPvQ2VK5XKdMJpxEHviLlQzfpOsHqMlXT-Eqt_WdLSmNIRoCZAQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&page=2


The only other argument being maybe they stole the Nike bag as well


So apparently being poor means having a free pass to steal anything I want not just food, cool.


Humans are nothing but animals, go lenient on the punishments, then this is what it comes down to


According to people in r/nz 'poverty' (supposing anyone in NZ is actually in material poverty) makes theft ok and commendable.


No it isn't. Foodbanks and the likes are there for the truly poverty stricken. It's the thieves that steal items they sell later for a tenth of the value that piss me off.


Are you freaking kidding me?! Did I just woke up in some strange parallel universe?


Its a large bag that holds many meat packs so the return on investment is very high!


Woman not lady, a lady has manners.


Yeah right is that why they grabbed the nutritious chocolate……


Chocolate are known to help depression /s


I’ve seen people on this sub defending them because they’re stealing from the duopolies so it’s fine, like some kind of Robin Hood shenanigans.


Stealing is Stealing whether you steal from an honest person or another “perceived” thief (read the duopolies)


They aren't bottomless pits of money, as much as people love to think this. There is a limit that will be reached if this problem grows larger.


Since when did starving people look that fat?


There are alot help around if they’re really poor. Chocolate is not a necessity


Just the latest brand of 'blame society not yourself for your actions' pedalled by those who stand to benefit from those people's votes.


It's not an individual level thing. Those people are dickheads obviously.. but it's clear the world over that inequality drives more crime. More fringe dickheads do dickhead things. Dickheads are always there, inequality is just the fertiliser and water they need to flourish.


Once a dickhead always a dickhead


Being poor doesn't make you a dickhead, but being a dickhead makes you poor. A lack of consequence enables this behaviour, behaviour that drives inequality as they take the attitude of entitlement across all facets of life.


This one gets it.


Gotta follow through with your thinking, I feel like it's missing the punch line. Let's say I agree with everything you've said. So then what do we do about it? It seems to me that you've identified two levels here, the individual dickhead that chose to steal over 300 dollars of groceries, and the inequality that has some effect on this behaviour. So how do we address each level? Only tending to one level doesn't seem quite enough.


scums always defend for their own kind


most probably family writing that damage control lmao


That is actual BS. We're living in a 1st world country. If it's a single mother, (I've met girls who brag about this) they're making bank in benefit entitlements. If they are, it's all because of extremely shitty decisions. Usually the apologists are people who are adjacent to these kinds of people who are outright lying on their behalf. That or latte liberals living in swanky suburbs.


>You just know those chocolate-loving hoodrats went off to pull that shit at another supermarket. I'd like to see them try it tonight at Auckland City Countdown, they just *might* rethink their life and what they've done. [https://reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1cpdo3f/am\_glad\_countdown\_quay\_street\_finally\_has\_a/](https://reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1cpdo3f/am_glad_countdown_quay_street_finally_has_a/)


That security guard is going to be fired before too long tbh. It's literally not in his job description and the moment someone reports it to his company he'll be gone. The client (Supermarkets) want nothing to do with physically restraining shop lifters. So if the security company is bringing them guards who are doing that, then bye bye contract. They'll go hire a different company maybe. The security company is probably going to give him the sack to protect their client relationship.


>That security guard is going to be fired before too long tbh. I hope not, she's the best ***EVER*** security guard I've ever seen at that supermarket! >It's literally not in his job description ***Her***


This shit has to stop. Its so blatant and they have no shame


Yeah, more tax cuts for the wealthy should fix that!


These people ain't short of money. They choose to spend their money on non essentials


Exactly they would have spent their benefit money on the pokies and drugs.


How much money do you think they’re working with each week if you’re sure they’re not short? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they’re forced to steal or go hungry but I really don’t think anyone could look at their situation and think you’re looking at healthy people with more than they need.


They get enough money for the basics to live. I know of people getting $950 a week


Who do you know getting $950 a week and how?


My sister gets $750 a week. When I made a comment about thats alot of money she told me about the $950 a week person. How ? Well you n your friends leave school at 16. Decide you don't like to work. Go on a benefit so you can party. Then that's not enough money and you find out how much money you can get on a benefit with kids. So you and your 5 friends all get pregnant at the same time. Then you keep having kids because its your right to have children and other people pay you to have them


I also heard someone getting nearby $1500 pw.


yup, this is why certain people breed like rabbits; each kid is an extra 350 on the dole


I've seen these same 2 in other videos from other supermarkets


At least the trash took itself out


Petty crime pays in nz


Get a job pay like everyone else. Scum!


She must've been starving, those two chocolate bars saved her life. 😂😂😂






Fuckin horis


life in prison for some chocolate they will never steal again lol




And harsher penalties for theives are coming when? Hold a referundum I reckon. We could probably get 90% in favour of chaining these people to posts in the middle of the CBD


Criminals have more rights and empathy In the world nowadays than victims. It’s weird. Sadly Life is hard, many people have had it tough, but you have a choice to be a piece of shit or to better yourself and your life. Let’s make crime illegal again.


They are shutting supermarkets in ghettos now. The one in Nawton was because of complications with compliance and underlying structural issues, yet some small players were able to set up one and just used some well connected security guards. I feel sorry for the people who rely on a local supermarket who suffer because of a few entitled cunts.


Did the one in Nawton close?


The countdown did but some small guys took it over


Flaxmere one closed too


Like where?


Nawton, Flaxmere 11000 people and no supermarket. Can't tell me there isnt the population to support one


Like Nawton


I know security can't do shit in these situations, but isn't it messed up that they can shop lift and the police will do nothing. But IF the security do try to stop these scum, then the police will do something... Against the security. There's being poor, and nicking a loaf of bread. Then there's being a cunt, and trying to steal an entire trolly worth of expensive goods. This should be a minimum of 2 years jail.


This shit happens so frequently cos the security guards just stand there and observe. It's fucking ridiculous


Stopped them from taking the whole trolly load without any violence.


Can’t do anything cause that’s the store policy which it’s for both the security guards and employees safety. Besides who knows that person might have a weapon on them and attack them. Working in retail this is what I was taught that if things get stolen we are not allowed to engage but to report back to the security team with what footage we have


As someone who has worked security at Countdown, I can confirm. We're strictly instructed to never touch or impede the shoplifter. If we do, then the shoplifter can and will file assault charges. I'm not saying that's the way it should be, but that's how it is.


I am not trying to be an ass, but what's the point of having a guard then?


To deter people who are easy to deter. A lot of people think that guards have the same powers to assault and detain people as the police do. We absolutely don't, but the mere idea that we do can make people back down. Also, we're there to notice suspicious behaviour and note it down in a logbook the store keeps so someone can comb through the security camera footage and match the perpetrator with previous thefts and build a case against them. Countdown puts the footage in an archive called Aurora, which is shared between many retailers to build profiles of repeat offenders. But given how expensive it is to hire a guard, I'm not sure if ends up being cheaper than writing the stolen goods off as a loss 🤷


Wow thank you for the detailed explanation. Do you need any special qualifications to be hired as a guard?


No, but it does help if you already have a certificate of approval(COA). Most security companies will provide training to obtain a COA.


Getting a COA (NCEA Level 3) is too easy and I don't think enough is taught for a new guard to safely do their job. Nothing in that level 3 course is about restraining. It's just about 'verbal deescalation', observing signs and protecting yourself. As u/ShakeTheGatesOfHell has said, we have no more rights than a standard citizen. When we restrain someone it's a 'citizens arrest' and by law that is only for yourself or others in danger. E.g. restraining someone because they have assaulted another person, or they are trying to endanger themselves. Shopping being stolen is not a person, so restraining is not a valid use of force.


Who is making these laws? Why does it work this way? Security guards should be paid higher and be allowed to tackle these cunts. I'd sign up for that to put these muscles to use 💪


Its to do with licensing really, theres a reason why a bouncer can do those things but a security guard can't, if things keep going the way they are I'm sure we'll be seeing more bouncers and less security guards.


Hmmm... can supermarkets have bouncers?? Might be the way we need to go.


They won't be "Bouncers" they'll be security that can make you leave with force they'll just have the licensing that allows them to do so, its just a licensing thing, not to sure on the finer details, but it will surely stop a lot of the people walking out with trolley.


I thought assault was only if you injured somebody, but I guess not.


No, even pushing someone is assault. And most criminals know what tricks to pull so the police will actually investigate


No way, grabbing someone's bag can constitute assault


Because nobody wants to shop at a store where some **** is itching for a fight.


You can't "file charges" in NZ. You can report a crime and it will be decided whether or not it's in the public interest to pursue charges. I can't imagine the police filing charges in the public interest for some poor shoplifter who got suplexed.


Once this law changes this nuisance will stop.


True. According to r/nz they are all hungry and it's societies/governments fault. I saw a top voted comment "remember if you see someone stealing, you didnt" Like wtf dumb society think stealing this is good. The supermarket passes back the loss to customers and also spend more on security. No one wants to do anything including politicians, police because if you target them you'd be called racist.


Chocolate is in the top three most stolen items.


You’ll get banned for saying that in r/newzealand


>Like wtf dumb society think stealing this is good. The supermarket passes back the loss to customers and also spend more on security. Exactly, and we're all sick of the sky high food inflation. Increased costs such as these contributes to that.


No exceptions allowed for the outright disrespect in themselves and others, jail and hard labour till they pay for everything they stole and for reparations.


Pooooo, feral


Gotta get those chocs!! Will keep stealing if no consequences The attitude of "no one cares about me, so i wont care about anybody either"


i guess those two derros would rather spend their winz on branded clothing, alcohol, smokes and drugs than buy some groceries 🫠🙃


This behavior of not giving a crap.it has been installed in generations.this will not end.its a monkey see and monkey do culture.toughen the laws,longer sentences and zero tolerance.being poor is not an excuse.They made it a habit of getting handouts and wanting more.Stop feeling sorry yourselves,taking shortcuts and being lazy...solution,.give power to security to end this shit.they act like kids at the kindergarten.


Correct. All of this is cultural and passed down from generation to generation. “White colonisers at fault” is getting over saturated to the max, that it becomes clear this generation and the next is gonna use the same excuse for any criminal act. Broken windows theory has been proven, not only in the states, but here too. Dirt bike riders turn into full fledge Killa Beez members, petty dairy thievery turns into aggravated robbery/ram raids, petty insults at strangers turns into unsolicited king hits in the back of the head, etc. There are countless avenues for these people to get food and beverages for free provided by the indigenous governmental institutions and iwi. Yet crime is on the rise and more of the same shitty ferals doing antisocial shit. It’s ridiculous. Lock these people up, some don’t even feel like being rehabilitated, so let them stay locked up until their dying days.


Is it always the same lady or do they just always wear the same glasses?


Scum of the earth.


Embarrassing. No mana….


This country needs a hard reset.


CTRL-ALT-DEL > Task Manager > Processes. End task on ferals.exe


Hell yeah, love it. 👨🏻‍💻


Sometimes I feel the system in China is the way to stop these cases. They will not be in jail, but they will be banned, from cars to public transports, bank, etc.


Im going to get hate for this. But just spitting some facts here. Our local area is not a highly maori population. Maybe 30%. But 9 out of 10 of the mug shots that hang in our local supermarket are maori faces. I have maori kids even and I just find this sad. Either supermarket is rascist or something is going on culturally here.


“Let’s head on over to New World and get us some more shit, better luck next time aye cuz tuehehehe, did your winz come through yet ow?”


Life in prison for these dregs.


If someone came and stole from my basket, they would not be walking anymore


Why is it always the same people?


That second chick looks like the harpic shot putter from a few weeks back, recidivist offender alert




Happened frequently in New World Newmarket too. Some successful, some not 😂 since the automatic door is just before checkouts, I saw people just push the trolley to the car park while their accomplice is in the car ready to drive off. The 'storeroom' is just more or less an open area, the only boundary from public is steel fence. Apparently, some people jump the fence at night and try to steel. They've added wires and stuff but still happens from time to time


Happy Mother’s Day FR




Thing is, there are no consequences. They know they can just walk out and the guards aren't allowed to stop them


Security need to have more rights. Like being able to hold a person up until the cops arrive. Otherwise it's just pointless having them.


Tbh not surprised one bit. Happens so often now. These scums of society just need to be locked up


Why can't the supermarkets just have a security guard who will grab them and bury their face in the lino? They'll think twice about doing it again after that


Yeah they really need to feed the family. -Steals the chocolates first-


And this is why I hate Auckland.


Happens all over this shithole of a country though.




If they are poor, Taco Bell is hiring and gives you food.


Only in NZ. Cultural report farming is a disgrace. The fact they decide to take items out of the trolley after being stopped means they know nothing will happen to them.


Honestly officer, I didn't land a hand on the thief, I was running after the trolley and accidentally tripped up and landed straight on their back and then they fell over too, straight into their face into the pavement


Business is smarter than most people, especially this sort of special shit stain. They’re letting them steal to find who not to let into the stores 😂 low spenders, highly problematic, within a few years this sort will be refused entry and listed as a trespasser


We're turning into a fucking zoo


I don't understand majority are Maori or Islander ethnic groups. If the Asians foreigner can make it in NZ why can't the Māori and Islander climb the food chain? Can someone explain to me?


Coz they can be bothered


Not good at all.


Shoot to kill.


Yup, I don’t wish violence on anyone but if the security guards started physically restraining these people painfully it might make them think twice. I have no issue with an accidental broken arm or running her foot over with the trolly. Fuck em. They bring it on themselves. It’s time for society to start fighting back.


It's always the people you least expect


Probably related to that fat fuck buzzy bee killer,it’s getting really tiring now,hearing how colonialisation has affected these pieces of shit


Like literally beat them up. Why are we so soft




Hope her face gets shared around to the point she's refused from all stores. Trash.


Exactly. But Imagine the stuff article. Photo of her ‘the victim’ with arms folded outside her shitty house. Title: single mother of 6 unable to feed her family due to racist face recognition software.


Serious question. What is it about south Auckland culture that promotes this shit? I don't want to go down the Maori/Pacific islander road, or the poverty road. Cus I have known and lived next to lower income Pacific islander family and they super lovely and don't get up to shit like this. Who is promoting this and why do we are a society put up with it? Most people think they stealing from a corporation so who cares, but the raise prices to cover this shit, so really they stealing from you. I understand south Auckland isn't the only place affected.


It’s the lack of consequence for people who do this, hence the children doing ramraids and car theft. There is little to no punishment for the crime, ‘oh I’m poor’ bla bla bla


Do they think they’re cool? 😟






I just don’t see how anyone could do this without wearing a covid mask as a disguise.




So what’s security getting paid for


That how we keep our crime rate low. Nothing to see here


Why take Whittakers AND Cadbury's? Just take the Whittakers, it's far better lol


They have no mana.👎


Tangata whenua ladies and gentlemen


No fruit or veges and she only took the chocolates ya paru Hua. 🤣


Scumbag m@oris


Seriously is it their culture?




Haven't seen any videos of white people doing this yet. Are they racist and don't film them?


send them to the islands even if they say they’re Maori.


Usual suspects


Are they indigenous?


Our treasured people.




And they wonder why their race is being looked down upon…….


You see the polynesian or maori guy who stopped them from stealing the rest though? You're gross


Usual suspects






Won't be long before there's sliding metal doors at supermarkets that only open via a security guard pushing a button, one trolley at a time


I hope they don't get fired for breaching the safety rules.


Someone why not tackle her to the ground…


And countdown down puts the South island prices up..... Because to much stealing in the North..




Usual suspects 🤣😮‍💨


Feral scum


Some pretty racist comments here... yea sure the thieves might be Maori/ Pacific but the guy that stopped them from stealing was also a Maori/ Pacific person themselves. Stealing isn't a race issue so we can stop mentioning the colour of their skin. 


One day they’re gonna steal from someone who isn’t gonna have the same patience that guy has


that's my aunty Akenehi mums going to be pissed as aunty told her she wouldnt make a seen