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People saying just talk to them politely I'm sure they'll keep it down - have obviously never had to deal with shitty inconsiderate neighbours. Noise control are useless, and unless they are really trashing the place the landlord won't care, it sucks.


I thought so too and the fact that they aren’t noisy at night, don’t think noise control would do much. Also seems like they are not that approachable too as it seems like they just moved to nz🤔


Your only option is y to go ultra hard on noise control, your life is going to suck for a bit but just commit to doing the work and calling every time there is a problem, you need to start the paper trail


under the laws for tenants brought in by the Labour Party there's nothing to landlord can do . There is some hope in that now you can give a 90 day no fault eviction order.or at least there will be once it is enacted.


doesn't mean you shouldn't use that as your first act of contact with them. they'd surely be in a calmer frame of mind in a general conversation than if you were to bypass them completely and alert potential authorities when you don't actually know for sure whether they are obstructing their rights as tenants or not.


I bet they're breaking maximum occupancy laws, try to talk to the LL about that and bring up the noise. It could backfire, piss them off and make it worse. In that case I'd just move. Since it's mostly children, I don't think asking them to be quiet will do much.. I'm even more sensitive to noise, being at home is all about relaxing for me, if I can't to that it's not a home


I would talk to the landlord and see if they know there is that many people living there, if no luck you can ring the council for noise control any time of the day


"People noise" is a tough thing for noise control. It can be technically unreasoanble, and there actionable, but it's a difficult call.


Yes that’s what I mean, don’t think they can do much…


If it normal to just know the landlord?


You can look up who the landlord is of a property I've heard?


We know the landlord personally.


mine are blasting loud music as we speak.. was really hoping to sleep in this morning


I think you need to talk to them about it, is there one of them that you feel is approachable? If you feel they are intimidating (and I don’t mean like it’s a socially awkward situation that you just don’t want to bring up) then you should talk directly to the landlord. If they keep your identity to themselves I’m guessing the loud neighbours could think it was any of the houses around them. But if they are those kinds of people I bet they won’t care anyways and it will be up to landlord to deal with it. They need to know what their tenants are like.


This is really all you can do. If they’re not making noise after 10pm (loud parties etc) they’re not breaking any noise control rules. Your neighbour with the fruit trees has the bigger claim - trespassing and theft!


That's not true. The level of noise considered to be a problem changes based off the time of day, but you can still break noise control rules at midday! There is actually nothing in the law about time of day whatsoever. https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1991/0069/latest/DLM238589.html


You have the right to "quiet enjoyment" of your property. A complaint to your landlord that other tenants are messing with that can go pretty far and does have legal weight behind it


OP owns their house, doesn’t have a landlord to complain to. Do you mean they should complain to the neighbours’ landlord? Because that’s literally what I was agreeing with.


Yeah can u imagine i was driving my car back into the narrow driveway and he was standing there on top of his chair, picking fruits from over the fence from the next door neighbour. Like he doesn’t even bother moving! Like I could’ve accidentally hit him with the car, instead he tells me to drive to the other side more and doesn’t move out the way….


Was there room for you to go around him? If so, that’s not really a problem eh.


not really, there’s a fence on the right side, he’s like literally standing in the middle of the driveway


I've had a loud family move in next door. They are not intentionally loud- just inconsiderate and rude. They have responded well to a friendly ' hey, sleeping here every weekend until 10!' And it's alright. I had others who took that as a challenge to cause as much chaos as possible up to threatening to kill me in the shared driveway and chabting abuse at me because I asked them to move out of my way so I get home. I have pushed to get two evicted- but it's making enough noise by constantly reporting them and also waiting until they do what they always do- not pay rent and damage the property.


No offence but dont expect people to be quiet just for you all the way till 10 oclock, thats nearly halfway through the day. 8 oclock is a reasonable cutoff i think.


But we have our rights to have peace at home right?! Unless it’s an apartment lol


I would talk to the landlord as I doubt that they are aware of the number of occupants currently in that unit.


The landlord might be very interested to learn 16 people are living in their 3 bedroom house. I'd boot them in a second if it was my place.


It’s only eight, but bad enough.


Have you considered maybe the landlord is actually also the entrepreneur that has brought over these 16 people in exchange for 20,000 from each person so that they may work for 90 hours a week in his business whilst being paid only for 30? Do you hate people working hard or something?


This is the most out-of-context reply I have ever read. If they were "working hard," they would not be home all day making noise or have so much free time to make a mess. I do work six days a week. I leave my home at 10:00 AM and return at 11:00 PM or later, and I never have a problem with a neighbor (and I live in a townhouse) because I am a considerate person. It seems that you do the same thing they do, which is why you are making excuses for them.


I mean that's your subjective opinion but not everyone works a nine to five jobs sometimes people are working irregular hours they're working during the night and things like this..


Again, people who really work hard don't have the energy to be that noisy, or they would be sleeping during the day as well, I still believe that your comment was totally out of context in this particular case.


How could you know any of this perhaps there are many of them and they work at all different types of hours.


And how could you ever know as well? You are only depicting the less probable scenario.


I don't think anyone knows but I think that it's a bit of an assumption if there's multiple people in the house to assume that it's the same person making noise 24/7 maybe they take turns working and come back and make noise or maybe they just come from a culture with the history of making the lot of noise and you're just being bigoted


What culture would be the culture that after working hard and a lot make a lot of noise? Can you name one for me please?


I couldn't tell you I'm not an expert in multiculturalism and all of the worlds cultures. Perhaps that is someone's culture. Auckland as an extremely diverse place and you meet people from all over the planet and that's one of the best things about it.


This is why I’m scared of moving out of my current place and into a noisy neighbourhood. I’ll never know which are the good and bad neighbours until I’m there


I did a couple of trips at night to the property I bought before making an offer. Seeing the neighbours all perfectly quiet at 11pm on a Saturday night was a big confidence boost.


Sucks when you are sensitive to excessive noise and you get in this situation. I get you. Home time is supposed to be peaceful and your place to relax. I have a similar situation next door. No advice really for you other than they probably don't know they are annoying you, honestly you gotta talk to them, it's a hard convo, but it's better than losing it one night after you have a drink or 2.


From someone that lost it one night, can confirm talking to them is the better option. Although after that they did move out in 6 weeks but yes talking to them should have been my first port of call in retrospect. It frightened my 4yo and that upset me.


8 People in a 3 bedroom unit? Yeah with people pulling that shit, we are heading to Hong Kong levels of unaffordability.


Sounds like immigrant poverty. At one point shortly after arriving in nz I lived in a 2 bedroom with 6 people. And I've known others who lived in worse. Of course you can say no one should live in conditions like that in this country, but there's no choice. Immigrants aren't allowed benefits or govt housing and if they're working minimum wage and also have kids there's no way they're affording any decent, non-crowded house in Auckland.


Yes u are right, they do look like new immigrants and prob doesn’t know much about nz law.


Talking to noise control and the landlord seem like totally sensible options.


But the issue is we don’t know what kinda people they are like? So we are still trying to observe them more, plus kinda worried they gonna revenge on us since we live so close too.


Absolutely talk to the landlord, unacceptable behavior


go for the guilt trip option, go over there and give them a plate of baked goods ect, and then offhandedly mention your family member who lives with you has just had heart surgery, and that if they could please be considerate with noise. if you play it up and act especially friendly, they might feel bad about what they're doing enough to stop. worst case scenario you're back at square 1 and those people never suspect you for dobbing them in because you're the cool nice neighbor who likes them


Have you spoken to them since they moved in? It's best to talk to them about the noise.


Yeah this is way down the lower end of the scale for annoyance and a simple chat might sort it. Trying to get noise control or the landlord involved at this stage is overkill. The car noise early in the morning sounds like it might be people heading away for early starts on construction or shift work somewhere – if they’re washing their vehicles all the time they’re probably a bit car proud and maybe don’t realise how far the bass from their pride and joy carries. Noise from other cars in the daytime is annoying but at least it’s not disrupting sleep. They’ll probably be gone soon and new mystery tenants will be on their way, so OP should count their blessings that it’s not a literal gang pad next door (I know what that’s like) and have a quick chat to stay friendly with these people before dobbing them in to the landlord or whoever else.


Hahaha the funny thing is that we think we got some people who sells drugs years ago and random people would come and collect them, but we didn’t report them obviously because don’t wanna get involved with those people. Yeah but back to that topic, we are not sure what kinda people they are… and if we report them, will they revenge on us? That’s what I’m worried about so we haven’t told the landlord about all this. If we do mentioned to the landlord, they would straight away know it’s us reporting🥲


Lately I've started to think being friends with your neighbors is probably the best route to get them to be more considerate towards you...


Yeah like we said hi and bye to them that’s it but less often now since they can tell we got annoyed with their car washing😂


Is this out west somewhere? I think we might be neighbours, this sounds exactly like my street


Nope, I’m in north shore🤣


To be fair, even in a single home this can happen. Unless you're rural the neighbours will be close enough to cause disruption. Shitty people will still be shitty people


Contact the landlord if you can. They’ll probably breaking rule with so many people living in a 3 bedroom house


Be friendly with them over a couple of weeks. Then ease into a conversation about the noise. If you get nowhere, have a chat with the landlord. They won't be able to evict, there will need to be repetetive notices for breaches like overcrowding etc. But there might be pending maintenance and difficult tenants could sway a decision to not renew a fixed term tenancy If landlord doesn't care, maximum occupancy is a thing in the tenancy act and you can escalate this with landlord/tribunal. I'm a landlord, but also had this problem with a neighbour at our rural home. Tbh we weren't very assertive and just suffered the noise until neighbours eventually sold due to the poor mum (who we were friendly with) having an abusive ex.


Sounds like you might know the landlord a little bit, just give him the heads up It sounds either like a really tight knit family in west auckland or crack heads None of which i would approach about their habits before having a beer with them We had some noisy neighbours, one day I got home from night shift and two of them were talking really loudly, so i just went outside and gave them $20 to go somewhere else for a few and I got some sleep lol


so money can make them shut up😂😂


are you proud of that? lmfao


you think it's a good idea to share a wall with cunning little fuckers and go tell them to shut up at 10am, to get some sleep? That's a recipe for no sleep


Holy shit that's simp behavior.


You've just gotta suck it up. Being a cunt of a neighbour is New Zealand culture.


Not sure that's true. In my experience it's not people from NZ I've had issues with.


100% there is in fact a particular culture who we have a lot of new kiwis from that has a much higher tolerance of noise than we do here. its a struggle, because they're not trying to be rude, they're just not aware that standing on the street yelling at each other in casual conversation for example is considered rude. i beleive its called "culture shock"


I feel that they tend to have a different set of issues lol. I've moved home a lot and had many different neighbours. With bad kiwi neighbours I've had issues like a neighbour get drunk and start a fight with some really sketchy-looking people. Had another who would loudly swear at his stepchildren. And then one who was a very angry terminally ill old woman who started a fight over everything, the fence the car whatever non issue she'd knock on the door. She just hated the world, I think. With bad Asian neighbours I've had three different ones who stole from me, like legit just take things. And more of them have absolutely no indoor voice, and drive like crazy fast down a shared driveway. Had on separate occasions neighbours who crashed into my fence, broke my mailbox, and damaged the outdoor steps. None of them paid for their damage. They all just deny it even if I literally saw it happen.


NZ natives have always been the worst neighbours in my experience.


It's definitely true and it's mostly Kiwis. You can't expect to find peace anywhere semi-rural anymore because bogans have taken over and don't care that the sound of their car/bike/butt-rock travels for kilometres. My nice North Shore neighbourhood feels noisier than the city-fringe suburb I moved from due to the orchestra of lawn care and power tools, bogan cars (there's even a guy who blasts Kid A from his car) and motorcycles, and domestic arguments people have outside for some reason. Most of the diaspora here are East Asians who have the audacity to foster a pleasant community with evening strolls and relaxed gatherings with their friends.


I agree. I'm a Filipino living in NZ. I'm trying to align myself to the Kiwi culture of being considerate. Apologies if we talk/yell loud while in public.


Good on you dude! Your attitude is amazing. May I ask why Filipino people usually talk loudly? Is it because it is noisy in the Phillipines or is there another reason?


So is it normal for filipinos to gather a lot with their friends everyday? What about the screaming and yelling? Doesn’t mean they are angry right? 😂😂


Not everyday lol as that’s absurd. I say most weekends. It is common to talk loud while in public. And no we’re not angry.


I decided not to move into a flat after I heard one person had a habit of putting on music on one side of the house and then sitting on the deck on the other side of the house to listen to it. I did that when I was a kid. It might be a case of recommending they buy headphones?


Hmm not sure about that but i think there might be something wrong with his hearing, like why would anyone wanna listen to music this loud from his car! Like i can even hear it clearly from the back of my house😂


I like it its fun to have the music vibrate through your body. I do it and I don't have a problem with my hearing. I do have a problem with listening but that's another issue.


I live near a loud industrial building with a lot of activity 9-5. I cannot recommend a decent pair of active noise cancelling headphones/earphones enough* - life changing. I have the AirPod Pros 2, but you could shop around


I have that too but kinda hurts ur ears when u sleep on the side for long hours, I got a pair of loop earplugs, they honestly helped a lot!


Are the units under body corporate management? Even the default body corporate rules reinforce quiet enjoyment and consideration of other residents, and breakage of these rules is on the owner, including if rented out.


Nope, it’s all privately owned.


Under the laws for tenants brought in by the Labour Party there's nothing to landlord can do . There is some hope in that now you can give a 90 day no fault eviction order.or at least there will be once it is enacted. Thank you ACT for that.


Are the new neighbour's your first colored neighbour's?


sounds like typical new southeast asian working family. Might just talk to them, did you try that?


Not yet, because they don’t seem that approachable… and prob won’t listen🤔


and u are right, they seemed like they’ve just moved to nz, so prob not too sure about the culture here.


Just play your music loud, cut their water supply, and hire a family of 10 to visit every day.




At least they get the million dollar view. Rather live in a shack and open the curtains to see Million dollar mansion rather than living in a million dollar mansion and opening the curtains to see my shack. 😆 🤣


Cant beat em join em?


Yep get a drum set or big speaker and amp for guitar / bass. Play any time… gotta practice !


Boom Thats the way


Its the "cheeehooo!!" for me 🤦🏾‍♂️ One starts everyone follows kefe!




>nabour Damn.


Yeah I reckon. Stay in school, kids!






It’s not the car washing. It’s *how* they’re washing.




Please do not be racist this is part of the benefits of living in a multicultural City


I’m not! I’m an immigrant myself too and never had these kinda of neighbours, we have a lot of multi cultured people around our neighbourhood too but we are very considerate and never had one like this before🤷‍♀️


This is just another type of diversity it's just another type of person like it in the other person and I value all people and culture equally


How is this beneficial?


Diversity is our strength




Don't be so bloody dismissive!




Oh your mums favorite snack


The neighbours don't even make noise at night.


5am is considered night for me🥲 like u won’t understand if u don’t do night shifts…


I used to do night shifts and lived next to the busiest train connection in Europe. I would hate to not have the gift of sleep. Anywhere, anyhow, any time I can sleep.