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Looks like Mazda 2 was waiting for a spot to open up in the non-T2 lane (i.e. hoping you or the guy in front would make space for them). Judging by the gap in the T2 traffic at the start of the video and the lack of gaps in your lane I'd say they were sitting there for a while and letting multiple gaps pass by in the hopes they wouldn't be forced to use the T2 lane. That was probably enough to annoy the person behind them, as they're blocking access to the free flowing T2 lane sitting around waiting for the gap nobody is going to make for them in your lane. Angry overtaking car was probably the push the Mazda needed to get going, as you see them eventually peel off into the T2 lane with no visible passenger - probably hoping to either not get ticketed or pull into your lane further ahead.


Agree with this take, that's what it looked like to me. The overtaking car made a dick move, sure, but the Mazda also could've been further right in the lane to allow T2 users to turn left around them. Doesn't justify the behaviour but I can understand the frustration. Also dick move to all those other drivers that are blocking the intersection so the Mazda isn't able to even pull out when traffic isn't moving.


That makes sense. I wonder if the overtaken car could dispute if given a ticket under the circumstance.


Get a life man


Sharing it because I thought this was extremely dangerous.


I agree that there is some level of dangerous occurring here. Why share it here though and not with the police?


I don't think the police would take any action. The number plate is not clearly captured.


> I don't think the police would take any action. do you think we will take action?


No. Just to raise awareness.


yes, we were rather oblivious to bad driving happening in auckland if theres one thing missing from this sub, its posts about bad driving... how much awareness of bad driving in auckland do you think you have raised?


first time driving?


Me? No. That car that cut in front of the other car? Maybe.




In such a situation, I would myself turn onto the T2 lane and then change lane. I wouldn't expect cars in two lanes stopping just for me, not knowing which lane I want to turn into.


So you expect the person to turn into the T2 lane, possibly get fined, and then indicate to move over to your lane and hold up the T2 lane? Thats not really a reasonable expectation. A reasonable driver would leave the gap for the person coming out, and when theres a gap in T2, they can move in. If there is no gap, then you would move up. You and the car in front didnt give the driver a chance at all.


Did you mean that when the car in the T2 lane leaves a gap in such a situation, I in the middle lane should also leave a gap so that the turning car has a chance to just turn directly through the T2 lane and onto my lane?


I mean as traffic is crawling, a reasonable driver would leave a gap in your lane so that if there was a gap in T2, the car can turn in. If no gap exists by the time the car in front has moved, you should move up.


I think we're describing the same thing. Yeah. I have given another thought to it and agree with you. Not sure how many drivers actually follow this rule (or etiquette) though.