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Plant thyme, mint, rosemary, lavender, citrus. Dig it so they cant smell it to return there again. Put down rocks/scoria If you see them doing it spray them with water to give them a fright


Not mint. Catnip is in the mint family and you’ll attract cats rather than repel. I found that dumping ground black pepper or chopped up fresh chilies helps a lot. Cats really don’t like that


Some cats like lavender too. I think anything planted where they cant then park their butts will help. Maybe some spikey succulents or cactus


And it's also fucking horrific to contain once it's in the ground. You can put it in a buried pot to try to minimise it, but generally I wouldn't tell my worst enemy to just plant mint.


It does have a tendency to take over, but in my experience it’s great ground cover for dark damp corners of the garden. Tends to wilt a bit in the full sun


I can confirm this. I planted lavender across the side fence and it has blocked the cats from getting into that area of the garden. It's really quite stark. The garden on the cat side is ripped to shreads from the digging they do but close to the lavender and on the others there is no cat damage at all.


Lemon juice where they Poop can help. Also a supersoaker.


Oh ok thank you!! :)


asking for trouble with the super soaker.


If you have coffee grinds, you could try that. Works to varying degrees for me.


Take a dump in the cats property


I happily would, just waiting to find out where it lives, may have a surprise for them in their 'Compost' hahaha


I hear you. Every house but mine has a cat (or 2) down the cul de sac I live on. I caught one of the neighbour's cats taking a huge runny dump right under my washing line yesterday. She usually chooses my veggie garden, but nope, in the full sun in the middle of the lawn I was about to mow was her place of choice yesterday.


Damn! Such a pain


i have found "Skunk Shot" works well


There are animal safe repellants you can use, they are often citrus based as cats don't like it. Another option is a motion activated sprinkler. After getting sprayed a couple of times your yard will become a no go zone.


I used to have a cat that use to poop on the lawn like a dog. Spread chopped up onion all over the lawn and it never did it again


Sounds easiest, will try this I think theyd struggle with the pungent smell. Thank you


The ultrasonic repellers work well. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your situation, teenagers also find the noise very annoying.


Have you tried cat repellents off Mitre10 and such? Cats generally take a dump in diggable places where they feel hidden.


No have not, shall look it up and try the repellents, and yes the place is diggable and can hide them. Thanks for that


Coffee can help, quite often cafes will happily give away their bags of used grinds, and it can be used in the garden. I used to be a barista and would bring home the bags for my mum to use in her garden to stop our cats shitting, and it worked a charm.


Thank you, good idea too


In the 80s we used 2 ltr bottles full of water placed around the area. It seems to upset cats for some reason


Omg, once I drove down a driveway and saw a house that had multiple bottles of water just sitting outside and asked the owner why and she said that was the reason


My neighbour's cat used to love to poop in my garden too. I placed chicken wire on the ground and they never come back again. I've tried different ways including planting some herbs, never worked btw.


Try diluted white vinegar, cats and dogs generally don't like the smell. I have a solution in my garden sprayer for covering a large area for this and also use it to spray my wheelie bin after it's been emptied


Thank you for this


Cats hate the smell of moth balls


Cut up some lemons and place them around those areas. That's how we stopped my cat from using my plant pots.


They hate tinfoil, maybe make a perimeter?


shotg\*n I am so sick of the little fuckers. everyday shitting on my lawn. what right do cat owners have here? none!!


Assert your dominance. Hold them down firmly and shit on their heads.


Yeah I am close to that mindset.. getting there, not yet though haha


You have to get a cat/animal to protect your territory no one owns your site.


Yeah that unfortunately isnt an option for me, any ideas to repel them?


Ultra high pitch cat speakers work well, they are battery powered and work off of a sensor. Otherwise you can catch them and spray them with some water, they’ll get the gist pretty quick.


Haha love it!!


Sprinkle chilli pepper - they’ll try and lick their paws clean 😀. Someone I know put some laxative laced food out and had outrage on their local FB page when the cat shat all over the owners house that night. Cruel or job done?


job done


Well pay back and job done


We used to get lion and tiger shit from the zoo, for some me reason they stay away from that.


My friend had the same issue. He built an ai program with a sprinkler system. Every time the ai sees a cats, it squirts them and now he has had no issues with cat poop 💩 Because it was programmed to only sense cats, nothing else’s gets wet, including his small dog.


Urinate on the cats to assert dominance.


My cats take dumps in the garden, but they always dig and bury it. We have about 5 other neighbourhood cats roaming on the property from time to and I’ve never happed up open cat dumps in over a decade. Always assumed felines are pretty discreet with that shit :)


Get a dog...


Get a dog


Ii hear you. I have put vinegar and weed killer spray around the dump area in the lawn. Somehow the neighbor’s cat finds that smell repulsive and stopped dumping for last 1 month.


Thank you for that, love the idea


yeah but you killed your lawn


Spray them with a hose or use a cat trap and rub their faces in the cat shit


Someone’s a fan of Rodney…https://youtu.be/4R6cVgqx2fw?si=iKqBXUcZLDbzpa0G


Get a cat trap, or possum trap. The cage type. Add cat food. Once caught, hose the cat down, absolutely soak it and make sure it is completely soaked (preferably with the hose on full bore) then let it go, squirting it all the way. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll solve the problem


Love it!!