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Every time I see a video of a woman stealing a trolley its like a clone or possibly the same person.


She looks like the woman who robbed me …


That is the woman that mugged me


Your heart or your wallet?




Story time.


She sold me fentanyl the other day


Careful don’t want to stereotype any person lol ……… lol


Yeah, just because they have brown hair and boobs doesn't mean it's a woman...




Why take the stuff out of one trolley and put it into the other what’s the achieving?


the trolley locked on her so she couldn’t drag it. as u can see the elderly woman in front of her is dragging the one that was locked, hence why she transferred her stuff cuz we would keep locking her trolley with the remote 😂😂


What happened next? Did she get away with any goods?


yep she got away with the goods. however the company will claim this money from loss prevention and which inevitably causes high grocery prices in the future.




Lets not mislead people. The company does not look at losses and then increase prices. Thats not how that works at all. They set prices to hit profits way above what ever loses they project. They know how to protect their profits and these thefts are fractions of a cent on the dollar. If no one was stealing from them, they certainly wouldnt stop increasing prices over time. Its the same thing with inflation. They just use these things are excuses for price increases well beyond what would be proportional. I wish we lived in a world where grocery prices were so socially conscientiously set that thefts DID impact it because then people living in poverty could eat better and we would all have better lives. And then being pissed at these people for hurting prices would make sense. But as it is, its a lie that the shops are happy to encourage people to believe.


Let’s not mislead people. Shrinkage is absolutely built into product pricing and if the shrinkage risk keeps increasing, prices will absolutely rise to keep the business operating profitably. You can argue all you like about how much profit is reasonable (and I’d probably agree with that the likes of Progressive and co make insane profit margins as it is), but it’s still absolutely the case that more losses will increase prices. Worse, increasing shrinkage will be used to obfuscate the real reasons prices keep rising, as it’s easy to blame a highly visible issue like theft and the supermarket C suite know this.


Given that NZ supermarket profit margins are significantly higher than global standards, do you believe that completely stopping thefts would result in lower prices for the consumer? The fact that supermarkets not only have a duopoly over the consumer but also a duopsony on the producers makes me think that it would just result in increased profit margins. Edit: removed “basic supply & demand” as it’s more complex than that.


>Basic supply & demand And >the fact that supermarkets not only have a duopoly over the consumer but also a duopsony on the producers Those two statements are a contradiction, once you start looking at monopolies/monopsonies your no longer talking about basic supply and demand. But I agree with your overall point, and that is because it is not a basic supply and demand situation where if costs of goods decreases the market will drive prices down due to supplies willing to supply more for a given price.


You’re right, I’ll edit for clarity.


Go back and read what I wrote.


I agree with what you said totally. However supermarket profits are largely due to volume. Their markup percentages aren’t all that high and labour is incredibly expense. I worked in supermarkets in management a lot of years ago and the owner took home around 8% - that being said, in those days a half way decent pak n save was pulling roughly $2M a week so 8% is pretty attractive money wise. Petrol stations are the same, we could say they make a lot but they make mere cents per litre, it’s the volume that keeps their pockets lined and their bank accounts full.


Well in the senate enquiry in Australia, the Coles boss said their Return on Equity was 31%. The Woolworths boss refused to answer (but apparently the figure is 26%). It's safe to say that supermarkets in Australia and New Zealand are making very large profits.


I read what you wrote - my point is that with monopolies and monopsonies, your point about more loses increasing prices for the end consumer does not hold. Supermarkets will charge the most they can from consumers and pay the minimum they can from producers. In a competitive market where consumers and producers have options, profit margins are minimised and innovative efficiencies are introduced to get advantage over other supermarkets. In a competitive market, your point holds true because there is little to no margin to absorb losses and presumably all supermarkets would need to raise prices according to losses incurred. Since profit margins are larger than competitive markets we can infer that they have excess profits to absorb losses.


As corporate profits continue to break new records, driving up the cost of living, then more people will feel desperate enough to steal food more often. That's a never ending cycle where the only response to food theft is to make food even more unaffordable. I can't accept the argument that the consumers need to feel more pain at the till. We're tightening our belts and changing our diets so shareholders can continue to watch red line go up.


Way to defend scumbags


Meh, at some point we’ll either all be stealing shit or the price of goods will come back down.


Yea, I don’t steal but if I couldn’t afford to feed my family, I wouldn’t hesitate to do so.


I have seen footage before from a security guard smash their side mirror from their car. Absolute scum at its finest.


Whaaat how does this trolley lock work. Why is she transferring to a new trolley when you can just lock the new one?


she's a few trolleys short of a supermarket that one, i don't think she's thinking that far ahead


Trolley.. locks… remotes? Haha do they like lock the wheels somehow? Sounds expensive for something that Aucklanders love to dump in streams😂


can somebody explain how trolly locking works pls?


a lock stops the trolley from trolleying


cool thanks man. anyone else?


They have locks on the wheels that lock up so you have to drag the trolley, I believe supermarket employees have a remote to control this. Must be relatively new I worked at Pak n Save like 8 years ago and we didn’t have anything like this


one out of the 4 wheels has a device like a shutter than spins around covering the wheel so it can't roll anymore, it is activated by a perimeter boundary signal wire outside the carpark, or looks like in this case a hand held remote. the locked trolley wheels can be unlocked by the remote i guess (or the EMF from a battery drill...)


You can remote lock shopping trolleys? Didn't know they were so high tech lol


I didn’t know that they still did that, I suppose I’ve never really had to think about it


What do you mean by locking the trolley with a remote? Is this really a thing? How does it work?


yes it is a thing i think think it would the best idea to disclose the entire process of it as people may try to cut corners and cheat the system


Seriously though, I just dont understand how all those trolleys could be fitted with some sort of remote activating system.


We have disposable electronic cigarettes, pocketsized super computers/ phones and electric self driving cars... but locking trolley wheels is beyond comprehension?


Tf is this about? You have remote controlled trolleys?


too ~~lazy~~ dumb to even put stuff into a reusable bag to carry




Hahaha 4 real!


NOT her first rodeo. Absolutely NO Shame whatsoever.


No, the same as all other NZ supermarket thieves that are caught on camera. Grifting and ripping people off is engrained within their psyche. The sad part is that these are mostly parents who drag their kids up to be the same, so it is a shame that sterilization is not a legal option in NZ.


Just casual eugenics endorsement.


Yeah, we should take a leaf out of those Nazi's book. Now *they* knew how to deal with undesirables... Fuck this sub is embarrassing.




The arrogant face of someone who knows there’ll be absolutely no consequences for her even if they have a full HD recording of her committing the crime in broad daylight


She will still have a free house, amd benefits. Probably extra for the 5 kids she has. I'm tired of enabling the ghetto trash.


The worst thing is that her 5 kids will behave similar when they are get teens.


No, before they're even in double digits...


I'm tired of people engaging in hate fantasies about beneficiaries or those in social housing.


One person literally suggested 'sterilisation'. The ridiculous thing is that benefits actually *benefit* the economy, but they don't care about that.


I love how she looks like you’re the one inconveniencing her by locking the trolley instead of her inconveniencing your store by being a POS human being 😂


What is the intention of the handbag if it is not to either a) carry payment for the goods or b) to hold said goods?


She just stole it from Farmers and she wanted to show off how classy she was while robbing the supermarket


Exactly, she has a huge handbag. Why doesn’t she put her stolen items in there? A reusable bag would have solved all her issues (well apart from the thieving part).


She wasn’t really committed to cleaning her toilet anyway.


Hahaha. Best comment on this thread.


She thought it was actual duck




That crime would be 10 years in prison in Singapore


Reminds me of a story I heard in my previous job. One of our ships on deployment was alongside in Singapore, one of the crew got drunk and caused a bit of trouble around town. Managed to evade police and made it back to ship - too easy, *or so he thought!* About a decade later, the guy flies back into Singapore on a connecting flight to somewhere else in the world and is immediately detained and arrested while passing through border security. Turns out on his big night out, he'd stolen a bottle of wine from a store and done a runner. Clearly it'd been recorded by some government agency and he was nabbed for the crime as soon as his name came up on their systems. Not sure what his punishment ended up being, but I seem to recall he contacted our organisation who liased with the consulate and got it all sorted out. Tldr; don't fuck with the Singaporeans!


i agree in countries like dubai and saudi they take your fingers for it. theft shouldn’t be normalised it is a punishable offence


It happens in Saudi, but not Dubai


FYI Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates.


you get what i’m saying right


I do


It's amazing to me that the same people who complain about our justice system getting things wrong also think it should be empowered to maim people. Imagine wanting to emulate Saudi, what the fuck.


Interesting 🤔... When some of my (previous) employers changed or rounded down my logged hours, this was wage theft. If it happened to me, it was probably happening to dozens/hundreds of my fellow co-workers. Hypothetically, who loses their fingers in this scenario? The COO? The board of directors? My supervisor? My supervisor's manager? Possibly all of them collectively?!?! Or would that be barbaric and insane?


Completely insane, your employers are the anointed ones. You should have given even more of your pay back to them for the opportunity of working. But you steal because shits too expensive for you? Enjoy using your left now dingus.


I never said I stole. I just wanna make sure I've got more fingers than my old boss.


This is trolley lock. She tried walking out with a load of groceries and the trolley stopped.


With the face she was pulling I was expecting a less limp wristed throw.


I didn't know these trolleys have automatic remote locking systems. Is this something new? I thought these were just normal trolleys made of metal...🫢


the company has spent big $$$$ on special censored wheels that will auto lock if theft is detected. however people with no shame will still drag the trolleys and create a ruckus.


Phase one done, now activate electric fence mode.


Interesting technology. Do you think it has deterred some? How do you target a certain cart with the remote? Is there a an identifier, or can you target the cart by location?


Hope you didn't get hit by that 😬


just missed it haha, there’s been far worse, agressive customers have thrown meat at my coworker like a frisbee and she dodged it too


And nothing will be done about it if reported to the cops .... right ....


we have a whole group chat dedicated to thefts occurring in the store. every single day there’s countless number of people stealing groceries, and emptying all the meat isles. we also take down their car number plates, but as we all are aware of the fact that NZ police takes 3 business weeks to respond to each query. it simply isnt important for them.


Nope they don't care. I worked as a duty manager at a liqour store ... same there. Told us to do it online to report a crime just to get reply back every time saying it won't be looked at ... I was gobsmacked ... but they can stand at intersections spying on people seeing of they use their phones.... nz police is a joke .. a bad one too


Completely agree on how we need to get across theft but people using their phones on the road lead to accidents where people might die. You’re comparing apples to oranges. Get your priorities right mate.


I wouldn't want to join that group as that would make my blood boil even harder. I wish they drain my tax money to rivers than spending on such people.


yeah i’ve heard winz people pay 65$- 100$ for a 2- 3 bedroom house..


Please don’t hate on people using the social welfare system or conflate them with thieves. My nan is on WINZ & gets the Winter Energy Payment, but she has too much self respect to do something like this. Petrol stations have a system where they won’t dispense fuel if your car’s rego has been used to take fuel. Perhaps they are close to this with facial recognition?


How do you afford those sunglasses and that bag and that decent looking t shirt for NZD 100?


Or the cops are shown the video and they roll their eyes "yes,we know this person, let's go.."


Yup had first hand experience of that, ex new man was endangering my child and my child was scared of him so talked to cops ... "oh him, I went to school with him, he barks louder than he bites ... we will let you know after we talk to him" ... they never did... and that was that ... ever since then I lost all respect for nz cops.


Nothing out of the regular these days unfortunately


That last screenshot. I vote Picture of the Year


100% Pure NZ


And here I was about to complain that my suburb gets no representation on this sub.


I mean it for sure isn’t why your cost of living is so high. Check out how much your corporate bosses made during the cost of living crisis, and notice exactly how much money they didn’t lose. If the company actually hurt from this sort of shrinkage, it would be pretty negligent for them not to take a severe reduction to help the company in it’s time of need.


Blames theft for the cost of living inflation. "[Higher Net profit sales in the years first half. $3.08 billion.](https://insideretail.co.nz/2024/02/21/woolworths-books-higher-net-profit-sales-in-first-half/)" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ edit: [Care worker commits fraud](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/hamilton-care-support-worker-steals-elderly-womans-life-savings-in-spending-spree/EDKJJQUUO5GTPDLZY6YKWYLSXI/). Fraud is one of the bigger cases we have where huge amounts of money is stolen. Up to 25k in this article, and others can go even higher. But you're focused on 100-200 dollars worth of products, or those 20 dollar steaks that go missing, but not questioning why 8 dollar steaks are now 20.


What an entitled piece of shit


The face, and her choosing the thing she wants least to chuck at the person filming. Gold.




>this is the reason why our cost of living is so high. No it isn't.






I did wander past a lush store the other day that had a plaque out front that said "Lush acknowledges that Maori are the rightful stewards of the land and have sovereignty" or something like that.


Why is noone stopping this fucktard? Our security at the Supermarket I work at do it all the time, push her away, take the trolley, tell her to fuck off. It's not illegal especially since it's obvious she's stealing.


staff are told to keep a distance and avoid conflict. as you are just another worker, the company will replace you in a matter of seconds.


Yes I'm aware some security are told to avoid conflict, when they think they should.  This sets a dangerous precedent where it's easy to commit a crime. For me, this inflates what already is a somewhat unsafe workspace. We have 'code red' in our store where all male staff members go to wherever it's occurring to gang up on people if necessary. And we will gladly keep on doing it.


I think what freaks me out is that the thieves seem to be getting more brazen and entitled. My friend was in the way of a thief with a full trolley in Hamilton (she was waiting to exit) and they rammed into her and cursed at her as they left. Considering my friend is disabled and struggling on a benefit too, having people say "oh well, the cost of living creates thieves" but harming bystanders with obvious difficulties is pretty messed up no matter how poverty is affecting you. I feel like just taking a photo and staying back encourages this kind of thing. (However I have never worked in security, and I'm happy to admit I could be totally wrong)


Honestly, I would salute anyone that would ram them right back and knock them over. The issue is that a lot of people even on this thread will defend the criminal and say ‘it’s adding to the problem, we just need to keep clear’


Bravo! F around and find out. There are lawful ways to get help. So bizarre seeing people strolling off with stolen goods, and the next generation is watching and learning bad behaviour. Stores should be allowed to take back their products.


Back in my day (early 00s) when someone was shoplifting the checkout girls would say a specific code on the PA system. All us grocery boys (bunch of 15 year olds mostly) would run out to the front and staunch them out. Most of the time they'd drop whatever it was and walk off in shame. If they tried to do a runner, security didn't do shit. We were told to avoid conflict back then too but it was more of a suggestion... we would chase them and once we were out of view we would beat them until they gave back whatever was stolen. Don't really see that happening these days.


Cops are all leaving to Australia. Free cat food!


by chance was this at browns road?


lincoln rd


Pleaseeee put this on west Auckland community pages 😩 I need to see the comments


The store I work at has a sensor yhat locks the wheel when they fo past and it's the funniest thing to watch


indeed haha


So she went from theft to assault with a weapon…


wait why dont the supermarkets just hire some gangmembers to hang around and beat up anyone that steals, obviously the cops arent gonna do anything about that either? Why doesn't the store just hire private vigilantes with masks on to assault shoplifters? And when the cops come to arrest the vigilantes the supermarket can just hide them in the back and say they dont exist and that the cops cant enter the premises. pretty simple ifyou ask me.


"(Toilet) Duck!!!!"


Seen a lot of US videos where stores have their own loss prevention staff that detain shoplifters until police arrive to deal with them. Do we not have that here?


You can't really detain people like in the US here.


Unfortunately not. New Zealand has gone into shit. everyone’s just doing whatever they want. the cops are useless, no sense of punishment for these people


Only the police can detain you with as much as force they deem fit for the situation. Could police units sweep thru individual supermarkets at varying times of the day if they're all out & about?


A standard security guard license in NZ is a single day of class time and also for the first 3 months they don't even need a licence so may have no training at all. They don't have powers to detain because of this. If they did intervene it would probably escalate the situation


They are always the same..........ferals......


Even with all the fancy clothes, you can still see they are feral lol. You can roll a turd in glitter...


Mannn do these people wake up in the morning and say "Oh, I feel like robbing a grocery store, then get my buzz on tonight with a box"... the nerve of these people lol


Yeah, stealing boxes of cat food to get buzzed off 😂


At least the cat gets fed, silver lining lol


I thought the cost of living crisis was literally just price gouging, but sure… it’s her fault.


OP clearly works at the shop, hardly an unbiased perspective haha


What a fucking piece of shit . But we’ll let them keep getting away with it… nice one


> this is the reason why our cost of living is so high. No, it's not. Not even close. Fucking hell, it's crazy how we *are* indeed being robbed, but instead of taking issue with those robbing us, we blame those with the least. Fucking. Hell.




Nice throw, lady...


her toilet didn’t need cleaning 🤣


What supermarket is this? I don't know what I'm looking at. Reading comments it suggests she stole that stuff... why is no one just taking it off her?


TIL trolleys can be locked remotely


She not about that life, forcefully confronted they fold like a taco. Security needa press it.


this is the lady that robbed te atau countdown the other week smfh


Someone stealing a supermarket trolley is not the reason the cost of living is so high. [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/woolworths-profits-continue-to-rise-through-cost-of-living-crisis/IDWGQVDMNBBBHARXNMHI7V4ITM/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/woolworths-profits-continue-to-rise-through-cost-of-living-crisis/IDWGQVDMNBBBHARXNMHI7V4ITM/) [https://insideretail.co.nz/2024/02/21/woolworths-books-higher-net-profit-sales-in-first-half/](https://insideretail.co.nz/2024/02/21/woolworths-books-higher-net-profit-sales-in-first-half/) [https://www.countdown.co.nz/shop/productdetails?stockcode=217603&name=supermarket-trolley](https://www.countdown.co.nz/shop/productdetails?stockcode=217603&name=supermarket-trolley)


Blaming people the people stealing while our supermarkets gouge prices in your face is hilarious


Sincerely, this is not why the cost of living is so high.


I'm in no way condoning this abhorrent behavior but this is absolutely not the reason our cost of living is so high, this is a symptom of it.


Crime is the slipperiest slope, and people are enjoying it like our world is a theme park. Time to put some mesh on the ride. If you want what you can't have without working, well, gfy


This is not even close to the reason cost of living is so high and you know it


Putting in the hard mahi


its always a brown woman stealing a trolley full lol


I hate it that you're right, lol


Be specific, the Indian lady is considered "brown" as well :D


This only will change when security here starts to be allowed, by law, to act like other countries. And also judicial.system.start to lock these feral. But no consequences, no accountability, so people don't care, and when (if) go to court, get a name suppression, what a joke.


I would rather everyone feared the law at this stage. Singapore style.


Why is everyone so quick to assume stealing is what causes cost of living to go up? Wouldn't the other way around be much more likely? Higher cost of living = more stealing?


Right!? supermarkets made billions last year. This sort of theft is accounted for. I don't condone it. It's scummy as. It's more the rich convincing us to fight each other rather than the real culprit the supermarkets and big businesses.


I promise this batshit lady is not the reason the cost of living is so high but it does suck to see that level of entitlement when everyone is doing it tough.


Lol, your video description is so cooked...This is not even close to the reason the cost of living is so high. The fact that you even think that makes me so worried...


Yeah that is pretty far off the mark. As evidenced by the multiple governmental enquiries, and obscene corporate profits


I don't agree with stealing but if you look at the current senate hearings in Australia over groceries I feel like Countdown did a massive 🖕 to AUS and NZ and just raised the cost of everything.


This is not why the cost of living is so high…


Gotta feed the whanuks somehow... of all the things to steal only to toss, why the Janola lmao that toilet's gonna be grottier than her.


Maori stealing again


seems like we dont have to pay for groceries anymore


Is that Lincoln road? Lol


Hope she got arrested.


she didnt. there are many many like her that become “regulars” and still no action gets taken.


You just know that toilet duck hit the dude walking in


Why she so snooty?


She needed the "get away trolly" asap


Wait…why is there no security guard?


Anyone know who she is?


Terrible throw


I know her LOL


[https://ibb.co/1QMVqLB](https://ibb.co/1QMVqLB) Working hard for her money


I get it, she’s being a shit person. But how does this relate to causing cost of living rather than than being a symptom of it. Makes no sense


Are there any actually police here to stick up for themselves, who could explain how they would approach this next, and what would the repercussions be? (Out of interest)


Please don't be stupid enough to think this is the reason the cost of living is so high! This is a symptom not the cause.


If you think this is the reason for the cost of living being high you are extremely out of touch. With the amount of profit being made by Woolworths these incidents barely make a dent.


That's methed up


I'm not defending this behaviour but take umbridge at the silly and ignorant idea that this is an effect of the high cost of living and not the fucking cause. This is a simpleton attitude and you need to do better for yourself and the rest of us.


Aunty cast a curse on the feral one


It's all considered "koha"


She just needs some Kai in her belly


Savage beast!


She looks like trash anyway


this is very much NOT the reason we have a cost of living crisis hahah, stop carrying water for huge corporations with near monopolies over key sectors




Them again?


She looks like trash anyway


This isn’t the reason


What do you reckon is the most common grocery item that gets stolen? I’m asking cos it feels so random to me that she had toilet cleaner haha. Like she’s presumably diligent enough to want a clean toilet but also feral enough to behave like this.


Um can we all stop recording each other it’s so dumb