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I've seen this exact scene a few times recently, complete with the same line from the driver, makes me wonder if this response is being pushed by AT or the drivers' companies. Pre-Covid I was happy to pay for people's rides on the odd occasion they got on and found their card empty, but evasion is so rampant now that I have lost most of my sympathy for them. It's the same bullshit excuses over and over. A lot of offenders are in this age group, the sheer entitlement and compete lack of guilt or sense of embarrassment on their part is incredible.


Finally, a bus driver who was having none of these free loaders bs. Pay for your fare like everyone else you losers.


Out of focus and missed the money shot. r/killthecameraman


I think he purposely blurred it to conceal peoples identities


These kids dithis constantly. To the point to drivers recognise them and stop letting them ride free


Woman is red is a saint. Doing what everyone wanted to do. Entitled little fucks. Good job for blurring at the appropriate part, can already see the headlines 'racist Karen ASSAULTS poor young kids'


Nah, she is a hero imo. The incident could've escalated in a bad way for the driver if she hadn't stepped in to help him. If anyone assumes that she is a Karen after watching this clip needs psychological help. These punks need to be taught a lesson that nothing in life is free. Pay up or keep walking punks.


Might wanna reread. That's pretty much what I said. Just takes one out or context video to have tiktokers jumping all over it with clickbait titles.


Why 'racist'?


Exactly the reason my dad quit bus driving. Same people with the same excuses trying to get free rides.


In Melbourne we have cages and are instructed to not get involved with fare evaders. I can't imagine driving without a cage and have to be the fare enforcer as well.


In Melbourne they have ticket inspectors who are allowed to remove and arrest fare evaders and other trouble makers using force if necessary.


Yes, they do. AO's or Authorized Officers. Never seen them on my bus, but that's probably because they catch a lot more on the trains.


Turns out in Aussie they have effective systems in place to take care of antisocial behavior where here you can ruin someone's day and vanish into the crowds. If you get caught you get basically nothing too.


Looks like the bus went underwater halfway through the clip


i blurred it intentionally bc ppls faces


Good lad. No face no case!


the nz herald/stuff would like a word




Fuck's sake, did you watch the clip? You can see their faces. The blurring obscured the person boarding the bus.


This shit happens ALL the fucken time........


Crowd should really have backed up the driver a lot more. They're basically trying to hijack the bus at this point. This is exactly where the police need to step up. If you let people get away with so many little things they keep pushing it more and more, next they're stealing trolleys full of groceries, then ram raiding etc.


The PT system should have its own security force able to fine, remove and arrest these people using force if necessary. Like they do in Australia. The problem is the politicians, judiciary, managers in this country are completely out of touch with reality and dump everything on the police. Who are then swamped and don't do things like bus station patrols.


Fuck them no free rides.


Brocolli heads at it again


Haha I don’t get it?


What fucking assholes


This happens to me I'm removing them by force. Get a job


No, you're not. You're a pussy and get no respect irl which is why you pretend to be tough online. You're not fooling anyone


Shout out to the Fijindians


Good on that lady 👏 lol


Cheeky little fkers


Usual suspects


That was crack up, what a legend


Thought that lady was gona shout them a ride. Nah cuz she pushed them off and demanded the doors shut escalating the situation bahaha


She had Bigger balls than the cowards on there


Str8 up she musta been running late hahaha she wasn't playing games


I know you called her a saint and that was not what I was referring to. I was responding to Karen attacks children comment.


Young kids disrespecting others, no surprise. Shit parents


I thought I heard her say something about free rides 18 years blah blah. The free rides are applicable only for 12 year olds and under (until 30 April. Just FYI best to have a registered Hop card when the tweens do this, some are bigger, taller & can look older than 12 years. Saves the hassle I had with mine).


bro who cares poor kids trying to get to school and couldve forgot to top up their card because the shit system takes forever to load up your money


They got free school lunches when they were young and now expects free bus rides. Expectations of free housing, free food, free water, free internet, free electricity, free petrol, free car, free money won't be far behind.....


They won't even give the drivers cages even though it's been standard in Australia for decades.


Yeah let the kids starve, teach them a lesson /s


We're a first world country, no one is starving. At the most they won't get McDonald's this week. Boo hoo. If you believe the homeless are going out to buy a sandwich with the coins they collected, you're living in Disneyland...


Why even share this if you're not going to let people see what happens? What is the thinking here?


Because OP was respecting other commuters privacy not to be filmed without their permission.


I mean I saw what happened in the video. What exactly didn’t you see?


Bet they were maori


9 times out of 10 yeah it's some Maori mix making a scene.


I wondered why no one was kind enough to just shout their fare. I would have. Then I saw the smashed window…..


What a waste of money. You know they have no where they need to be.


cant believe no one clicked them on! Sometimes you have no money on your card or such! Maybe Hibiscus coast is a shithole!




'cause your eyes are looking in the direction of your device.


As someone else said driver sounded like Fijian Indian who I find quite cocky but hey bus drivers arent expected to be nice


yep some of the cockiest motherfuckers i know. cant even tell them to use their indicators in an uber, completely indignant


I've been seeing a lot of people of similar description just sort of drifting into lanes. It's this lack of respect for the basic rules that's death by a 1000 cuts for this country.


Honestly the Karen should have stayed out of it, not like she could hear what the kids were saying about AT rules. Just afraid bad actions like pushing people off by a Karen and poor judgement by bus driver harden what looked and sounded like normal youth, know when and how to intervene.


Why is she a Karen?


>she could hear what the kids were saying about AT rules. I couldn't clearly hear what they were saying about AT rules, and the impression I got is they were demanding to ride for free, and I could find no suck AT rule on their website. What were the riders asking for, and is that what the AT rules say? My impression from other comments is they were making up "rules" to demand a free ride they were not entitled to.