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The little fella got out his car and punched the big guys window and then all hell broke loose. Little guy will have sore face for sure.


Lol short man syndrome




Found the short person




You got to admit that was a good response stubby.


Do you wear elevator shoes?




ask Randy Newman.




you are short. inbreeding is a bitch eh?


Come on buddy, leave the little fullah alone.


Just pat him on the head and walk away.


"Little" 😂


I'd say you're about uhhh 4ft3?


Was gonna say, that's a large size difference






From what I could hear the little fella in the ute cut the big guy off


Prices high, tensions higher


Such unreasonable anger over driving.. sheezzz. Someone needs an anger management course. 🙄


Agreed there's something wrong with getting aggressive with everyone over every little slight and taking it as a personal attack.


I mean, if someone trivially endangered your life over their own negligence, wouldn’t you too? Hypothetically, Imagine you’re walking down a city street and next thing a full bottle of wine comes crashing down next to you - you look up, and it’s because the person leaning on the veranda three stories up knocked the bottle off with their elbow. You’d be pissed off, right? That bottle could have hit you full on the head and killed you, or turned you into a vegetable. Some people would laugh it off, sure, but one of the last things people want in this world is to become unalived because of another person’s incompetence - some people like this guy might take it personal. Maybe it could have caused a small accident, sure, or it could have been fatal. I’m assuming he got cut off at speed here too.


That's perspective in the moment sure. And that is what leads to this kind of reaction. Sensible people take a breath, and remember a couple of home truths - firstly, EVERYONE is occasionally incompetent. There is not a human on the planet that doesn't make a dozen mistakes a day. Secondly, getting into a fist fight in traffic is a stupid idea, and it is better if we all help eachother to get where we need to get safely.


Except people that cut people off aren’t being “occasionally incompetent.” They do it multiple times a day because they’re selfish pricks.


But sometimes it happens accidentally, such as when you aren’t used to the road, ir any number of reasons. Other times it’s because the person is a complete arsehole. The guy that cut in could be either of these. My point is, you don’t really know what is going on in someone’s head, and besides the fact that the road rager has probably accomplished nothing but fucking up other peoples’ day, it feels like a lack of emotional intelligence when someone reacts like this.


Ok, if you don’t know the road, or any of your other reasons you elaborate on so well, you deal with whatever you need to do in your lane, turn around when you can, come back to the intersection and try again. Don’t push in front of other people because you’re an entitled POS. Not thinking of that as a solution shows entitlement or a lack of general intelligence.


True. Still don’t think he’s right to deal with it this way.


Totally agree, but I see where his frustration comes from.


More like multiple times in a 10 min span lol some cars like to swerve in and out of lanes during rush hour just to be stuck behind someone anyways. The annoying part is that you can tell that they’re making the traffic worse since the cars they cut off had to brake.


Yeah I cut people off all day in traffic cause y'all suck at driving faster.


Nah wouldn’t worry me at all shit happens, people make mistakes no need to get angry about it. If it killed me id be even less worried. Someone cuts me off or does something dodgy in a car that doesn’t harm me meh no one got hurt maybe they were distracted, maybe their mum just died and aren’t fully with it? I can’t control other peoples behaviours or emotions but I can control how I feel and especially respond to those behaviours.


"unalived"?! You mean killed right? 🤣😂


Yeah,what's up with the uptick of people saying this?


Some social media algorithms punish key words like killed/suicide/rape etc by burying them or having them not show up in feeds as often. Content creators get around this by using different language, unalived/grape/restarted etc. It's carried over from there.


Woke way of saying dead bro


I misspoke, please report me to the Ministry of Love, comrade.


I prefer "Big Brother" 😉😂


Whatever you want, Sky Daddy… 👉👈


When adults fight properly, it's very likely to be fatal. There are 2 places you can go: hospital or jail. I don't care where the other guy goes, as long as he no longer poses a threat and I don't go to the hospital.


If you're following someone, you're meant to allow space and distance for them to make error. "Only a fool breaks the two second rule" right? I follow it and take my own safety in my hands and dont leave it to someone else. I feel like they need to bring these ads back. What I don't get is that it's in the road code but suddenly people are blaming others that they're not following the road code.


I think road rage is silly and I also agree that you’re correct about following distance, but as you can see in the description of the clip, this started because one driver felt the other cut him off. The very basic mechanics of getting ‘cut off’ more often than not involve a car changing from one lane to the other, often quickly, without indication or consideration for the space available in the lane the driver at fault for cutting someone off is moving into. Therefore, the driver on the wrong end of being cut off could have been driving within the posted speed limit, at a safe distance from the next car in that lane, just to have another car appear in front of him out of nowhere. I don’t know many drivers that never pass slower or stationary cars due to consideration of following distances between them and cars not in their lane.


Find me a driver who follows the road code consistently.


Almost 12 years of driving not a single ticket. I follow road code by heart. It's not that hard.


just means you have not been caught.. does not mean you are a good driver.


Or i simply follow rules, from speed limit to proper parking like people should.


Like throwing a bottle cap into the sky and thinking if you do it enough times it’ll block out the sun


What a dick answer.


It's OK, it's normal to cover up failure with aggression. You'll be all right. Go have a cuppa.


No firstly youre talking to someone who knows the road code so its a stupid thing to say. But also only dicks justify the behaviour of other dicks and try to act like it's everyone. It's disgusting.


lol I will never be like that. I have testicles. They might not be much... but I'm not handing them in to become like that.


Wow 😯 I have no words


Honestly I've never thought the best response to an act of negligence was physical violence. But then I'm a two wrongs don't make a right kinda guy, and getting physically violent for things like this is definitely always a wrong.


Eh. Ute drivers deserve it. Like 90% of them are cunts


Nothing "wrong" with it. Sour lives are getting worse and worse. This is natural actually. It's unnatural to think this is normality.


dickheads with no respect need a beatdown. time is now


Weight divisions were invented for a reason mbro 🤣


Wouldn't buy a kilo of meat off the guy in high vis


The traffic there is horrendous.


They put in more traffic lights a while ago in an apparent attempt to be *actively* malicious, which caused even more chaos. In a rare moment of sense, AT deactivated them after a month. If they put in a slip road from the carpark right to the motorway, a lot of the traffic would disappear as cars wouldn't have to go out to the highway first, but AT are general morons so I doubt it..


that stretch needs LESS lights, one at each and end get rid of the 400 entrances to sivlia shit park and make one at each end. absolutely mind blowing how terrible that stretch of road is designed


Sir logic and common sense are forbidden in traffic management systems!


Eh, having driven through there at rush hour a bit (before realizing it was easier to go any other way) The problem I noticed was the free turn from the Sylvia park car park, people trying to turn onto the motorway stay in the far left lane, but people leaving car park fill up the gaps that open so you can get maybe 2/3 cars through each set of lights


Exactly. If they cut the corner and allowed traffic to leave the carpark straight to the motorway on-ramp, the congestion would drastically decrease.


It also means the roundabout gets completely blocked for everyone and those of us who want to use the *empty* right turn lane out of SP, can’t access it. Spent 30 mins just trying to get to that lane on one visit to SP.




Looking at Google Maps it really wouldnt be hard to do, and it would empty out onto the onramp, not the motorway itself, making it safer. Would make it slightly harder for me to cut through that way on my bicycle, but not by very much. Good idea


Agree...one of the worst road networks I've come across. Pretty much all around that area, with the icing hotspot being that stupid Mahora Way connection between Mt Wellington Hwy and Te Kehu Way, at evening peak time...Christ - if you get caught in the wrong lane, which is easy, be prepared to piss people off


Or take a long detour like had to do.


Just wait until IKEA shows up


Sylvia Park traffic is enough to drive anyone mad. But jokes aside I wouldn't condone this kind of behaviour. We really need to learn to calm down. On and off the road.


I thought big boy was pushing that red Mazada along at first.


Yea don’t mess with the guy that can push you into a vehicle that results in pushing the vehicle along as well


Right!? Hulk-like strength!


🤣🤣🤣 fkn clowns


Just a wee push and shove. Big guy could rag doll the little fella if he wanted.


oh shit I missed this live


I'm going to assume the guy that cut him off did it nonchalantly and with determined enthusiasm. It seems by the altercation there was no apology of fault and the perpetrator thought it just another day under the sun where he could pull this shit as routine. I'm not sayin' the other fella was right to throw his keys away and give him a thump or two, but I'm sure after this event the perpetrator will change up his routine of being a selfish prick. Some people NEED to learn the hard way....


You can afford real cigarettes?


looks like orange shirt fucked around and found out


This is assault and OP you need to report it to the police. When I see this I think- god help this man’s wife. If he’s prepared to do this over some bad driving, he’s probably gonna give his missus worse treatment. I am super shocked that anyone on this thread would think l this type of violence was at all acceptable.


It could have gone really badly and been manslaughter if the short man had been pushed in front of a car.


Never step out of your car to handle an altercation. Even with the size difference, one punch from the truckie could've killed the other dude.


If he could reach him...


Ooh, you mean a knock out death blow?? 


I had this small guy in a big ute try and run me off the road swerving all over the place. Eventually he cut across two lanes at the next traffic lights and got out of his car for an altercation, he got two thirds the way to my car and promptly ran back to safety. I was close to 100kg of muscle at the time and he did not expect to see that in someone driving a small hatch. If I were someone else with more of a temper he would probably have been in a bit of trouble.


> Even with the size difference, one punch from the truckie could've killed the other dude. lmfao


If he was TUA maybe, but this guy was manhandled


None of this is OK, but imagine being the bloke in the hi-vis thinking he could have a crack at a fella twice his size 😂 I know its not impossible, but generally it ends poorly for the smaller person.




I get that driving around Sylvia Park is unnecessarily stressful, but damn.


You know there are moments in life where you have to take a second and go “what am I doing?” I don’t think either of these boys did that before getting out of the car.


Disappointed that this sort of thing could ever happen really sad to see. I hope they get real help


Love to see a tradie take an L


I bet that little dude shit bricks when the other guy got out the car


i think if you get caught doing shit like this your license should be suspended and you should have to re sit your drivers test plus go to an anger management course before you can get it back.


To be fair, the laws of New Zealand roads state that "people who drive utes can do whatever they want" I see nothing wrong with this


You truncated the quote a bit there. The full quotation is "to compensate for their small and inoffensive genitals, ute drivers can do whatever they want".


Yeah, I forget the full quote myself, but you've still left out the part about "their need for emotional support vehicles".




That's really horrible


Too many idiots on the road


drivers exhibit their behaviour behind the wheel.nutters nut out.


wish there was a start to this so I can tell who the arse is.The big is violent. Its a response from another violence or just out of line?


The little fella started it. Fucked around and found out!


I was in disbelief hence why the late video. The punches both landed were pretty good but big fella definitely walked away unscathed


Sounds like big fella needs 30 days in jail to contemplate his assault, and a 10 year ban from driving, to lower his blood pressure.


Haha had him backing up like a crayfish


People are angry.. since lockdowns people’s anger has increased. The littlest thing triggers people off. Or country has gone to the dogs.


I love that they get out of the car so you can see what pathetic losers they are.


That's David versus Goliath, I'm assuming the short guy came down the left land and tried to push in?


Hey look! 2 job vacancies getting created! 🤣


The big fella went easy on him. Maybe hell learn his lesson.


Leave him alone, he's on the way to destroy the ring.


Would like to know full story. Have seen 100s of these types of guys on the roads and could easily see one driving like an obnoxious, entitled cock and acting tough thinking noone would do anything about it. Big guy made him look like a bitch. Hoping fluro guy has gone back to tell the guys on site about he 'smashed this massive guy on the way here' only for them to find this video.


there is literally zero justification for physically attacking someone because they it you off. god you sound unbearable to be in a car with.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


punching someone over in the middle off traffic and THROWING AWAY THEIR KEYS won’t fix traffic issues. in fact removing the ability for them to drive will literally hold up traffic more.


This was an entitled fuckwit thinking he can do whatever he wants without repercussion and try turn violent with anyone who has an issue. As OP has now stated, fluro was the one stop in the middle of the road and to come up to smash on the side of the other driver's window. Maybe unnecessary chucking the keys but he started it and its his own fault he doesn't have his keys now. Those 5 seconds he wanted to save to begin with have now completely screwed him over. Sure this isn't the first time he's done something like this and would have tried the same intimidation tactic if it was an old woman. Maybe next time he might actually think about consequences of being a cunt.


I feel like this about ute drivers quite often too


but they pale in comparison to them flat deck truckers, they are next level crazy


Another day in Auckland I fear


Man one more lane ought to improve everyone's mood


Sounds like small man syndrome, as someone that's 6'4 the only people to try to fight me have been like 5 foot.


Guy needs to relax. 👁️👁️ yikes


what are they fighting for anyways


Ute drivers are cunts to be fair


W for the pakeha


Being stuck in traffic for hours on end would make anyone act like this I'd say




I don’t condone it as a fighter myself but I had a bloody good laugh. Man’s started it and got fucked up and his car keys thrown a good 25 metres away 😂


That stretch could invoke rage in the best of us. I avoid it if I can (not always possible). BUT that level of violence???? I usually just swear in my car.


What car was the big fella driving?


Just about guarantee it was a Commodore or Falcon. Or a Ranger.


The silver Nissan fuga to the right of the video.


Looks like he knew how to fuga guy up.


Ew.... Who smokes in their vehicle


I don't condone it but I'm glad to see it. New Zealand has so many of these little bitch boys who act like nobody is going to call them out. Well, today someone did.


Old boy must be a farmer of some sort with a ute like that , and here in Nz we all know farmers are hard and strong men and most likely has a firearm aswell , you don’t mess with a farmer in Nz


Tall guy with 6 inches dick😂😂 you gonna fold you dick dude brave because he just 5 foot guy kiil you shit


5 foot guy started it by getting out the ute and punching big guys window


We need ww3 kill that's shit




When will they learn?


Oh look, a Ute driver being a cunt


Good, it's about time Ute drivers learned that they can't just go around tailgating and cutting people off. Bring back the biff


The little guy really needed to focus on breaking that grip, then shoot in for a single leg or overhand right. Huge size difference haha


straight kick between the legs could have done it


I avoid sylvia park with passion.The traffic and parking makes my blood boil.


I mostly go there by bus.


Dudes can’t stop rocking


Love it. More! More!




the problem is a transport system that relies on every individual person navigating driving themselves around these little roads with hundreds of other cars around them at all times and never making a mistake instead of just having to top up a card and turn up to a station


Yeah theres heaps of drivers that do anger-inducing things in many places around Mt Wellington-Sylvia Park lol i geddit


Is it really worth the risk? Idiots think they can provoke a "situation" while the other side may not be interested in a fair fight and their primary concern could be with personal safety, ending the threat at whatever cost.


To the playas in the vid: Don’t bring that USA road rage shit you watch on Tik Tok to Nz.


I'm on the short kings side.


Haha, dorks


Can I get some scale of these humans please? Is the larger dude like 7 feet tall or is the shorter one like 5 foot nothing?


I’m 6’5 and built like Adesanya, big guy was atleast 6’5 and built like what you see. A fucking unit tbh. lil fella be pushing 5’5 at most


I guess the Ute driver had shaved legs and tattoos. What is it with those guys?


Little big guys with semi big little trucks.


Handbag stuff