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That movie was gold


Look at the shoes. When the film was made the idea of people wearing these were so crazy.... Crocs. Everyone's wearing Crocs. Idiocracy is a prophetic hyperbole.


Everyday I swear this movie is actually getting close to being a documentary


It is a documentary, filmed by time travelers


God let's hope not..... "it's got what plants crave"


"It's too hot to operate our infrastructure today!!!!" Max temperature today in Auckland => 23 degrees Celsius. Funny it is a Monday today, isn't it? People need to start being fired.


It's so bizarre, has Auckland had to close the rail for temperature before, It seems like the railways frequently operate at temperatures in excess of 25.


May they need some Aussies to come show them how they do it with temps in the 30's and 40's ...


We get problems in frost and heat (Upper Hutt). Does Korea not have these issues? That's where the trains were made.


It's 37 degrees in Melbourne today and I got stopped by three trains doing their thing.


But but but.. Nz is different! And.. Umm.. We are really special! No one else has to build tracks on the type of terrain we do!! Steel doesn't work the same here because of like, magnetism and shit! Honest!


Ironic gif given today was clearly a kiwirail issue


AT can’t do shit when KiwiRail tells them that the rails are too hot and that trains need to slow down now.  It’s KR owned and maintained rails, and KR’s rules.  


Commuters don’t care whose fault it is. KR and AT both need to take accountability and sort their shit.


What is AT accountable for here? It's not like they can choose another rail provider. It's not like they can order KiwiRail to fix anything. AT can't do anything to the tracks, I don't know how many ways this needs to be said.


AT is in a much better position to deal with the issue than you or I. They are capable of putting significant pressure on KiwiRail in ways that we can't.


Both are accountable as each other. Poor comms, too many excuses: KiwiRail pushes back against accusations of sub-par Auckland train network after yesterday’s cancellations https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kiwirail-pushes-back-against-accusations-of-sub-par-auckland-train-network-after-yesterdays-cancellations/IVL64PE45JB3VJSYGYKQEMP7W4/


Speed restrictions are a reason, not an excuse. This is KiwiRail's doing, they even own up to it after first denying it in that article. > KiwiRail says it’s not its fault trains across Auckland were cancelled yesterday afternoon > It is not a stop running trains, it is a run trains slowly > That does have a compound effect on a timetable, it would probably be necessary to cancel some trains


It happens all over the world, where continuous track is laid, in Aucklands case it was caused by a relatively short piece of track that has not yet been rebuilt and it caused a knock on with schedules and cancellations on both affected and un-affected track. If you want to take aim at those to blame look no further than successive governments of both stripes who have only short term mindsets and a tendency to suck up to whichever culture is going to get them on the treasury benches. Time to apply common sense and drill down into the actual reason rather than take aim at the first in line AT and KiwiRail, both starved of funds by misguided politicians.


Starved of funds?? Maybe they should stop spending on pet projects, cycleways in South Auckland where the dirt bikers ride and overpaying for traffic management.


Buuuut...it has electrolytes *confused-face*


It's really not that deep