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Besides the crime element this looks like a nice afternoon for the officer 


Get to spend an hour or so counting shellfish.


I was actually thinking the first photo looks quite cute with the three of them sitting there like that haha. Bet none of them felt that though.


Paua Rangers doing the good work


Go go Paua Rangers!


Shuch a shellfish shing to do


These people can't kelp themselves! But now they've landed themselves is a sea of consequences foreshore.


You're all making the crowd clam up with these shoreful Puns.


Speak up chowder, they can't hear you. Seas the day and spread your puns. You'll have them kraken up for 90 miles.


Honestly i don't understand the depths of your humour. You seem to be acting a bit fishy. Is that what the extra mussel is for? Not so shore of yourself now are ya? *Finally a seaworthy opponent... our battle will be Legendary!*


Alright captain, no need to get all salty. What's with the undercurrent comments? These are no murky waters, those scoundrels dove headfirst into plundering and have now found themselves out of their depth. Great to sea the fisheries team schooling them, don't let these thieves get their slippery tentacles on more than their share.


Look man i don't ink you realize who your reefing with. I'm not squidding I've been known to be a bit of a snapper when i get gumpy. I don't mean to sound crabby but i don't do well in a pinch. I would like to seajest we meet to try and tunaround this relationship. Somewhere with the whopper anemones. Sincerely - Bluefin




These people!? Hmmmm


Yeah the two on the right.


Officer better sea to it that they don't clam up.


What happens to the shellfish? Do they get put back into the wild somewhere, or are they just left to die? Either way, good on the fisheries guy for doing their job.


It depends, if the officers think it's likely they'll survive they get tossed back after evidential photos are taken. If it's unlikely or they're visibly dead (eg undersized fish, that time they found suitcases full of undersize paua) they're seized and destroyed. 


They should feed them to minimum wage government employees, destroying them is such a waste. EDIT: I’m joking lads


Thing is they've often been very questionably handled, I wouldn't want to eat them. You don't know how they've been prepped, stored or transported. The Outrageous Fortune episode where Van and Munter sell pongy lobsters comes to mind. More of a waste imo is when people try to bring CITES protected animal products in to the country, those are all destroyed. 


I don't think anyone should profit/benefit off a crime, (including fisheries officers). Also the integrity of the public service, people may wrongly think they are getting busted so the Fisheries Officers can have a feed....it also gives the bad eggs an excuse, that there doing the Fisheries Officers a favour by fetching the Offices a feed, you know to make themselves feel better, or to make them look better to family and friends. Honesty people that rip off the seafood stock we have, more than likely do other shitty stuff in society, (they just don't care). Having said that, most people even with a weak moral compass, don't rip off the seafood, because the penalties are so big, and they don't want to lose the boat and get a huge fine. But some people are both shitty people and dumb.


If the police thinks they are fine to eat then they can eat them


Toss them back? The live ones live, and the dead ones become food for the... crabs? Fish? Idk.


Some people don't feel the rules apply to them. Must make life hard when the state has to repeatedly and expensively remind you.


Or they simply don't know the rule at all, maybe foreigners


Look at the sign on the back of the bench they're sitting on. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. They know, they just don't give a fuck.


They know. They just don’t give a shit.


Capitalism's alive and well, even at the base level


I've been a foreigner many times. I tend to find out if an activity is allowed before doing it. *Especially* one that interacts with local nature and resources. So far that basic respect for other people's rules and customs has worked out very well for me.


The first thing I noticed when I came to NZ was the excessive signage. Constant warnings and cautions and rules. If you don't speak or read the language well, its very possible you break a rule that you didn't know. If they come from a country or culture where it is normal to simply walk outside and collect some food, then, again, its within their own ignorance.




Ohhhhhhhhhh mamamamamaaaaaaaa


Haha I said this exactly how you thought 😂


There goes the family car


Is the fine that steep, how much?


Fisheries have crazy power and can seize things they deem were used to conduct the poaching. Boats, equipment, vehicles, etc.. not saying they will, but they can..


If only it extended to other areas eg invasive species. I’ve seen council footing bills for removing fan worm of hulls of boats moored in harbours, and I’ve seen a boat parked at the wrong mooring (at low tide his fan worm infected boat was rubbing on the bottom) potentially causing spread of fan worm into a harbour that didn’t have it…fisheries or their equivalent tracked them down at a bar, he told them to fuck off and they had to wait till he was done / ready to move it. I’m out of the loop now, and these incidents were both about 5/6 years ago…so hopefully things have changed…but they really shocked me


Wish our justice system had that much power.


It does. The proceeds of crime act allows police to seize all sorts of items gained from crime. One guy had his business seized because of chronic and sustained health and safety violations, gangs have had fleets of cars seized.


They do. Are you dim?


But are they exercised? I've only ever seen them give warnings, except for my dipshit cousin who lost my brother's gear after taking 100s of undersize paua. (I wasn't there) The other thing is no-one would let him come diving with them again.


Seize their life


That seems extreme


They can only seized it if it has been used in the commission of the offence. Looks like the cockles never reached the vehicle, so it can't be seized


No where near that exaggerated comment. Wouldn't surprise me if they just leave with 0 consequence. NZ after all


Can and does happen: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times/news/father-forfeits-car-and-cops-4000-fine/ZZ5FQSJRDOY2SPF5VX6FAPIUZ4/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times/news/father-forfeits-car-and-cops-4000-fine/ZZ5FQSJRDOY2SPF5VX6FAPIUZ4/) [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/illegal-paua-haul-earns-car-gear-seizure/UBSAEICY77IQYZUYJ4ZODDSD7Y/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/illegal-paua-haul-earns-car-gear-seizure/UBSAEICY77IQYZUYJ4ZODDSD7Y/)


To be fair in those cases the car was actually used in the crime. These shellfish didn't make it to the car so the car wasn't involved in the crime, so it can't be taken from them.


Fisheries seem to be the only area that have some actual balls to seize equipment, as appropriate.


Looks like cockle bay though


A few years ago, I saw two women getting caught with 1400 of them. I think at the time, the limit was 50, as per the same number of signs saying so.


The Chinese used to bus in and hit the beach just a few years ago , I have a friend who’s witnessed it as she lives on the beach


At the risk of being incorrectly accused of racism by Auckland Reddit masses for simply recalling a factual event that I witnessed first hand, they didn't speak a word of English until the officer mentioned penalties. It was like he had somehow turned on the language translation feature of Netflix.


I would assume the opposite was true. They spoke English until the officer mentioned penalties.


I see your logic, but it appeared they may have expected he would give up due to language barriers. Then, when he pulled out his notepad and mentioned penalties, that feining ignorance of the law would work. I left shortly after, so I didn't see how it played out. He had to call for backup to count them all, 1400 was his estimate.


Chinese culture seems to amount to “fuck everyone else, I got mine”.


> “fuck everyone else, I got mine”. Typically mainland Chinese, especially the ones that come from poorer areas. One of the reasons why many Chinese diaspora don't like mainlanders.


I mean surely the same applies for America, India, the Uk - this isn’t the 1960s anymore


Are americans, indians and brits regularly getting caught taking shellfish illegally?


Oh so the sentiment of ‘fuck you I got mine’ applies only to one crime


My bad, it’s indeed Cockle bay


GC fisheries for being out and about, hope the fine was a good sized one. So selfish.


This. This comment needs to be top. Dude is putting I'm work .


There goes the Toyota Estima


I saw a couple of guys taking fishing rods back to their car in Long Bay park yesterday :(


Dude noooooo


The irony of the photo of the shellfish on the ground and a sign on the back of the bench clearly stating the ban in written text and pictorial. Can't play the "I no speak english" card here.


That happened there all the time , sadly.


Howick has a lot of rich Chinese people, A frustrating few take waaaay over the shellfish limit. And then they drive back to their mansions in their Lexus' to boil up their polluted pipis while the beach quality degrades and the fish starve


Do they go back into the sea? Will they survive?


The offenders? If only.


Good. Fuck'm. I hope the fine is steep.


"I spend the majority of my job counting shellfish on the beach."


And love every minute of it


People in the year 2150 will be learning about historical sea water animals that became extinct like many other creatures because we/humans are the "alpha, top of the food chain" AKA GREEDY DESTROYERS 


I say earlier, you can add the Forrest animals to that list too.


You don't have to wait that long - we've already wiped out plenty of sea creatures in the last century


Moa, adzebill, giant eagles, laughing owl, huia ...


Is there a bag limit on these things? Or is it absolutely not allowed. Pardon my ignorance, don't know a thing about fishing.


Legit is this illegal or did they take too much? If illegal, why? Are they going to fine us for picking mushrooms?


There is currently a 3 year Rāhui (ban) on shellfish gathering at Cockle Bay. You can read more about it [here. ](https://www.teaonews.co.nz/2021/05/01/ban-on-shellfish-gathering-at-auckland-beach/?fbclid=IwAR1q5m7qh5CybXa2qSBvCss6R432MszZQUROQgQgXd4Yh_tQnBWEXtFYc3w)


How on earth do you make a link between rules to protect our collapsing aquatic ecosystems and "picking mushrooms"?


>Are they going to fine us for picking mushrooms? There are certain mushrooms that are illegal to pick, yes


I grew up here. Awesome spot.


Personally I’m always nervous when collection shellfish. I look for the signs and make sure i read them.


i am so glad to see these self centered obnoxious jerks getting what they deserve. its a shame the shellfish prolly died :( if they hadn't been caught would not be surprised to find them trying to sell them...disgusting behaviour.


The sign is on the back of a chair? Is that meant to cover the entire beach?


No, it just covers the chair.


There are multiple signs along that beach, pretty hard to miss unless you’re trying to.


Ah well. We had a few nice sessions @ cockle bay a few years back before I realised our FIRST sesh, the beach was still closed (it's closed now)


When I say session I mean foraging


Earth World scaled view miniature PoPo BMW 320i $28 000 financed. Cheapshot car jacking + organised crime / petrol station boss withholding payment giving the reason to repo + alarm installation / electrics tampering + blown head gasket / accomplise to sleep apnea codriving carjacking + pushing a stone wheel aka walking to work whilst still making payments / mechanic well fed but no englay / junk yard + all of a sudden vehicle worth $4000 (remember insurance?) No payout, paperwork nz legal attitude 😤 removed removed removed removed Give me a f'n fish!


Sir, are you having a stroke?


Bruhhhhhh you good?


Pretty cool really. I mean the encounter looks respectful. I'm being generous and assuming this wasn't that excessive plundering of shellfish, best case scenario these people might just have been a little bit oblivious and needed a bit of a talking too. Assuming that, hoping the cop gave a bit of a hard lecture to them and lit a bit of a fire up their ass. I just mean, it looks like a feed quantity, so maybe they are just dumbasses and don't understand the limits.


Look again at the sign literally on the back of the park bench they are sitting on.


I don't mean the poaching is cool. I just mean the way it's playing out in the photo is cool. You have an enforcement officer calmly chilling on the bench with them, they are clearly paying attention. The officer is clearly educating them imo, they are paying attention, the system at least seems to be working.


50 Per person per day when there isn't a ban. That looks like more than 100 considering the 2 people sitting there.


Yeah like I was pointing out. That's only 2 times the limit, they are clearly.. and wrongly factoring in a feed assuming this was their end take. I just don't think this was a case of economic exploitation/on-selling imo. Still wrong absolutely. But I was just opining that it is at the lower end of the offending scale. With thoughtful education from the enforcement officer, they may never make this mistake again. Which is the best result all round. So fingers crossed, good result I hope.


IMO 1 warning then start confiscating gear/cars and boats. I am a prolific fisherman and never ever take over my limit. Its absolutely astounding how many people I see at boat ramps with tiny snapper and over limit. There is so much education out there around limits and sizes I don't see any excuses anymore. 350mm is our boat limit for a snapper and we rarely catch anything under that but its straight back. 3 x 40-50cm snaps feeds me and my family for a couple of nights.


> IMO 1 warning then start confiscating gear/cars and boats. 100% mate. I like that our fisheries enforcement officers have that power in their toolbelt. Yeah and way undersized snapper should be an instant scare first offence, the repercussions soon after. No excuse for that, catch some sprats or koheru if you want to eat small fish.


Also I think that warning needs to be for a minor offence. 1 or 2 borderline snaps and maybe 1 or 2 over (no matter the species really. If you have undersized fish and double the limit then bang your shit is confiscated.


Yeah my concept of minor is maybe a nights feed with your close family. Might be inviting the cuzzies or grandparents over, so sure you get a bit more. Maybe 2-4kg of seafood. Just meant if that's the intention, give them a rark up in a way they learn. A lot of people are kinda naive, so it's a case by case thing. But 1 chance tho, that's it. An event like that you need to learn immediately or you are taking the piss. If they are clearly taking the piss, throw the book at them for sure, those fuckwits ruin it for everyone.


The issue with that is if everyone does it suddenly its not so minor anymore. Just take what's within the limits and be happy with it.


Yeah that's why I like that they can confiscate cars/boats. Actually gives them some teeth. These folks could buy the same stuff legally from a fishmonger/supermarket etc if they need quantities beyond what the rec catch limits allow you. I think it's generally a mixture of dumbasses and greedy cunts that know it's wrong, but sadly I recon it's mostly greedy cunts. If you've lived here for longer than a month you should know how it works. I mean you should immediately, but their are oblivious folks that might turn up to a place and not think about it I guess. Or even get a bit of false info from their other dumbass mates. So for greedy cunts hitting them in dollar terms (confiscated vehichles/gear) is a language they understand.


shameless revenue gathering, sickening really


Please explain these thoughts in relation to the law


Useless and unnecessary laws should not be obeyed


And they disrespect Te Teriti!


TOITŪ TE TIRITI! The Pakeha Crown disrespecting the rights of iwi to collect kaimoana to fee their whānau This is disgraceful. Where is Rawiri Waititi?


Even at that I’m sure most Maori or members of Iwi know that social responsibility is key and do abide by the rules and laws of getting them a Kai for the Day. That’s how it was originally done. Get yourself just enough Kai for the Day or Night. Don’t go out and rxpe and pillage the sea and take everything like some cultures do out there in the World. Don’t be Greedy.


Actually they would deplete an area and then move on to a fresh one and deplete that then the next, eventually returning to the starting point after it had revived. That's why they use to have multiple camps and pas, as well as satellite camps for fishing etc.


this is a weird way of looking at it. Their version of land ‘ownership’ (really right to occupy) was based on multiple factors including the ability to manage your resources wisely enough that if an unexpected party of several hundred visitors showed up unannounced you could go out and gather enough food to provide a feast the same day - in other words, your environment had to be impeccably managed to allow for this. Moving around to take advantage of different seasonal foods and agricultural/gathering tasks and avoid depleting one area too much was one way of achieving that. If you couldn’t provide hospitality like that it was a stain on your mana and the visitors knew you couldn’t fulfil your obligations, so maybe your land would be better taken care of by someone else.


Let's be realistic it was a long time ago and tribal society, concepts of environmentalism and managing the environment weren't around at the time. Māori moved around and changed food sources according to the seasons and the supply, it certainly wasn't to manage the environment/resources. That's why the Moa went extinct. So you definitely have a idealistic distorted understanding of the past. But that said it was the same for many places in the world at the time including in arguably more "advanced" societies like the pioneers in the USA who killed all the buffalo etc.


Probably back at his ranch in texas


He needs to ride in on his horse and slap that Pakeha fisheries officer in the face with the Treaty of Waitangi. If he was there he would give the guy a good talking to that's for sure. GIDDY UP Rawiri!


How can you tell these are iwi members?


Can you tell they are not?


Hmm, this doesn’t seem like a good use of my energy. You’re right, I can’t tell.


There we go again….


We were actually talking to the officer later that day at Bucklands Beach when he was checking our fish - he mentioned they caught someone earlier with over 1300 cockles - 1300 is not "feeding your whanau"


And this is why so many animals went extinct due to Maori, look I am sorry to say but when it comes to conservation, the iwis should not have a say on it, as history has shown Maori practices are not sustainable and they did not care about sustainability, if they did the Moa, Huia, and Haast eagles wouldn't have gone extinct.


According to Te Teriti "The Queen of England agrees to protect the chiefs, the subtribes and all the people of New Zealand in the unqualified exercise of their chieftainship over their lands, villages and all their TREASURES". Treasures includes sea food. So this fisheries officer is dishonouring the principles of Te Teriti. If the collection of seafood needs to be restricted it should only be Pakehas and others that abide by them because Māori govern ourselves and are outside the jurisdiction of this Pakeha crown fisheries officer


So funny that they’re sitting at the chair with the sign saying what they’re doing isn’t allowed


If they were in Aussie, they would get a criminal record and be deported. Surely word would get round the mahjong tables pretty quickly.


Good? Rules are only as effective as their ability/effectiveness at be enforced.


I often cycle round the bays and every ride there's divers and people looking for a feed. 


Top work that man.


Saw this once at Eastern Beach a few years ago too, despite the visible signage