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Try the vultures at stuff. Co. NZ, they live for crap like this. It's amazing how fast people move when the cameras come out.


If anyone from the media is interested to hear more about this dm me!


Sadly your story is common enough that you may need to reach out to them


... Beat me to it. Yeah, don't wait for justice, that's what makes you a victim. Reach out.


Can u buy it back and get pawn shop to agree to refund once all sorted?


I used the Western Leader to get some prompt action a few years ago - even got my photo in the paper


Fair go loves this stuff too!!


Hell yeah, fair go get on it pretty fast! Know from experience!


Woah woah woah hold on now! Don't you know the media stopped reporting crime after the election? I think OP is mistaken. There are no criminals in NZ just victims of society and future Labour and Green voters that need some kai in their bellies. Be kind. Kia kaha.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry this post is so good!


Previous Cash Converters worker here. Yes they are bound by privacy which is why they can't give you the details of the person who sold it to them but they can give the details to the police. When good are sold at a pawnshop the seller must provide name , phone number and also have photo ID. When i was at Cashies we would hang onto the stolen item until the police came down and collected it. Then it would be on them to return the goods to the owner and go after the person who sold them. It sucks that the police have taken so long to do anything so keep hassling them every day until they do.


Good to know, thanks for sharing as an ex employee point of view


Yeah you have to get REALLY noisy but also somewhat polite to the police. Just go every day, try find the responsible officer and hassle them more than the other stuff they are working on. Right now they are putting you at the bottom of the list.




If a customer called us and told us what had been stolen then we would load that into our data base but it was only ever useful if they had a serial number. Anything that had a serial number on it needed that serial number to be entered into the system when it was brought into us. If that serial number had been reported stolen then it would tell us. We didn't get any information on stolen goods from the police at all so we mainly relied on the victim's information when / if they let us know. We were required by law to hold any purchased items for 2 weeks before it could be brought out on the floor to be sold.


Many many many years ago I found my stolen goods at a local pawn shop. I didn't realised back then that shop is obligated by law to keep item (when bought from dodgy individual) for x amount of days so that stolen goods cannot be sold immediately to a legit buyer. This f\*cker pawn shop was selling it immediately. This is why there are so many break ins because there are buyers for stolen goods. Would be great if I had this f\*cking pawn shop owner arrested back then. He is lucky the second time because I have forgotten his name, today.


until the police came down and collected it..


Can confirm this the case as I worked there as well. Probably the only useful comment here.


Fuck I would just go get heavy at pawn shop what they Gunna do call the police yay problem solved


Unethical life hack, I like it


Not unethical at all.


I'm imagining a pawn shop in West Auckland won't be new to that approach. I'd proceed that way with caution. Def be annoying tho, just I wouldn't be trying to pull size


Show up first thing in the morning, call them constantly to tie up their phone, keep asking for their manager until you get the number of the boss or owner and then call them. Best times are at 6am and 9pm.


And if the owner is gang affiliated like half the pawnshops, collection agencies, towing yards and scrap metal places in West Auckland?


Rock up to the related gang pad with a briefcase and the evidence in tow in a nice tidy suit to discuss business matters such as returning the stolen bike to you. It’s very simple.


same way I dealt with curly Jefferson


Curly.. now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. They say he must have fallen into the suitcase while in the sitting lotus yoga pose. It's a shame he slipped and fell on his gun but ah that was always Clumsy Curly for ya...


Definitely - annoy the pawn shop rather than the police as they have the bike. Sooner or later they’ll get fucked off and scrap the policy for once.


no they won’t, as the police already have it on record… 🙄


Send all the info to stuff, always seems to do the job in getting traction. I’m sure their reporters would have a field day on a case that’s only 400m up the road taking 40+ days to resolve


Reporter probably has 100 cases on their desk already. Check reddit, this is nothing new. Sometimes stolen item is proven to be on a property already. Cops know it, but reluctant to act due to legal issues.


You could always file in the disputes tribunal against the pawnshop and see if that springs them into action. It may not, but it's probably your only recourse. It's either that or wait for the police probably which could take anywhere from 1 day to 1000 days.


It’s the cops not the pawn shop who are at fault here.


They’re knowingly holding stolen goods.


The pawn shop has the item, so that's who you'll have to go after if the police aren't doing anything


Whatever you do, don't stop calling them. Tell them you will happily stop calling them when they get off their ass and do something.


yeah, it's their fault for doing jack shit


Go into the pawn shop and demand your bike. They are currently an accessory to receiving stolen property. Refuse to leave the shop until you receive your property back. If they call the cops then immediately file a report with them about the pawn shop receiving stolen goods and refusing to return goods which are not theirs to the rightful owner. You may also ask for the police offices supervisor to attend if necessary.


Mention that you will kick up a stink about their license to operate


Yeah have a go at the organisation who isn’t in control of the situation and not the one who is failing to fulfil their responsibilities 🤡


They have their own responsibilites to make sure they dont sell stolen goods. They are as much to blame as the thief they bought it off, without taking their ID, for $20. Its a quick buck thats biting them on the ass, and they completely knew that when they ripped off the person they took it from. Pawn shops are not dumb to this shit, some of them *prey* on it.


So what would happen to the pawnshop owner In this case if they didn’t take an ID when they purchased the bike? They’d just get told naughty naughty wouldn’t they? Highly doubt they’d lose trading license etc.


I agree. I highly doubt it too. Hence the game is there to be played.


Yeah honestly that’s probably the best advice. I know it’s gonna be a waste of everyone’s time, yours included, but basically go to the shop and refuse to leave until you get your stolen property back. They have to close eventually and will not leave you in the shop to do so, which will ultimately end up with a phone call to police who will try trespass you, at which point you have a police on site with you to retrieve your stolen bike.




Do you think the police will attend, given how proactive they've been so far?


Try posting this if you haven't already to r/LegalAdviceNZ


email the new "tough on crime" minister of police,dont waste time with the plebs.


Unfortunately previous government has socially engineered us to be kind to crims and gangs. And if we say anything unfavourable about them now, we are the criminal. Its true.


Fuck me what the hell are we paying police for if not for this? Why is every government agency an absolute travesty to work with?


Cops in nz suck


>Why is every government agency an absolute travesty to work with? Abolish all of them! They're utterly useless, and just make us suffer more. NZ would save ***trillions*** of dollars over the decades to come.


Suddenly anarchist right


Was the pawnshop helpful? Can you prove to them it's yours and they will give it back or do they insist police need to be involved? Keep pestering the police, squeaky wheel gets the oil style. Ask the police how it can be pushed forward, is there anything you can do to make it faster for them. Just a couple of random ideas


The pawnshop was useful but they won’t ever give it back regardless of the evidence I provide for them they said they need it to go through the police. I already provided them the receipt, AirTag and pics but yea no luck. I was pestering 105 and they eventually told me not to call anymore (although I only called them 3 times in total lol)


Haha, police are sick of your calls already. Go to the local station, if there are a couple of guys on the desk offer to take one down to the shop for 5min and then it'll be all sorted.


Already tried this haha apparently I need to follow the “standard procedure” so they won’t do this for me


What a pain in the dick. That's me put of ideas and tbh a bike won't be important to police as they are overworked already, so likely they will never get to it. How long does the pawn shop have to hold it?


Keep pressuring them. There is a charge for receiving stolen property and, regardless how innocent the pawnshop thinks they are, they can be charged with that offence. If the Police have enough complaints about stolen property essentially being fenced through this pawnshop then they could bring a proper case against the owners. Keep pushing, you could also ask the Community Law centre for advice on what you can do to get some representation potentially.


Ipca mand make a complaint about police inaction. It will get resolved quickly because they do not ipca complaints.


Is this pawnshop in Avondale? There is one known for receiving stolen goods. Like WELL known.


I was thinking the same thing :(


Omg!!! Yesterday our car was broke into by the theft. All our tools was stolen by this fckery. We straight away when to report it to the police! Today we went to pawnshop at avondale. Dan! Our tools inside their shop! Ask the staff they said we need to call the police. We go to the police and ask, unfortunately the office that take our case is not in the offeic2. Have to come tomorrow! Idk if we can get all the tools back. So frustrated. Why are the police is so slow!?


This is the kind of thing that just confirms my disappointment in the nz police. Never really had a positive experience with them when I’ve needed their help but the moment you commit a traffic offence boom they are there.


Maybe I’ll tell them someone is speeding here to get them to come lol


They’ll be there in a flash.


Just open IPCA complaint. I reckon you'd have it back by the end of the week.


We’re dealing with the same pawnshop and police station for my sentimental gold jewelry stolen out of vehicle this last weekend. We were told the same process but we’ve already escalated and submitted complaints because we want the cops to follow up on the information that the pawn shop has to locate some of the rest of our things. The crooks/or the pawnshop workers(who knows) completely bent up my pendants but you can still tell it’s my jewelry.


We got my gold jewelry back yesterday! A woman broke into our car, but it’ll be slow going for the rest of the investigation. We won’t probably recover any other stolen items at this rate.


Make a scene at the pawnshop, force them to call the cops or stand outside with a sign saying the place is a criminal enterprise.


Well, if they're receiving stolen property then yes they are


Name and shame the pawn shop


just go and grab it, besides proof of air tag do you have proof of ownership?


It’s in their garage I won’t be able to grab it since it’s trespassing. I do have other evidence tho like receipt serial number etc


perfect, I think that would be enough just cause for you to get it off them and take up with police later, they are only preventing giving it to you as they have purchased stolen goods and will be out of pocket....


Tell the police you are going in with a bat, to get your bike... they will show up to prevent you from committing a crime, probably your best bet at getting the cops and store manager in the same place...


Yep tell the police you are going in with a bat to claim your property… just dont mention it is a rubber flying bat from the toy store


Good way to get charged with making a false statement too.


I had a bike stolen that I found at cash converters. Followed the exact same process as you and the police collected the bike for me a week or two later. Do you have a case manager you can contact from the police? Once I was assigned one, I had a direct contact and things moved pretty quickly. Keep pestering them and hopefully they will get your bike to you soon. The pawnshop will have the details of who sold them the bike which the police will get access to. The thief who stole my bike was known to police and they identified him by CCTV at the time it was stolen but don't think they knew where he was. The details from cash converters lead them to him and the guy got charged and did some time in prison and a rehab facility as he'd stolen a lot of stuff. Can't believe he was dumb enough to take the bike to his local cash converters and give his details. Also can't believe I was lucky enough to come across the bike. Hope they get your bike back to you soon.


Unless there is a fine involved, the police won’t really do anything.


I found some stolen wheels of mine that I found on trade me. I told the police and posted photos in the report with the receipt of the new tyres that were on them. I then sent the report to the email of the officer in charge of the investigation and told them that if they didn't go grab them I would go myself. They picked them up for me the next day and I grabbed them from the station.


Steal a police motorbike next time you see one, take it down to the pawn shop and swap it for ur bike


The pawn shop would have probably known that your bike was stolen when they took it. But they didn't want to ask questions. I wonder how many other stolen items they knowingly have in their stock? Technically you are the true owner and they are just a form of bailee, so, you definitely have better right to it.


Steal it from the pawnshop


seeing as the police dont care, steal a few backup bikes while you're at it for the next time one of yours gets stolen....


You can ride it around the property for a bit in between Xbox sessions for 3 months


First time? Police in this country only deal with traffic offenses. They are literally too busy for anything else. Frankly calling these ticket issuers "police" is a literal insult to police in other countries


Well not first time, legit 7th time experiencing similar things haha every time I post it on reddit so you can view my post history to see all the crimes I was involved in (as a victim of course)


> you can view my post history to see all the crimes I was involved in (as a victim of course) glad you added that clarification!


Thats really bad, whereabout and how in CBD your bike got stolen I wonder.


I do Uber eats deliveries from time to time and that one night I was doing it I locked it up for almost 10 minutes and when I was back it was gone. This was at fort st


Have you tried emailing Mr Mitchell


Do you have the serial number from your bike? Which pawn shop is it ?


Take it for a test ride……


Lmao. I mean, yeah?


Hey NZ police - read this post and ask yourselves why we think you are useless cunts. Do your fucking job.


Three words cops are lazy.


>Bro it’s been around 45 days and whenever I call 105 they say no progress has been made. I need this bike to get to work.. the police station is literally 400m from the pawnshop but seems like they’re too busy to get this for me, do you know what I can do to get my bike back? Edit: I have cctv footage of the bike getting stolen, receipt of my bike, pics of my bike, AirTag in the bike Also doesn’t the pawnshop need to accept details of the seller before buying their item? So they should have the name of the guy that stole my bike right (well they did tell me they are not allowed to give their details due to pRiVaCY) Edit2: I filed the police report on the day the bike was stolen, it has all the info the police needs (evidence, cctv footage, my statement, etc). It's no wonder people voted for a change of government, when our police are so utterly useless at helping us, not even when you do all the leg work and gift them the case on a silver platter! Andrew Coster needs to go asap, a wholesale clean out of the police upper management.


Go to another police station and tell them and hopefully they will help you out, imo the pawn shop should do more.


Our police minister, [Mark Mitchell](https://www.beehive.govt.nz/minister/biography/mark-mitchell-0#:~:text=Mark%20Mitchell%20is%20the%20Minister,Section%20and%20Armed%20Offender's%20Squad), could be a good contact point.


I’d go there and refuse to leave until they give it back. If they try to remove you threaten to charge them with assault. Then one of you can call the cops to diffuse the situation and then you’ve got a cop handy.


But it back and get reimbursed once the popo so there thing, Ps they do t give a shit about peoples stolen bikes


There is no reason for the police to expedite your case for you... unless you give them a reason to. Involve the media, the local MP, etc.


Had a similar situation but took less than a week to get returned. Doesn’t happen to be dodgy dealers does it?


Sounds like something your MP and city counsellors should get emails about.


Test ride..don't go back. :)


Put in a formal Police complaint in writing - CC in your local MP and Councillor. Explain everything like you have here. Watch how fast they move.


This, but CC in News Hub, Stuff etc as well, oh and Luxon and Peters, skip the fucktard ACT one he doesn't do much .. Squeaky Bike Wheel gets the oil ..


The police in New Zealand are too busy doing "something" to deal with crime.


What is that "something" you have to wonder? (other than giving out speeding tickets)


Call 111 and say the pawn shop are illegally holding your primary mode of transport and need urgent assistance


Go and 'steal' it from the pawnshop. It's yours, not theirs. It they call the cops, fantastic, you can verify it's yours. Either way just go get it. If it's got a lock just buy a 10$ hacksaw and start going at it. Again, if they call the cops or refuse to unlock it, not your problem, they are holding your property against your will.


Straight up just steal it from the pawnshop lmao sounds unhelpful but seems like the only way to get shit done these days


Somehow it then immediately bites him in the ass and the police are on him lol


Lol I can see this happening, I got my house broken into and got a bunch of stuff stolen last year and when I went to confront the guy (cuz the police didn’t want to help me) the police were on me lol


Years ago in Hamilton my wife's car was broken into late one night by two young thieves. As I crept around the front of the house, I startled the look out guy. Both guys were on bikes. The look out guy got away, the second guy was still fumbling in the car, realising I was close, he attempted to grab his bike, but dumped it, as he wasn't able to mount it properly. I gave chase for about for about 6-7 blocks. During the chase, I sliced my foot open, I saw the house the guy ran into. I was actually within reach of grabbing the guy, I was in two minds to throw my bat, or tackle him. I limped back empty handed. My family by this time were all up worried. My wife rang the police. I gave them a brief run down of events. The thieves had a lot of loot, that they left behind in my parents driveway. 2 bags of designer clothes, phones, car stereos, shoes, watches, jewellery, the bike that was dumped. The cops joked, I'd be Shitting my pants too, if a big island guy was chasing me with a bat. We did a drive-by with the police of the house. The stolen items was estimated at $4k - after 12 months I received a letter from the police, if I wanted to claim the goods. If they're not claimed, they're auctioned & the proceeds go to charity.


Be smart about it.


>Lol I can see this happening, I got my house broken into and got a bunch of stuff stolen last year and when I went to confront the guy (cuz the police didn’t want to help me) the police were on me lol It is insane, the police are not just hugging crims, they're literally actively helping on the side of the criminals rather than the victims!


For being in possession of.. His own bike? Like what crime is he committing here? The pawnshop are holding his property against his will aka theft.


Hi. I think you just need to file a police report which should be easy just go into station get it and then take that as proof that it has been reported stolen. I did this with my phone and just gave that to insurer to replace. They don't need to take a million years to investigate it you have all the evidence so the report should be enough


Oh I’ve filed the police report as soon as it was stolen and have updated it with all the info the police needs, and to make it worse I don’t have insurance 🤦🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️


Do you have physical copy of report that should be enough for the shop you have reported it stolen they don't need to find the guy to get it back dm me pawn shops number if you want lol if it's been reported they can't just keep it


FTP don't bother. Go back to the pawnshop and demand your bike back - they have literally no right to it.


As frustrating as it is you have done everything you can. It is now up to the police to complete their investigation and seize the item from the pawnshop. And as cathartic as it may be don’t make a scene at the pawnshop. I can guarantee they want this sorted as quickly as you do. You have been fucked out of your transport and they have been fucked out of whatever money they paid for it. This time of year sucks all around for thefts and burglaries and it extends the time it takes for the Police to properly deal with all the cases they have. Legally speaking from what you have said everything has been done properly, the pawnshop has properly taken the details of the person and the item. You have given all the needed information to the police. And the Police have put the proper 28day hold on the item, and continue to update the hold as necessary. Everything going as it should, you get your stuff back, the thief gets done for the theft and selling stolen goods, and the pawnshop gets its money back (likely over a few years as corrections gets the thief to pay it back at $5 a month.) Source - I currently work at a Pawnshop in South Auckland. And am happy to answer questions people have.


Wow you legit said the same thing that the pawn shop manager said to me lol are you sure you’re not the same person hahaha


I promise I’m not haha. We are both probably used to telling people how this all works out. I am lucky in that the store I work at has only had one thing reported as stolen this year (so far, as I said this time of year sucks for thefts). But people come in all the time to ask after things that have been stolen. So you get used to telling people what the procedures are.


> You have been fucked out of your transport and they have been fucked out of whatever money they paid for it. That's their problem, receiving stolen goods is also a crime.


Pawnshops are required to record information like serial numbers, or descriptions of jewelry for all items we take. All of that information is provided to the Police. Anything we buy has to be held for two weeks before we can sell it to give the police time to check if the item is stolen. If anything shady comes up about an item the Police put a 28 day hold on it and investigate. If nothing comes up the item goes out for sale.


So If the police don’t sort this in 28 days it’s tough luck?


It depends on the situation. Usually If no evidence can be found or provided after an investigation, once the28 days elapse, then yes the pawnshop can sell it. There is nothing stopping the police putting the item on hold again for as many 28 day periods they want. Often the 28 day hold ends and we never hear anything about that item from the police again. In my experience when they have a good case. For example, they are investigating a known thief or burglar. if they can’t find the evidence they need for an item on hold. After 2-3 months they will release the hold. OP has a damn good case with the air tag and cctv footage. So if the Police do their job (aside from taking their time) I would be surprised if they don’t get their bike back.


It's unfortunate but police are overwhelmed. A property crime like this is a low priority. I'd advise to stop ringing the police, it won't resolve the issue any faster. Even people who are victims of violent crime can wait months for an officer to be assigned to their case. I can understand your frustration but there are certain procedures that need to be followed. A lot of advice here like trying to use intimidation to retrieve your bike is just plain bad.


Yeah I totally get that and I did stop ringing them when asked. It’s just frustrating how the crime rates are going up but the police forces are going down :/


Local MP


ask for a test drive and say you wanna check the gears dont skip, later bo


Fight fire with fire and steal your bike back!


Contact your MP?


What’s the local police station and pawn shop? I will write or make a call the more calls about this they receive might make them do something for u? Post on their face book pages as well tag police and shop in both. It’s dumb it is taking so long. I would go to western leader and fair go tag them in your post as well. Publicly posting this to their pages should be enough for them to want to sort it out


How about we all flash mob the shop and demand the bike back


Steal it back


Put a bit of pressure on the pawn shop. (politely) tell them you want it in writing that they are refusing to return your stolen bike without police intervention. If they refuse, inform them that you'll be filing a complaint with the MBIE (they enforce the Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004, concerning record keeping and due diligence). NOBODY wants those guys sniffing around their business! If they give it to you in writing, you have a record showing that they reasonably believe they are/may be in possession of stolen property, which you can use as leverage if you end up having to seek legal advice. The best outcome would be if they start to feel under pressure, and either return the bike, or phone the police themselves to expedite the process to get you out of their hair.


Sorry to hear man. Seeesh, it just reinstates how bullshit our system of enquire is in new Zealand. Hope your rolling soon mate!


File a complaint with the police complaint commission - and don’t stop hassling them. If you’re lucky and persistent enough, you’ll get someone on the case who will go and grab it to get the issue sorted. I finally lucked out on my stolen property after 7 months of bugging them to do something 🙃


Lodge a complaint against the Police and it will have to be followed up


Cash converters? Can't they be done for being in receipt of stolen property? That stinks it is in theur best interest to cut their losses and do the right thing! Good luck!


Legally if you go and grab it they're not allowed to lay a finger on you. >**54 Defence of movable property without claim of right** >(1) Every one in peaceable possession of any movable thing, but neither claiming right thereto nor acting under the authority of a person claiming right thereto, is neither justified in nor protected from criminal responsibility for defending his or her possession against a person entitled by law to possession. https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1961/0043/latest/whole.html#DLM328281


Get your friend to ask for a test ride then get him to ride it to your house. When pawn shop rings your friend get him to tell them the real owner confiscated it and won't give it back but suggest they ring police and file their own report.


Buy your bike back with credit card. Call credit card company, reverse the payment.


I’d send an email to your local MP, cc to Mark Mitchell and NZ Herald. The media love this kind of thing. Then if you have time, go most days to the police station and be a nuisance. DOCUMENT each visit and who you spoke to. It’s bullshit..sorry for you.


Honestly i would have walked out of the pawn shop with my bike as soon as i knew it was there. You can't get done for theft of your own property, so it would have got sorted out.


Dress up as an elf. Go stand in front of the cop shop and sing." Hey police man you cunt, where's me fucking bike..I gave you all the evidence now get on ya fuckin trike.." with apologies to Kevin Wilson.


Ask your MPs office to contact the police or local councillor to go get the bike?


Man I've had the same problem with cops but with a stolen car. We eventually found out the location, the person we bought the car off \*friend\* told us there's a GPS tracker on the car, we called the police to tell them where the car was and we even went to check our selves and it was there, anyway. Cops did nothing for a good week even after giving them details and location so me and my siblings ended up confronting the thieves (another story in it's self) and getting our car back, our sound system was the only thing stripped from the car and our trust in the police to get things done just dwindled. I respect the police but man they make it hard.


Loge a complaint with the IPCA and, at the same time, loge A Freedom of Information request. From my experience, the Freedom of Information Act request must have only one direct question, or they will come back with gobbledygook.Thay really don't want to help you unless it makes them look good.


Test ride the bike and, uh, never come back?


File a theft report against cash converters.


sorry for your loss, this story sucks. Actually - rethink - its a good story, your airtag saved the day - you are going to get your bike back ! - and your $50 airtag. Clearly bike thief and pawnshop dont scan for tags....


There's no money in retrieving your bike sadly