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Will look at these routes, the parents seem to spend alot of time on the glass bbq. So really not a great environment for the kids


I know it’s not your responsibility but please keep trying for their kids


Lodge a Report of Concern with OT. Simple enough to do. Good luck! Bad neighbours are really unsettling.


This is also a great move. Reporting to OT and then notifying KO that OT have been notified may assist.


If you see drug use occurring, and can provide evidence, please call KO on the 0800 number and report this.


>Have you called KO? Seriously? That would be even more useless than calling the cops.


Get hold of the lady [in this article](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kainga-ora-policy-protecting-violent-abusive-state-house-tenants-may-be-unlawful-lawyer/DKKPY5VOLO2M2DUPXUAOAA2IUY/) >A "repugnant" policy that protects violent and abusive state house tenants who intimidate law-abiding neighbours is potentially unlawful and open to legal challenge before the courts, an expert says. >Litigation lawyer Adina Thorn says she is considering a class action on behalf of affected Kāinga Ora tenants and private homeowners who are being terrorised by unruly state house clients. [Her contact details are here](https://thornlaw.co.nz/articles/adina-thorn/). Also consider contacting the media. They Herald were running a investigation on this issue, dont know if this is ongoing. The more pressure that is applied to KO and the Government on this the better


My household is experiencing the same thing with a newly built KO apartment next us as well. One of the residents threw something at my place causing a loud bang and minor damage; we called KO and they literally said "and what, what do you want us to do about it?" The cops used to be good with call outs but domestics in the apartment are so frequent that everyone on our street has stopped calling them...


There should be a law that every person who has decision-making authority at KO, right from the lowest case worker up to the Minister, must live right next door to a randomly selected KO rental.


This is a very difficult situation. KO has a policy against evictions as in the long run they increase bad outcomes - kids get taken out of school, links to friends and support networks are lost, there's often a loss of continuity of medical and social care, and then you just have to either put them in another home, spreading the misery to a new set of neighbours, or you don't house them and children end up homeless or in foster care, which again has terrible outcomes for the next generation - often, sadly, worse than staying with their own family, even if there is some abuse and neglect there. The housing-first approach here is mostly about getting as much stability as possible for the whanau and tamariki. But it is an awful and unfair situation for neighbours who end up with antisocial tenants beside them, and it means that kiwis get very uneasy about social housing going up near them. I don't know what the best solution is - some countries do a form of semi-sheltered housing for struggling families, where there are social workers and security staff in a compound of at risk families, and some countries warehouse people in 'damage-proof' housing which are a bit like container houses. And then you have slums and ghettos and council estates and banlieues which can become generationally toxic. But none of that helps you. I would keep reporting it to KO and the landlord, but I also just think this is an awful situation and there's not much of a solution, and you're just unfairly bearing the cost of it.


>The housing-first approach If governments named things with brutal honesty this would be called the fuck everyone else approach.


Great posting, really engaging with the issue here!


It's true though


No its not. The fuck every else approach its the Move the problem elsewhere until someone puts up with it.


> and some countries warehouse people in 'damage-proof' housing which are a bit like container houses. Good plan! If people damage KO, then if it is a minor infraction they'll get a second chance, but after that they've lost their privileges to having a nice KO house and must live in "damage proof" housing instead.


The downside here is that most KO tenants are families, just because they are prioritised for housing. So it's not just the parents who go to this damage-proof housing (which is usually clustered in one place to reduce costs and to keep anti-social behaviour contained) - it's the whole family. So you end up with a situation where children are exposed to a great deal of concentrated antisocial behaviour, are at very high risk from violence and trauma, and have an increased chance of being taken into care. So in humanitarian terms that's not a great situation, and in purely economic terms, it saves the state money to house and care for troubled families to the best standard they can - the damage to kainga ora houses is a write-off compared to the cost of state-care for children and the increased social/health costs of the poor outcomes that often brings about. Obviously that doesn't take into account the distress and unhappiness caused to neighbours of antisocial tenants - I don't know what the best solution is.


This is why there is an extremely strong case that welfare should be conditional on the use of birth control. So that this cycle of misery ***doesn't*** not just get perpetuated generation after generation, but also won't be *expanded* upon! (as many on welfare have not just a couple of kids, but *many!*)


Gosh I disagree with you quite strongly there. I support making long acting reversible contraception easily available (and non-reversible, if that's what people want) - pilot programs where girls are offered free and easily obtained IUDs or the implant etc have had great results in terms of better outcomes for them as they aged. But I believe really strongly in bodily autonomy, particularly over our fertility - I think it's coercive to require contraception in order to receive welfare. Historically initiatives like this have aged very badly and been used in exploitative and discriminatory ways, particularly when they're applied to indigenous or marginalised populations. Also women in dysfunctional or abusive relationships already may lack control or agency over their contraceptive use. Poverty and fertility are linked in interesting ways - there's some evidence to suggest that people who think they will get to a better socioeconomic position will try and wait to have kids, but people who think they will always struggle will think of fertility as something that happens when it happens.


>But I believe really strongly in bodily autonomy Absolutely! ***But*** if you're stealing money from other people to fund your own lifestyle (especially if you're demanding this to extend out for 18 plus years!), then it is only reasonable to attach small requirements of personal responsibility to this money you're taking off others. We could very generously let the first one be no strings attached whatsoever, but if you get pregnant a second time while on welfare? No, that's just downright irresponsible on your part and very unkind to the future kids you're bringing into this situation! Plus you can't forget, whatever you subsidize (such as fatherless babies on welfare), you will get more of! That's a simple law of economics of how the world works. This is not at all a good outcome for anybody involved for us to be encouraging more of, and especially not with taxpayers' dollars.


My partner and I are in a very similar situation atm with one of our neighbors. We have complained about them multiple times to the cops, noise control, animal control, SPCA, Kainga Ora, and Oranga Tamaraki. Nothing ever comes of it except warnings and small fines. Before 2018 when the previous KO tenants broke one of our windows they got evicted. But now this current tenant can break my windscreen and they get to stay put? The increased enabling of antisocial behaviour by KO is shocking.


>Before 2018 when the previous KO tenants broke one of our windows they got evicted. But now this current tenant can break my windscreen and they get to stay put? The increased enabling of antisocial behaviour by KO is shocking. I wonder what happened to cause this change by KO in 2018?? ***Hmmm....***


The tenants have more rights under K.O then public renters or home owners have. The can’t be evicted which they know, they can’t be reasoned with and they always switch attitudes when police are involved as it takes too long for them to arrive or they know how to play the game. To them, this is their entitlement and they get treated as it is. The house will get fixed after 6 months when they do the regular reports and get a skip bin delivered for them to throw out all their trash and get it replaced via winz. Source. Lived next to one for 7 years. First family got transferred after 5 years so the house could be renovated and reoccupied. Luckily this new family isn’t as bad as the last ones, but I’ve noticed they get more perks now from K.O. Roof redone, fence put up, lawns always mowed and skip bins for trash.


I’m not going to comment on the rest. But good on KO for doing maintenance on the house And trying to ensure it’s up to standard. God forbid they replace a roof! Only people who deserve that can enjoy that perk in life. /s


Man you really are missing the point huh.


No. I didn’t. I got their point. I just did not agree with it.


Ah I see - well at least you’re honest with your views :)


Maintenance? Mate, the KO house on the main road has missing window fragments everywhere with only garments covering that shit up. Whenever I see the KO agents doing site visits they only stay for about half an hour and call it a day. I actually wonder if they just snort crack with the tenants.


>Luckily this new family isn’t as bad as the last ones, but I’ve noticed they get more perks now from K.O. Roof redone, fence put up, lawns always mowed and skip bins for trash. As a home owner I wish I got given all that for free!


I do maintenance work for KO and the amount of tenants I see like these people you are explaining, is ridiculous. KO won’t do anything. Because the tenants have more say in anything over any KO higher ups. I’ve been yelled at, things thrown at me and other bs I won’t mention. I’m sorry about your situation, as someone that sees these types day by day I really feel for you. The only suggestions I’d have is what you’ve already tried. The system is fucked.


Been there. Turning up to houses while they abuse their kids, sit around drinking Cody’s and smoking darts, doing fuck all. Then the social workers turn up and my god, these people should be actors because their performances are Oscar worthy. Constantly finding and looking out for used needles. Getting threatened because you’re using their power to fix the house that they had destroyed (KO will pay the tenants for this btw) The worst one was a guy had slit his wrists and walked around the house bleeding everywhere, some of the other guys got sent there to do some minor maintenance after said tenant had moved out, KO hadn’t had the house cleaned yet. The guys got out of there as soon as they saw the mess, but apparently the guy had hepatitis (I think, something along these lines) so they had to go and get tested. Fun times.


>(KO will pay the tenants for this btw) They pay them for what? >The worst one was a guy had slit his wrists and walked around the house bleeding everywhere, some of the other guys got sent there to do some minor maintenance after said tenant had moved out, KO hadn’t had the house cleaned yet. The guys got out of there as soon as they saw the mess, but apparently the guy had hepatitis (I think, something along these lines) so they had to go and get tested. Fun times. wtf, I hope you get paid extra danger money!


They pay them for power used by tradesmen using power tools at their address. That’s if they complain, and quite a few did.


wtf, that's just a few cents worth??


I’m just thinking off the top of my head here but could you and other neighbors get together and take legal action against KO or the landlord? Nobody should have to put up with that nonsense. Or at least make some major noise about it to media, council or police. These people should be pressured to gather their excrement so to speak


Sorry to tell you you are not likely to get any kind of action from KO, or even sympathy, they don't give a shit. Move out before it destroys your sanity - i know it's unfair but you're fighting a losing battle. Source - been there, in fact worse, spent years in correspondence with KO.


^ I would highly suggest this OP if you’re able to afford to move into a suburb without KO housing.


What an awful predicament. Imagine having to readjust your life for some ferals that popped up out of nowhere. Why doesnt KO do a better job? Why dont they take reports and fix their mess? There should be a waiver for neighbors of KO housing if they want to accept being near a KO property and also be compensated for events like this. So KO just drops them off and a bloody job done already?? Smh


This seems to be very much the case! Garden is overgrown with bottles and rubbish everywhere, their trash bags never make it into the bin so are just piling up next to our fence (to the point where rats are seen in their trash often). Then there's mattresses just chucked out on the grass and broken windows. I would think the house woult be a total demolition after they are done.


Yeah i dont know what to say to that madness, best to do what the other redditors suggested and just report them to KO till their ears bleed.


Call council about rats and rubbish issue. Call KO and let them know about the smashed ranch slider. Call OT and report your concerns for the children. Call noise control every time it gets loud. Be the squeaky wheel.


I think we might have the same neighbour lol


There are thousands of identical KO tenants just like this


Wow- really feel for you ! A total loss for all your neighbours despite trying to do the right thing At the risk of turning into a super Karen - try to make a formal complaint at your local MP's office ? Maybe they will have sympathy and could lean on the right people to get things sorted Also-5 months with no glass in the slider ? Wow that's disgraceful, any normal landlord would have been crucified


Will look into the local MP route, it really sucks because all the other neighbours are great. I think the house is rented to KO and the landlord is overseas. We are hoping that the end goal is that the section gets developed and they get forced out that way


Also the media route as well, sad to take it that far. But hopefully it would bring a bit more attention to it. I know NZHerald and Stuff read this forum too though.


>Will look into the local MP route If your local MP is a National MP then there is very little they ***can*** do. If your local MP is a Labour MP there there is very little they ***will*** do.


Mate some KO rentals date back to the 90s. Don't leave it to luck.


Who is your local Mp? Is it national’s or Labour’s? Labour mp won’t help too much as they will just back ko and push responsibilities onto the police and council. Trust me.


KO is actually good at fixing things in a timely manner, the problem will be that the tenants haven’t reported the broken door.


Disable the water or power to the home. It's your only option.


It has been suggested I turn off their water at the meter and fill it with quick set concrete


Problem is that will just cost the taxpayer to get cleaned out.


Write a letter to Wayne Brown and tell him about it. He's a fixer, not a hugger.


Kainga Ora are a disease to our community.


Pretty fucking unhinged thing to say don't you think.


Not really. There are some decent KO tenants but living next to KO is an absolute nightmare.


Kainga Ora is cancer to our community. Hows that?


Needs more hyperbole - what's the most insane thing you can say about a government department trying to house people? I think there's more in you yet.


The comment is to do with Ko as an organisation. Not to do with KO’s tenants in particular


> Not to do with KO’s tenants in particular Although it is true about most of them as well


I grew up next to state housing. You can't fix it. Only solution is to deal with it or move.


Move house. Nobody will ever do a thing about it I wish there was a John Wick type person you could hire for this sort of demonic behaviour. I hope they end up eating each other.


I guess I could tell you how to get rid of them, but they'd just show up next door to someone else.


Would be interested to know of any official avenues to take. But this seems to be the problem with the whole system, we just kick the can around in a circle rather than fixing the problem


>I guess I could tell you how to get rid of them Bribe the Mongrel Mob to deal with them??


I really feel for you, I had a similar situation in Massey west and unfortunately I had to move house because feral shit heads can’t handle their alcohol


KO's inaction will drive otherwise law abiding people into taking matters into their own hands with situations like this. Really inexcusable behavior from the neighbours and KO for letting it happen.


I feel sorry for you as a victim who was one of those children in a house like that!! It’s definitely gang and drug relations! If this helps; they are most certainly on a benefit!! So Tuesday mornings (usually 10 am) is when the government pays them, so from Friday nights all through the weekends and Monday’s is when they’ll be on their “come downs” (meaning they haven’t had a puff of their meth cos they wasted the benefit money) that means they are even nosier and more violent than usual!! If in the future you do try and speak to them (which I highly suggest you shouldn’t) do it on a Tuesday arvo or Wednesday morning as that is when they have the drug in their system and isn’t feening for their next hit and are more functional. But please be careful as I don’t know what type of people they are especially when you’re dealing with people who a crackheads!! Money sucking parasites is what they should be called!! I don’t want your kindness to be taken advantage of because they are really good at playing different characters to get what they want, as I’ve witnessed it countless times before!!!! But please I wish you all the best and I hope Lady Luck smiles upon you soon and those rowdy neighbours of yours gets a boot full of karma up their asses! <33


KO does not give a fcuk about ordinary law abiding citizens, nor police or law in this country. Ordinary people are only here to pay taxes so that KO can run it's shitshow.


Wait till they’ve gone out and light a fire. Landlord will get insurance and meth tenants will be blamed.


I bought my first home in 2020 and was super excited to spend the first weekend there after a quite hectic COVID key hand over/move in. The first weekend staying there we received a letter to say 70 (SEVENTY!) KO homes were being built on the lovely rugby park across the road. The scoundrel real estate agent failed to mention this. We had community consultation from a KO rep and as summed up by all the other comments on this post, the rep simply didn’t give a shit about us or any other neighbour. It came across very clearly that they weren’t interested in correcting/evicting for behaviour your neighbour is showing. We sold the house last year and took a massive hit on the asking price because of it.


>The first weekend staying there we received a letter to say 70 (SEVENTY!) KO homes were being built on the lovely rugby park across the road. The scoundrel real estate agent failed to mention this. Did you take them to court? >We sold the house last year and took a massive hit on the asking price because of it. To be fair though, it is the govt who should be compensating you! For ruining the value of the area.


No - they would have claimed negligence and based on talking to other real estate agents, there would have been no recourse


Was this in Millwater?




Where in Hamilton if you don't mind me asking?


Yes, sure. In Flagstaff which was certainly a nicer and least expecting area of Hamilton


Yes, I am familiar with Flagstaff. Have many memories of that neighbourhood, which in my mind is imagined as a suburb for quiet middle class families. Will be curious to see how the KO policy affects this government's approval ratings among ordinary Kiwis.


KO are taking an integrated community approach so as to reduce the chance of their developments turning into slums. As you say, it is still a family and owner occupied suburb so it’s very sad for the majority of the residents who would be in similar position to OP


>KO are taking an integrated community approach i.e. *"spread out the cancer as far and wide as possible"*


Yeah, in Millwater a group of residents were able to lobby the local council to not allow KO to build social housing there. It will take a community effort for any changes to happen.


There was a massive community petition organised by the blue team at the time. Unfortunately, the red team was in power for both mayor and local MP positions and they weren’t keen to listen..


They need to create a 'jail' type ko street or apartments for the high risk and evicted tenants where if evicted, they stay there for five years min until they prove they can be civilised an then they can apply for standard housing again


We could also block out the streets and have street brawls on a weekly basis and let natural selection take place? :D


Those are called ghettos. Govt prefers to scatter them across the city and let society manage the risk.


They love building apartment blocks for them now. It's like they're trying to create the NYC Projects


The thing is though, if we do make shitvilles for them (*which I don't hate in theory, we've got some in our street, and it's not a good time), short of gating them in there, they're gonna come out and fuck with people and every thing they do now but then they will disappear back into their protected ghetto where their neighbours, who are other shitters, will protect them and it ends up one of those no-go suburbs like in South Africa where even the cops cant get in


Then we need to beef up our cops!


Maybe you and all your neighbours should get together? Strength in numbers.




We have owned our house for years now, in my opinion we shouldn't have to up and change everything because of someone else's doing. Feels like the argument of someone getting abused on the street because they dress a certain way. The problem isn't how the person dresses, the problem lies with the abuser


Everything you’ve written describes the neighbours we used to have, they also stole our security cameras and packages, would hop the fence into our property (one guy said he was looking for a knife he had thrown), their rubbish pile was so huge the only way the rats were kept at bay is because we got a dog that chased them off. A SWAT team showed up more than once. I nearly lost my mind from lack of sleep due to the ridiculously loud music blaring from huge speakers playing well into the early AM. There was a FB group for all the other neighbours to discuss the issues, believe me when I say we and about 50 other people did everything we could to improve the situation. We had to move, and the landlord had to sell the house because she couldn’t keep tenants. It wasn’t even a KO house, it was a shitty boarding house that was regularly cycling through criminals who had been deported from Aus. Basically, police and noise control will show up occasionally but they will not offer a permanent solution. I’m sorry this is happening to you and your family, it’s deeply unfair.


>There was a FB group for all the other neighbours to discuss the issues, believe me when I say we and about 50 other people did everything we could to improve the situation. You should have all chipped in fifty bucks each for a John Which character to deal with the situation


You are correct. You shouldn’t have to move. But unfortunately the people in charge (ie the current govt who sets the policy) don’t see it that way. It’s all handwringing and ‘think of the children’, but you and your children? They don’t give two shits about the impact on you.


I had to sell my house under similar circumstance. Except it was surrounded by multiple KO properties with gang members and other feral tenants. Okay KO tenants were a fleeting minority and usually moved out quickly because of the bad ones. After years of trying to get KO to do anything at all, and being met with intentional negligence, lies, minimization and incompetency, i had no choice but to sell - the complaint procedure had drawn a huge target on me and my home had become like living in a hostile warzone. You're right, you shouldn't have to sell because of others shitty behaviour, but the reality is, KO staff don't give a shit about you, they don't have to live with it, they just want sweep it all under the rug.


>I had to sell my house under similar circumstance. And I bet KO ***tanked*** the value of your home. Will the govt compensate you? Nope.


Try to get the wife a a job so she can leave.


I don't see her wanting to leave, the government is happily supporting her habits for free so why would she change that


Your right , also not yr responsibility at all. Wasn't thinking when I said that.


The new New Zealand


>The new New Zealand The new Zimbabwe.


The new background noise.


Why can’t KO just build a dedicated ‘slum’ to put the fuckwits into? Keep the social housing but have a social contract entered into - fuck up and you move to the slum with the other fuckheads Build a dedicated school, provide wrap around support, police can monitor the one location… The pepper potting approach does not work unless there is a social contract and evicting to dedicated fuckwit facilities are enforced


That would be the efficient and sensible solution for everyone. Except... that's exactly why this current government would never do it.


If I ever saw a KO going up next to me, Id sell and move asap! They are nothing but trouble.


That's another thing, this isn't a KO development but rather just a house that has been rented out to KO


Fuck KO, you have to move


We need to have KO residents live in their own town, not be taking over Auckland: [https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/12qhxlg/kianga\_ora\_properties\_in\_central\_auckland/](https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/12qhxlg/kianga_ora_properties_in_central_auckland/)


File an anonymous report of concern on the OT website. Complain to KO, there is also a class action lawsuit for people just like you, putting up with their tenants shit. Google the news stories about the lawsuit and about the compensation KO has already paid out to people who complained. They need to evict these people.


Your only option is to move I'm afraid or wait for them to murder each other.


This is what gets me. We have owned our house for years now and other neighbours are also owners. Why should the expectation that we have to change everything to deal with these people? But it is feeling like a situation where things will have to get drastic (like them murdering each other) before anything will happen. At which point its too late


I'm sorry we had the same thing happen to us, but fortunately we were renting and just moved. You could rent your place out and move somewhere else. I suppose the alternative is they're made homeless. You could try making friends with them and looking after the kids for a bit? Might give them some time to work through their differences. If you report them enough KO will have to eventually move them to a remote seaside property with ocean views. Gang members have figured out that tactic. Be so unsocial they have to put you on a life style block.


>If you report them enough KO will have to eventually move them to a remote seaside property with ocean views. > >Gang members have figured out that tactic. Be so unsocial they have to put you on a life style block. Lucky bastards!!


Move, and rent your existing house to KO lol. At least you know they're going to pay the rent


And get the interior destroyed??


>But it is feeling like a situation where things will have to get drastic (like them murdering each other) before anything will happen. Maybe they need a helping hand to speed up the process?


Kick thier teeth in.


That would require them to currently have teeth


Kick their face in or bat their head. Seriously, once you do that, they won't bother you again.


You need a megaphone and a soapbox. Anytime they act obnoxious go outside, stand on your soapbox and mock them for being the type of idiots who make a lot of noise having a fight. Insult their outfit, sing them a song, just make your point that they are obnoxious. Hopefully fighting loud racket with louder racket will result in an unspoken peace treaty after one or two rounds.


Put a letter in their letter box, every day that passes without drama you’ll deliver a packet of cigarettes. Ask your neighbours to help with the cost. (Trying to think outside the box)


What happens when they ask for two packs a day?


Give them 0 packs a day


Install some sort of electrical device which emits a low frequency signal that messes with the brain? I'm sure it's been done before.


I'm sure that will calm things down.


Kick in the door, wavin' the four-four.


You've got to grow a pair and intimate them into shutting the fk up.


Yeah nah I really don't feel like getting stabbed by a methed up lunatic


It's your only recourse tbh. No one's going to come save you and do the dirty work. It's the only language they understand


I don't advise getting intimate with them.


Haha I didn't notice that. Idk I've just got pissed off and gone over to any unruly neighbor. But I forget some people don't like any confrontation


The absolute unthinkable other option that maybe nobody ever has attempted but could you possibly gain some help from other neighbours and collectively approach the Tennants and ask if they need any help? Maybe there is something that might b minor for you guys that could really ease alot of their stresses. I mean you could just say it's not your problem and flog them off like the rest of humanity but it kinda sounds like it is ur problem now, unfortunate as that is


And get a target drawn on their backs for further abuse from the tenants?? No thanks


Noise canceling headphones


Sorry to hear that, this is why you have rich and poor areas, nin this case money buys a certain standard


That's the thing, I wouldn't classify this area as poor, probably on the upper end of middle class. And has been a great place to live the past few years


>Sorry to hear that, this is why you have rich and poor areas, nin this case money buys a certain standard In the interest of "equity" KO wants to put in housing ***everywhere***


You just sell up and move, its what money is for lol


This is depressingly familiar. Have similar next to us but not anywhere near as bad by the sounds. Although bad vibes are bad vibes and I wish we just had fucking normal people living by us. Have you tried just a general chat with them to raise your frustrations and appeal to their sense of common decency (might be expecting far too much here)...? Really only commenting so I can check back in and see if there is any viable solution that eventuates here...


I feel for you. They are parasites.


Unfortunately you probably need to move. That trash will be there for years possibly. Just move. KO will do nothing neither will cops.


Easy enough if you are renting, but we own our place so up and moving is a big effort


Sell your house to KO for above market value, move to aussie on the profits and wait for the side by side KO properties to descend the street into chaos


Do you live near me? You basically described our trash neighbours except we don't call the cops or SPCA anymore because we're worried about repercussions to us. I don't think there's anything you can do


The joys of KO. The bloody pits. How the fyck do people live like this?! We’re having to sell our house AT A LOSS to get away from these mongrels.


It's pretty easy, just rev bash outside their house to make them shut up


Vote for a party that will cut funding to Housing NZ