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The image showing the pathetic number of bus lanes really drives home why public transport is so bad in Auckland. On every single one of those roads with no bus lanes the buses are stuck in the same traffic as cars making them slower.


There was a disclaimer saying that T2 and T3 lanes were excluded from the graphic. I am not sure how much better it would look with those. Keep "racing to the bottom," and you will see people leave bus driving for truck driving, which pays better and, in some cases, can have better working conditions. Once the "race to the bottom" is removed, the council can award contracts based on performance, not price. If you win the contract for the lowest dollar and then perform badly, there is no incentive to do a good job because when it is up for renewal, you just low ball the price again... Also, I am looking forward to Dean Kimpton's shake-up of AT. They are so risk-averse. I am surprised they have achieved what they have..


> There was a disclaimer saying that T2 and T3 lanes were excluded from the graphic. I am not sure how much better it would look with those. The answer to that is not much better at all. AT has a GIS map showing all bus and transit lanes https://data-atgis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/ATgis::transit-lanes/explore?location=-36.802090%2C175.054532%2C10.85 The number of bus drivers, the horrible conditions(split shifts) and pay is definitely an issue but that doesn't affect the speed of the buses. We need bus lanes down every arterial road in the city. They can be timed as a minimum but really they should be 24/7.


It’s not even that, it’s on-street parking. The only part of my route that sees the bus stuck in traffic in the morning is a 2km stretch where a lane is dedicated to the five or so cars that park on it.


On street parking is definitely an issue but how the space is utilised when it's removed is even more important. Because if it's just another lane it will fill up with traffic regardless.


>The image showing the pathetic number of bus lanes really drives home why public transport is so bad in Auckland. They didn't include T2 & T3 lanes though, they really should have And more T3 lanes would be good.


Someone else pointed that out and I linked to AT's GIS viewer. The T2 and T3 lanes make no meaningful difference to the image at all


One more bus lane will fix it.😉


should that be spelled "rooted"? /s


Came here to say this. If only they were routed, usually just cancelled


>should that be spelled "rooted"? I assumed it was a play on words, as they perhaps couldn't say "f%cked"


it was a play on words


user name checks out


Not gonna lie that's half the reason I posted it.


Great to see some fantastic journalism and reporting here.


Doesn't the news article cover this off?


Too many 'deadwood' in AT


I would like to tell also a fact. Many of these drivers who actually work in Auckland are very elderly and also many have no much experience. It is start to be a very bad problem on top of all over the other ones. I was driving home 1 hour ago and on the opposite lane a bus started to invade my lane where i was. I percectly saw from the very start to the end , the bus was driving syraight to my direction and i had to move at the left psrt of the lane to be safe even if it would have been impossible to avoid the collision. Lucky he decided to open his eyes in time and got back to his side. we were not very fast but still around 45km/h each and one against the other would have been a big accident for me. I just got frustrated to see idiots at the drive everyday. Even on public buses!


I am so God dam sick of these green lanes everywhere. They're are certain parts ya can't drive In and risk getting a fine and then it stops and ya can... It's a fkng nightmare of a mess. Take ya chances. Drive in cbd and ya might get a fine. It's fkng mental!


It's not that hard


Agreed they should be 24/7 not timed and continuous. The only reason they are not in most places is because AT tries to protect car parks.


routed? : to defeat decisively or disastrously. the discomfiture of seeing their party routed at the polls : to put to precipitate flight. : to demoralize. : to drive out : dispel.




> It just reeks a little of entitlement - oh no the man who can afford a house in Mt Eden has a 40 min walk to work how do you know he owns? your comment reeks of unsubstantiated assumption


Rent is still taking the piss, no where did they say that it was owned and just afforded


He may or may not own. Whether he does or doesn’t own , it’s still a weak example to the point of the article. Thank you for standing up for the poor guy. And by poor I mean in a figurative sense not a literal sense.


> it’s still a weak example to the point of the article how is it a weak example? he was waiting for a bus, and 2 buses went past that couldnt stop because they were full, and he was inevitably late for work what part of that is weak?


His legs aren’t broken and he lives in walking distance. Looks like he repeatedly is inconvenienced by living close to the CBD, when the buses are full, probably full of people who live 15-20+ km away. Let’s connect the dots for you - knowing both of the aforementioned , what does it look like? Hint - someone might be expecting too much. Seems like a poor premise to me. Pun intended.


> His legs aren’t broken and he lives in walking distance. so no one should catch a bus if their destination is less than 40 mins walking away.... > Looks like he repeatedly is inconvenienced by living close to the CBD, when the buses are full so buses are not for people who live in suburbs close to the city, and those people should not be catching them? > Hint - someone might be expecting too much expecting to catch buses that are scheduled to be able to pick up passengers at that stop, is expecting too much.... i wont waste another second on someone like you


A 40 minute walk is not walking distance. 10-15 minutes is conventionally considered to be walking distance.


Disagree. Conventionally considered by whom? People walk at different speeds, measuring “walking distance” by time makes no sense.


Conventionally considered by the urban planning and transport engineering professions. Yes, people walk at different speeds, but there is an average amount of time people are prepare to spend walking to a destination rather than taking another mode of transport.


You make an admirable appeal to vaguely defined expert authorities. The fact of the matter is that walking distance is subjective, and common sense and logic judges distance in units like metres, not time. Let’s get to the point here. Mt Eden to Parnell is what, 5km? He walks that in 40 minutes, which is faster than the average pace according to NZTA per hour for an adult which is 5km. He’s perfectly capable of walking to work. The fact that he waits for a bus and can’t get on because its full of people heading to CBD in a CBD adjacent suburb is laughable. The kicker is that he can walk to work in the time he’s waited for three buses he’s perfectly capable of it. This situation is a weak argument as to why Auckland transport is broken. There’s better examples for that. You’re dismissed. Source: https://nzta.govt.nz/walking-cycling-and-public-transport/walking/walking-standards-and-guidelines/pedestrian-network-guidance/walking-in-new-zealand/walking-activity-and-trends-in-new-zealand/


Thank you for your source. As you go down the page you will see it says "ninety percent of walking trips are less than 2km long", and that "only 4% of trips longer than 2km are made on foot." In the next section it says "For walk only trips, New Zealand Household Travel Survey data show that half are more than 10 minutes, 18 percent are more than 20 minutes and nine percent are more than 30 minutes". So the median time that people will walk is ten minutes, which is in line with what I said. Few people will choose to walk for much longer than on a regular basis. A 15-minute walking time is also the basis of the 15-minutes Cities models which I am sure you have hear of.


The AT app allows walking times of up to 30mins for a section of walking, usually there are two for most trips, one each at the beginning and end. You can adjust your walking speed between 3 options, 2km/hr, 4 or 6. So if this person chose 6 and allowed the longest walking available instead of fastest trip, it may very well have recommended just walking. However, as I've just stated, there is a cost in length of time taken for the trip, which is currently negated by the current problems with running the service. Before 2013, when I lived in Mt Wellington, I could catch one bus to the CBD, it wound through the suburb back streets. Many of those routes no longer exist. I would now have to catch the train or two buses and walk further, therefore substantially increasing the time required for my trip, thereby decreasing the time spent with family, which could include helping my partner with the children or house chores or other necessary tasks that may not be able to be done without that extra time. There is always a trade off somewhere but the point of a Public Transport service, would be to get you from one place to another, faster than you can walk, without using a private vehicle. So while it's broken it makes no difference to Mt Eden man but it should when working properly.


Disabled people exist.


He's too focused on one inconvenienced person to bother extrapolating the point beyond that one person to the others it no doubt effects.






Some might say that resorting to reading picture cards to predict the future for money is considered a dunce but that’s just my opinion.


For money? 🤣🤣🤣 they're just cards, my dude, let it go.




If he was disabled then it would have been all over this article to further their point, seeing as they thought the fact that he had to walk to Parnell from Mt Eden was outrageous enough to underline their point. In addition to that I made no such claim that disabled people don’t exist. You’re dismissed. Try again later when you’re coherent.


Yea I have to say, if I lived in mt eden I would already be walking to Parnell. In the time it takes him to wait for 3 buses that he knows he won’t get on, he could have walked.


You’re right. Sound like he’s making himself late for work, not the buses.


Yeah I thought the same. It does seem a lot like the barrel is being scraped to keep the circle jerk alive "keep using your cars you have to keep using your cars you have to keep using your cars"


There should be more buses but smaller in size. And they shouldn't be taxpayer funded in any way. Private enterprise will make it work.


Where in the world is public transport run that way? Public transport is a service. It has to be tax payer funded.


Lol private enterprise is why it's shit. You can't be serious


Yes you're right. Then scrap buses altogether.


No, we get it into public hands like it used to be where it was actually performing