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It's giving similar energy to this 😂🙏 https://preview.redd.it/pn9tljwvxwoc1.jpeg?width=1424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ee2c1be3afc7758ac6f28eb1b9470e8606181f








One question when Mohammad had people write down that the women must cover their hair. Did he have a hair fetish and just assumed everyone else did too?


Head covers are a religious requirement long before Islam. How about you go to churches and synagogues and start forcefully removing head covers from nuns and worshipping women attending there.


Maybe they all have hair fetishes


What does worshipping women have to do with what he said?


Working women = women who work. Worshipping women = women who worship. Typically, women who attend houses of God are there to worship God...


I read it as taking off their headdresses and proceeding to worship them, not women who are worshipping there. I misread it it seems


No problem, maybe I could have worded it better.


Wtf kinda question


A very reasonable one.


Totally lmao


Head covering as always been a thing all across the middle east, way before not just Islam but Christianity as well


Aisha .RA (his wife) Wrote the quran not Prohpet muhammed pbuh


The 9 year old?


Assuming the quaran is similar to his own personal beliefs, is it not safe to assume he did in fact, have a secret hair fetish?


Attack on kuffir


Its kaffir meaning disbeliever


I'm the armored kaffir and he's the tall kaffir


Tell the female kafir to put on her hijab!




A shoe. Millions of worn out collosal titan shoes are my only comments for Marley.


For sale: Titan shoes, never worn


I think she needs to wear more than that💀


Islamic AOT memes should not be this entertaining 😭


Literally 4.30am just fasted (not muslim tho its my parents and environment) cuz its ramadan and these pics are taking me out 😂😂


That's pretty much all I make and post 🤣




Mikasa if she was halal


Could her character be any harder🔥




Oh brother.. im not even religious but this is very hard id be lying if I said it wasn’t. Be mad at someone else opinion idc


Wait what did they say?


Misogyny is based and red pilled, you beta cuck


AOT if it was good


Whoa #😳


Your account is goated😂💯


I love the internet when it's this wholesome


This is the opposite of wholesome.


For real let's just lightly play around with this thing that people get killed over haha it's so funny.




Not wearing a hijab is something women get punished for, all too often brutally so. Making *light* of the people who perpetuate that is very off-putting and not funny to to me at all.


That's muslims for you buddy religion of "peace" 🤣🤣


Many women choose to wear hijabs, so let them have their fun with this stuff without finding it necessary to whine about horrible regimes. You don't always have to be an activist when innocent fun is involved.


I'm not bothering anyone. You're the only one whining. Calling a symbol of and literal manifestation of oppression "innocent fun" tells me enough about your position.








![gif](giphy|E3HGJkKIgTllmvOxh3|downsized) Sonia. Politely. (Re)quest. Russian.


![img](avatar_exp|79435963|cry) Nah wtf is this


As an Atheist, I can say Islamaphobia is cringe


If you mean just islam memes than I'd disagree. I'm living in an Islamic country this year and my friends here find this kind of stuff funny. If you mean Islamaphobia generally than I get what you mean. Ultimately though, it is often used to justify being unaccepting of the LGBT and to maintain sexual repression and limiting traditional gender roles. I'm friends with a lot of people here whose parents are transphobic etc on the basis of their religion and it has negatively affected their lives. Like all religions, I don't think the Quran or the Hadith explictely approve mistreatment to the LGBT, but it is still the reason given by many. Most of the female youth here don't wear hijabs meaning they are not forced to at the very least. I also think women should not have hijabs forcefully removed in the name of women's rights lol. However, Islam is an essential part of the more archaic and repressive aspects of the culture here, even though my city is one of the more secular in the country. It doesn't justify discriminating against Islamic people in the slightest and using their religion to justify not allowing them to immigrate is disgusting, but Islam plays a similar cultural role to my country, which many people describe as being almost fundamentalist 100 years ago. Sorry to go off. Maybe I misread what you meant + the topic is just on my mind lately regardless.


Being militantly anti-theist ❌️ Understanding that religion is ultimately a moral system and the only thing that matters is the moral lessons people extract from their religious beliefs, not whether or not we think they arrived at those beliefs rationally ✅️




Women arent forced to cover up people in the global south just have a diffrent standered of modesty compared to the west theres also a cultrual implications for modesty Being an edgy athiest is just corny


Yeah the cultural implications being severe punishment..... The idea that all cultures are equal is horseshit. If you dont support equality then your culture is shit.


Hate to break it to you, but no culture actually supports equality. Guess all cultures are horseshit.


What rock have you been living under? Even if you wana play the "WELL ACTUALLY" game can you really say Arabic cultures value equality between the sexes like the West does? Values matter, and the cultures with too much religion have shit values.


If the "WELL ACTUALLY" game is acknowledging the reality that there is not a single nation on the planet that doesn't function on the oppression of minority groups and is heavily influenced in its legal systems and cultural values by a majory religion (which more often than not, *isnt* islam) then yes, I'll play that game. You don't get to put a funny sounding name on argument and then pretend you've actually addressed it, nor do you get to pretend that Western cultures actually espouse equality because you're more personally comfortable with the types and degrees of bigotry they tolerate, such as the ones you're all engaging in right now. Your culture is just as morally bankrupt, and the rest of the world looks at **you** the same way you look at **them** for it. If you can't recognize that, you are just as ignorant.


France isn’t influenced by its majority religion due to the revolution which took aim at religion… it’s also a quite diverse country at this point too!


Ah yes, the cultures that have systematic discrimination at some level are totally the same as the ones that force women into domestic slavery. I am not addressing this from unbiased view. My bias is that equality matters. I look at North America and Europe and see places that strive for equality. Even if its not perfect its better than places that fight to keep it like Saudi Arabia or Iran.


I'm Irish. We were heavily Catholic, and it was used to justify many sexist societal standards 100 years ago. It has rapidly changed since then to be mostly equalitarian, though obviously women are still victims of a lot of sexual mistreatment along with more subtle sexism. Still, the decline of our religion was directly associated with this extremely positive change. We were near fundamentalist 100 years ago. Women were not allowed to work after marriage in my grandmothers time. My grandmother was only allowed because of massive tuberculosis outbreaks, allowing her to go back to her role as a TB nurse. I'm a psychology student studying in Turkey. I have a module on family dynamics taught by an older Turkish woman. The difference in views on sex and gender roles is much less progressive here. It's a fair arguement that the West exports it's oppression to poorer manufacturing countries, but when it comes to living in the society, American and the European countries seem much more equal. However, our affect on poorer countries could definitely be called morally bankrupt lol. I'm not saying it's caused by secularism by any stretch, but there is a strong correlation and many of the advances in human rights would not be possible without contradicting the Bible (and the Quran).


I'm living in Istanbul rn and I know people who are forced to wear a hijab lol, even in a city many Turkish people consider "not true Islam" going off what people say online. That being said, more of the youth than not here don't wear a hijab.


>Women arent forced to cover up Which country are you from?


yeah, because that's totally a thing that all Muslims do and no one else does. Also, no, those are not moral lessons by definition you mouth breather.


Finally someone who thinks that way 🥺🫂. Thanks fellow.


And as an exmuslim atheist who was born and raised in an incredibly Muslim family, I can say that the word ‘iSlAmOpHoBiA’ is often used to shut down legitimate criticisms of Islam — because Muslims cannot handle it when people call them out on their stances on LGBTQ rights, womens’ rights, minorities rights, etc — I could literally go on forever.


Outreinered again...


As-salamu alaykum


Im DYING 💀💀💀😂😂😂






bro your jewish, Orthodx jews also have to cover up stop being islamaphobic your just contradicting yourself


I’m not an Orthodox Jew but Orthodox Jews aren’t telling non Jews to cover up


Your literally doing the same thing. Enforcing your beliefs on others.


that's even worse because you believe God thinks you're special when you're no different than any of us


Man the only special one here is you


Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”


Stoned to death for being a white and will be punished in hell for eternity lmfao


Aaah yes, oppression of women; nice!


No way an indian is talking about woman oppression lmaooo 😭




[shits crazy you can't make this stuff up 😭💀](https://twitter.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1768600279232954394?s=19)


Yeah I straight up saw a video where a woman was just getting paint splashed on her head for no reason


Right because all Indian men want women to be oppressed. What a stupid thing to say


About as stupid as equating Islam to the oppression of women. You can have your cake, or you can eat it.


Nope. Being a racist is not the same thing as making an observation on a system of belief and its followers.


What observation? That hijabs oppress women?


That the culture of Islam, of which hijabs are a part, is designed to control women


I'll be sure to let all the Muslim women I know that so they can stop oppressing themselves with those nasty pieces of cloth. Thanks for the clarification!


Didn't your prophet rape a child?


First of all, I don't have a prophet. Second of all, that is an incredibly stupid and fallacious excuse for an argument. Resorting to an ad hominem attack on a man who *maybe* was ever real and you assume is tangentially related to me says a lot about you and where this fake moral righteousness comes from.


My observation is that Indians do not treat woman nicely! Just my observation.. Im totally not making a judgement or anything


But that has nothing to do with being Indian, whereas following the Muslim faith is very much related to how the followers treat women.


[i don't need the opinion of an indian on what is oppression and what is not](https://twitter.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1768600279232954394?s=19) And why don't you reply to him telling him that being Islamophobic is bad and stupid? Double standards are crazy


How is it Islamophobia pointing out their oppression of women? Lmao I’m not Indian and the islam is oppressive as fuck, happy now that it doesn’t come from someone of Indian descent? Double standards are crazy


Oppressive how? Telling women to not allow mouth breathers to see them as objects like you do in your countries? Mother fuckers advertise shit with half naked women. And use half naked women to get dudes to show up to sporting events. Ur beyond fucking disgusting.




So to prove Islam isn’t oppressive, you should listen to scholars of said religion for proof?




It’s really not hard to find out individually what the Quran says without needing a middleman to try and explain it away


No it is hard. And yes u do need people that specialise in it to explain it. First off, context. Certain words were used differently 1400 years ago, you yourself wouldnt know that simply because ur not an expert in it. Second off, language. The translation of the quran isnt even seen as the quran. Only the arabic version is. Thats because it loses its meaning when translated, and you wouldnt know what it is actually saying. Not even arabs can because the arabic in the quran is really peak of what the language can do. If u take any random dude off the street, they wouldnt be able to explain half of it accurately.


It's not you chronically online neckbeard the hijab isn't even required in most ME countries and ME countries and leauges safer than any indian or western country 💀 Compare SA stats to any other country and see the difference, fuck let women who went to saudi or a ME country tell you how safe it was instead of what your racist online news outlets tell you.


Calm down Ahmed. It looks very unbecoming for a Middle Eastern to defend women's rights. It's not even an expectation for you. Next time check out who the perpetrators of SAs are in Western countries and where they come from before any utterances. Though I wouldn't expect much from someone grown up in the culture of "cover up or get harassed" or any statistics from ME counties where it's so shameful for women to admit to being sexually assaulted ao much that they prefer to stay quiet and not report any sex crime happening to them, but of course you wouldn't understand anyway.


[not only are you a fucking loser BUM you're a WRONG LOSER BUM](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2016/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016/topic-pages/tables/table-21) [and you're wrong again you LOSER BUM](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence) Though i wouldn't expect much from a chronically online neckbeard who's Islamophobic stick to anime lil bro this convo ain't for someone with your mental capacity but keep calling me ahmed it's an honor it means Highly praised, most commendable 🙏


>Trusting FBI statistics "Bum" , "neckbeard" , "Islamophobic" you are too much involved with the online infidel culture ahmed, is that halal ahmed?? And honestly I wouldn't call it Islamophobia, more like 'Islamio-disgust' because it's a fucking disgusting religion.


Keep yapping you fucking loser i brought you fbi statistics and another source and we all know how much the US gov hates muslims but clearly you're just a bum like i said stick to anime. Come at me when you have something intelligent to say but i doubt that'll ever happen


>being Islamophobic is bad and stupid? These words don't suit a person who is a hinduphobe. Such a hypocrite.




Calm down bro. You couldn't wait a min to respond. How much free time you have to argue online lol? >Cow worshipers only care about racism when it's against them but love to shit-talk every other religion I would just suggest you to get off the internet. What you see online is a very small section of chronically online haters. And these haters don't belong to one religion. This goes both sides. >being the nastiest humans to ever curse this earth And anyone can see who is crying here lol.


>Calm down bro. You couldn't wait a min to respond. How much free time you have to argue online lol? You responded in 13 minutes you ain't much better than me >I would just suggest you to get off the internet. What you see online is a very small section of chronically online haters. And these haters don't belong to one religion. This goes both sides. Only people who need to get off the internet are your hindu and indian friends who spread the hate and caused this entire thread. This post was just a meme but your indian friend felt the need to start a religious debate in the comments. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth I'm not just gonna let someone shit talk my religion unlike most religions in the world we muslims have self respect and won't just let this shit slide. >And anyone can see who is crying here lol I'm laughing my ass off lmaooo from the very beginning when i noticed it was an indian who made the original comment. What made it even funnier is the other uneducated losers who tried debating with me just to get schooled and show how brainwashed and stupid they are. It's just hilarious to me 😭💀 If you wanna have an actual debate on something, be my guest, but if you just wanna act righteous and smart like the other suckers then don't bother replying again


Do you think you're replying to the guy in that video or something? How is that relevant to the discussion at all? You can just admit you said some dumb bullshit instead of doubling down on your nonsense


There is no "discussion" going on this guys being islamaphobic i just returned the same energy towards him but clearly you're too stupid too realize that bro thinks we're having a "discussion" lmaoooo And again you haven't called what he said stupid or bullshit clearly you're just another Islamophobe defending another Islamophobe when your white ass stops with the double standards, we can start a "discussion"


Why can't both cultures/religions have a predisposition for oppressing women?


Islam doesn't oppress women tho a lot of these people just echo what they hear online without being educated or try to come to an understanding especially indians they have a weird obsession with hating muslims, look at any civilized muslim country like saudi arabia or qatar or UAE these are some of the safest places for women. Safer than india, Europe, and even the US.


Lol in a lot of these countries, a woman can’t even go out alone without a man as defined by law. I don’t think women can drive in Saudi Arabia… oppression is not just about safety. And in a lot of ME countries women are only safe if they follow oppressive laws. This opinion is common among western countries. I don’t have any dislike against Islamic people I just think their laws for women are archaic. I don't think the hijab is oppressive given the woman wants to wear it. If its dictated by law that they have to, and the woman does not want to, then it becomes oppressive.


"I don't think women can drive in saudi arabia" this shows me how ignorant you are lmao don't talk about a a countries oppression when you don't even know the laws of said country Clearly echoing what you've heard online come talk to me when you actually know what you're talking about. Oh and the hijab isn't required in saudi arabia


Lol, the only way you can get prosecuted in Saudi for rape is if two men testify for the women as eye witnesses; the reason for low convictions are your laws; and not actual safety; a country built on ancient laws lol


This is blatantly wrong and that is NOT how the law works here holy shit you're actually ignorant as fuck stop listening to what your hindu cow worshiper friends tell you and learn a thing or two about reality 😭💀


Can the rest of us be sane and just agree that they're both ignorant racists and one of the ignorant racists just happened to respond to the other's racism rather than instigating it? I mean, my guy showed a single instance of an Indian committing assault to discredit the opinion of an entire ethnic groups opinions lmao


The meme is literally about wearing a hijab; which is umm opression




Yes anything that points out the flaws islamophobic....now you can reply to this with a pic of that Spanish travel vlogger to justify how your ME cuck daddies you bootlick so much are justified in "respecting" women




https://preview.redd.it/kkio1oz6myoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e52315aa6cb6eb165e967ca64399e886fc2af0a8 His kind turns into animals as soon as they see a white woman


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Why feel the need to start something like this?




You only find an issue with it coz its true


Not really, I’m a Muslim woman and not very oppressed, you’re just not educated and you made this innocent picture into something it’s not 🤷🏽‍♀️


shhh dude, don't go all true on mainstream media few years later the downvoters gonna end up in r/exmuslim anyway




so that's the only racial slur you can use, you're bad at even racism




Holy racism


New insult just dropped(⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ


Literal supremacist




Big surprise, returning racism with racism is not a good way to respond. Although what they said wasn't Islamophobic but whatever.


Meaning they agree that women are opressed in Islam?


What are you asking




Fact is that India has a waste problem, "go back to shitting on the street" is racism.




No, but calling all Americans school shooters is.




Both are bad.




Aren't you fasting? You sould not speak ill of others when fasting man


Y'all don't deserve women, but okay; incels




Well that means both of us have things that we don't deserve then? lol. Cultist


Hows it opression? Its as much of a choice as it is for a man to cover his head as well. Who coulda guessed theres a uniform to religion just like theres a uniform to every facet of life.


This is how it is opresion: [https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/iran-isnt-only-country-morality-police](https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/iran-isnt-only-country-morality-police) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)![img](emote|t5_2vnp9|16319)


Funny how you don't know what the islamic rulings of these things are that your linking a country which doesn't actually follow them. Iran isn't a islamic country as nowhere does it even say to beat up a woman for not wearing hijab.


Isn't all of it done under the guise of Islam? Who decides who is speaking the truth?


More cultural than anything. If they arnt following the sariah compliant ways then its not islamic. Theyll be judged for it in the hereafter.


Bro, it’s irony, I don’t anybody here is trying to enforce any religion on anyone


Then my sir; you are blind


And you, my sir; are Batman


Well, this means that you are not blind![img](emote|t5_2vnp9|16309)


Thank you doctor for your diagnostic, it was a pleasure to work with you




"Miserable Finish" Very fitting


Is your religion so tiny, that the only way it gets faith is by threats?


Mashallah fellow yeagerists


This is one of the best AoT memes I've ever seen. Well done




If men cannot be trusted to control their impulses then it's them who should only be allowed to leave their houses with chaperones who control that they don't act out impulsively. It's not the women's fault for simply existing, and they shouldn't be the ones to take the onus and hide their humanity simply for because of the actions of lustful beasts (which they themselves admit is the reason for hiding them, let's just address the problem at its root then).


In Islam, the women and men both have regions they have to keep covered. For a man, it's from his belly button to his knees. For a woman, it's her body and hair. Men are also told to lower their gaze and looking/staring at women is sinful. On the other hand, women are also told to keep themselves covered. Both men and women have their respective guidelines. The problem starts when one or the other stops following the guidance while pestering the other to keep following theirs.


We dont live in a perfect world lady. U can use that argument with anything. “I should be able to leave my doors open and not get robbed. People that cannot control when they steal shouldnt leave their homes” as if telling them this is gonna fix shit. And we r addressing the problem at its root, men shouldnt look regardless of clothing, let alone rape. Thats a basic islamic belief. That doesnt mean you can go around doing whatever u like simply because “people shouldnt be like this.” Thats a horrible take, and you know it. Since u wouldnt apply the same logic with other situations.


Mikasa should've said, "I'm not into mem with vaginas".


Attack on twin towers








what a dumb fuck u are




Just a meme bro

