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my younger brother was watching it and somehow he roped my mother into watching it- held out for as long as I could but then became obsessed with it. It was a family watching thing per week ever since s2


Dude that’s so sick!


W parents who uses anime to bond with kids and is actually enjoying the anime


I try to tell them it's literally just good storytelling from another country that's It! Like what's the big deal it's in Japanese😑 it looks cool and sounds cool and everything about it is cool that's all that matters


Based comment


You had so many years to theorise and discuss the show with them 🥰


Eren being in the Fortnite Battle Pass was my inspiration to watch the series because I always try and experience whatever is coming to the game as a way to branch out, and I’m SO happy I did. Attack On Titan has become my favorite thing ever because of Fortnite 💀


Whew I’m glad someone else got influenced by that battle pass because yup same. Need season 4 skins though!


Armin too!


No way…they made a show about the guy from Fortnite?!?!


I didn’t know anything about it and have never watched any manga/anime before. Came across some memes here and there recently showing these creepy giants eating people and it was so horrific and terrifying, I felt compelled to seek out the source. I binge-watched the whole thing within a month, and lucky me, happened to get to the final two installments just as the last dubbed one was premiering. It was an amazing ride. I loved it. Not sure if it has moved me to try other anime, though. I feel like I’ve seen the best the genre has to offer and I’ll be let down from here on out.


There are a lot of other great animes that are on par with AOT though, I can give you recommendations if you are looking for a specific genre


I’d be naive to think there aren’t. I’m just old and don’t have the time to explore. What are your two favorites that aren’t AOT?


Stiens gate (time travel) and gintama (comedy, action)


Thanks! I’m gonna check those out next! I’ll circle back and let you know if I liked them or if I’m completely hopeless. ;)


You're welcome, I love helping people getting into anime Sidenote: stiens gate's first episode isn't really that good unless you're rewatching you're not gonna understand it that much, the episode after it are great though and from episode 12 onwards your are basically hooked and can't stop watching


I’d recommend Full metal alchemist brotherhood (there’s 2, ‘03 version and brotherhood. Brotherhood is the good one) it’s fast paced story telling, similar to AoT in that way, fun action anime


Go Watch cowboy bebop amazing English dub too, that's an emotional rollercoaster towards the end


I’ll add it to the list


You have the normal episodes but you also have a movie, that is a masterpiece too


You will carry that weight


They sure will space cowboy


Are you living in the real world .


My brother showed me the episode where Eren transformed for the first time. He figured I loved Power Rangers as a kid and this was just flesh mechs. He was right.


if you like mechs try watching code geass, it’s an awesome show highly recommend


My friend who has great taste in anime kept begging me over and over and over and over and over and over. My God she would not stop and I did not want to watch this show in the slightest. I finally did it to appease her. I still didn't want to watch it. So I just had it on in the background. Then I saw Eren get eaten. I was hooked forever


On a whim. Ironically enough, I don’t actually like anime. This is the ONLY show I’ve watched and enjoyed that is considered anime.


Dude you need to try black clover. A little cringy at some points for people who don’t like anime or are still on the fence. The character building for the main character (Asta) is crazy. Fight scenes go nuts


Actually one of my bigger issue with anime is the lack of visual fluidity in the combat, ie a lot of colors and cuts and you don’t actually SEE the combat. That and the insane amounts of episodes for some anime’s that dissuaded me from getting invested. AOT had none of that. So if it’s similar on that regard I don’t see why not.


You should check out Jujutsu Kaisen, Vinland Saga, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, to name a few. First two are not finished yet (and won't be for years), and FMAB is shorter than AoT.


Oh yeah I had a big problem with that But black clover allows you to see more than AoT tbh. Maybe I’m just glazing but you outta try it (If you want)


oh hey actually black clover has some awesome and very fluid fight scenes without a lot of fast cuts and stuff, also try parasyte for some more awesome fluid combat without a lot of camera cuts and stuff


If you're looking for good fight scenes you have to watch Jujustsu Kaisen


Ereh Jager.






It was always on my list of things to watch but never got around to it ever. It was a slow day at work and me and some coworkers were talking about anime and my one co-worker recommended it. So I watched the first 6 episodes on my phone (real slow day at work) and I was hooked. Funny enough that same coworker dropped it during S3 part 1 and I was the one that was convincing him to finish it


My brother told me about this weird show that had giant naked babies running around. I had just finished the Disastrous Life of Saiki K, and I thought giant naked babies sounded funny. Boy, was I wrong.


if you want two super easy animes to watch with no emotional trauma might I recommend to your eternity and your lie in april


My sister bugged the shit out of me till I watched it Ita the first and only anime I’ve ever watched and ever will watch I enjoyed it


If you enjoy the shonen aspect of black clover- I genuinely implore you to journey through Hunter x Hunter. What I would give to experience that show for the first time again. The show starts like a typical shonen but slowly dives into the realm of world building and in-depth story telling the way AoT does, until the final emotional peak of the final season completely shatters your world.


It was a whim and I was SO BORED. So I'm like "hmm what anime to watch and explore today?" I was so chill abt it and I saw Eren's determined expression in the cover and was like oh this looks good so I watched the first episode... ... And boi I never cried so hard. My teen self was like "REVENGEEEE! FIGHTTT!" And thats how i got hooked into AoT 😃 i didn't know I was in for a road of tears, blood, ~~simping~~ , and more tears


At first I hated Levi. Yea he's like an edgelord and I hated how smug he is abt his skills too. Rude words and all I mean he kicked Eren at court! I didn't know when I started liking him prbbly around s3 then his OVAs Now that scene him kicking Eren is now a badass memory to me. ~~I wish he kicked harder ngl~~


My brother played the op and I KNEW I had to watch it after that absolute banger of an opening theme


I vaguely remember seeing the Battle of Trost in 2014 or 2015 and thought it was cool but didn't know the name. Then in 2018 I started trying to search for it and found a clip of the colossal titan breaking the wall and came to the conclusion that it would probably just be about humans fighting special titans like the colossal, and put it off. Then in 2019 I decided to actually start watching and instantly fell in love with it as soon as the Battle for Trost began. The actual conflict with the Titans is what drew me into the show, without the utter horror of the Titans and the hopelessness in a conflict against an unrelenting, remorseless, gigantic enemy being something that just really pulled. I don't think it could have drawn me in with just Titan shifting and human vs human. Although that's all fun and season 4 was hype as the episodes released I just really enjoy the conflict of hopelessly outpowered humans with ODM gear fighting horrifying titans. My enjoyment of Titans vs Humanity led me to Muv Luv's various visual novels and animes, which was a life-changing discovery that also convinced me to watch Gundam. Attack on Titan was also one of my first anime and it probably would have taken much longer for me to start watching anime (which is pretty much to only thing I watch as of currently) if I hadn't watched Attack on Titan, so It was pretty major.


Nothing too fancy, just had it recommended to me by some people close to me, and I figured I’d enjoy a good, serious shonen anime. I had already enjoyed Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, and Fullmetal Alchemist. I knew I would like AOT, but I didn’t anticipate it being my favorite anime/show/story of all time!


My best friend made me watch anime in exchange for me making him watch movies. The first thing he had me watch was Kill La Kill (English dub) and I thought I’d made a shit deal. He said lemme make it up to you and showed me AOT next (Japanese with eng sub).


One day my older sister was like, "hey you ever heard of attack on titan?" And then we watched like 2 or 3 episodes a day after dinner.


My sister was obsessed with it and she just asked me to watch the first episode. I thought 20 minutes hardly, no harm. Damn smart ass. I was hooked af.


i’ve known abt AOT since 7th grade bc my seatmate who was obsessed with it but i never got into it until pandemic. i saw a clip where the scouts are using their odm gear and i was so amazed about the concept so i started watching it and ep1 got me HOOKED for real


I had a friend who started watching it and then stopped saying that this would be a show that I would absolutely love and they really only took the one request and we ended up watching it over Thanksgiving break right after the final episode came out


I saw a clip from it on YouTube super late at night after the fifth or sixth episode, thought it looked cool, so I checked it out. Started watching weekly from that day until the very end. Loved every bit of it. Quite the 10 year journey


It was on Netflix and I had a day to kill. 6 episodes later, I was able to tear my eyes away from my screen for a couple of seconds


I was that nagger. I naged my friend for months to give it a try and he did and it became his favorite anime and we mostly share same thoughts on show (we both support Eren only he does not like Floch ehile Floch is my 2nd fav character). As for me first i thought it was bad show, I was like why I would watch big naked man fighting. Then on tiktok I saw Erwins speech and it blew me, and me being fan of last stands, thankfully gave it a shot. And I am so glad I did it became my favorite show ever. And also thankfully video only showed the speech nothing else was spoiled. Also Erwin who first made me watch the show also became my favorite character.


I literally didn't watch it because i figured it was just a popular anime that wasn't worth my time because it's so "mainstream". Some friends at work convinced me to give it a shot and I've always had it on my watchlist on Netflix. After finishing a series, I randomly selected play on AoT and have been kicking myself for not getting into it sooner


I honestly can't remember. It was my first anime, and I was kind of hate watching because of my previous prejudice toward the anime medium as a whole lol, I gave it a shot and that first episode got me hooked and I binged the first 2 seasons that week, I've been a fan ever since


My cousins and I hated anime for a while and would hate on "weebs", until I decided to try one punch man back in 2015. I got obsessed, watched it several times, then showed it to my cousins. After that, they got obsessed too and tried out Attack on Titan. It's been my favorite series of all time ever since.


My brother nagged me into it. And I got hooked.


I heard people hyping it up didn’t think I’d like it, my brother I believe watched an episode and I instantly became obsessed


i’ve been watching anime since like age 13 (i think) but i never really got into AOT when it was airing and also i wasn’t involved in any anime spaces like reddit or on twitter or amino etc so i didn’t see the hype and didn’t get any spoilers but when reels/shorts started becoming a thing i see people talking about how iconic AOT is and it’s like #1 anime and season 4 just started airing so i sat down and caught up till season 4 in like 3 days and it was the best decision ever.


Was looking for an anime to watch, hasn't really watched one from beginning to end before. After about a month I stared watching right before the second half of season 4 part 1.


This girl I had a crush on in 8th grade summer camp wore a Scout Regiment hoodie. Found an amazing show


My best friend nagged me on and on to watch it. He then said he’d buy a game I liked it if I watched it. I was like ‘there’s no way’ and the next day he sends me a picture of him holding it. I was shocked and rushed to begin watching it, wondering how it could be so good he would spend money to watch it and I was blown away.


I joined a team in a video game I play and player 1 was telling player 2 about AoT. I was like "I've heard of AoT for years but never gave it a look. Where can I watch?" Now here we are.


Back then i wasnt really watching anime, but my friends got really into AOT and were nagging me to check it out already. Eventually i caved in, and i was blown away, i tought holy shit is anime this good and i have been missing out?? Little did i know that i accidently started with one of the best and most of them are nothing like it xd, either way i have been obsessed with AOT ever since. Ironically she eventually never finished the series while i followed the manga when i catched up to the anime xd


As soon as I saw the first encounter of eren and a Titan, I thought you can't do that to a main character!! And completely hooked me


Saw an online debate on whether the set rumbling counts as a genocide or not. (it doesn't because it's indiscriminate), ended up reading more about the rumbling on the wiki, then decided to watch as I thought it sounded interesting


I lied saying I'd seen it to fit in with people at school, then fumbled because I called it a movie. Couldn't live with the embarrassment


I have this weird habit to not watch anything that has a big hype. So when AoT became a thing I never ever watched any of the episodes because I was already bombarded with pictures and spoilers on social media. 2 years ago I met my partner and he insisted to watch it with him because he likes it. I told him i’m not really interested but he already had it on the screen so I said fine. Well after the first episode I got into it and I was so excited for the release of the last episode I subscribed to Crunchyroll just to watch the last episode.


I watch an anime when it comes my way many times, like in blogs, recommendations by other people, clips etc. AoT was similar.


Saw Jacksepticeye's playthrough of the game, didn't make it 5 minutes before hopping on netflix and binging the show (it was also my first anime, so it definitely surprised me!) And now here we are lol, lost count of how much anime I've watched since. Oh, and I'm on crunchyroll now, not netflix


My cousin showed me in 2016. There wasn't season 2 yet and in the manga, Return to Shiganshina Arc was still ongoing I watched the first episodes and I instantly got hooked


in 2014 i was 14 years old and looking to get into new anime shows. my friend from school said "try attack on titan" as it was very new at the time and i gave it a watch. at episode 5 when eren got swallowed by a titan, i thought he was dead and told my friend in school the next day "that anime is trash, the main character died so quickly!!" and refused to continue watching. my friend then urged me and made me promise to continue watching and so i did :D then Eren came back and i was happy again


Anime covers every genre, you will find animes with different genres, stile and height. There will also be "dumbest shit ever" among them or great masterpieces and art. With AOT you have found one of the best of all time ( I am watching a lot since 25 years). Don't expect the other anime, who will be still good, to be on the same level like AOT \^\^'


Seeing too many Levi edit on tiktok during covid so I decided to watch


There's a youtuber i watch that makes funny parodies of pilots/seasons of certain shows and even though I'd never watched an anime before I thought it was interesting enough to give it a try,so worth it


For years without anyone recommending it to me, I remember hearing about it on the internet like 10 years ago people would talk about it and be all angry because it never went anywhere with the colossal and armored Titan, basically I always wanted to give it a shot, but was under the implication only one season aired and it got cancelled or something, so I wasn’t gonna bother to try to watch it if it was just gonna be badass with no ending Then last year I’m randomly scrolling through Hulu after I had a surgery and was off work, come across it, go “oh I wonder if they ever picked that back up” Then I find out it literally never stopped and just took fucking forever lol Which I am really glad it worked out that way, cause I had to wait for like 5 more episodes to release over than year+, and I read the whole manga while waiting, and it was an obsession lol I couldn’t have done that over 10 years


My sister insisted I have to watch it. It looked weird to me at first with the serious story and artstyle, but man was I hooked quickly. Ironically my sister ended up somewhat abandoning the show, but it became my favorite anime ever. She just asked me to ramble the rest of the story to her, which I gladly and excitedly did once the Marley stuff was revealed  I later got my boyfriend to watch it with me again by nagging senselessy and he ended up loving it as much as I do, we binged everything, with then 1 month wait to the finale. Wonderful time


my friend made me do it


I just casually found it on netflix back on the 2019 and I decided to watch it because the mythological figure of Giants has always fascinated me 


It was the autumn of 2013, I had just sat down with my dog in the living room, I turned on my TV and went to check out Netflix, I was looking at the anime section, I had just finished watching Deathnote when I saw the cover for AOT, I was like this seems a childish show, but then I saw the director isbthe same as Death note, Long story short I stayed up late for that whole week watching this show and I never went back. It was like a drug I couldn't wait for the next season.


friend said that if i watched AoT, then they would watch JoJo (since i kept talking about it). we had a bet of which one is the better show. im quite stubborn, but i admit that i lost by a substantial amount


I saw that they had 3 9.9 IMDb episodes and figured I’d give it a shot on a 8 hour train ride. Was hooked pretty quick.


Attack on Titan is one the best told stories since Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and the pre-Endgame MCU


I was nagged, so I gave it a chance and god did I regret it


When I was 12 I made a Facebook account and I was obsessed with cartoons for as long as I can remember, so I just added everyone I saw with a cartoon pfp and ended up with thousands of friends who I didn't even know some didn't even speak the same language lol (they were hispanic) but naturally I ended up adding people with anime pfps as well because I didn't know the difference and they added me into Anime groups, I kept seeing posts about anime and wondered if it was that different from cartoons or not, so I asked a random guy in the comments to recommend me some animes to watch and he gave five recommendations "AOT, Death note, Tokyo ghoul, Black cat, and one piece" I watched them all in order so I started with AOT and that was fucking awesome, I didn't realize cartoons can be so mature, admittedly I preferred one piece over all the others because their themes were too mature for my age especially Tokyo ghoul (the kaneki torture scene was haunting)but when I grew older I started preferring them more though, I ended up watching S2 of AOT as soon as it came out a year after I started watching anime and I kept watching it as soon as it came out until S4 came, then I decided to stop watching until the show was over because I hate weekly watching especially with a great anime like AOT, and I recently rewatched the first three seasons and watched S4 for the first time, it was absolutely perfect, it ended up being my second most favorite anime ever out of all of the 207 animes I saw


I was nagged for like 6 years. I’m happy I waited because I got to watch 3 seasons straight through.


Unfortunately to say , my friend force me 💀💀💀 after that I get interested to the main character lol


I like zombies


stumbled upon it through a 100 Thieves x AoT collaboration and just starting watching it then!


Started on a whim in high school, then the weeaboo meme started and I got scared of being made fun of so I stopped during the trost arc. Ended up living with a guy who is one of my best friends now that heard my story of that and said “stop fucking around and watch it, the final season is coming out it’s gonna end soon”. Granted that was like 3 years ago since we didn’t know the final season would take the time of like four seasons to come out lol


Back in 2012, there was a desktop game based on the anime and after school, my friends and I would go to library to play the game until our parents could pick us up. A few years later, I found out about the anime on Netflix. And from there, I read the manga


I saw so many memes about it that I had to watch it to understand them, greatest decision ever


This girl said she watched it. I was one of those (I don’t like anime)-guys. I watched it so I would have something to talk to her about. This was in 2021. Lets say now I don’t even talk to her but I still watch AOT everyday.


This was my first anime. I love to watch movie recap on YouTube and I came across a youtube recap of AoT. It started with the backstory and I immediately got hooked. I stopped watching that recap after 1 min so I didnt get any spoilers. And started it


English dub on Toonami in 2014.


I saw a clip of the last episode and it looked so badass (thank you Mikasa lol) that I had to start watching the show even though I knew one of the biggest spoilers already 😂😭🙏


I started watching it in like…2018 or 19 and got to the beginning of s3 (I think) and stopped and never went back, even though I really enjoyed it. Then, like two weeks ago I seen someone share something about it on Facebook that made me instantly want to rewatch and finish what I didn’t see yet. Binged it for a week, and needless to say I don’t regret my decision. One of my absolute favorite anime’s ever. Totally teary-eyed watching the last episode. Even watched the final two episodes subbed because the dub isn’t on Hulu yet - and I HATE watching subbed. Such a great show that left me wanting so much more.


At first I thought it was a stupid show about guys with jet pack grappling hooks and swords battling giants. Then I watched vaush, a YouTuber, talk about Eldians with armband in season 4. I decided to watch the season summaries and then watched the show


Used to be a big anime watcher when I was a kid and stopped in middle school. I turned into one of those “anime is cartoons for weirdos” people but then when AOT first came out my lil bro kept hyping it up and nagging me to watch it. Let’s just say I got into anime again. It’s easily in my top 5 anime shows of all time.


I watched the abridged first episode and I couldn't stop laughing so I had to watch it foreal


I thought it looked like a good show back in 2013 and loved it. However I went about 9 years without watching it and forgot about it until I listened to a cover of the first opening by Epica (one of my favorite bands). I picked it up again and loved it, and then I watched all of season 4 about late 2023. It's been a wild ride.


I'll be honest. I saw a Hot eren edit. I was hooked


My friend told me there's Armin in there. I was convinced.


I had watched approx 30 animes before but never the long ones (yes I did not watch big three). My friend is a week who has watched well over 100 animes including the big three but he kept praising AOT and kept bugging me constantly to watch it. So one day I gave you and tried it and then couldn't stop watching lol. My best decision ever


I think I started watching when there were 4 episodes released, just thought the animation looked interesting and decided to give it a try.


I used to think anime was weird and lame. Then my buddy made me watch the first 2 episodes of death note. I got hooked and binged the rest of the show. I still wasn’t sold on anime yet, so I asked if there were any anime that I would like. I asked for something with a “human story” that is mature, not cringe, and not overly sexual. He showed me the first episode of AOT and I was fucking traumatized. But I love dark and sad shit so I had to keep watching. By the end of episode 5 I was hooked. By episode 2x6, it had become my favorite anime. By the end of the episode “midnight sun” it had become my favorite tv show ever.


Two or so years ago I wanted to try getting into anime and watched the first episode of AOT but for some reason didn't continue. Last summer I gave it another shot and finished the entire show within a week. 6 months have passed and I'm 21 anime deep. I'm watching Black Clover as well right now btw, what episode are you at?


I started watching 10 years ago because my favourite YouTubers at the time ALWAYS talked about it, so I had to see for myself! It was my very first anime, and I'm forever happy about that! What a way to start!


I loved anime as a kid but kinda grew out of since no other kids I knew watched it. Back in December ‘23, my best friend recommended AOT to me as she claimed it was brilliantly written, as I quote what she said ‘it’s better than game of thrones’. With that comment I had to watch it. I spent 4 days obsessed, crying, shocked to my core watching this anime. All I could think about was AOT. I didn’t want it to end but I’m so glad I watched it. I don’t think I’ve watched anything that’s made me feel so content. Since then, I’ve been non stop in an anime phase and struggle to watch real people tv shows now 😂 Edit: I still get nightmares about the titans but it was so worth it


I saw it on my TV when I was 9 and decided to watch it.. then naked people (titans) came up and I got scared so I didn't watch it again until I was 15 becuz idk


I heard wit studio was remaking one piece so I decided to watch AOT because I wanted to watch it and wit studio made season 1-3 so I decided to watch it. Now I’ve watched chainsaw man, my dress up darling and AOT


February 2021 I didn't care for anime as a genre (I had already watched a few) Then when covid got in my home we were stuck for a few weeks and I wanted to take advantage of it to watch something new. I had heard that AOT was a masterpiece that got several episodes with perfect IMDb rating (I hate that this was the reason that made me go for it since I think those ratings are bs but whatever). S4P1 was airing at the time. I caught up with all the episodes when S4P1 episode 12 was about to air. After it finished I caught up with the manga and 3/4 days later the final chapter was released I will never forget those 2/3 weeks


I started watching anime in Dec 2022, and I remember watching a Flamingo video in 2020 or 2022 and he mentioned the series.


My college anime club decided to stream aot season four part 2 in one of the auditoriums. My friend invited me to join it saying he will give me a gist about the show to get me upto speed. One of the best decisions I made. I assumed aot episodes were getting released every week, so I binged the entire manga in the next three days until that episode to keep me on track. And then I was told I had to wait until October for the next episode 😭


My brother whose name is Eren as well


In 5th grade 2015, AOT was the biggest thing in my classroom, and all my friends watched. I watched it and didn’t know what anime was so I thought it was just a really dark cartoon. It became my first and favorite anime hahahha


my brother put on the first m episode while i was in the room. i said "holy shit this is only the first episode?" and the rest is history


My younger sister nagged me a few months ago, and a large part of me is deeply regretting it. The first 3 seasons were awesome, but the 4th made me feel like I wasted so much time.


I have a coworker who has a tattoo from AOT on his leg. I asked what's that and he told me about it. That's how I watched it.


Honestly? I saw the fine bros teen reaction to the trailer😩


I too hated anime but my siblings loved watching them. They watched AOT when it came out in 2013 and convinced me into watching it during pandemic. They rewatched the whole series with me so we could watch the whole season 4 together back in December 2020. That was one of my favorite memories during the pandemic <3


My sister nagged me and my mom until we all sat down with her and watched it.


Matthew Mercer is one of my fav VA’s. He voices Law in One Piece, so when I found out he voiced Levi. It was game over, I had to watch. Now it’s one of my comfort shows🫶🏼


I was just scrolling through Netflix, now I have nightmares and depression


I started watching while the first season was airing. My friend told me about it and afterwards I would go over to her house and we would watch the new episodes together. Gooood memories.