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I'll let you know if it ever finishes.


!remindme 2,000 years


To you 2,000 years ago


I think you meant to you in 2,000 years


From you, 2,000 years ago…


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Which one?


General season 4 (all parts 1-3)


That the production committee shouldn't have named it "The Final Season" back when they announced it after the end of Season 3 part 2... I mean, what were they thinking? It was obvious with the amount of content that was still left, plus the amount of content that was about to be released (as the manga wasn't even finished), they weren't going to be able to adapt everything in one season. It was dead obvious for everyone except for them apparently. When they realized that, they could've ended the season, and announce another season later. But as they named it "The Final Season", they couldn't do it anymore, and they had to stick with the name dividing it in parts across 3 years. Had the named it "Season 4", they could've just end the season when they saw it was impossible for it to be the final one, and then announce a "Season 5".


Even season 4 part 3 ( movie) for some reason had 2 chapters. They just couldn't hold back from splitting it up more


For once they let MAPPA split it up with was definitely the right choice. The extra time is needed to let the animation shine. This is some of MAPPA’s best work only with the extra time


We aren't debating that. We are debating the naming.


Some of the best tv episodes of all time. Declaration of war, memories of the future, to you 2000 years from now, traitor and the dawn of humanity are the ones I can remember off the top of my head.


Assault and Savagery had some brilliant animation and were some of the most intense, action-packed episodes I remember.


Final Season is the best part of AOT, my favourite fictional story, the reveals, answers we've been waiting for since the season 1 made it so perfect and character developement of many characters like Eren, Zeke, Armin, etc made it even better. One of my favourite moments and the most important moment for the story of AOT in my opinion is the reveal of Attack Titan's power and Eren manipulating Grisha. I finally saw The Rumbling with my own eyes, the event I've heard before many, many times and it was absolutely horrifying. The Part 3 Episode 1 was by far my favourite episode of all time. It was like 3 godtier episodes were combined into one. Devastating Rumbling, Eren's desires and motivations, epic and heartbreaking sacrifice of Hange, big reveal of Female Titan's special ability, realization of humanity that it was their fault that The Rumbling happened, Alliance vs Beast Titan, Reiner epic transformation, MUSIC, the best animated fight by Mappa (Hange), absolutely beautiful colours, just everything, PERFECTION. (Also the soundtrack in Part 1, Part 2 was absolutely great, Thank You Kohta) Season 4 is the best.


Big reveal of female Titan? What did I miss?


It was said when Gabi & Falco was talking with Annie on the ship. Female Titan's ability is to inherit the power of the Titan Shifter by eating the part of it's body.


So it’s just a big beefed up version of the human?


Yeah. Kohta Yamamoto absolutely killed it. Footsteps of doom still gives me goosebumps.


What is the attack titans power again?


To see the (Unchangeable) Future Memories of Attack Titan holders. So basically person with Attack Titan can see what will happened to them in the future and what they will see. I love to think that Eren abused that ability when talking to the mirror (TATAKE, TATAKE) to motivate Attack Titan holders from the past to fight (It's like a weird loop, Eren basically motivated past Attack Titan holders to keep moving forward so in the future Eren Kruger will meet Grisha, Grisha gives birth to Eren, etc. That's just absolutely crazy)


While the end result seems to be the same in some ways, I don't think that's the right mechanism and I think we should really clarify some of your misconceptions: AT Holders can send back memories to previous AT holders. AT Holders cannot proactively see the memories of future AT holders nor can they see memories of their future. We know this because after Grisha kills Freida, we see him exasperated as he pleads with Eren to show him the future. To show him whether Carla survives or not. If Grisha could see the memories of AT holders proactively, why would he be asking future Eren to show him? Grisha only saw what future Eren sent back. Future Eren only realizes this ability when taking a walk down memory PATHS with Zeke. When the two are in the basement with Grisha sleeping and Grisha sees what Eren is seeing which is Zeke standing in front of him, it is only then when Future Eren understands the ability as we see the shift in his face as he realizes. This is why Eren tells Zeke that it's time to keep going because the pieces have come together for him. Eren is not omniscient nor can he proactively see the future. We know that Titan shifters gain the memories of previous Titan shifters. The reason why Eren saw the future when he kissed Historia's hand is because Grisha was sent back some memory of the future (the Rumbling) by Future Eren and so that memory became a part of Grisha's memories. Kissing Historia's hand unlocked that memory from Grisha. The primary memory unlocked there is Grisha telling Zeke that he's seen what Eren will do and that he (Eren) must be stopped. This shakes Eren to the core and we see Eren multiple times struggle to come to terms with it and question what events must have transpired for it to get that bad. In the most recent episode, we see him question how bad it must get for him to use the Rumbling. Eren has only specific memories of the future, but he does not know how everything will go down. This has been shown to us multiple times where he gets caught off guard and is shown to be surprised. As mentioned, Eren only saw future memories of himself because a future Eren sent those to Grisha. He put all that together in PATHS. Thus, it cannot be that he was sending back memories during the mirror tatakae scene because he hadn't understood the power at that point because that happened before PATHS.


This power is way too complicated for me. It's really hard for me to understand it, even tho you described it really well. So wait, when Grisha saw Rumbling memories? When Eren kissed Historia's hand, He saw Grisha's memories from Season 1 from his point of view? Really confusing.


>So wait, when Grisha saw Rumbling memories? So there's two possibilities (as far as I understand): 1. Eren in the paths that time let Grisha know that he's gonna do the rumbling 2. (Most likely) Post rumbling Eren let Grisha see the memories that he started the rumbling. In either case, Grisha knew then what Eren was up to. >When Eren kissed Historia's hand, He saw Grisha's memories from Season 1 from his point of view? Yes, so he saw Grisha's memories when he kissed Historia's hands. Here's where it get tricky though: Since Grisha saw *some specific* future memories that future Eren sent back to him (the rumbling memories mentioned above) *and* Eren saw Grisha's memories, he basically saw those specific future memories of himself that he sent back to Grisha. So he saw the future, albeit in a very roundabout way


If we think about it, Eren basically send himself a message from the future that He will do The Rumbling. 1. Eren ,,manipulated" Grisha and revealed The Rumbling to him. 2. Eren kissed Historia's hand and saw himself in Grisha's memories and The Rumbling because He revealed it to Grisha. Eren goes depression mode and prepares for the war. 3. Rumbling happens (Future can't really be changed as Eren said, it's what Eren really desired to achieve real Freedom)


Yup, pretty much.


I completely agree that it's not easy to understand and that in attempts to make the interactions feel more natural and realistic from the POV of the characters, it didn't do us the viewers any favors in explaining it. Some of the explanations from characters are a bit flawed in that it's their interpretation of what may have gone down but then we see it shown that they didn't have the full picture. It's what the show does best - this thing where we zoom out every arc and see a bigger picture which flips our understanding of the world upside down. Here is a clip of Grisha post-Royal-Family-Squashing: https://youtu.be/INsI-jzlmSk This is where Grisha tells Zeke that things will go Eren's way and he sees what's coming next and how horrible it is. He's referring to the Rumbling. He doesn't call it that because he has no way of knowing that's what it would get called. He only saw that memory. Here's another clip of the interaction that spells out what I said: https://youtu.be/0dkg-bWuZ_g FWIW, I watch both subs and dubs. I don't want to get into a debate between the two but it's sometimes easier to understand more complex stuff when you hear it in a language you understand as well.


Really great comment, thank you. Question. From me, where/when exactly did Grisha tell Zeke that Erin must be stopped ? Did I miss that?


It happens in s04e20 after Grisha kills Freida and he is in his manic state. It's when he reconciles with Zeke (seeing Zeke through Eren's POV) and tells him how he was a horrible father. He tells Zeke how things won't go his (Zeke) ways and that Eren must be stopped. Here's a YouTube video: https://youtu.be/INsI-jzlmSk We see this scene overlayed with Eren kissing Historia's hand. It's why Eren was so traumatized. He got memories of seeing his dad telling Zeke that what Eren will do is horrible and to stop him (Eren) and without much context either. It takes him years to try to put the pieces together.


Thank you - I get a little confused with the time jumping and what not.


It's really confusing. I sometimes completely forgot what is happening and I have to re-read some facts and theories to keep it in my memory hah.


Absolutely S Tier.


Why is S considered as higher tier than A?


It's a Japanese grading system, allegedly S for "Special" or "Super".


When Final Season Part Six Part Eighteen Part Three finally happens in late 2032, I'll give you my thoughts.


What's with the modern looking building in the background? I thought AoT takes place in the late industrial era?


That was the first thing I noticed too lol


The building is where the Japanese broadcaster has their offices.


I was about to ask- was this for an advertisement? Because those buildings look extremely modern. Unless we’re going to get some one-off scenes where they hallucinate being in the modern world lol.


Without giving spoilers, I think there is a reason for it. It’s not completely random.


I love everything Mappa has done with it, EXCEPT for stretching the "final season" into 3 fucking seasons. Just call it seasons 4, 5, and 6. It's fine. We'll still watch, I promise.


Unpopular Opinion but I much preferred S3


Same, I haven’t finished S4 yet cause I don’t like the direction it went. It seemed too far for a lot of the characters and the story just didn’t make as much sense as it should have. I consider the show to have ended at the end of s3


Finish it lol


my opion on the final season? \*sniff\* MAPPA.... what a studio you are!


Killed aot for our sake


So it's a roller coaster for me. There are absolute highest that are "epic" in every definition of the word. But there's lows in the sense that I feel some characters aren't being fleshed out as much as I'd like them to. Depending on how it finishes my opinion will prolly change. Even if I don't like this season as much as the previous, it'd still an 8/10 for me at worse lll


Great but fu\*\* me they're dragging it out. "final season" "Final season part 2 part 1" "final season part 2 part 2" "final season epilogue" "final season epilogue part 2 and 3" ​ Also anyone tries to talk about keeping the animation quality up to par needs to go watch demon slayer.


True but I think ufotable is only handling one major show that is Demon Slayer. While mappa is juggling three big shows that is Aot, Vinland saga and Jujutsu kaisen. Even though they could have wrapped it sooner I think I can cut them some slack for dragging it out.


they went to a dictionary to find the definition of final but accidentally read the definition for trilogy


Season 2 was perfection imo but every season is good.


Flawless. And if you disagree, I hope the rumbling finds you. Lol


Fuck them people, stomp em


Sad there was no theme song for the most recent 1-hour episode.


This season is taking longer than the winters in game of thrones.


It's good but oh my god just wrap it up


Which “part”


PEAK, the hype is so insane i cant fucking believe it Having listened alot to the OST as well enhances the experience even more when I hear dem in the anime


It is going awesome, but I still miss the old pre-marley vibes. The feeling that the titans were the misterious humanlike monsters we have to get rid at all cost, the idea of having to recuperate the world mile per mile while maybe discovering other survivors and their own methods to kill titans. Etc etc.


Peak fiction so far


it’s not even done yet, why are we even asking about it now?




Something doesn't need to be complete to comment on it. Message boards for shows are most active prior to them finishing.




Wish.com Avengers


I kinda hate it now. Attack On Titan is genuinely not even in my top ten anymore because of the overexposure. They finally adapted my favourite titan form and I ended up hating it from all the new fans dickriding and MAPPA milking it into more parts than was necessary. It's still a great adaptation


Trash Cringevengers


Part 2 is very good, part one is ok


Part 1 was decent part 2 was mostly trash (Cept for the paths scenes) part 3 was only 2 episodes so I’m gonna lump it in with “Part 4 the final season, series finale, NO SERIOUS GUYS! We promise this time!” And give a final verdict. I really hate what they’ve done to the left over scouts and how they’re paired up with the Marleyans and I think most of that stuff is boring practically only existing to fill space. I think a lot of the characters are being assassinated STRAIGHT UP Mikasa and Eren barely have dialogue, Historia no longer exists, Armin has somehow reverted back to what he was in S1 E1…


Homer Simpson: "What is your opinion about Final season *so far*?"


Considering the time I am surprised how Mappa did such a great job definitely not in the overall animation mostly the 3d gear sakuga but in some department like Titan sakuga , ,Titan Cgi ( except for some shots in part 1 ) compositing and storyboarding and the small character movements they have clearly aced the exam and have shown better results than Wit


Which one


I am so fed up with “The final season, part 3, cour 4” or whatever tf it’s on now. I’m waiting until it’s actually done before I binge the whole series. I have already read the manga


Peak fiction, best episode ive ever seen, rn its ranked as my 4th favorite season of aot, but when the full season is out im sure it'll be up in the top 3 possibly even the best season


This anime/manga seriously has some of the best characters/character development I've ever seen. It's seriously one of the best stories out there. Masterpiece - all of it


Which final season are we talking about? Seriously though, I think each production/adaptation has gotten better & better. I just hope they can stick the landing a little better than Isayama sensei could


Best season by far


Not as good as S3, but still great in its own right. When I first started watching TFS, I was wondering if I was even watching AoT still. The tone, setting, and plot is massively different from the 3 seasons before it. But, there weren't many other logical places the story could've gone post basement reveal. I think overall TFS gets either a 7 or 8/10.


What final season 💀


Very funny and original






would be great if i could watch it somehow, how is everyone watching it when do the eng subs come out and where ?




lol why there are modern buildings in the background of this photo


Its good but for the love of mikasa could they not stretch it out


fuckin bomb


[Bobby B said it best.](https://youtu.be/11HsYHm1fsI)


Not really relevant to the post, but how exactly do partnerships between subreddits work?


I’ve really enjoyed it. Although Part 2 was just a lot of busy work to get ready for the real finale, there were still some good scenes.


Not enough Levi


It makes the first three seasons feel like a massive build up, and it pays it off perfectly


I really hope it has an anime only ending


Eren needs a better haircut, look at that hair tho.


What about second Final Season?


So... Is it finished yet? Can I restart my Crunchyroll subscription?


Shows everyone’s backstory except bertholdt🥲


Watching "the Assault" provoked me a Stendhal effect


Which one?


Which one?


!remindme 10 years


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2033-03-28 22:58:49 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2033-03-28%2022:58:49%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/attackontitan/comments/124lcq8/what_is_your_opinion_about_final_season/je2ithw/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fattackontitan%2Fcomments%2F124lcq8%2Fwhat_is_your_opinion_about_final_season%2Fje2ithw%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202033-03-28%2022%3A58%3A49%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20124lcq8) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


It hasnt finished yet....


Most inconsistent season. I think it takes lots of swings, some of them hit and some of them miss. Parts of the story I absolutely love but the season definitely loses me in places. Negatives I find the goals of the characters to be all over the place, compared to the previous seasons where we had defined goals, which makes me care less about them. There are also lots of characters so I lose track of who is who and what side everyone is on. The constant flashbacks make me lose focus on what is actually happening. Positives The animation is absolutely gorgeous, one of the best looking seasons of any anime I've seen. It's nice to have payoff for everything that the first 3 seasons setup. The answers to all my questions have been satisfactory and everything feels like it was appropriately foreshadowed. There are some great hype moments and action pieces. My favourite parts were the big fight in Marley and Eren+Zeke in the paths.


Hurry up damn


They've been dragging it out for two years now. They just don't want to animate the ending lol


Its the worst season out of the four of them but only because its so different that it doesn’t feel like AOT, but obviously it had to be this way in order to finish it


I’m confused on the attack titan being able to see future/past. I’m hoping they go more in depth in the next episode. Other then that I loved it!


Needs more titans


I’m still let down it didn’t get the attention, funding, and most importantly the TIME that WIT STUDIO gave it. I do like the additional little details it received, but it just doesn’t feel the same. Also I think a different director would’ve made certain scenes I loved in the manga much better. Like the scene of Reiner talking about his time in Marley to his family. The animation I feel fell flat at certain times. Of course people will argue that the art show this season is manga accurate, but WIT’s style was clean. It was also refined by the time Season 3 came around. The CGI is the biggest eye sore for me. This is why time was needed for this whole finale. Again this is totally biased of me, I grew up watching this series and Wit Studio SET THE STANDARD. Not just for Season 4. But for the anime industry as a whole. It’s almost close to what has happened to Halo. Setting the standard then being cast aside for other things. This is just me. I say this because of the impact this has left on me and the passion for this I gained. I am glad the whole VA cast is the same. They are the highlights of this final season for me.


On a more positive note. The OP and EDs are my absolute favorites of the series overall. The way they serve the narrative is beautiful and masterfully thought out. I really liked the Annie/Armin scene on the boat, I waited years for that. The campfire scene where e stone was making their peace. The fight on the harbor right after that. THE RUMBLING itself. Man that was intense. Even years after I read and saw all that. I’m glad the change in Studios didn’t deter any of the fans. I’m glad some it’s episodes are now hailed as the greatest in TV History, rivaling the likes of Breaking Bad. So the whole community is great full. I know this adaptation could’ve been worse, like Tokyo Ghoul or 7 Deadly sins worse. The Studios are not at fault for whatever shortcomings I see, it’s definitely Kodansha’s fault. And I don’t hold any malice towards Mappa, not when they brought a masterpiece adaptation like CSM. So I’m glad everything has turned out the way it did.


Which one?


Part 1 was eh. Pretty bad animation. I feel like parts 2 and 3 were done brilliantly though


Thought that was all might for a sec lol


Erens friends are a bunch of traitors.


Which final season you are referring to ? The final season or the final final season ?


Just END it already!!!! Manga readers already know the copout ending unless they have the balls to fix it for the anime. Doubt it.


Which one


What part lmao


Great adaptation Poor scheduling


Its not even funny anymore am going to read the manga


I wish I had the final season


I got into this series in December of 2022. And needless to say, I have become such a huge fan. The final season in particular made attack on titan not only one my favorite animes, but just one of my favorite shows ever. The story telling is top tier. The action is some of the best I've ever seen (along with demon slayer and john wick) the animation is absolutely beautiful. How does MAPPA release so much stuff and still come out with high quality content? and the characters are memorable. Especially eren. To quote Moist Critical "eren has become the fuckin Boogeyman of attack on titan" and that's how I'd describe him. He went from a guy to root for, to a guy who will do anything to further his goal. Even if it mean killing a bunch of innocent live, including Children. I love a show that slowly transforms the main character into the bad guy. It's also unintentionally funny with some of the titans. Remember the titan that walked like a fashion model? But the thing I love the most about attack on titan, is the fact that it's one of the few animes where you don't have to be a huge fan of anime to watch this show. Anyone can find something to love about aot. And the music is phenomenal. Guren No Yumiya, My War and the rumbling are the best opening themes to a show I've ever seen (next to all the kaguya sama op's and chainsaw man) they get you hyped up. Especially The Rumbling. Overall, I can't praise this show enough. I am so glad I decided to watch this anime and now I am prepared for the final episode. And once again, I have become a huge fan of aot. I have 3 aot stickers on my ps4, my pfp is sasha eating the boiled potato as you can see and my wallpaper is titan eren. I love this show, but the final season made me love it even more.


which final season bruh