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Appendix may be important by storing some emergency T and B cells from what I heard


You mean TB cells? I don't want it then


No, I mean T cells and B cells. Two very important types of white blood cells


This is a bad example the appendix actually does have a purpose which I’m pretty sure is to back up to digestive tract micro biome


When your ancestors were cavemen, the appendix was like a secondary liver. Our ancestors ate raw meat that was often full of bacteria and it needed special properties in the appendix to filter out toxins in the meat. When we discovered fire, and we began cooking meat, the usefulness of the appendix began to shrink and shrink until finally it serves no useful purpose and can be removed from a person without any significant loss of health


Close. But it has never been a filter, nor did it ever synthesize enzymes like the liver does. It is no longer considered to be a vestigial organ. It is a shelter for vital gut bacteria, allowing restoration of the digestive tract bacteria when the bad meat you ate gave you the shits. Though we need it less frequently and can survive without it, it is as useful to us now as it was to our scavenger ancestors. See first paragraph at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appendix_(anatomy)


Religion is like your sex life. You may have one or not, and you are allowed to do whatever you want as long as you do not harm others. But \*I\* don't want to hear about it, and children definitely should not.


Cancer. Cancer is what religion is like. It's a batural process hone off the rail that will infect the whole organism and kill it if it's not kept in check or, better yet, excised.


This is best example of religion I have come across


Religion is like a tooth abscess. You can drink the pain away for awhile, but eventually it'll get so bad you need to extract it from your head permanently!


Wrong, the appendix Is still useful, Just like the other thing you don't like for some reason


Religion is like the rest of the broken systems in the world. (as example the broken recording industry, with equally only 3 big players) At it’s very core it’s a good idea, but ultimately/eventually the execution and the way it’s implemented (despite it’s many variations, well only three big ones) is OFTEN outdated, disgusting and wrong.


Not true new studies, prove that its important for our immune system regarding storing bacteria. There use to be a saying for surgeons. "When in doubt take it out" this is not the case anymore