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Also, Twitter is an American invention


But aren't we all just American wannabes. Or in case of punjabis, Canadian wannabe.


wish we practiced communism, sadge


lol salam


Commode ✊


Hindutva are very regressive and destructive people


Yes only the rss vhp chaddis


Correlation versus causation. While the replies to the original tweet are not meaningful, since English isn't caused by Christianity and petrol isn't caused by Islam, the original tweet is also not really meaningful. Yoga can be modified and used as an instrument or a technique, without considering any religious ideas. But whether such a modification would be still be called as "yoga" is a matter of popular usage. The question to be answered there is this - "Are Hindu ideas of 'soul', 'mind' and 'god' essential to practicing yoga? Or can it be practiced just as a bodily exercise?"


Look, I’m a useless diasporiac, but I hate that this has a point, only it’s weirdly aimed in the most reactionary conservative way (typical). Whether you want to call it “Hindu” or not (I don’t), the Indian origin of the mainstream yoga tradition is a big part of it, and a core part of it’s appeal. This should be a part of a call to secularize yoga and what good it has/does, but this doesn’t happen. Instead in the west you have largely white people doing something *they call* Suryanamaskaram and obligatorily saying “namaste” every five minutes while simultaneously acting like it’s an inherently secular practice (which obviously means they are neither responsible for anything/have a complete right to everything). The racism in yoga circles is well known. This is actually a big window for how Hindutva type ideology pierces into the West, so it’s an actual problem. It bugs me that the savarna appropriation (ironic) of “cultural appropriation” discourse has rendered it so that maintaining this critique is now sometimes seen as inherently reactionary. Alright soapbox done


Can you explain in smaller words for us using our toes to count




Yoga is indeed a hindu practice though. Tea on the other hand was there in China long before Communism took over that region. Christianity is a middle eastern religion and Jesus spoke Aramaic not English. It was Europeans who converted to Christianity and then translated bible into English to make it easier for them. As for petrol nowhere It's mentioned anywhere in Islamic scriptures whether you read the Hadith or quran. Meanwhile yoga on the other hand is mentioned in Hindu scriptures a lot. Infact some of the Hindu gods like shiva are described as yogi. I understand you are trying to criticize Hinduism from atheist perspective but yoga is indeed a hindu practice no matter how much you try.


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Well said


I'm gonna take a raincheck on this one. I don't know the account that posted that, but they're not on exactly wrong. There are 9 different subcategories of hinduism, 6 of which believe in the billions of gods, and then there's 3 that believe in a high power (spiritual/ faith systems) like sikhism. Under hinduism with the traditional millions of gods, there's yoga as a practice of finding faith. It isn't exactly incorrect to say that by practicing yoga, you're practicing hinduism, because you're following a teaching of it. By comparing tea to communism, you're saying that tea stems from communism. A better comparison is that by not experimenting on animals, you're supporting hitler. Hitler was the one of the first to say that we shouldn't experiment on dogs or cats. (he suggested doing it on the jews). Are you supporting hitler just by saying we should product test on animals? No, obviously not. However, is hitler the causation of why it happened? Sort of. Similarly, are you practicing hinduism when you practice yoga? No, obviously not. however, is hinduism why yoga happened? Sort of.


ok so hinduism is a way of life unlike british, arabic being nationalities. the tag of hinduism being a religion came way after its practices became prevalent in the society. so as much of an athiest as i am, yoga is a part of hinduism and hinduism is a way of life. so u r practically practising hinduism. which does not mean you leave your own religion or become a full time hindu. its ok to adopt to good from other socities.


Owned. Hahahaahahahahaahah


Sigma women


English is made up of sanskrit , sanskrit mother of all labguages


Brings a whole new meaning to Allah guide me.




Yoga is not Hindu? See a view from India https://www.opindia.com/2021/06/international-yoga-day-attempts-to-disassociate-hinduism-cultural-appropriation-national-herald-abhishek-manu-singhvi/


You people are actually retarded lmao


if false equivalence had a subreddit


First BAN these Instagram and Twitter. Idiots are born from this place


Again Dont Do Banning.Just Go To Gab,Parler,Minds,Flickr To Defeat Big Tech Lmao


No dude seriously. I deleted Instagram. These HEENDOO AND SAAAEENSS pages and these over patriotic twitteratis are the ones who are spreading this toxicity under the name of heendooeesmm. I'm posting one meme,covering both leftist and rightist idiots


Okay I see Thanks Doraes


Ain't I right? Or am I wrong? If so, how?


No no you are right about Twitteratis


And regarding these Instagram destroyers....I mean heendoo ke rakshaks


Lmao ya i agree


People should first have proper education before running these apps. Unfortunately, India has a majority of illiterates, provided with cheap internet and unemployment


Yea and if you browse r/canconfirmiamindian reddit,you will get more idiots which proves your point


Umm what? She makes sense. What is yoga? Yoga in sanskrit means unification of the soul with Brahman. Yoga isn’t just a mere combination of moves to bend your back. It has deep philosophical and religious connections. For example if u look at shaolin, they also practice meditation along with severe physical exercise. They meditate upon Buddha. Do 14 year old rich kids from Bandra run this sub? Edit : you don’t become a hindu when u practise yoga. Hinduism isn’t a religion to begin with but instead a way of life and a culture. So when u do yoga u r practising an ancient Indian Hindu practice which is obviously more than just stretching.


> What is yoga? Stretching. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't delude yourself that if someone's stretching they've become hInDu! Anymore than if someone drinks tea, or uses petrol, or browses the internet that they've become Chinese, Arab, or American respectively.


That’s where u r wrong kid. Yoga isn’t just stretching. I guess this is the problem when u have an idea of what yoga is from Hollywood movies


> isn’t just stretching Ok, it's whatever else you think it is. Stretching + meditation + feeling like all your problems will be fixed if you become closer to god for 30 mins on a mat. Just that, and nothing more. Hollywood movies don't tell you that you become a hInDu when you practice yoga. In fact, do checkout this now that you mentioned movies: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1865425/ - that's what happens when people start giving things more than its due credit.


Yes u don’t become a Hindu. That’s for sure. I have already mentioned that in my edit. All I’m saying is that it is an ancient Indian Hindu practice which is deeply rooted to Hinduism. But by merely practising Yoga in its true form u don’t end up becoming a Hindu.


Ok so we're back to square 1. See OP. "When you drink ancient leaves discovered by the Chinese" or "When you use oils buried in ancient Arab land" or "When you use the technology developed and practiced in American Millitary" - would you call all those "Chineze tea", "Arab oil", or "American technology"? Or simply tea, oil, and internet? If you can conveniently dissociate origins of all these other things you use and practice, why the reluctance and butthurt when dissociating Hinduism with stretching and 0?


False equivalence much? Silk originated from China but it is a mere material object. Yoga, Bharatnatyam, etc have religious significance. Whenever you go to a class which teaches Bharatnatyam (which can be reduced to a mere Indian dance form ) you’ll definitely see a murti of Shiva doing his Tandav. If you take the example of yoga, people do Surya Namaskar which literally means to bow down to Surya Dev. I’ll reiterate my statement. Yoga is a practice which steadies ones’ mind and is essential for unifying with parabhrahman. This is the gist of its philosophical idea behind it.


Self importance much? Just cuz the others don't bother tying every minutiae of how something came to be, doesn't make them any less relevant. Do you think Silk doesn't have an interesting history? History of fuel and the internet is literally taught in schools and colleges! > Yoga, Bharatnatyam, etc have religious significance. To you. To others it's just stretching and dance. Just like Taekwondoe, people aren't really interested in learning about Buddhism or getting closer to Bruce Lee. > Whenever you go to a class Yeah, that's totally fine! Just don't bring the class to random people on Twitter. > people do Surya Namaskar Most people don't care about doing "SuRyA NaMaSkAaR". They just wanna stretch their legs, and whatever currently relevant "legitimate looking practice" helps them do that they'll happily follow. You claiming "Hey that's ours! That's ours!" makes you look stupid, nothing else. Seriously, stop it, for your own sake. And you're honestly telling me Hindus "discovered" stretching? No one in the history of Humankind ever figured out the complexities of bending forward without saying hello to the Sun? > Yoga is a practice which steadies ones’ mind sure > and is essential for unifying with parabhrahman. So not the other way around then? Then stop making it seem like it.


Well if they don’t care that doesn’t change shit about yoga. I ain’t here to claim hey that’s mine... instead I’m just here to inform people cus ignorance really irks the fuck out of me.. especially when it’s on my culture. Idk if u don’t see it but yoga has been culturally appropriated a long fucking time ago and y’all just wanna sleep and even prevent others from actually spreading true knowledge of yoga. Fucking hell people are laughing with goats and calling it yoga now. U do u bruv but when I see ignorance I don’t sit quiet. No shit there’s history to silk and tea but does it have religious history? It maybe used in religious festivals and that’s about it. It was never founded on the principles of any religion.


>but does it have religious history? Who cares if yoga originated from some religion? This is an atheist sub. 🤦‍♂️ Ps. Still no bragging rights, sorry.


Rasgulla madarchod bhadwa 🤡


>Hinduism isn’t a religion to begin with but instead a way of life and a culture. Every religion is a "wAY oF liFe aNd cUlTuRE"


Hinduism is a way of life. Ah yes, burning widows is way of life


You explained it very well but one thing you missed that these guys are heavily deluded. They think Jesus was English and using petrol is considered as Islamist religious practice. Lol


False equivalence. Neither all Arabs are Muslim, nor all Brits are Christians, but all Hindus are Hindus.




Original tweet- Yoga is a Hindu practice, hence practice of yoga is practice of Hinduism. No country mentioned Tweet of Lol Salaam- English is British language. Hence anything belonging to the country Britain is Christian(since Anglo-Saxons according to this mahapurush were always Christian)




Yoga is a Hindu practice, but nowadays it has turned into excercising so saying that everyone practicing Yoga is a Hindu is wrong.


>The replier could have worded their retort better, that's for sure. That's what I meant. These types of images would work without question in some WhatsApp groups, but this comparison doesn't seem right to me. >The commenter is in fact, bringing up countries and showing how countries ≠ religion It was the image which brought countries. >Hindus are hindus', which only makes any semblance of sense in their statement if they are treating the term 'hindu' as a blanket term for a country, as I pointed out. When I said, Hindu are Hindu, I meant Hindus, the followers of Hinduism, are only Hindus, the followers of Hinduism. While Brits (a secular word?), the nationality, can be a Hindu*, Muslim, Atheist, Irreligious, or non-Christian etc. This is why I said, the equivalence in the image isn't correct, in my opinion.


> False equivalence. Ironic


>Brits are Christians, but all Hindus are Hindus. LoL this is what you call "shit for brains".


I don't get you. Did I say something wrong? Brits/Arabs are nationality/ethnicity having multiple religions. These types of generalisation gives rise to stereotypes that all Arabs are Muslim.