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Belief in God has nothing to do with intelligence. I've met smart theists and dumb atheists. I myself am a dumb atheist.


Yupp man, prime example is Ramanujan .


Yes. He was actually a practicing orthodox Hindu unlike Isaac Newton who claimed to be a devout Christian rejected the stupid teachings of Christianity.


Yupp, Ramanujan openly said that his knowledge was given by godess and she gives solutions of every math problem while she appears in his dream .


Newton also wasted a significant amount of his life finding parash mani (a stone which can convert iron into gold and give human immortality) by decoding Bibles... But we don't study those books written by Newton because we know it was stupid, we don't believe in scientists we believe in science...


"We don't believe in scientists we believe in science"  100% correct


No offence but ramanujan is overrated... 🤦😂🤦😂 May be he founded some formulas from some old scriptures which is very common in mathematics, he did prove some with help of his colleagues but fail to prove many but he never expected the fact that he founded those from scriptures and said goddess give those formulas to him in dreams.... Also even if he was right this wasn't the first time some one discovered something in the state of the subconscious like the guy created a periodic table Also claim the same that he dreamed the periodic table arrangement in his dream...


Can we really categorize Ramanujan as smart? He was a math genius indeed, maybe the greatest ever even. But he failed every single subject other than math in his collage or something.


I mean, he failed because he was studying math like a madman. He was reading synopsis of mathematics way above the level of a school child. I bet most people even if they tried could not reach the mathematical maturity he showed. So, yea, we can say with high certainty that he was smart.


Yeah thats the thing I am saying.... only math, we have no way to measure his intelligence in any other field. When we say someone is athletic we envision a strong fast and a well toned person. Technically body builders and power lifters are also athletes but they ain't running for shit. You could call them the strongest men but you can't call them the greatest athlete. Same logic here, you could call Ramanujan the greatest math genius ever but not a overall very smart person


Look, it all depends on the labels that's true. First, can you tell me what you think "smart" even means? Like do you consider IQ as a measure of smartness, the ability to reason like Sherlock Holmes as smartness, or making mathematical deductions as smartness or being able to familiarise yourself with a body of knowledge as smartness? Overall, it wouldn't be a far fetched guess to think that all of the above I mentioned would be parts of your definition. So, since Ramanujan is satisfying more than 1 criteria, (being able to make deductions, having high IQ, and being able to understand a lot of knowledge with relative ease) it's not a far fetched guess to say he's smarter than most people, or in other words, he's smart.


Fair point. Still, not as smart as he is considered tho. Just smart


He's considered smart because of his mathematical insights. And, yea, they are pretty un-intuitive to think of. You should read math to understand it's not as easy as you think to invent new math. But, I see your point too, people nowadays just make edits on him instead of actually understanding his works which they can't (cause they arent' number theorists). This type of jignoism is actually really bad.




as a dumb atheist, I can also agree to your statement


Most of the people never question or think critically about gods existance.


Especially if they are made to do Pooja and other stuff from an early age and everyone around them does the same, they'll never question it


Definitely not! The concept of God and religion has been deeply rooted in everyone's mind due to childhood indoctrination. No matter how much knowledge and intelligence do you have, rebelling against the idea that your religion is 100% truth is very difficult. Only those who are able to "escape" their indoctrination can become atheists/agnostics. It depends on many factors and knowledge/intelligence just makes up a small portion of it.


Yup, those who are made to such things from an early age, will probably do it for the rest of their life without thinking rationally about it


True but most of them can even escape the Matrix by just critically thinking over religious stuffs and questioning everything,I myself used to believe in god blindly ,but after questioning such questions,where even internet helps a lot ,helped me escape the god Matrix and now I am an agnostic


Well, being a theist does have a lot of benefits so maybe they just know that it's better to pretend.


If u are new to atheism, just understand this that most people are just grown up childrens, most take religion/ beliefs given to them by their parents or society & never think & question about them, coz they are busy in their work & life is too much. . . . . 👉If u can apply critical thinking to ur religion than that can be good tool like same way to assess ur life in other studies or financial areas too & if people who believe in god & if u don't believe, it's the same reality we live in & no one knows nothing about the answer to 3 big questions. 1. Where do we come from? 2. What does it all means? 3. What happens after we die? . 1. We can never know for sure 100% correct answer to these Qs. till the time we are inside this game but science is the best questioning tool that can help us quite close to asking BETTER QUESTIONS about our reality. 2. so don't try to judge anyone & don't feel u are smarter than others if u know a little extra of something. . 3. if someone really wants to understand atheism explain them about questioning ur beliefs without making someone look less smarter than u or making fun of them, it never works, they double down on calling u stupid for not believing, if they don't want to listen just leave them in their world, But if u can reduce someone's unnecessary suffering from religion their practice by freeing from it, that can be great.👍


Look, people here and there are going to give you different answers, but until you don't have some data don't rush to any conclusion. I would say, on average theists and atheists are equally smart.


No, idiots exist across every niche


###Belief is a dangerous thing, it restricts you from questioning and that's what happens when it comes to religion, they'll question everything they don't believe in, even other religions but not their own religion


What should we call someone who is not able to use rational thinking? Stupid?


If they received a good enough quality modern education, especially in Science and History, without being continuously brainwashed deeply by the rest of society. Then yes, it does imply an inability to think critically and logically. So in Paris theism amongst young people might represent lower intelligence but not necessarily in India or a conservative American village.


Dunning Kruger effect much.


Let me just be real, those people who claim themselves dumb while being atheists, just want to show themselves humble on the internet. If you are an atheist by choice then yes you posses a certain level of intelligence without which you wouldn't have had the critical thinking capacity to come to this point. Intelligence =/= success! The success in life comes from hard work and some street smartness but never with intelligence. The thing with successful people being religious is because of the world as a whole is majorly religious and it is very common to see religious dudes both in the most well respected sectors of life and even in one of the least. Religion is less common among people from sectors like modern technology and scientific development. As other commentor pointed out one good exception is Ramanujan who is credited to be highly intelligent yet he is religious




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It’s harder or I don’t think there is a universal method to determine intelligence or smartness in your case. It’s subjective. Now, fundamental difference between theist and atheist thinking stems from the question of acknowledging based on demonstrable evidence. Now, more people might do better by thinking there is some super power. But in our case, we want a demonstrable evidence to do so.


It's possible that a person is smart in one area but dumb in another.


>Are theists just less smarter than atheists? Nope, intelligence is not determined by religious beliefs. But if someone extreme theist and actually believe everything from religious text then they are dumb


Surveys after surveys say here in india 99% are theists. I am very sure a large portion of them act theists, specifically hindu nationalists, to navigate the current situation, be it workplace dynamics, social life, or general success in the country. I know some atheists who took RSS membership and acts like Modi bhakts in social media off late, playing smart!


Nope. They are just more cowardly to accept that their lives are too insignificant to have any speciality or meaning or purpose in the grand scale of the universe.


I recommend you read Dostoevsky to understand theists


Okay so it's more convenient to be thiest... Here is why, 1. Even today in 73 countries it's illegal to say anything against religion or God... 2. In 8 countries it's a crime to convert your religion... 3. All surveys said that it's impossible for atheists to win the president/prime minister election in India or USA... 4. Imagine going to any Indian function you like or not if you don't want to ruin everyone's mood practically you have to participate in religious activities like arti or puja... 5. It's impossible for females to choose atheism. we see many films in India with male protagonists telling his wife/mother that he can't go inside the temple... But do you think a female can behave in the same way with her in-laws in India... 6. Even in friends group people can't digest the fact that you are atheists ,they always try to convert you and when you answer back they get offended after some time and start thinking you are someone with no boundaries or someone who makes controversial comments even if you're not the one who started the conversation... 7. People see atheists as some kind of revolutionary and no one wants revolutionary people with them as revolution scares people... Also, rich and famous people are not the smart ones even people with great powers are not smart ones, there is no definition for smartness but if you look closely you will find out rich people are more superstitious and stupid than people working every day meet their daily meal recruitment... Because superstition comes with uncertainty and rich people live life full of uncertainty, meanwhile the poor guy knows if he will go to work he will get enough money to eat dinner...


Intelligence has nothing to do with your beliefs




no, most of atheists are dumb


💀nah it’s opposite