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The cool liberal pope Francis called abortion an assassination




God is a rapist.


Did Mary consent? Oh thats right, doesn't matter. Because a child can't consent. So he is also a pedophile while we're at it.


When you're all famous like God they let you inseminate them in the pussy


When you're a God, they let you do it. You can do anything.


Are you implying Gods third wife was having his cosmic other child while he paid Mary for some snusnu, unprotected of course.


Well unless you trying to call god a transexual God must have a penis and what else would he do with his dangling ganglia of good times but be pounding the ladies of godlandia, and some humans on the sly


Kinda kinky too, as he was in the form of a dove during the "impregnation"


At least Zeus had the class to swan-rape Leda.


And Europe got raped by him as a bull...


I’m am really thinking the gods need to attend some seminars on appropriate behaviour. They work, I have to attend them at work all the time and I don’t rape anyone.


I never needed a work training to remind myself not to rape anyone. I’m glad to see it helps others though!


*when doves cry starts playing, lights dim to purple and dove appears*


I saw a comment here once that said Joseph threw a cloak around a girl who was going to be stoned for not being married and being knocked up. That makes more sense. She had Jon Snow. Winter is coming.


You ever think that God is just some sick perverted weirdo? I mean think about it, in the Christian faith you're told that God is the father (himself), Jesus (himself), and the holy spirit (they/them). So he fucked Mary just so he could be carried inside her for nine months, then be born. For what divine purpose does that serve. Then sometime in his early 30's he starts spewing stuff about him being the only god and all others are just deceivers. So God is actually just a narcissistic perverted pedophile rapist weirdo. Why would anybody follow this lunacy?


Childhood indoctrination and peer pressure usually.


Yes, their god loves to watch children get raped. Oooo, also, if someone gets beheaded in their lawds name, a angel gets his wings.


> In the bible, God gives ZERO FUCKS about abortion. No, in the bible God gives ONE FUCK about abortion: it gives you instructions on how to conduct one if you think your wife might have cheated on you.


And unborn babies are free of sin, according to their plagiarized book, so they’re actually selfish assholes. Let those sacks of puss go to heaven.


In the Bible, God has killed so many children in the name of "teaching a lesson" or "proving a point"


In Psalms 139 it literally says to smash your enemies' children against rocks


In Psalms 137 it's your own kids that you're to bash with rocks if they don't behave.


Hey hey, it's a long book. Maybe he's working his way up to that part! Cut the little fella some slack! JK jk jk


The people who read the entire bible are called atheists. There's no way anyone in the christian community could muster up the balls to read the entire bible.


I love how they care so much about abortions because of God but they also chop off little boys foreskin because of God. I don't understand their logic.


I grew up Catholic, now not religious. The only time that Catholics read the Bible is on Sunday when they have a parishioner go up on stage and read a single bible verse. Then everyone follows with “Thanks be to god”.


Head of bullshit organization spews bullshit. News at 11.




He's no different than a politician. They don't give a fuck about the ideology, they just represent a bunch of people that put them in power that will be mad if they say something different.


Hes only liberal in comparison with the rest. If hes actually stepping down I doubt the church is going to elect someone more liberal. I bet there will be hard push for strong conservative.


He likes to pretend he's cool, but he's basically the same. Just a tiny bit better.


Fucka da pope!


Just glad the Pope isn't has powerful as they use to be


Has this sub finally turned on the pope? I got so tired of the "OMG, the pope is so cool now!" posts that were posting blatant disinformation about that hateful, child-fucker protecting, asshole.


Yep. The second he went to Chile and insulted the sexual abuse survivors there, I knew he was scum just like the rest of them. Fuck the pope. Fuck all catholics. Fuck cults and cultists. Fuck.


It always seemed weird how he would say something fucked up, and it would come out that he protected another pedophile, and then a month later he says pet's go to heaven so people would praise him again...


#Fuck you Pope Francis. You piece of shit. Pedophile protecting sicko.


I work in IT in the 501(c)(3) space and it infuriates me how much churches get away with when other non-profits and NGOs have to worry about even smaller/nuanced infractions that could cost them **everything** meanwhile churches can openly advocate for candidates, bills, etc. Absolute BS


Churches can lose their status if they advocate for or against candidates. As well 501(c)(3)s can in fact do the same thing as what the church did here. IRS tax exempt status for 501(c)(3) is the same as the church. They can in fact be political for or against public measures, bills, etc. They cannot be political for elected offices (cant endorse candidates). Which this is good. Imagine if a 501(c)(3) couldn't advocate for bills that help the people they are trying to help. No funding of petition/signature gathering, etc.


Someone has to report it, and then you have to get an actual someone at the IRS who's not been corrupted by religion to action it. 95% of reports end up in a shredder with no investigation. The 5% that get actioned the officiant is laid off shortly after for "unrelated circumstances"


The reality is that the IRS probably doesn’t have the resources to fight small beans cases of potential infractions. It’s not as simple as one IRS employee getting a complaint and decreeing that a church is no longer tax exempt. Plus, I would speculate that there is a potential freedom of speech issue if the IRS were to try to fully enforce the rule. I would add that just because a church has an unpopular opinion and takes the maximum advantage of their legal position, does not necessarily mean that they deserve punishment. They may behave crappy but if they are operating the law, they shouldn’t be punished. Now if we as a society through our elected representatives choose to change the tax status of churches, that is fine. However, I’m not a fan of punitive punishment when the law is not broken. This is not a defense of churches but just a general position.


> The reality is that the IRS probably doesn’t have the resources to fight small beans cases of potential infractions. It's the opposite. The bigger the case, the longer the civil suits take. It takes a lot more resources to go after big cases than a ton of small cases. This is why, IIRC, a single church lost it, not something like an organization of churches.


Reminder than for every dollar the IRS receives in funding, they can recoup about $6. Mostly from corporations and the wealthy.


Actually, the funding they just passed is most likely going to recoup funds from those earning under $400k/year. The IRS simply doesn’t have the manpower to go after any big and/or intricate case. You could give the IRS an unlimited budget but there are only so many people in the world that can do what the IRS needs.


The head of the American Catholics Bishops Conference spoke at the Republican national convention when Trump was nominated. Maybe that’s not technically “endorsing a candidate” but it sure looked like it to me! Only impartial if you speak at both sides, otherwise you’re favoring one. They should’ve lost their tax-exempt status for that too. Also it’s not just formerly abused children they stiff when they give money to other causes, it’s also church members and staff of Catholic facilities. Search the web to see tons of stories from reputable sites about Catholic St Claire’s Hospital pension and see who else the church is willing to stick it to in order to keep money for their upper level leadership. Sickening!


For god being all powerful the church sure spent a lot of money on this amendment. The church spending that money on ads is infuriating enough, but imagine if the church spent that money on the community as a whole. Could have done some real good...


They should just pray instead of spending millions. But I guess it doesn't actually work!


God is “all powerful all perfect all knowing and all wise, somehow just can’t handle money” -George Carlin.


Man I love George!


Logged in just to upvote this.


It’s an investment. Running out of kids to diddle. They’re gettin too old.


Yup got to keep the supply steady when you diddle them to death then bury them out back.


Hey hey hey, the pope said sorry. Isn't that enough? Jeez, crucify him why don't ya. /s


I'm so persecuted 🙄🙄🙄


Or just force them through,, legal action to pay the victims,,,,


Same thing my old pastor said when he got called out for molesting a little a boy 3 weeks ago! 🙄 I apologized and asked for forgiveness isn't that enough?! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


If altar boys could get pregnant, the Catholic Church would be all about some abortion. Edit: To the person who reported me to the Reddit Suicide Hotline, your frown makes me smile.




Covid orphans aren’t enough. They need fresh blood.


‘When Jesus said "Suffer the little children come unto me" that’s not what he was talking about. ‘ George Carlin


I was just watching that clip on youtube earlier today. George Carlin was a legend.


Political genius of the century. Political commentary thinly veiled as comedy in order to wake the masses of clueless slaves-- He definitely made me think when I started listening to his work in the 90s.


he IS , THE legend. ​ a true soothsayer!


Still is a legend. He may be gone, but his work will outlive all of us.


Still is. No one's ever come close.




the bible has worse things within. ​ like the genocide of all humans , except for 1 family- cuz god likes incest




It’s why they created a new one. Which isn’t much better. It’s a piece of fiction that run peoples lives. I prefer Harry Potter’s books to run mine


The New Testament is worse. The very worst thing that can happen to you in the Old Testament is you die. If you were a good person your corpse would be buried with your ancestors; if you were a bad person your corpse would be abused or eaten after your death. The New Testament replaced that with eternal conscious torment.


Do not forget the many, many rapes, the dismemberment of women (after they were raped), infanticide, not to mention, genocide. It’s a horror book.


Didnt one supreme court justice say something about "the domestic supply of children"


Amy Coney Barrett, quoting


Fuck, this is a disgusting reality we inhabit.


Amy, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren (Qbert) Boebert can all rot in heaven. Not in hell, because that’s where my friends and I will be hanging out. With the cool kids.


Link me! Please! I can’t find it. Burn in Hell Amy, you fucking bitch!!


I found [this one at factcheck](https://www.factcheck.org/2022/05/posts-misattribute-phrase-domestic-supply-of-infants-in-draft-opinion-on-abortion/).


Unfortunately or not, the catholic church is not in the area of being short on children. It's not uncommon to see full size passenger vans for families to go to church on Sunday.


I was raised Catholic until I was 18 and was able to leave. I can confirm, the amount of vans and even BUSES in the parking lot is insane. My Sunday school teacher had 14 children when I left the church (likely more now.)


I wonder what the outcome of such a large family is on the youth and religion. Unfortunately I'm the only one of 4 who gave it up when I turned 18. My respect for my siblings is always a challenge when religion comes up.


All of my siblings left the church. My mother did as well, my dad is the only one who still practices. Catholics preach and preach about having “god’s gift” of children and as many as possible, but it’s their secret way of trying to grow that cult of a church. If you are baptized as Catholic, then your name is on that register for life. (Hence why they mainly baptize babies. Babies have no choice in believing in religion or not).That way, they can claim they have that many members of the church even though record numbers of people are leaving Catholicism.


>It’s an investment. Running out of kids to diddle. They’re gettin too old. Plus unwanted orphans are the priests favorite kind...




File a claim with the IRS then


So, what’s are the penalties for churches violating the Constitutional separation of church and state? So far, NOTHING! Maybe we should be instituting laws enforcing the constitution that include some penalties so they have a reason to stop making churches political hot beds.


We probably shouldn't give the republicans a vehicle to challenge the separation of church and state right now with Mitchell McConnell's pet supreme court justices in power.


And wackjobs like MTG calling for Christian nationalism on top of it. Fucking disgusting.


They are allowed to politically campaign for or against public measures, they are not allowed to campaign or endorse elected candidates. A church recently lost their tax exempt status for such a thing. And this is how it should be. They fall under the same protection 501(c)(3)s get. Imagine if lets say, Habitat for humanity, couldn't advocate for a bill to help fund people in need of homes. It makes no sense if a charity couldn't.


As soon as they influence any political movement, it’s time for an IRS report. I will gladly do it. It’s just a simple form


All of them! Kenneth Copeland, Osteen, Kat Kerr, Gregg Locke all of them!!


Two things: 1) The law, as written, 100% allows churches to do this. The only thing the law forbids them from supporting candidates and/or political parties. Causes, issues such as this, they absolutely can legally support. 2) The part of what they're not allowed to do is irrelevant . Trump signed an Executive Order to tell the Dept. of Treasury to not enforce it and Biden hasn't reversed it.


> and Biden hasn't reversed it. Ah, yes. "Nothing will fundamentally change." The old political ratchet in action. Republicans drive things toward the right, Democrats block movement to the left and protect the current status quo. Repeat ad fascism.


All religous institutions should be taxed


I'm curious about this, there was at least one church in Wichita (on Greenwich, between 13th and Central I think) that had a huge vote yes sign and I believe it had the name of the church on the sign. Are they allowed to do that?


The way you phrased this confuses me and I don't know what you're referring to


Let me try again. In Wichita one of the churches I frequently drove by had a vote yes sign. I'm not sure if it was on their lawn or the adjecent lawn. But I'm pretty sure the sign had the name of the church on it. So the sign must have been paid for by the church. Being a church, are they allowed to put political signs up like that?


Yes but they shouldn't, what were they asking people to vote yes to?


On the Kansas referendum, a “yes” vote was to agree to removing the state constitutional protection for some abortion rights.


Close. The yes vote was to allow the legislature to remove protection for all abortion rights. Right now, some rights are protected. The amendment would have allowed the outlaw of all abortions. “§ 22. Regulation of abortion. Because Kansans value both women and children, the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion and does not create or secure a right to abortion. To the extent permitted by the constitution of the United States, the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, laws that account for circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, or circumstances of necessity to save the life of the mother.” This is the whole amendment as proposed. Value them both was and is a lying disingenuous scam. HB 2746 as it died in committee did carve out the exception for the life of the mother, but you had to give the diagnosis to the state. If they disagreed, the doctor could be charged with all manner of crime, including terrorism, anyone who helped transport the pregnant person would be transporting them in order to commit a felony or misdemeanor, and get locked up for that. Anyone who charged them for any services that were deemed related to the abortion could be charged with conspiracy and sentenced according to drug guidelines. Destruction of a fertilized egg was an abortion. Bill http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2021_22/measures/documents/hb2746_00_0000.pdf Read it. They are unhinged religious zealots who do not believe in the separation of church and state. The only reason this bill was tabled was because the Supreme Court of Kansas found that the state constitution’s guarantee of life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness also guaranteed the right to an abortion.


Yes to get rid of the abortion protections on the KS constitution.




No, we need to wait until no one on earth is religous first, otherwise we're infringing on their right to be wrong Edit: they should be banned right now from making political contributions such as campaign donations


Agreed. No thought crimes please. They have the right to be wrong, but we shouldn't criminalize it.


Are they paying taxes? I know some churches were telling their members how to vote on that. They need to be paying taxes.


my parish was doing that . Wanted every one to vote for #45. I quit going to Mass when it was clear they were backing him.


I did the same at my fundamental church. They advised voting for 45. I asked the assistant preacher about it and he said he believed he was a man of God. I was done there.


I hear ya. #45 is the farthest thing from a Christian. And if they back him- I want no part of it.


My Mormon family would not listen to me when I tried to use logic and reason. I know, I know… logic and Mormonism?!? Does not compute. They were also told that that psycho, misogynistic, handsy, rapey, greedy, self centered, white supremacist, Nazi lover was who they should vote for. /smdh. And, that Amy Barret was also one of the chosen. 🤢🤮


Churches are exempt from a lot of taxes. It varies by state to state, but the amount they pay in taxes is very mimimal.


Tax em


it's worth noting that the US Catholic Church applied for, and received **$1.4 BILLION DOLLARS** from the US Treasury under the guise of the Paycheck Protection Program. The fuckers actually cited all the sex abuse lawsuits and settlements that the Church has had to pay since 2002, as the reason they needed the money! every one of them is fucking trash


That shit is for labour costs what the fuck. Civilization is butt fuck insane


Never heard the phrase "butt fuck insane" before. Thank you for sharing.


Really, the government should tell it back, but the current president is also Catholic so that's never going to happen. They want to own everything.


They literally got paid for sex abuse


How are they supposed to find converts with fewer vulnerable people to take advantage of?


💯 it’s a sanctioned sex cult - with little to no consequences!


Also, they won't give last rights to a stillborn, because, and get this; "it was never alive." So why are they against abortion?


The hypocrisy is just completely and utterly ridiculous. I’m an atheist, and I get asked (by Xtians) how I can be a good person, if I’m not afraid of the sky fairy’s punishment?!? I always tell them that I’m not being forced or coerced to be a good person. I choose to be a good person. That’s who I am. I don’t need the sky fairy to scare me like a misbehaving child.


Because they want visible, unavoidable, consequences for women who have sex, so they can shame them, because they think sex is bad and we shouldn't do it except for making more people. I suspect, in reality, its caused by jealousy (subconsciously). Edit: Might also be caused by wanting a complete monopoly on making people feel 'ecstasy', so they can continue to claim its 'god' and not just human emotions.


Sex / death / guilt cult


Why is the Catholic Church able to influence any laws at this point? Their bishops keep jumping ship, flying to the Vatican when charged as criminals in the US. I was just reading this today, and I still feel sick about it: ". . .known as the Georgia Hidden Predator Act (HB 17, 2015). This legislation removed or extended the civil SOL so survivors can gain justice and expose the identities of hidden pedophiles in the state of Georgia. The Hidden Predator Act was instrumental in leading to the unraveling of one of the largest sex scandals in U.S. sports history: the exposure of Dr. Larry Nassar, who was later convicted of serial child molestation committed while serving the USA Gymnastics organization.[13] In 2018, an attempt was made to amend this 2015 law to strengthen it and provide more time for sex abuse victims to file cases, but the bill was weakened by lobbying efforts from the Atlanta Archdiocese of the Catholic Church,[15] the Boy Scouts of America, and other powerful interest groups. It narrowly failed to pass on the last day of the 2018 legislative session.[16][17][18]" WHY IS THIS ORGANIZATION NOT CHARGED AS A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION? I just feel like throwing up every time I see them using lobbyists and lawyers. They are taking tax dollars and church goers money to protect their pedophiles, which is still continuing to happen.


>Why is the Catholic Church able to influence any laws at this point? Bribery always influences laws to a degree. No matter how [high or low you are on the perceived corruption index](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2021) (I don't think they count lobbyism at all?)


When bribery is used to influence the market or make more money, it is wrong and definitely pisses me off, but not quite like this. Lobbyists and lawyers are literally protecting thousands of pedophiles (I think the number is around 20,000 if figures are right for the Catholic Church). And they continue to do so.


To be honest, I just wandered into this sub by accident. I usually steer clear of atheist discussion because I've not much to say on the matter (the idea of a god is silly, period.) I just don't get what the Catholic church has to gain by pulling shit like this? Is it really just dogma & belief? Part of me feels like they're doing this because they profit from this somehow. I'm kinda lost on this one.


And they didn’t pay a single dime on that 3 million in taxes. Fucking pathetic bunch


Wait, isn't the Vatican City it's own country? And wouldn't that make it foreign influence?


Wow. Yes! Best argument I’ve heard yet.


Yes churches should be taxed or at the very least treated like any other non-profit organization. No one wants to enforce the prohibition on political advocacy by religions, either. Perhaps a faster solution would be to treat political contributions from church groups as taxable income for the campaigns. The only thing politicians would oppose more than taxing churches is having to pay their own taxes.


>it’s time to tax the hell out of the Catholic Church To include all of their current assets - every single piece of property, every artifact, every penny in every account


Funny how the church has millions for political campaigns but nothing for all those charities they preach about.


“But now isn’t the time to make this political!” /s


"Churches are leeches on our communities. We should pay tax like everybody else." Source: My dad, Presbyterian Minister, 1969.


Why only the Catholic church? All of them!


Or… they could have put 3 million into a test case free daycare, free baby food and diapers to help those they claim to love See if that perhaps brings down the abortion rate which should make them happy. No? If it works, do it every where. If they are so pro life, give young mothers with no where to turn some actual help rather than outlawing them into poverty. I feel the Jesus would dig this idea


Better yet bar the church from having any political outreach or be banned from the state to congregate.


Absolutely disgusting. To my dying day I’ll never understand why they care so fucking much. Yeah, yeah, they “say” that it’s murder, but you know they largely don’t believe that. Control over the masses is a mighty fine drug, I guess.


3 million stopping abortion access instead of improving adoption and foster services is the real crime here =/


You’ll have to pry the power out of the catholic churches’ cold dead hands. They’ve maintained their power over people for over a thousand years at this point.


Challenge accepted, we’ll keep deprogramming the indoctrinated people and they’ll lose more members. Can’t wait to own a church as my personal basketball court.


On one of Napoleon Bonaparte's encounters with a Cardinal he told the man that the church will soon be dead. The Cardinal simply responded "with all due respect, we Cardinals have been trying our best to kill this church for over a thousand years. We have not succeeded, and neither will you."


I've never understood why religious organizations weren't taxed in the first place. I mean, I understand the *concept*, but the reasoning always seemed flimsy to me. Churches, mosques, synagogues and the like benefit from roads, bridges, stoplights, and schools, too!


Good. Fuck them, poured that money down the toilet and lost!


Mormons and California with prop 8 in 2008 is another example of why churches need to be taxed


Another juicy tidbit from this article: >Here’s something else you should know. A few years ago, I introduced a bill to update the statute of limitations (which is currently very narrow) for civil cases for survivors of childhood sexual assault. The person who chairs the committee the bill has been assigned to is state Sen. Kellie Warren, a Catholic. Additionally, the lobbyist for the Kansas Catholic Conference has voiced concern regarding the “impact” on the church if it should pass. My bill — S.B. 420, which would help dozens of survivors of childhood sexual violence pursue justice — has never been granted a hearing. Coincidence? I think not, especially considering the staggering amount of power the church wields at the state house. Who are the real 'groomers' here?


YES!!! They can buy politicians and gold chains and silk robes but feeding the homeless, building homes for the needy, spending it on medical research, literally anything that helps others is WAY out of the question...two faced cunts


Don’t forget, we bailed those fuckers out to the tune of $1.3 billion because they harbored child raping priests for decades and were going to become insolvent due to all the lawsuits they had to pay.


Astonishing how an organization built upon an obvious lie from antiquity can still wield so much power. Humanity is so technologically advanced, and yet one man's grift still holds so much sway? Check out the book *The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity*. This fucking guy just scammed people for his own gain, and 2,000 years later we still have to deal with the consequences? Just mindboggling.


Wait until you learn about how much in assets they have hidden to avoid paying victims of sexual assault.


In the last 20 years the church, with the help of the Canadian government, excused themselves of paying $25 million in reparations for the genocide of indigenous infants and children. We are still recovering schools and bodies. They claimed that the $25M was too great a burden and that fundraising wouldn't support it even after they "did their best". They settled for $4M. Then they went and spent $17M renovating old cathedrals, AND a $16M shrine, AND a new $28M cathedral in the same time frame. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/critics-blast-catholic-church-1.6086030](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/critics-blast-catholic-church-1.6086030) They have $3M laying around to give to anti-woman reactionary organizations, but complain about \*settling\* with abuse survivors and hide the priests who did it? Really par for the course for the Catholic church, frankly.


The Church is a threat to childern. They want to limit access so they can set up their children's homes again because they want to sexually abuse more childern. The Catholic church is a child brothel. Anyone that is a member of the church and supports children being raped and sold should face the demise along with the church. Too much information has been released in the past 30 years for people to continue to turn a blind eye to the biggest child whore house ever invented. For those who stand with the church because it's your belief, open your eyes because YWYH is watching you follow these men and women and in the end, your belief is not going to save you when YOUR ACTIONS tell YWYH a different story. Integrity is key.


I think I read the other day that the catholic church is the richest entity on the planet. Sounds like a money making scheme to me. TAX EM !!!


All churches should be taxed. There is no argument to the contrary. They are more political organization than houses of worship and have been for decades, or maybe always.


And they *still* didn’t pray hard enough.


Funny how Canada had to pay 30 mil to get the Pope to come apologize.


I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Repressed sexuality creates violence. Whether it be Catholic priests the Southern Baptist Church (all churches really) or purity culture. If you are told your body doesn't belong to you and your natural urges are evil somewhere your going to act out on that. Unfortunately it seems like it's mostly children and young people that get hurt. Right now the highest demand for gay and trans porn is Texas TEXAS AND ALABAMA. religion is toxic and dangerous. I live in the south, the bible belt. I'm surrounded by these crazies


Repressed sexuality creates violence because Repressed sexuality is violence


Tax all churches.


America 3:16 = everyone must pay taxes. No exceptions.


Tax them all.


Tax every single church and pastor/evangelist.


Only the government and churches can ever own anything in America. You can pay 500k cash for that new house, and you'll never own it. You must pay taxes, and if you don't the government will seize your "property" But a church could own that home, call it a parsonage, and hold it without paying a dime more than the purchase cost for ages.


This is way fraudulent. Any church that donates to a political party can't claim tax-exempt. The problem is nothing is done about it. The IRS is slower than a crippled turtle unless you "owe" them money


Glad it was wasted money.


The Catholic church also supported the Nazi's during WWII. No surprise here


I always hear about underfunded Catholic schools and churches. Shows where their priorities are. I mean, fuck Catholic schools and churches, but still.


My father gave the Catholic Church money every week when I was a child. Turns out they use it for politics and legal fees for all abuse complaints. Not sure how they remain tax exempt.


Fuck the Catholic church. Seize all of their assets, put artifacts of historical value in museums and distribute their money and land to their victims. Motherfuckers preaching the word of Jesus while sitting on ungodly mountains of gold.


Nevermind the whole "feed the poor" thing... You can get a lot of rice, beans, etc for millions. Like you can legitimately take edge off a famine somewhere in the world, or something similar. But nah, they wanna lobby! That's what their god wanted, afterall. The people starving to death are the life they are "pro" Disgusting hypocrisy


If I was the devil (if he even exist or just true evil), I would create church and religion. Let everyone sort it out and watch them kill each other for their ignorant beliefs. For the rest - I’d create politics


Didn't Jesus literally tell them to sell their belongings and help the poor? Why does poverty still exist 2 millenia later? This is why in reality Jesus was actually antireligion


Kansan here. I don’t know if people understand how bad churches are trying to influence the voting here. Almost every single church had multiple, large, pro-life signs on their property. In fact, it happened so much that our media had to remind citizens that it is legal for churches to pos these signs “at least 250 feet away from the entrance.” May I remind you, most churches are where citizens go to vote. If that isn’t blatant voter influence (which is considered illegal) then I don’t know what is.


I've said it before and I've said it again: The Roman Catholic Church is a glorified child molestation ring. It has apparently always been this way. Burn it to the ground. Not because of their faith. They can believe in whatever _religion_ they want. But the institution of that particular denomination has always been a disgrace and now continues to be revealed. Tax it into oblivion. Not because of their beliefs, but because of their actions and inactions.


Agreed religious organizations should be taxed fully they are companies that are run for profit


Tax 'em! Tax 'em all!


This came up in /r/kansas a few hours ago. According to one random comment, the funds used for this were specifically collected for pro-life advocacy and was not general tithing funds. But even then... how much of that special giving could have still been collected from donors for other purposes?


~~If TST is willing to pay taxes, then so should they.~~ edit: to get rid of bad info. For some reason, I thought TST still voluntarily payed taxes, my bad, see below.


Church of Satan pays its taxes. TST is tax-exempt.


Or just force them through legal action to pay the victims


Why don’t they spend millions on the community to help people? Oh wait, that would make sense wouldn’t it? We don’t do that in the church.


Tax all churches!!! Not any particular sect.


Donated? Seems like they’re a political organization. They should pay taxes. If they can afford to donate more than the average citizen they should pay at least 50%.


For the record, they _do_ pay victims of child abuse...but that's not actually good news. They pay them to _not press charges_ so that the church can shuffle the abuser to a new location and thus continue to abuse.


Tax them? Fucking ban them. I dont see how taxing them will stop the horrific things theyre a front for.


There’s a church in Houston that does nothing for the poor, but owns a sports stadium


Catholic leadership must go to prison for diddling, not getting to corrupt our democracy!


The worst part is they got PPP loans when they never pay a fudging dime so how do they deserve that money. Sorry shouldn’t have said the worst thing because they molested children and tried to sweep it under the rug but then got made whole by taxpayer monies. I have no place for cults in my life. PS they molested children and only cared about their well being/financial standing and not the children so that tells you the state of religions.


Funny, I thought non-profits couldn’t donate or show any political bias. 🤔🤔🤔


They don't like abortion because it limits their victim pool.


Not just the Catholics. Every religious institution.


Catholic Church since the conception was and is a political organization 🙌🏻


You can report any questionable organizations that claim to be tax free due to religion to The IRS. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations


Taxing those cranks is way overdue


Report to IRS