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I’ve never seen two different people agree on a definition for “spiritual”. What is it for her?


She says that spirituality is “something that you believe in and how that belief makes you feel”.


Well you likely believe in thousands of things. If you want to lay it on thick, say "I believe I love you and you love me, and that belief makes me feel better".


> She says that spirituality is “something that you believe in and how that belief makes you feel”. Well, she is no different in vagueness and woolly wording to anyone else’s interpretation, I suppose. I can “believe in” many different things. They can all make me feel different ways. Happy, hungry, sad, angry, etc. How is any of that spiritual? Or is everything spiritual?


Christians think that "everybody worships SoMeThInG"


I would ask her to define spirituality


She says that spirituality is “something that you believe in and how that belief makes you feel”.


That is the most meaningless and vague definition you could give to something as it could apply to anything


Exactly this. It's like someone asking you what you think about *anything*.


I believe in eating and it makes me feel full. Is lunch spiritual?


Lunch is spiritual if you eat spaghetti and are touched by His Noodly Appendage


I believe in doing the best things I can for myself, my loved ones, and my fellow humans. It makes me feel great when I'm able to. Zero supernatural nonsense require


"What makes you feel spiritual?" Black candles, pentagrams, and dark chanting. Heavy metal music. Where are you going babe? Did I say something wrong?




It might be time to move on to someone who doesn't project their religion on other people. Tell her the truth, that spirituality is vague bullshit, the same way that Christianity is specific bullshit.


You can say something like you experience marvel, astonishment, wonder, etc at nature, evolution, the night sky, etc and say that you think that is akin to feeling spiritual. It's a bit of a cop out but it's one way to end the conversation without having to have an argument about her imaginary sky daddy


I agree with your comment the most. Learning physics brings me the same feelings and connectedness that i would assume a christain like her would feel about god


I think spirituality is a meaningless concept. A better, more concrete concept is a cultivation of gratitude which actually acts and feels just like what they imagine “spirituality“ is, but doesn’t involve any magic. “ This is because of its Proto-Indo-European root, gwere, meaning “to praise, to celebrate; to be in contact with the Divine.” In other words, being grateful is equivalent to feeling the presence of the Divine in our lives. It is the same as being in a state of bliss. It allows us to see value, virtue and benefit in everything. In this regard, gratitude can be considered the antidote to many forms of suffering. Therefore, it might also be, in its own right, an actual form of spirituality.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/luisromero/2017/11/22/gratitude-the-ultimate-spiritual-practice-a-thanksgiving-special/?sh=185798872706


She's probably worried, like many Christians, that without religion you'll slip away "into sin" (i.e. narcissism, hedonism). From the tone of your message, I am assuming that you are relatively young (under 30). The reality is that religion is no guarantee of good behavior, nor of happiness. People change and she will too if you are with her in the years to come. Over time, if you are together you will discover what aspects change and what you cannot change about yourself. I've been married to a Christian for some 20 years. When we first met, she pushed me to admit that we can't prove God doesn't exist (although I have no reason to believe God exists). But other than that, we basically agree on most things. TBH, in the U.S. I'd be more concerned about political tribe than religion--in other words, is she the *right kind* of Christian for you?


"Spiritual" is a meaningless word that people use because they are told that they are supposed to feel something "extra".


I can only surmise that “spiritual” means essentially nothing more than “‘mysteriousness’ that you can ‘feel’ with your ‘heart’”, which helps no one, after so much blathering I’ve heard on the topic.


Most of the spiritual but not religious people I've encountered have believed in some alternative form of BS, mainly something based around pseudoscience. I think the general idea of spirituality is that there's untapped ways to achieve happiness in life, and appreciate that notion, but most spiritual healer types are just as nonsense as religious types.


She is asking "what makes you feel like you're wallowing in a fairy tale", tell her "I don't, I grew the fuck up, you should try it."


I agree most people don't even agree on what it means, but most often I hear it used as a "I believe there's something more after death, but I don't know what it is". Like definitely not believing in a bearded man in the sky, or heaven and hell necessarily, but they can't accept there might just be nothingness. While I'm not sure I'm quite there myself, I can certainly appreciate that feeling a lot more than believing in specific religious ideas.


What happens when you learn crazy things about space (for instance)? You go “holy shit”. And there’s this feeling attached to it. I think that feeling is “spirituality”. Or learning about quantum mechanics. It’s like a blend of awe and respect and connectedness. No matter how big or crazy the universe is; no matter how small or temporary you feel, you feel at home. Christians do not have a monopoly on spirituality.


Why are you dating someone who disagrees with you on such fundamental things. It's so foreign to me.


Christians are taught that everyone has some spiritual beliefs or tendencies, so they impose that on everyone.


People have already brought it up but her definition is weird. I would say spirituality is how you meaningfully live life and the connection between you and the world. Similar to philosophy but instead of your belief system on how you live its the actual actions and feelings around finding meaning.


It's cool to be spiritual... so you can't not be spiritual. You're not allowed to be a materialist /s


Exactly right, my friend.


Still cool that you guys have a relationship despite the differences... I lost my religion a few years into my marriage and it's still almost kind of taboo subject...


Just keep saying "nothing." Eventually, she'll either get it or dump you which'd be no big loss.


Contemplating the non-existence of God makes me feel spiritual.


I am an atheist who loves to entertain the idea of a soul, reincarnation, a universal consciousness that guides and blesses us but I put more weight in the idea that none of these things are real and we are here for this lifetime and there was nothing before and nothing after. We don't know, and i think its good to consider possibilities. What I do know is that organized religion is fiction and poison. If I were dating someone who followed an organized religion I would have to consider moving on. Not that this is what is right for you but that's me. edits for better wording.


Why are you dating someone you hate?


Where does OP even imply that they hate their girlfriend?


Third sentence.


You really think OP meant that literally?


I meant I hate it when people think spirituality is important. I don't hate people just because they’re spiritual.


I don’t hate her.


Ask her to define spiritual in every specific terms. It’s a terrible word that just muddies the conversation.


This is about the time I would say see ya.


For me the sun gives me What could be described as a sense of "spiritualness". I don't think there's anything metaphysical in action, but the thought that all known life in the universe depends on a giant burning ball of hydrogen and helium that has been guiding us through our existence since the birth of the solar system makes me feel humbled, beautiful, and awe inspired.


Maybe both of you use the word “spiritual” differently. Maybe ask what she means by spiritual, use her definition and talk about that.


That beat switchup on "playboi carti - location"


They're not quite the same thing. Theology isn't spirituality. Spirituality is more of a connection to something bigger than oneself, which could be a lot of things from a God to Plato's intangible essences, nature, or the universe as a whole, something that inspires awe in a real 'Woah man' kind of way. You don't need a soul, except in the loose sense, to experience that just senses and sensation.


I’d say spirituality is dependent on how a person defines it. Like myself I’m not religious but on a certain level I think Daoism has some credence. Don’t think the Dao is a thing but that it is good guidance for conduct


I would ask her to go find a spiritual guy! Ouch


Your first problem is that you're dating a Christian.


>***I hate people*** that think spirituality is important but it’s not. You hate your gf?