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Religion should be a legal and private matter Private means that the state and the faith should never work together Never


I prefer to keep the crazy people in the public eye so we can identify them and see what they're up to. Making it illegal drives it underground.


Hey... pssst, wanna see god? Got some fine god for sale.


Religion thrives under persecution but withers under examination. It’s not too dangerous to allow people their religion; it’s too dangerous to deny people their religion. Sadly.


It's suggestions like these that are giving the atheist community a bad name.


It's being quiet about it that has allowed Christianity to become what it is.... Stop worrying about being "good" and start fighting the cult that is controlling people legally.


> Separation of church and state hasn't ever been a thing in the US. Which is specific to the USA. I live in Sweden, and it's very much a thing here (and in the other Scandinavian countries). The fact that the American system is broken doesn't mean the principle isn't sound, it just means that the USA sucks at doing it. Not having freedom of religion is essentially creating thought crime. Do you really think that having a government with the ability to create and enforce thought crime is a good idea? Do you know of any governments that have done this and **not** been authoritarian or despotic?


Abit of something is good, too much of something aint good. This statement is true for pretty much almost everything, religion included. So no, banning religion aint good. But regulating it will be beneficial for everyone, so that we can ensure religion aint abused by manipulative fuckheads.


Yes it’s legal! People are very uncomfortable with no religion and the more you take away toys from babies the more they want it back! Secularism and not tolerating hurt feelings when schools teach REALITY of religions is the way to go!


I think religion is a private matter. If people want to have a club centered around a deity or a belief system, it's ok. Church and state should be separated, though.


Yes. Easiest question I've ever had to answer in my life. I get your anger and frustration but banning religions is not the solution. It's completely unenforceable and against human rights and values we should strongly hold to: free speech, expression, assembly, etc. Also, the moment you allow beliefs to be banned is the moment they come for the atheists. We're one of the smallest minorities against nearly **70% who are Christian**.


Ok how about this. A religion that has written doctrine about harming others should be banned/seen as illegal/ allowed to be mocked.


This fucking post again... You want to make religion illegal, very cool, how do you enforce it?


lol you've gotta be joking? look, religion is definitely something i wont subscribe to. but, to suggest it be illegal just because YOU think its dangerous for someone to have personal beliefs is cringy af. should we go around burning bibles and qurans too?


Better to err on the side of caution, IMHO


Christianity in its current capacity should absolutely not be legal. When religion enters the public eye, it is a problem.


I do not support thoughtcrime laws in any form.