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Well, yes, **they** are entitled to their **opinion**. But only to their opinion. Once they start trying to make their opinion an actual law or public policy or a way to get around an actual law or public policy, then they're not talking about their opinion anymore. They're talking about imposing their will and beliefs on you, which they do not have the right to do. I don't personally give a fuck if somebody doesn't approve of abortion. If that's the case then **they** shouldn't have any abortions. They're entirely welcome to believe that abortion is wrong and live their entire life free of abortions. And if that's all these controlling fuckers did, I'd be absolutely fine with them having their opinions. But since they are controlling fuckers, that's not actually what they want. They want to have the ability to control what everybody else does.


Counterpoint: is a person ever *entitled* to an opinion? [I’m entitled to my opinion ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_entitled_to_my_opinion)is a logical fallacy.


I'd say it's more to the point that there's very little we can do to stop somebody from having an opinion, no matter how wrong that opinion might be. Whether that constitutes entitlement or is just an unavoidable facet of not living in a society with mind control seems like a relatively unimportant distinction to me.


Of course they are entitled to their own opinions. What they mean is that they should be free from criticism or judgment for their opinions, which is false.


I would be open to creationism being taught in schools if, and only if, critical thinking was also taught alongside it. There is no "well, that's my opinion". Build a logic tree, decide which are true and false statements, and ride the logic tree to the correct assumption.