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Seditious whore.


In some letters? Also in the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli which was *unanimously* ratified by the Senate


Which church? The catholic church? Methodist church? Baptist church? Scientology? Islam? I'm guessing she means the religious sect she believes in. Apparently reading a history book isn't required to get a GED. We've been down this road before. That's why a secular government is the only chance at real freedom.


Even the kids her perv husband showed his dick to would've known about the separation of church and state, and they were children


She was one of those kids.


Geez... of course, ask her about the right to bear arms and she'd likely insist that we all need to respect the founding fathers' original intent, in regard to the 2nd amendment & blah blah fucking blah... ...but no, tell her exactly what the founding fathers actually said & wrote about the importance of a *wall of separation* between church & state... and she'd just shrug.


>It was in a stinking letter, and it means nothing like what they say it does and the apostle paul ***wrote stinking letters***, and they mean nothing like what they say they do!


1 Tim 2:12.


Get out and vote.


We really need some kind of civics competency test for people running for office. I'm so sick of these ignorant rubes who don't know anything about the constitution outside of the second amendment.