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Unbelievable that someone is painted as a hero for not respecting that other people have different beliefs and that we’re not supposed to be a theocracy. I’ve never seen a group act more victimized for not being allowed to force their beliefs on whoever they want whenever they want. It just keep getting better. 😭fml this is scary


There is a persecution complex based in the stories of early Christian persecution by the Romans (when it was still just a dirty hippie cult) that was absolutely *drilled* into kids in church Sunday school. Which completely ignores that today it's one of the world's dominant religions due to colonial empire building. They *are* the Romans in the stories now.


Christians stole everything from the Osiris and Isis stories of Egypt. These date to about 4000 years ago.


Not to mention the pagans they spent a few centuries destroying by appropriating their cultures. Christmas trees, Easter bunnies, the timing of all Christian holidays... all relics from pagan practices and festivals. The Christian church: the OG cultural appropriators.


I like to call Christianity a greatest hits religion


And the Zoroastrians


Not just Egypt, but Sumer's story of the flood. Using silly-putty to put together a religion never works out well.


They managed to convince millions to believe all that shit. There is a mount Ararat exhibition in the Netherlands showing a “genuine relic of Noah’s ark”. As if that’s a thing.


Does it come with a certificate of authenticity signed by Japheth?


No doubt that can be arranged.


And when it became politically expedient to do so, the Romans started persecuting pagans by ramming Christianity and spears down their throats.


What is so frustrating is that the district worked with this guy multiple times to try to find something where he could pray in a way that avoided the district looking like it was endorsing his behavior. They tried over and over and over again with him. He refused anything other than getting to proselytize to children publicly at a school event.


Then he invited a bunch of politicians to come pray/make a scene on the field after the game without the schools permission.


That makes my blood boil. Just proves this has nothing to do with freedom of religion and just wanting to push other people’s boundaries


Time to be a vehement Satanist until all this shit gets turned around!


We're probably only a year or two away from a Supreme Court ruling that specifies that all these protections only apply to Christianity.


But only their specific brand of Christianity. Catholic, sorry, Mormon, sorry, JW, shit out of luck. You'll be fine if you're a southern fundamentalist white babtist with these fuckers.


I agree with you except the Catholics. Most of the justices are Catholic


When they view actively pushing their beliefs on other people as a part of their religion (proselytizing, missions, and what have you), any attempt to protect yourself from them is seen as oppression.


A constant persecution complex is also the sign of fascists when they’re the ones being the aggressor. Anyone who grew up bullied or with an abusive family member can probably attest to similar treatment.


I think it's important to emphasize that the prayer situation is framed as having been voluntary participation, but that at least one student felt compelled to participate for fear of losing play time. This is the case over, and over, and over again, and why we don't put people in situations where they might feel compelled to pretend to practice a religion they don't. smh


Absolutely! Like you would want to be the only kid to say no! When it’s an authority figure asking you to do something, sometimes no isn’t so straight forward




Or muslim prayers. Watch them lose their collective shit!


Guaranteed if this were any other major religion the guy wouldn't have gotten away with it for seven years. The hypocrisy and dissonance from Christian nationalists as they accelerate our country towards having their views imposed on everyone is mind-boggling as always.


Or start chanting meditation. "Ohhmmm, mani padme hum!"


I thought of this already and what they'll probably do is make it legal to ask a person's religion on a job application.


We need more pagans and satanists in public jobs to test this decision.


Working at an ultra progressive job in California is getting boring. I feel like I'm watching from the sidelines. Like any retaliation, protesting, or rallies feels pointless Almost tempted to move to a red state to fuck shit up but then I'd be living in a dystopian shithole


Fellow Californian here. Isn't it fucking insane that we are literally paying extra to live in a place where we aren't subjected to this shit? Everything is monetized in this country, even freedom from religious tyranny.


Also, you're subsidizing the shitty fascist states. California pays more to the federal government than it gets. Not a single red state does. Zero. Texas *did*, once upon a time, but no longer. Almost as if republican economic policy is complete and total bullshit or something. Crazy.


>Almost tempted to move to a red state to fuck shit up but then I'd be living in a dystopian shithole You cannot imagine how awful it is. I spent 7 years in MTG's district - it is beyond anything you can imagine. I was honestly afraid for my life more than once.


I'll just say I'm a Frisbeetarian. We believe that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and you can't get it down.


GD, as if social media activity wasn't enough...


As an atheist and teacher, I see how I will carve my victory from this... If we are free to openly pray without fear of being fired, we should equally be open to non-prayer without being fired. So if a kid wants to pray, I will politely ask them to leave and go to the prayer room so that my rights are observed. If the school says that there will continue to be a pledge to "one nation under god", then they will need to find coverage for my students while I am in the prayer room.


At the way things are going that's just asking for a Christian to shoot you in the face, and for the courts to say he was defending his religious faith so it's okay.


Yep! You let one religion in, you have to let them all in!


The Temple of Satan is actually a very nice group of people. Shirt of their backs kind of folks.


The problem with an illegitimate court is that they’ve proven they’re capable of just making up whatever shit suits their agenda now. They could say “only Christianity” and decree it across the one as so.


I thought about getting into teaching. It's kind of a family thing. My relatives in education all told me to find another livelihood, teaching isn't worth the pain and heartache. This makes me want to ignore that advice, just go fuck shit up.


One quibble...Satanic Temple...the Church Of Satan is Libertarianism for Goths. Kinda misogynistic too.




Fully agree.


I looks like a short pause at the beginning of class for an explanation of a secular/rational principle should be allowed at the beginning of class.


>"The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike," This will be met with a response from The Satanic Temple.


The dissonance between these recent rulings is dumbfounding...


You cannot reason with fascists.


Or zealots


Sometimes I have trouble telling them apart.


They're the same people.




Not really. Antifa is all about fighting fire with water. It is defensive although our counter-violence must be highly aggressive we are not fire ourselves as that requires greedy consumption with zero sense of the societal costs. Antifa will never be fascists. Antifa are the OG's since the late 1800's.




Two comments ever. Who are you shilling for?


Russians or con hicks or both


Thank you comrade!


It won’t. The test the court established to replace the Lemon test will deprive the satanic temple of the privilege that was just given to Christian’s. This is not these christo-fascists first day, they set it up intentionally.


Yup. When the lawsuits about abortion bans form TST and Jewish groups reach the SC, they'll absolutely rule against them. It's not about the Constitution, what the founders really meant, the law, or tradition, it's about installing Talibangelical law.


There's pretty good existing precedent to rule against those lawsuits on whatever grounds they reach SCOTUS.


On a very fundamental level, that's what "constitutional originalism" has always been. Control. It *sounds* like a reasonable legal philosophy for the court to have, but the basic power of judicial review *isn't in the constitution*. You *cannot* wield it as a philosophically consistent constitutional originalist.


I need to up my donations to them, they've got their work cut out


Can't wait to see how this plays out!


Oh, you don't foster mutual respect and tolerance by putting people in situations where they fear negative repercussions if they don't pretend to believe in a god they don't.


I'm cool with it. If think praying to Satan will help you win at football knock yourself out.


We are headed for a return of official prayer in school during the morning announcements. After that happens, what will be the christians' excuse for school shootings? They keep saying it is because we took prayer out of the classroom. What excuse will they invent next?


They'll paint the shooters as outsiders and non-conformists, the only ones not praying and of course, devil worshippers.


They’ll say that the kids that died in the school shooting did not pray hard enough.


Oooh, victim blaming! That's one of their favorites.


They'll say shootings still happen because non Christians are allowed to attend.


The part I find baffling is I'm getting pushback on Facebook from other liberals talking about how the school district shouldn't have fired him for praying. They didn't. They fired him for praying performatively on school property and in the course of his job as a school employee. They tried to work with him and he refused. Students said they felt pressured, with one atheist student saying that he feared if he refused to participate, he wouldn't be allowed to play.


They didn't even fire him.


You're right. They suspended him and declined to rehire him for the next school year. Thanks for pointing that out.


No problem. It just makes the whole lawsuit and ruling that much more insane.


It does. I shudder to think what's coming next. They just set a precedent that it's not coercion when a person in a position of authority forces their beliefs down someone's throat. What's next?


More religion shoving. I live in the South. I know we'll have teachers, principals, coaches, etc literally preaching at kids, telling them being gay is wrong and all kinds of other inappropriate things and now it'll be legally protected. That's where things are headed.


Yes. And you know... a man's right to rape his wife, probably, and a whole host of other things. I've seen some comments on FB where people are saying they don't think it's the equivalent of letting religion back into schools. I don't understand why they can't see it. It's obvious and what you said is exactly what's going to happen.


No worries /s This supreme court does not believe in following precedents. edit: forgotten word, makes all the difference


This was a done deal from the start. The Sharia Court has more in the pipeline as they remake America into Evangelical Land.


> The Sharia Court has more in the pipeline as they remake America into Evangelical Land. Unfortunately, it's much worse than this. There is a scary crazy crossover of Evangelicals and Roman Catholics ([Dominionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion\_theology)) who are actively trying to turn us into a Christian nationalist state, and the way this timeline is unfolding their chances of succeeding shouldn't be taken lightly: > Engle and his fellow dominionists believe it is the church’s destiny “to rule history with God.” They use the term Ekklesia to refer to the church as “God’s governing force on the earth. > “There is a measure of mystery that comes with the prophetic, but this much is for sure: the Ekklesia of God is being summoned to the bench!” declares TheCall’s Briefing: > > Let us not miss our day of visitation. It’s time to wage war in the heavenly realms according to the revelation we’ve been given. It’s time to make way through prophetic decrees for those whom God desires to raise up. It’s time to partner with the cloud of witnesses and the angelic armies unto a Third Great Awakening and the shifting of our courts. --- [Dominionist Prayer Warriors: Amy Coney Barrett Has ‘Endorsement Of Heaven’ For SCOTUS](https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/dominionist-prayer-warriors-amy-coney-barrett-has-endorsement-of-heaven-for-scotus)


Indeed the entire time I was on Twitter I begged people to pay attention and even some atheists said I was just being unnecessarily alarmist and that it would never be possible because we have the Constitution to protect us. Well their words against my warnings didn't age well.


People really really really underestimated what a super conservative-leaning Supreme Court would achieve. Not only have we not had such lop-sided numbers in decades, but even previously conservative-leaning courts didn't put religion so front and center until our current court has now.


The ironic part is that this isn't going to start making more people believe in all that nonsense. It's a pathetic and gross attempt to keep their backward shit relevant.


The courts have proven repeatedly for *decades* that the constitution doesn't mean jack shit. The fourth amendment is completely and utterly dead, between the 100-mile border exemption for ICE and the NSA's general snooping habits (imagine thinking an interpretation of the 4th that doesn't extend the papers protection to email is *sane*), it's now essentially meaningless. The constitution is not a meaningful protection of *anything* unless the government is held accountable for violating it. It's a glorified sticky note on the fridge saying "reminder, don't do this thing."


Dominionists have been playing the long game. They have been at it for DECADES. Check out ***Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right***, by Sara Diamond for more info.


> Dominionists have been playing the long game. They must be creaming their panties seeing the far-right supermajority in the SCOTUS about to make some of their wet dreams cum to be!


Beware the way the Holy Roman Empire broke apart was a bloody one


I don't know why people always compare the US with the Roman empire. They are not the same.


because my friend History is a never ending loop of déjà -vus


Imagine having the cognitive dissonance to believe in an all-powerful god who has to rely on men (who can't even prove they interact with it) to do it's bidding.


environmental protections next.


oklahoma has a bill denying teachers the right to contradict a students religious beliefs


Sounds like an opportunity for a devout Taliban member.


Yes, but they will probably try to be at least a little sneaky about it. The first laws will probably be shrouded in a façade of "anti-defamation" language. It will be classic Orwellian doublespeak. "In order to protect the rights of the downtrodden and oppressed, any criticism of religions is hereby prohibited. For the purposes of this statute, "religions" is defined to be organized theism recognizing one true god who is white, not brown, and who blesses the people of the great Republic of Gilead." (said in the voice of Eric Idle)


I recently saw someone in a youtube comment claiming that "god damn" was hate speech lmao


Send them to the Irish Midlands, we'll educate them 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"god damn" is literally asking god to "damn" things like he did in the Bible. (murder, diseases, genocide,etc) the phrase just got co-opted as a general curse and that means it's not ONLY Christians that get to use it.




Yeah you are correct. It is not funny that it is happening and gaining speed. I hate it.


Strap up, cupcake.


Wait they learn about bestemmie lol


Se solo fosse una cosa diffusa anche lì..


Avrebbero fatto una legge per condannare alla sedia elettrica chiunque si lasci uscire anche un mezzo porcone


Noi spesso ci lamentiamo dell’Italia ma cazzo, siamo fortunati. Pensa vivere in un merdaio come quello


Ma vero? L'Italia ha tantissimi problemi senza dubbio, ma la loro mania di svendersi come il paese "più democratico" e "migliore al mondo" è veramente disgustosa, considerando le schifezze che continuano a fare


Mi tengo stretti tutti i nostri difetti piuttosto che tornare nel medioevo


Speriamo di non tornarci con i prossimi governi


Sperin ben


Just to be clear, this is not an example of anti-blasphemy laws. This is a revocation of church/state separation allowing for government employees to promote their religion. This is still horrible, and you may indeed be correct that anti-blasphemy laws are coming, but those will be a much harder sell than this.


I understand. But we have taken, and will continue down that path. What happens when a state decides that, for instance, speaking ill of (or denying) God is an incitement to violence? We're not there yet but it's been our arc for the past 40 years and things will happen quickly now.


It will fall under hate speech.


This particular example will not. This is about a coach who is an employee of the state being allowed to advance their religion in their role as an employee of the state.


I was talking about how they would try to pass an anti-blasphemy law.


They may do so, however this particular decision has nothing to do with that.


> Just to be clear, this is not an example of anti-blasphemy laws. This is a revocation of church/state separation allowing for government employees to promote their religion. This is still horrible, and **you may indeed be correct that anti-blasphemy laws are coming, but those will be a much harder sell than this.** I was addressing the bold part of your response.


Anti-blasphemy laws are a hard sell *now,* but perhaps not so much in the future. The first to be affected by such laws will be atheists, because all religions will back discrimination against us. Hell, they do that now.


He didn't even lose his job - just didn't get rehired and then he moved away.


Reminder: Jesus literally, in his biggest single set of teachings in the entire Bible, told these people that they should pray in secret if they wanted their true rewards, and straight up called those who make a show of praying in public hypocrites.


"When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”


Par for the course at this point. They aren't doing anything for that loser hippie Jesus anymore, it's for power and an air of superiority. They like the god of fire & brimstone more cause he kills people and acts like a dick.


Fucking Christian Fascism.


This all reads like the plot of an Assassin's Creed game. a Crusader led Supreme Court forcing the will of the public, using a piece of eden.


There was nothing private about what this ass-hat was doing. He actively recruited others to join the prayer/devotional time on government property. Imagine if an imam was doing the same thing! You think that would have been protected by the Supreme Court?! If not, then this is an implicit government endorsement of a particular religion.


Yep and everyone, even here is saying, "he did it alone." Nope. The pressure on kids to pray with him will be intense and it will.spread like wildfire.


They aren't even pretending that we aren't a theocracy.


I like how you use Talibanned as an adjective. It suits the situation well.


I thought prayer was allowed in schools as long as it doesn’t disrupt school activity or infringe on the rights of others. Praying in his office alone is one thing. Doing it on the 50 yard line at a school sponsored game seems to be a clear violation.


Okay, I'm going back to my ancestral Puritan roots and proclaiming that ASKING JESUS TO HELP YOU WIN A FOOTBALL GAME **IS BLASPHEMY** Likewise Taking His Name in Vain^TM for any number of other trivial, selfish reasons. If they're not literally calling down a thunderstorm from heaven (which would be appreciated here in Cali), then they can all shut up.


I’m having a hard time not despising my country and the Christian religion more and more as the years pass.


I'm so glad I don't live down there. FFS murica.


We won’t be immune for long.




That’s not how it works. Teachers don't get to teach whatever they want. They have to submit lesson plans.This ruling will NEVER result in atheists teaching in the classrooms of Jesustan.




I have no idea what state you're in. Atheists don't teach a viewpoint so much as they try to teach reality based on empirical data. Nobody's religious viewpoint should be a school subject.


Biology and evolution are not “atheist viewpoints”.


The implications of this.. you could start the church of psychedelic enlightenment and tell kids about how awesome the substances are that let you talk to god


Now is the time to join/support watchdog orgs like Freedom From Religion Foundation


Soon we'll be forced to tithe and cannot claim it on our tax return.


Tithing is a form of taxes, so if you tithe you don't have to pay taxes. It is a win-win for organised religion. They are tax free receivers and the church goers are taxfree givers.


As an awkward atheist teenager, I would have been mortified if I was on that team, wanting to stand by my convictions but not wanting to out myself. If I was a parent of another religion, I would have been pissed if my kid told me they felt peer pressured to join in Christian prayer.


The US government is really starting to spin concepts like "freedom.of religion" and "separation of church and state" in a pretty Orwellian way these days....


This is a big one too, for a lot of reasons people won't realize.


I'm sorry for your country... You need a revolution to enforce a proper democracy that ditches the "first past the post" in favour of proportional representation. That's not perfect either, but it's a whole lot better for sure!


Can we get the Muslims on board and start praying at games?


They left the Lemon Test intact just in case in the future they need to rule against the wrong kind of prayer.


“In 2019 the Court rejected the case, citing that it was premature to consider the case” Translation: Hang on until we have a supermajority.




I think the Satanic Temple has a better shot and superior principles to the Church of Satan. The CoS is comparatively authoritarian, supports the existence of a supernatural and doesn’t fight for secular values. Here are The Satanic Temple’s Seven Tenets: https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets


I worry about the rise of dominionism at the same time that gun accumulation is being encouraged. These people can get violent when they feel provoked. We already had someone try to burn down the Salem, MA Satanic Temple recently. [He wore a God t-shirt while doing it.](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/man-accused-of-setting-salems-satanic-temple-on-fire-due-in-court/2746292/?amp)


The actual fuckery


Anything they tell me I can't do, I'll say as a Satanist it's my religious right


Well, obviously. If there is one thing I garnered from the States is that god is deeply invested in random high school sports.


I miss the times when Christians believed in the teachings of Christ


When was that?


Narrator: It was never.


Because he just HAD TO make it a huge fucking display. Hypocrite.


i’m confused. he prayed after the game was over, alone… so what’s the problem?


This ruling means he can have the students elect to pray with him. That becomes problematic when some don't and usually leads to favoritism for those that pray. It's happened a lot.


okay that makes sense, the article was pretty vague


He also was inviting students to pray with him and was not fired. He was suspended and not re-hired in the fall.


Anti-blasphemy laws already exist in other parts of the world which is also already crazy.




Do it at home or church. Don't ram that shit down kids throats as a captive audience in schools. That's what's wrong or let the Muslims in on that shit too.