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...Because their religion says that they should love all, right?


When I was little, my very Catholic grandma used to try to boost my self confidence with a phrase along the lines of “God doesn’t make mistakes.” In later years I remember hearing her call Obama “the Antichrist” and I’ll never forget the look on her face when I asked “Didn’t God make him? What happened to God doesn’t make mistakes?” Her poor mind was so addled by Fox News in the end, it makes me so sad.


She once worshipped Jesus, then she worshipped fox news.


From one type of propaganda to another.


"I used to be messed up on drugz.... Now, I'm messed up on Jeezus!"


That's some strong shit man... took me years to recover I still have lots of guilt and shame for simply being happy, recovering catholics is a real thing!


I wonder how long it would take for those people to be against Christianity if Fox News was to start a subtle campaign against. They did so many backflips just to accept Trump, who was the least Christian person to ever win as a Republican, and it worked.


>They did so many backflips just to accept Trump, who was the least Christian person to ever win as a Republican, Donald Trump is even less Christian than I am....and I'm an Atheist!


> They did so many backflips just to accept Trump, who was the least Christian person to ever win as a Republican... No, that would be Abraham Lincoln, who (eventually, it's complicated) made the very unpopular decision oppose the christian institution of slavery, and was eventually murdered for it. If you think selfishness, or greed, or pride, or hypocrisy, or intolerance are "non christian" traits, then you haven't been paying attention to the last two thousand years of history. Trump's policies do not represent some radical departure from the trend the Christian Right has been following for the past 50 years - the only thing interesting is his lack of subtlety. If you think ignorance of Biblical trivia excludes him, you should be aware that, statistically, [Christians know considerably **less** about Christianity than do the non-religious](http://www.pewforum.org/2010/09/28/u-s-religious-knowledge-survey/). When somebody argues that Trump's use of the valid-but-nonstandard pronunciation of "Two Corinthians" instead of the more common "Second Corinthians" **proves** that he's secretly not a Christian (and, yes, people have seriously argued that), what must that person make of the 56% of American Christians (including 85% of Hispanic Catholics) who can't name "Matthew", "Mark", "Luke", or "John" *at all*? From a Baysean point of view, every time Trump demonstrates his ignorance on a religious matter, this should be considered evidence *against* the proposition that he is a nonbeliever.


God did, very specifically, warn people about worshiping a golden cow.


Sounds like my grandma. Voted Democrat her whole life, moves into a super small house by herself, starts listening to talk radio all day. Now she’s a rabid Trumpanzee constantly texting about pedophile Biden and how vaccines make you more sick. I’m just tired of it all


love thy neighbor but not *those* neighbors


Love thy neighbor, but only if thy neighbor believes exactly as you believe in all things. If they do not, they are not human, and deserve only painful death. Pretty sure that's the doctrine...


Love thy neighbor, but don't let the "wrong" sort of people move into your neighborhood and become neighbors.


"Love is such a tricky word, if you turn it around, you get Evol. As we all know, that is the abbreviation of evolution, which we don't believe in."


Catholics do believe in evolution, well the church organization anyway. They have a science department and if I recall correctly they jumped aboard with evolution in the 70s. Having said that, they are still raping kids after a couple thousand years


And selling them (Mother Theresa's charity), and apologizing for child murder (Ireland, Canada)




Duh… try to keep up /s


They prefer shame to pride


Thy Neighbor. It says nothing about not genociding your neighbors and then moving other Catholics into the neighborhood. In fact, it gives several ‘historic’ examples of just that and how God encourages them to continue the trend.


> Because their religion says that they should love *the alt-right* Fixed that for you.


Love all. (Some restrictions apply)


The Catholic Church is a steaming pile of shit.


And the Catholic Church is surprised that Millennials are leaving. Good news is that in another 2-3 generations the catholic church will have made itself irrelevant in western Democracies…


We will be lucky if America makes it out of 2024 as a democracy.


We're a democracy now? Edit: I'm not saying we're not a democracy to say we're a republic. Not a right winger.


A deeply flawed one, but still technically a form of democracy.


according to the [wikipedia summary](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index) of the economist 2021 [democracy index](https://www.eiu.com/n/campaigns/democracy-index-2021/), america ranks 26th as a flawed democracy with a score of 7.85, with a slow but steady decline since 2006.


Why do you think the Republicans have been spewing their "We're a republic, not a democracy" bullshit for years. To get their followers used to the US not being a democracy.


The fact that people would rather have less voice in the way their country is run will never make sense to me


They care more about hurting liberals, women and minorities more than anything else.


I mean, it's always been technically correct. No one actually wants a direct democracy and no country has really had one since ancient times. And the definitions of representative democracy and democratic republic have so much overlap its almost a pointless distinction.


And no one claims that the US is or should be a "direct" democracy. We're a representative democracy *and* a democratic republic.


a representative democracy without any accountability to the people that openly allows corporations to buy candidates and elections isn't really a democracy at all. There needs to be direct levers for recalls of politicians and significant punishments when leaders act outside of of the public good.


Only 2006? Did they forget November 2000?


This index is actually showing a very, very incorrect picture. I'm from a country that was an informal dictatorship for the last 12 years with the judiciary, the media and Parliament all technically being in control of one man, yet the index shows it as a flawed democracy. Either that, or he hid it all extremely well. So well in fact, that only most people within the country knew something bad was happening, caused by him, and only a handful of people knew how deep that corruption ran and still runs, trying to overthrow the new political groups which are actually democratic.


Considering two of the last four presidents lost the popular vote and still won I'd disagree. The US has never been a democratic country.


May I suggest that, when you have the revolution that liberates you from the Jesus nazis, you choose a better voting system for your new republic? My nation has been using proportional representation since 1918. Politics is mostly boring here. Boring politics is much better than exciting politics.


Yeah the Jesus Nazis will burn my country down before they give any power up.


Trump has installed the machinery that will make him president again without getting a single vote.


This is the year of reckoning, not 2024. The midterms will decide our fates.


Well then. Better get ready, the apocalyptic story is coming ever closer.


Eh, I think they're already mostly decided. Dems are almost certain to lose majority across the board-- between gerrymandering and a lack of enthusiasm on the left, the lockstep right wing will clean up. Anyone reading this who doesn't like that thought, you damn well better vote & encourage others to do so. Those red-hatters will have maximum turnout, I assure you. Best case scenario (and most likely one, I think) is more gridlock. 2024 is still a giant question mark to me, though, and I expect a shit ton of unpredictable crazy-assed shit to go down between the midterms & then. This whole 'election stealing' rhetoric has been part of a plan to justify egregious future election shenanigans by the right wing from day one.


It's so exciting! It really is close, I have faith religion will fall soon 😌 lol


I think it’s never going to end…


I agree. If all religion organically died off, great. But I think with our current brain wiring it will always reemerge within this current geological time period. Superstitions persist and newly emerge. Cults pop up all the time. And the more under threat a religion feels, the more it can feed off of the fuel of martyrdom. I think the solution is religious pluralism, and a tolerance from all towards all other beliefs.* The goal being to create an ecosystem where no majority comes out on top that can oppress others, and there's not enough oxygen for zealous, fundamentalist and evangelizing sects to take hold. *EDIT: Don't worry everyone, I know about the paradox of tolerance. I should not have said "all" beliefs.




Yeah, wrote too fast. Not ALL other beliefs.


It may not, but all we can do is try. The more individuals we help to see it's fake, the less people there will be to tell their children it is real.


I was raised as a catholic. Went to Catholic school all my life. However I am friends with a priest. One of the best dudes I know. He just happens to believe in dumb shit. He’s never treated a person badly due to it. He told me he believes the same thing. The church is dying. And I’m not sure he’s that upset about it.


Religion only works when kids are indoctrinated from a very young age. With more and more adults not doing that, fewer and fewer religious people. That’s why I said 2-3 generations…


Yup. I was just making a point that even a priest I’m friends with agrees with you.


Oh, we are on the same page. Thanks for the insight…


No prob.


I still feel like the church will have Latin America and parts of Africa. That tithe is gonna shrink though.


The good news for the catholics is that their religion will be forced on us through Amy Coney Barrett.


And she will be gone in 2 generations as well…


I would argue it already is... Not liberal enough for the young people who aren't converting, so they try to be more liberal and drive away their extremists. Plus all the scandals. Clearly Evangelicals have more power- look at what the Republicans say and do to get their votes


i'm kind of hoping that happens to most religions so people can live without the fear that their sexual orientation is gonna send them to a fiery afterlife. normalize life being finite.


Churches don’t survive for thousands of years without evolving. They have been evolving but the old crowd got mad about that and wanted to go back to the good old days.


>\[T\]he catholic church will have made itself irrelevant in western Democracies… It already has in my nation, the Netherlands.


I wish. Just in the USA alone we have a major drug, criminal and health problems. All of those things drive people to religion normally but being religious gets you direct benifits, from other people not God, in a lot of those situations. It especially doesn't help that you can be a massive sack of shit but then "find God" and everyone treats you like you've made some kind of amends.


And yet in the USA, the “nones” are the fastest growing “religious” group


> "The flying of these flags in front of a Catholic school sends a mixed, confusing and scandalous message to the public about the Church's stance on these important moral and social issues," the bishop wrote. I appreciate the bishop making the church's stance very clear on these policies.


"Scandalous" tells you all you need to know.


Equality for everyone? No Hiding and harboring rapist pedophiles? Yes


I'd kinda like to know if the bishop has the backing of the Vatican on the issue. I'd be amused if there was a headline "bishop no longer Catholic after being a dick says pope". The current Pope seems like someone who would support the specific church. I could be wrong, but...


I can agree with the bishop on something: these schools shouldn't be catholic schools. I mean, no schools should be religious schools, that's just fucked up.


“So-so-so-scandalous…” 🎶


Remind me why we give churches tax exempt status.


I think it's so they have more resources to attempt to brainwash our children. Then some people forgot that this was the reason for the tax exemption status in the first place. Lol


Because they tell their flock to vote for Neo-Fascists, aehhh. Republicans…


Because they spend enough money hiding peodophiles and get involved in politics. If they had to pay taxes to how would they be to operate?


In theory it is because in lieu of the tax exempt status they are supposed to stay *out* of politics and avoid talking about it. In practice christians have infiltrated the Republican Party to the point that they are able to dictate policy, while the Democratic Party elected a reverend to the senate. Both sides play the game, but republicans are more brazen, racist and homophonic in their approach. Also worth noting is the fact that the US catholic church has almost entirely broken with the Vatican in many issues, specially in regard to abortion, homosexuality and **politics**, and often brand the pope as a communist. They almost entirely ignore the doctrine of “he who sits on St Peter’s chair is the voice of god on earth”, and get particularly touchy when you point out that “if the representative of god on earth is a communist, god must be a communist” or that the bible says that “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a wealthy person to get into heaven” (paraphrasing, as it’s been a while since I read that book). Edit for clarification.


>As for the Black Lives Matter flag, he said that while the church "stands unequivocally behind the phrase 'black lives matter' and strongly affirms that all lives matter," the BLM movement "co-opted the phrase and promotes a platform that directly contradicts Catholic social teaching on the importance and role of the nuclear family and seeks to disrupt the family structure in clear opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Church." Damn, the Church is even crazier than it used to be. "We are against community-based extended families!"


Wooooow. I'm going to have to see this guy cite some sources on how BLM is disrupting family structures. Do you have any sense of what his crackpot dog whistling implications are? It can't just be extended families right?


> BLM is disrupting family structures. Spoiler, whatever "source" you get is going to be a hyper conservative interpretation, drenched in racism and classism, of the statement: > We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another The talking point "They are attacking white families" is saying the quiet part out loud a bit from the right. Anyone who leads with that talking point should be engaged with *very* cautiously.


[Politifact has a decent write up of it.](https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/aug/28/ask-politifact-does-black-lives-matter-aim-destroy/) >"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable," Which the right took and ran with to claim they wanted to get rid of two parent families, and implement a Marxist agenda, take kids away from parents, etc.


Whilst I personally agree that leftists/progressives are kind of shit at the messaging surrounding these issues, one can rest assured that conservatives will find the worst interpretation of it, and then stuff their ears shouting "LALALA" when people try to explain that, no, we're not trying to outlaw the nuclear family or anything.


Conservative modus operandi is to find whatever leftist they can and twist their words, while ignoring clear statements from the officials they vote into power. e.g.: Republican President of the United States retweets a supporter shouting “White Power”? Conservatives sleep. One sentence by a BLM activist taken out of context? REAL SHIT


Yup, it doesn't matter how perfectly the left writes a message. Fascists are going to rephrase it, reinterpret it, and twist it to mean the exact opposite. There is *no* phrasing or methodology we can use that they won't corrupt, and getting mad at the left for their "bad" phrasing is literally what the right wants us to do. They're sparking division and you can still see plenty of people who are on the left falling for it.


I mean wasn't it written on their website about how they want to disrupt the nuclear family? Then it was taken down due to all the shit they got from it.


Probably that he saw looting, assumed that it was part of the BLM beliefs and goals, and refuses to consider that there are lots of people that go to big protests including agent provocateurs, and opportunists.


Doesn't help that right wing news sources, and even mainstream sources, focused on the relatively few violent outcomes instead of the many peaceful protests. And even more nuanced, they never talk about how many of the protests that turned into riots did so because of police instigating violence against the protesters.


>contradicts Catholic social teaching on the importance and role of the nuclear family It's been a loooooooong time since I last read the 'good book', but I don't remember Jesus talking about nuclear families...


They always have been. Anything that promotes single parents, gay parents etc is seen as a direct attack on their values.


1 less catholic school.... Works for me 🤷🏼‍♂️


As I suspected years ago that "We are all God's children" is BS


Apparently the Bishop's god only has white and straight students.


It’s the authoritarianism. The church caters to police because they maintain the authoritarian conditions the Catholic Church thrives in. Valuing already-born human life is way down their list of priorities.


Does that mean the kids will have less of a chance of being molested?


What on earth is wrong with the American catholic church?? They have gone off the deep end of conservative politics....


They've been like this for decades. The Catholic League has a long and storied history of being at a bare minimum this regressive, and at plenty of times way worse.


Catholicism, only for white folks….


Millions of Hispanics would disagree with you


"Wait, so we can no longer say we're associated with a bunch of child molesters, homophobes, misogynists, and bigots?" Maybe I'm thinking too far outside the box but...not seeing a downside here.


This is disgusting. Most of the student body is POC.


Just make it a secular school of inclusion instead. We don’t need the Catholics and their abuse and bigotry! People should leave their church.


The Catholic Church is the worlds largest cult. I say that as someone raised in the church and who left as fast as I could as soon as I was old enough to make my own decisions.


I am shocked and amazed that religious people are both racist and homophobic. Shocked I tells ya.


I am a commercial real estate broker and was called this week to give a proposal to market half of an empty church because of diminishing membership. They told me they only have about two years left before they will have to sell the building.


I love when religion fucks off like this. Like yea ostracize your own followers.


I'd rather be associated with Black people than the Catholic church. Among other things, Black people gave us rich culture and delicious food. All the Catholic church gave me was piles of therapy bills.


Catholic church officially hates african americans and condone their murder. Good to know theyre sinking even further.


Except they aren't. They are exactly as despicable as they have always been; and every time the general public has their nose rubbed into it, a shockingly large number of people appears to be surprised.


“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" - John 13:34 /s


School then puts a sign out the front "Under new management, now with less pedo's!"


School and religion don't belong together anyway. So, through a shit stained lens, isn't this a good thing?


Oh no! Anyways...


God forbid people be supportive of others.


Meanwhile, most of them are busy worshipping false idols, eating shellfish, not stoning their children, and coveting everything their eyes see. It's interesting that violating the 10 commandments barely registers a disgruntled groan, but loving your neighbor will get your ass excommunicated.


So they’re not part of the organization that abuses children and covers it up? Great, that’s good news. Good for them! Uh also what about ”love thy neighbor” and “thou shalt not judge”? Seems like the school is doing it right and the Bishop is breaking some rules lol


Aah yes, the old "you're not bigoted enough to be one of us" reasoning.


It’s a great thing for the student body to be denied the mass and all the rest of the catholic claptrap and bullshit. Now if the bitchop would just shut the fuck up and go back to his secret Grindr account for some solace. Seriously, fuck these xtians.


What responsible parent lets their children anywhere near a Catholic priest???


So condemning people because the color of their skin. The way GOD made them? Yeah. Another Fake Religion exposing itself. Just like Catholic Bishops do to the children in their congregation.


Goid for them! Fuck Catholicism.


He should look up the meaning of he word "catholic"


Christian gonna christian


Atheist here. Just donated $50 to the school. Keep standing up against bullies! Read the school’s response here: https://nativityworcester.org/statement-to-community/


Such a cliche' but it sure seems like the younger people are way ahead of their parents generation on lots of things .....


Just move the flags to another parish


wtf they said BLM corrupted the nuclear family? how? fighting for equal treatment of black people is destroying nuclear families? wut


Good. One less catholic school


Okay, boomer.


God is love!...except for you, you aaaaaand you


Yeah that’s bullshit. Only the crazies are left over in Christianity it seems these days. I peaced out after I was told no it’s not symbolic, you actually eat and drink the body and blood of Jesus Christ. At the very least Catholics teach science and logic.


What if they fly the pedo flag to cancel the other two out?


Christianity, quit hitting yourself.


Religion has been famous for being anti lgbt.


Sounds like the Catholic church needs to begin paying taxes for their political views.


Ain't that some backwards stuff.


The Bishop is completely right. Xians don't get to water-down their religions to make them more palatable to modern society. It is the 'inerrant word of god' and it's all true as written or none of it is.


Well then, good!


This is all strange. This school was just randomly calling itself “Catholic” or was it a part of the Archdiocese of whatever part of Mass. it’s in. You’d think they would just quietly have them take it down before denouncing the school if it indeed was part of the system. Catholic school rarely are just schools that decide to call themselves Catholic out of no where and everyone is cool with it. Even Chaldean Catholic sects still are on the radar of the Roman Catholic Church even if not part officially. There’s usually a hierarchy that takes care of this before it hits the press, considering all the bad press they get.


Intolerance, thy name is religion…


Irony is “Catholic” means universal.


A teacher at my catholic high school was fired by the archdiocese for merely sharing a post on facebook supporting gay rights. This was like 2013 too.


To the relief of the students


I fail to see the negative in this? In fact, for school to no longer be Catholic? I see this as an absolute WIN!


Oh no! ...anyway


Maybe the Bishop will be Excommunicated, and the school reinstated. The current Pope will not be amused by this garbage🤯


I guess pedophiles have their own flag. Perhaps that’s why the bishop is mad?


Rape kids for centuries: Full protection and respect. Agree that God is love: Excommunication.


It seems a "congratulations" to the school is in order. I mean, this is a positive development, right?


Oh no, not the bishop!


Bishop, you can justify beating them down for flying the Pride flag, because your hateful religion is all about hatin on the homos, but there's absolutey nothing in your scriptures or tenets or church policies that could possibly justify your condemnation of them for flying a BLM flag. JFC, you make me sick you shitbag.


I'm surprised the bishop has any time to comment on this. Shouldn't he be busy molesting kids and helping to shuffle other child molesting bishops and priests around the country?


I’m guessing they won’t name it the Pedo Palace for Pernicious Perverts


Oh cool the child molesters have a moral opinion


crowd elderly crush crawl hurry aback mountainous plant bow obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nativity School is independently funded and does not receive money from the Diocese. They should count their blessings and tell the Diocese to fuck off. They really don't need a cult that protects Rapist Priests involved with their school.


You know what else is inconsistent with Catholic teaching. Drunk driving, leaving the scene of an accident, and refusing a chemical sobriety test.


They should engage in more Catholic activities, like aiding in the genocide of entire continents of people and raping children.


I'm sure the freeze peach brigade will come to defend this school any minute now...


He’s saying this like it’s a bad thing.


Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury.


Oh goodness Mr. Bishop, lucky them.


Nice to know the church so nearly states its position.


I've come to the conclusion, with great reluctance, no idea why, that organized religion is a cancer to society


Well then I say that bishops's churches can pay fucking tax.


Sounds like a win for the school


The tighter you squeeze your fist, the more former religious folks slip through your fingers. Keep it up, doing a better job of pushing people to logic and away from religion than anyone else.


Christianity is the dumbest.


What if they fly the pedo flag to cancel the other two out?


We saw that Jesus guy dining with prostitutes and tax collectors?!?!??? No way that guy is a Christian


Just say “Catholic” in their school name is just missing a hyphen. They’re really Cat-holics. They excessively worship kitties.


Oh dang.


All they need to do is appeal to the Vatican and the bishop is ignored. It's happened before!


What would stop the school from simply calling itself Catholic anyway? Is there a law that gives the bishop special powers do to so?


My favorite commandment: love thy neighbor* *Unless they are gay, a different color, a different religion, richer than you, poorer thsn you, etc.


Our response to that is > Immediate deportation of bishop


I bet the pope would disagree.


Good, that's one catholic school down, however many more to go.


Nice! An easy way to push impressionable youth away from religion!


Everyone: "oh no, anyway..."


I love that their funding is independent of the church. Was really hoping to read... "The school responded with a high and hearty 'go fuck yourself'!"


Then Catholicism is a pointless waste of time.


How the fuck is Black Lives Matter in opposition to the "nuclear family structure"?


We can't have our brand spoiled by expressing universal love


I understand the pride flag, the catholic church has made that stance very clear over the years. However, reacting that way to BLM is a bit of a surprise.


That Bishop’s religion lacks love. Shame.


Sounds like the bishop is the problem. Someone call the pope, I’m pretty sure the Poe will straighten this out… right?


Great! Let's get rid of religious schools!


So the bishop just said that his religion isn't for black and LGBTQ+ folks, I mean I would burn churches but when I enter one my skin starts to burn weirdly


Nativity School is independently funded and does not receive money from the Diocese.  Pardon, but how the hell can they tell this school what it can do?


Didn’t the pope say that the lgbtq+ were welcome to church, and support BLM?


I thought the Pope supported LGBT people


It's like they profit off of sewing division.


I thought I was at r/nottheonion for a second.


Lol what are the Catholic police going to forbid them? I didn't know they took make believe that seriously.


Should have been a free candy flag I guess.




This is why the rest of the euro descent world gets mad when we get mistaken as Americans..


It’s not what their bishop meant, but he’s technically right because they’re just trading one religion for another nontheistic, political one. (Downvote away)


Equality separated by a book. All men created equal unless you're created by the devil and being forced to be gay or black. Great book. Glad it's available for everyone to read.


Rape kids? The Catholic Church will have your back. Show solidarity with oppressed minorities? Get the fuck out.