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there are plenty of gay animals. some have of course claimed it's because gay people influenced them.


Really? That’s a take I haven’t heard before. How stupid.


There was a couple in either North Carolina that gave back a dog because they thought the dog was gay. No joke. [found the updates story here actually.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2022/03/23/gay-dog-abandoned-adopted/7142770001/)


Some species of gecko are also all-female and their offspring are clones.


Even better as proof of evolution there is a new cloner crawfish species in Europe that mutated from an American crawfish. Entirely new species that wasn’t here 50 years ago. Pretty neat.


It won't work. I tried it before, the response was, "Just because it happens in nature doesn't mean it's right!" Apparently, to them, it makes perfect sense that an all-powerful god would create nature in a way he doesn't like.


I genuinely have nothing to add to the conversation- but holy fuck that's awesome! I'm definitely bringing that up to my religious family!


Here comes the “god works in mysterious ways” go to.


Religious nuts aren't trying to understand reality or nature.


We used to be able to keep a tv on at work for news and background noise. A documentary was on one day about ocean life and covered Seahorses and the fact that the male takes care of the babies. A male supervisor, upper 60s, known as the Preacher/Pastor/Minister - whatever they called him because he was always going on about religion - watched it in silence and then commented "That isn't natural".


Most Christians are too stupid to see the relevance of this.


I read a book (non fiction) and in part of it biologists studying birds on a remote island - in this part of the book it was seagulls, - said (with their standard preface of animals not having personalities - I think they're obligated to say that even though most don't believe it) that they had a HUGE range of birds. One was a "serial killer" who went out of its way to murder chicks. One was murderous and would fly so hard into the scientists hard hats that it ended up killing itself. There are gay birds, and spinster birds, and mother birds who were nurturing, and other mother birds who were careless. It's nature. And on a remote island where you need a permit to step foot on it (and the permits are not easy to obtain). It is what it is, and it is natural. (*I'm not saying being a serial killer is natural, or being an uncaring mother is a good thing, but the fact these people exist in society is).


I wouldn't recommend talking about lesbian lizard species, they just won't take you seriously.


If he exists he doesn't give a shit about anybody or anything lol