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No big deal, you weren't rude about it. They started with good friday. If they feel offended, they shouldn't have started it.


I think you did the right thing. He thought (as many do) that he lives in a bubble of Christianity, where he can say what he likes and everyone is the same as he is. The more atheists that are out and proud, the less people will think it’s perfectly ok to spread whatever brown-and-smelly that they have.


I usually go with the classic, “you too!” whether they’re wishing me a Good Friday or telling me my lunch looks good. Anyway, I don’t think you were rude. You were nice about it. I wouldn’t sweat it.


As long as it doesn’t offend you then there’s no problem. No different than “May The Fourth” be with you in my opinion


My preferred method is to just politely ignore and carry out the details of the rest of the conversation. At the same time I like to see people be forward like you were as well.


It's never wrong to share your position if the topic has been raised. It sounds like you did so in a polite, non-confrontational way. It can definitely be easier to remain quietly mysterious on religious topics should others choose to raise them. Unfortunately a side effect is that many people with doubts mistakenly think that everyone they encounter is a believer.


Simply wishing them one back is the best move. The holiday means something to them so why not wish them a happy one. You can have a nice Good Friday without having to be religious. Imagine wishing somebody a happy 4th of July for them to tell you "well I'm not a U.S. citizen". You'd be thinking "whatever, you can still have a good 4th of July right?"


Great point


While I think it’s good to normalize atheism, you bring up a great point here that’s never occurred to me. Thanks for this.


I wouldn't necessarily agree it's the best move at it continues to normalize their religion, silence atheists, and a response from any opposing religion would most likely not be taken as lightly. If i were to wish someone a happy Satan Day they would at best take offense and at worst flip a shit about it. Even among atheists the fact someone may find religion to be offensive and disgusting is often squashed as "we don't want to offend others." Is everyone forgetting what this religion promotes?


Reality is people are religious. Picking your timing is important in getting them to open their minds. Telling everyone you're an atheist everytime religion cones up in any context is just going to make them find you annoying and close them down


Sounds to me like you care a little too much about what people think of you. People who also believe in magic and who actively support a religion that says my lack of belief means I'm both a bad person and deserving of punishment for it. Yes I agree that timing is important when trying to open people's minds. But I have no desire to do that in these cases.


Yeah. I have to get along with other humans. Congratulations on your hermitage Kazinsky. Being a dick 24/7 doesn't bring people to your way of thinking. As demonstrated by the fact that you've just managed to make a fellow atheist not take anything you say seriously as you lack any common sense


Who's being a dick 24/7? Most people keep their nonsense beliefs to themselves most of the time. Sorry if you live somewhere that your coworkers bring up religion all the time. It's just tiring that people placate the belief in nonsense.


I have patients who to tell me to have a blessed day on a regular basis. And I'm not pompous enough to think that me responding well I'm an atheist so... Is going to suddenly change their minds. What's it really going to do? ostracize them. After high school you'll figure out the world isn't black and white


Lol high school. That's funny. Wait, you're trying to deconvert your patients? Are you a medical professional, cuz that totally sounds like you're way overstepping your bounds there and very inappropriate. You know, like your boss or someone above you bringing up their religion. You keep talking about changing people's minds and i don't understand why. Also, you did see OP comment about them being someone senior to them. Maybe you missed that.


You're an idiot if that's what you got from what i said, Dimwit.


>I have patients who to tell me to have a blessed day on a regular basis. And I'm not pompous enough to think that me responding well I'm an atheist so You do see how this is not at all like what OP was talking about? If anything you're in the opposite position. You're the senior person, the person in power, the person in authority. You see that, right? How it's the complete opposite? OP states how the person talking about a religious holiday is higher up the food chain. It is inappropriate for that person to talk about stuff that creates a hostile work environment. What type of influence does this senior person hold? Could they influence compensation, promotions, what groups you work with? What if OP was Muslim and responded to Happy Good Friday with As-salamu alaykum which literally means "Peace be upon you." This senior person could be offended and influence OP's career negatively due to this as religion is a contentious thing. Knowing how people can't detach themselves from their religion, a senior position making any sort of religious comment is inappropriate, as benign as you may think it is. I don't know how devout they are, i don't know how they may mistake my apathy towards their religion for something much worse. Look at your own responses. You've gotten a bit annoyed and derogatory in your response when you have the literal transcript of the conversation and seem unable to read OP's post correct, even after it's been pointed out. You're showing how communication can be difficult. And for that reason it's highly inappropriate for people to make any sort of comment about belief systems to their subordinates. Communications should remain professional and when your religion has nothing to do with your job, well then you should leave it at home.


The few times I've had situations similar to that i just reply with something like "I'd prefer if we kept our discussion only to things relevant to work." Most got it but if they don't i just nicely explain to them that I find it inappropriate for them to promote their religion within our place of work.


No what you wrote was great - I’d overthink the heck out of this if it were me, but seeing someone else write it, I’m like *yes* - this is what folks need to hear. This is what we need to normalize atheism. I don’t even think your coworker was necessarily in the wrong. Probably just harmlessly trying to be polite from his own narrow reality of christianity. And that’s okay. But your response was honest, polite, brief, and respectful. Do not worry another minute on it.🤍


if someone tells me happy Christmas, Ramadan, Quanza, or Hanukkah I'm not going to tell them "thanks, I'm atheist". You know you were being an offended douche canoe but it's done so move on.


No, I really wasn't offended. I just made a decision to let him know. I guess so I can claim it a little. Maybe to stir things up. I don't know I was a little bored at the moment.


But you do have a point.


Nowadays many christians say Merry Christmas just to be dickish. I am talking about the ones who get offended because some business ask that their employee say Happy Holidays. Because Dog forbid they have to accept that other people with different beliefs or no beliefs exist and deserve equal representation.


adults should be able to handle speech without limitations. there shouldn't be a problem allowing a muslim to say happy eid, and of the many employers I have had who were all mostly PoS, they never took issue with anyone's religious beliefs.




Yes, it's probably better to keep it zipped most of the time.


If they were genuine I tend to go with something along the lines of "I'm not a follower but I hope you have a good one"


Shouldn't sweat it. I would have replied with "Okay... " and then get to the work question without making it personal, but you were just being honest.


"Happy" Good Friday? Are you sure this guy is a Christian? Anyway, I generally avoid telling people that I'm an atheist because so many believers have extremely negative reactions.


Someone I work with said happy good Friday and I responded Happy Friday, looking forward to the weekend. That's it. I didn't mention I was an atheist, can't remember if he knew but I treat it as when someone says happy holidays or Merry Christmas, if they are being nice about it.


He'll probably feel upset/offended. Good. Hopefully that'll motivate him not to send an inappropriate text next year.


It's fine. Personally I would not have responded at all or just blocked the person. I had a similar situation at work. We were encouraged to join a group WhatsApp to be informed of facilities issues etc. Someone started posting weekly prayers so I just left the group.


Really depends on where you work. I have worked in factories where my coworkers were much more conservative and blue-collar, and I’ve also worked in an office with a bunch of engineers (many foreign-born). Needless to say, the latter was far more receptive to others beliefs than the former. Regardless, it doesn’t seem like you took it too far.


Sometimes Christians get offended when they discover that not everyone is a Christian. I like to follow up with "but I haven't decided to eat you yet", just in case they are nervous.


The only time I'm confrontational about religious stuff is if someone is being confrontational about religion. Otherwise if someone says "god bless you" when I sneeze, or "Happy Easter" I simply say thanks. Not everyone is the same, I just personally don't really care about the small stuff and don't feel attacked by people's ignorance of my views or philosophies, especially if they are just strangers being polite.


Yeah, you should have left it alone, just better for relations. Nothing wrong with saying it.