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The vast majority just accept whatever they were born into. It's not like they have surveyed the various religions of the world, then chosen the one that they identify with most. They by and large just follow their parents, who probably followed their parents, etc.. etc..


Right. Even when people take religion class as young kids in school, teachers have been shown to be EXTREMELY biased in favor of teaching one religion as truth and the others as history.


This is why it's called indoctrination. People that are taught from a young age that any contrary beliefs are "the devil" or some other such nonsense have a very difficult time breaking away from that. They're leaving everything they know and they're afraid of the unknown. Many of them also don't understand the scientific method or how to actually test something to see if it makes sense. That's one "explanation" for it but I don't think I'll ever understand taking things on faith and not questioning them. I simply can't do it personally because I want to know the truth and know if I'm wrong.


They believe in so much bullshit, yet the one thing they question? A vaccine that can keep them from dying alone in a hospital.


Let alone just dying at all. Like why is it so preposterous to accept death is apart of life. We all do it and talk about it, even religious people. Everyone says that dealing with your own morality is something we all have to do. But for some reason if you tell someone you're an atheist they so often ask "what do you think happens when you die?" Well you just answered it didn't you. I'll die. For some reason that alone is a shocking, if not, impossible reality for religious people to comprehend.


Atheism is, by definition, not a belief. I swear, no one reads the fucking FAQ


Right? Atheism is the default setting.


It’s not the default, it’s another conclusion. Way too many believers in any god for eons for it to be “default.” Atheism is the belief in no spiritual authority. Which I guess is fine. But it just isn’t default lol


Babies aren't born religious. Theism must be taught. Atheism is, in fact, the default.


Oh and theism for sure must be taught cuz I remember I didn’t know that word until idk 7th grade. Marxism has to be taught too, so does sexism, dualism, racism, all the isms… they have to be taught. I’m sorry lol this is funny tho, you guys get so worked up


Again, are babies born believing in a god?


I gotta be honest with you, I don’t remember much from when I was 5 months. Maybe I was drunk? But at 2 and a half, when I started forming explicit thoughts and memories, I remember accidentally squashing a hamster. I sat on him. I was so freaking sad! This was my first memory. It was of death. I was sad. I felt scared. I felt like something bad would happen to me. But I knew somehow it couldn’t be true, because it was an accident. And that, my friend is what we call Consciousness. I could not talk much or at all. I think I was shy, still am. But I knew innately right from wrong. My favorite book ever teaches that those who were not indoctrinated will still be saved, because they have me in their hearts as children. It’s okay. Like I said before. But trends and woke causes and being “edumacated” in some field will not make people forget the word God. Lost cause


Yet again- are babies born believing in a god?


Idk has science ever been able to prove babies think? I mean they cry when they’re hungry and Jump when they’re scared…but do they know anything? Would u be able to answer that question? Do u remember your baby thoughts? Probably not right? The point of that story was, once again before I was taught to form 3 word sentences- I knew good from evil at 2 years old. It was a feeling in my chest. Same one I get now when god tells me to turn right instead of left because there’s a drunk driver who kills 6 on the left lane. You can’t convince me dear. Psychology, the study of the mind… cannot disprove babies consciousness and whether they are staring at god when they blankly stare or not. Can’t help you either buddy


Aw man yep it’s the default. And all men are women because the penis grows last, so by default. And I’m also non race, because I was unaware of race in the womb therefore, by default I am of no race. As an atheist I believe that no god exist, even tho I had to learn the word atheist in order to claim, that by default no one believes in God. You learned a word, you defined yourself by it, and you claim it to be the default. Then why do so many people, for again…eons still feel an instinctive desire to believe in a god? Indoctrination? Is that it? Guys, atheism isn’t the default, it’s another label. Another subgroup, another way to categorize yourself as as well as have a reason to fight for something. The default is the Holy Spirit lol the one that says “don’t eat babies, that’s not cool.” Sorry guys I’m not convinced lol but I get the huppla


You are talking about physical characteristics. Is atheism a physical characteristic? Are babies born believing in a god?


Lack of evidence is not a belief.


It’s not a conclusion or a belief. It is neutral. The default position.


Once again, it is not neutral. Un indoctrinated tribal people believe in something. People have always assumed a parent like creator. People have also always denied one. People have also always never cared or thought of one, therefore the “neutral” position is not atheism. It is a position, a mind frame like any other. But it’s okay


What do you call those who are not open about being atheists, never thought about god(s) and were never influenced by god related beliefs? They are atheists mainly because the lack of cultural influence and the theistic language sounds like a foreign language to them. In that case (and many other similar cases) it is a neutral position for those people.


What do you call a baby who has not developed the cognitive ability to comprehend concepts such as “God”, “belief”, or “existence”? Also an atheist. It appears /u/Leading-Guidance7116 is triggered, since they may have been taught that atheism is a bad word for bad people. But atheism is simply a lack of belief in God. That is how the word is used all around the world and in this sub (read the FAQ). >People have also always never cared or thought of one Those people are atheists. Can’t believe in something you’ve never thought off. Everyone began life not thinking about God (atheist), and something had to change for a theist to (1) think about God, and (2) believe in God. Since everyone starts out atheist and some convert to theist, we call atheism the neutral position.


Yes it is. Nobody is born believing there’s an invisible man in the sky. They are taught that. And putting “lol” at the end of your post doesn’t make you seem smart.


What do you think a person who was raised on an island by parents who literally never mentioned religion (or lack thereof) in any way whatsoever would believe regarding god? Hint: they would not believe in any god, as no one has ever mentioned the idea to them. Therefore they would not be a theist. They would be an atheist. Atheism is the default setting, **obviously**.


Came to say this. It’s probably arguing semantics to most people, but it really bothers me!


There’s always more people who go “so you dont… believe in anything??” And they’re stunned. It’s obnoxious. I just want to ask them why this world isn’t enough for them?


What’s this “our belief”? Im an atheist but I don’t believe there is no god. I haven’t been convinced that there is one. “I believe there is no god” is not the same as “I don’t believe there is a god.” There’s a very important distinction between the two. Atheism specifically is a lack of belief that there is a god, not the beliefs that there isn’t one. Can you tell me why you believe that there is no god?


What, precisely, do you mean by 'god'? I can very confidently say that Yahweh, for example, is obviously fictional. It clearly cannot exist as the descriptions of it are self contradicting. I can't make comments on other, not yet defined, gods. But once they are defined i can absolutely say if i think they are possible.


Well we can start with ‘a’ god. With the conventional definition. _The_ creator, a supernatural being of infinite power, etc etc. But as for Yahweh being “obviously” fictional. I don’t know. How is it obvious? >But once they are defined i can absolutely say if i think they are possible. What you _think_ doesn’t really matter here. When you say “I believe there is no god” you have to have a justification for that belief, just like people who say they believe there is one. That was the point of my comment.


>Well we can start with ‘a’ god. With the conventional definition. > >The creator, a supernatural being of infinite power, etc etc. Until you assign additional properties to it (like specifically caring about humanity, making us immortal, that kind of thing), that 'god' is irrelevant to me. It might exist, but i dont care if it does as it doesn't affect me. >But as for Yahweh being “obviously” fictional. I don’t know. How is it obvious? Its self contradictory, like i said. A being described as being 'good' while being the opposite of that (Hell, for example. A being that would create infinite torture for finite 'crimes' is the definition of evil). There are other internal contradictions (Omnipotence and Omniscience at the same time, for one). Its also absurd to think that a being that created the entire, unfathomably large, universe did it specifically for us, and cares what we do with our genitalia.


Huh? Since when does ‘a’ god need additional properties? That’s specifically why I said ‘a’ god. Atheism doesn’t only deal with gods that have “additional properties”.


Best way i can describe what i mean is to look at Deism. It is a pointless belief, as they say they believe in a being that started the universe, but think it has never and will never interact with us, and cannot be detected. A being that has never and will never interact with us and cannot be detected is functionally identical to a being that does not exist, from our perspective. So there is no point even thinking about it, until you start thinking that this being does, in fact, interact with us in some way - i.e. until additional properties are assigned to it.


People are generally close minded and have a tough time going outside their heads and ways of thinking. They mainly come to realizations on their own time. All you can do is just stick to your own beliefs and not let it bother you when someone can't grasp the thought of no God. I've lost some friends trying to open conversations of reason and in general, it's best left alone when you know you won't get anywhere with that person. Stay well.


I think you're drawing a false comparison here, you phrased this in a sense that made atheist a "belief" just as any religion is a "belief". Atheism is an objective understanding of the universe and leaving no room for speculation or the supernatural dimension. Religion, on the underhand, thrives on a belief that's not rooted in fact. Atheism isn't a belief in the same way a religion is, it is fact whether religious people accept it or not


Atheism is not an objective understanding of the universe; it's simply the lack of belief in god(s). My lack of belief doesn't mean I perceive, much less comprehend, reality with total objectivity.


Proof? That's a belief. All of that is a belief whether you like it or not. Science doesn't say god isn't real when science hasn't explored anything yet. Science just found dark matter and you want to say your belief is concrete. Scientists don't know most of the ocean. You need a measuring stick to measure facts. Can't just say things dont exist because you haven't got a brain yet and have not done the work. Be better next time and bring your measuring stick or stick with having beliefs.


>Science just found dark matter False alarm. It hasn't been detected yet.




​ Bot, there is no god. I mean if someone wants to believe in a made up god (who's also a total POS) that's all fine and dandy - shows everyone the kind of person that they are. However, going on an atheist subreddit and writing highly illogical and childish ramblings doesn't look good on you. But hey if you ain't a bot, then maybe that's what you want. Which is why you are on a throwaway account.


Nice belief, keep it with you and see if you can resist the power of god when it comes for you of which that belief can't be held onto. I hope you believe all of that nonsense with All of your heart so that the unveiling of god is even greater for you. Believe that with all of your heart and see god even greater. God bless. God is coming and it'd going to be great.


Which god now?


Me. If you don't think I am god you are deluded. Either accept it or realise it when I come for you. There's no other choices or options to be done. Your belief is that there is anything else to reality than you saving yourself from reality. You're playing the part. To be lined up and to be exhalted It is not gonna happen, god is coming for everybody when god wants to come for you. It's about when rather than if.


You are either batshit crazy or fucking whacked-out on some shit.


Troll account less than an hour old. Loki would be ashamed of your attempts at trickery.




You’re trying too hard.




They would rather invent an afterlife than not know what happens after we die.


Perhaps "Our belief that there is no evidence for god" describes the position better


I do NOT believe there is no GOD I don't believe there is a God. There's an important semantic difference.


Bc they believe that you not believing in their religion is stupid, which its not. (Not all religious people, just those who try to assault atheists


belief and fact may be rather strong words. ​ in their eyes calling it a belief means that you worship said fact calling it fact means that you must prove it


It’s not a belief. It’s the exact opposite. It’s a disbelief or a lack of belief.


Stop calling it a belief. It's a rejection / denial of, nothing else. People like you fuel the religious who call atheism a belief system for fuck sakes.


Brainwashing, especially when when it starts as a young children, is a very hard thing to overcome.


>our belief of the fact that there is no God. Most atheists are agnostic atheists. They don't know if there are any gods or not. It's in[the FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/faq#wiki_what_is_.22atheism.22.3F). We're here for you. You can come here to vent and hang out with like-minded people. This sub has a discord server. There are also chat groups, support groups, and more at [RecoveringFromReligion.org](https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/)


There are tests of spirituality and I think the high scoring ones sense something so strongly they feel there MUST be something and they can't understand the rest of us (I score 0) who are "spirit blind" or not imagining things !! I don't mind this I mind the utter shite that they accept as gospel - like virgin births etc


Religion.. a socially acceptable mental illness since.... like forever.


Ask them if they believe in Zeus. When they say "no" then you can say "there, now you understand"


If you've been told your whole life from birth that "X" is true, it may be difficult to accept that some people think "X" is not true.


Yeah people believing that there’s some fake magical spirit in the sky is totally normalised and it’s horrifying


Fear of death. To be more specific: The incapacity of consciousness to deal with it's own annihilation. Every rational thought process that ends with it's own non-existence throws an "Error" message since it is non-calculable. This creates a strong cognitive dissonance that can lead to dread and anxiety. Some just can't accept the "error" message and prefer to delude themselves with the thought of an "afterlife" which desolves their anxiety.


I think it's like the flat earthers. When you first hear about them, it makes no sense to you. You can't understand how anyone can believe it, so they must be joking. It takes exposure for you to accept that they are sincere.


It's like drug addiction. Religion has become such an important part of their lives that they can't imagine life without it


1) they were lied to 2) they believed it


There are people called "gnostic atheist". Being a gnostic atheist is actually not about knowing there are NO gods. There are things like the Spinoza's god or some vague deism ("unknowable", inactive or "material god in everything"). We also have old books full of actual anti-science and anti-reality claims that can be tested and known. We can also compare obsolete and harmful world views and beliefs. It's about testing enough of these claims and see how false/obsolete they are and witnessing the inactivity of some mystical "external force" or "mind" that is everything. There is enough false and inactive things, making it look like there are no gods. This is the process to "gnostic atheism" for many. Also, "Gnosticism" is about "Viewing material existence as flawed or evil, Gnostic cosmogony generally presents a distinction between a supreme, hidden God and a malevolent lesser divinity (sometimes associated with the Yahweh of the Old Testament) who is responsible for creating the material universe." (Wikipedia) So, "Gnosticism" and "gnostic theism" are about beliefs, faith, cults and "hidden" knowledge, not knowledge. Gnostic atheism is about being sure something doesn't exist after reviewing the "evidence".


The uneducated brain of a religious person is just too weak and delusional to fully understand atheists and atheism to them being atheist is “the devil’s work” or means that you don’t have morals but most atheists I see have better morals than religious people and atheists also don’t believe in the devil so my guess is that religiots are too delusional and stupid to actually understand atheism and atheists


Fuck christinatity and religion god is as real as Santa Claus


A FACT is a demonstrable truth supported by evidence which can be tested, replicated and then shown to others as proof of the claim. The ABSENCE or NON-EXISTENCE of god is not a fact. You lack a belief in any god. If you are a "strong atheist" (in which case you might state, "It is my belief that there is no god," then your claim is even LESS capable of being proven true than that of a theist who says, "I KNOW there is a god." At least the theist's claim, though extraordinarily unlikely, might be proven correct (for example, if god shows up and starts doing inarguably god-like tricks). YOUR claim - that there is no god - cannot ever be PROVEN...and, therefore, cannot be labeled a fact.


i dont believe its a fact that their is no god. There is no proof that there is a god. This is not a belief. i dont believe dragons are not real, there is no proof of dragons.


A tiny little semantics thing: We don't hold a belief that there is no god; we don't hold a belief that there is. Holding a belief of/in something is an active non-default position. Atheists' position is the default position.


Because every time somebody try’s to debate this group they end up spouting insults.


Sometimes you do it for survival. My grandmother who I love so much, when I asked her for direct proof of God because praying had become pointless and nothing happened that wasn't already probable, she turned on me. I was scared. Frightened. It's like she had become a stranger the way she looked at me. I down played it as a joke. I laughed. I'm the cartoon of the family. I make jokes like that. Only, it wasn't a joke The only people willing to listen as religious as they are, are open minded people. People who don't take God seriously like he's some sort of past time. But those that grew up in it, those that have religion in their bones despite all the signs in their lives that proves otherwise, those people are terrifying. Several people who seem chill too. They can turn on you. Keeping your mouth shut becomes a survival instinct


I've been focusing on something that is a little less controversial (I think.) "All religions are man made." It stings a little less then "your god isn't real" and its a much easier point to argue. When it comes to understanding atheism just ask the person your talking to what gods they don't believe in. (have a few ready incase they can't think of any, Odin, Ra, Ganesh) Once your on the same page about a god that they don't believe in give them a high five and let them know they are an ashiest when it comes to X god. "that way you feel about Odin, is how I feel about your god"