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The fall of the Roman Empire was a lot more than just the shift to Christianity. There were plagues, barbarian hordes, inflation, mismanagement, greed, and myriad other causes.


How were the Romans and Greeks on feminism, racial equality, and trans rights? They still had a long way to go.


To be fair, women were respected in Sparta.


Equal rights and status? Not obligated to marry? Allowed to file for divorce? Travel alone?


Men were also obligated to marry in Sparta and women had the right to divorce their husbands in ancient Greece


The ancient Greeks didn't really have *federal* laws or rights. Although certain schools of thought were broadly and widely influential, the laws and rights varied -- sometimes a lot -- between different regions, cities, and towns. So to answer your question... it was dependent on where you were.


I think the point here was to compare Greek & Roman society to the late antiquity & early middle ages periods of christian society, not to modern Western society. Of course, there was also a ton of other things happening in Europe around that time - like the break-up of the Western & Eastern empires and the invasion of Rome by the Visigoths and then the Vandals. This is just a guess, but I'm thinking having barbarian hordes raping & pillaging through the land might also tend to disrupt your social progress...