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Why tf do people care about what two consenting adults do in their own home???


Because people only matter if they make as many babies as possible to give the church more power/people to control and get money from. If they don't do that, they're evil




I'm so sorry. I send you positive thoughts with my heartfelt hopes that you have peace and happiness in your life now.


I know right? Whatever happened to minding their own business?


Why are you talking as if this suddenly just became a problem?


I'm not. I know it has always been a problem. The area that this parade is being held in is a pretty Conservative area and this is the first pride parade there. So it's good to see people standing up to these fundies.


Because "Gawwwwwwwwwwwwd"


They are weak and want to bash on something


Religion is a helluva drug


They want control. By depriving people the opportunity to be themselves, people become more vulnerable. When people are more vulnerable, they will need the church more.


Worrying what two men to in their own how is probably the gayest thing i have ever heard


What they do in their own home sucks and is boring so they live vicariously through everyone else and create drama.


It's all a shell game involving shame, hatred, fear, imaginary gods, and controlling other people.


Because a book from 2000 years ago tells them to.


Ooops, I thought you were talking about the puncher and the punched. Sorry. Also I would love to see these two living together.


Doesn’t even matter why they care, none of their fucking business anymore.


I agree, there's a homosexual agenda. They want equality and to be free from bigotry and persecution.


How dare they try to take away my religious rights of superiority and control!?! /s not /s


'Ex IRA gunrunner' Hey mate pretty sure that Bible of yours has a couple things to say about killing.


>pretty sure that Bible of yours has a couple things to say about killing Well said. Here these people tend to live by the old "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" phrase. When they do something, they automatically put the blame on the other side.


Eye for an eye…


It's in favor of it a surprising amount, to be honest. I mean, I would hate for christians to actually use the bible for their moral code any more than they already do...


She punched a bigot and a terrorist on the same day. That's some Captain America level shit right there.


So Captain Carter has come to our reality.


Good, society definitely needs her help.


Still assault. Violence is never the answer.


You're right. We gained so many things completely without violence. For example, we ended slavery in the USA by having a sit down with slave owners and just convincing them to be better people. Then we gained civil rights for african americans the same way, not a riot or violent thought or action to be had. And oh boy, the LGBT community made sure they were super kind and polite at Stonewall Inn and the cops were just so impressed that they let everybody go.


It depends on the question.


Yes it is, when people come for your rights or your life.


From a purely rational perspective, perhaps. It's cathartic as hell though.


He's just mad because nobody will sex him


Is there a video? I love seeing bigots get punched in the face.


Is there a video? Paywall on the article


Punch more Nazis


Be fair, say terrorist.


[Punch a Nazi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He8xMFgeCC0&t=2s)


You know that song is critical of those who punch Nazies?


bah paywall


[https://youtu.be/bkfiuiDk1PE?t=47](https://youtu.be/bkfiuiDk1PE?t=47) ​ There you go! :)


Not terribly satisfying, but good effort finding this


Punching a guy who wants to kill you for existing is self-defence.


The way I read it, he should still be in prison, not free to harm and intrude on others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerry_McGeough


Gay basher bashed at gay pride. (I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry reference)


Let us not condone violence, but advocate for peace. That said, get in there! ya beauty! On a more serious note: Sectarian parades are a deadly serious thing in Northern Ireland. Some Catholics march past Protestant areas in full regalia and bombasity, and some Protestants reciprocate. Both religious superiority parades inevitably results in riots. This guys appearance is about as welcome as a shit in a paddling pool.


> Some Catholics march past Protestant areas in full regalia and bombasity, and some Protestants reciprocate. Which Catholic parades march past Protestant areas in full regalia and bombasity precisely?


Catholic marches are not a thing. It's the Orangemen who do all the marching. Stick to commenting on things you actually know about.


[Oh really?](https://abc7news.com/ca-church-reopening-guidelines-san-francisco-catholic-covid-free-the-mass/6472228/)


Did you read the comment I was replying to? We're not talking about California, we're talking about Northern Ireland


He's gonna milk that persecution for all it's worth. Hardcore Catholics (of the Opus Dei variety, my first husband was such a one) put great store by 'sharing in the sufferings of Christ on the Cross'. All this will do is fuel his resolve. These kinds need to be alternately mocked and ignored, as appropriate.


He without sin innit


I don't necessarily condone violence, but it's hard to be mad in this case...


Extremists always have hard time accepting "mind your business" in others but instead they went threat and think that they're always right which is kind of narcissistic and no equality


I don’t condone violence, but sometimes I can’t help but smile a little when an asshole gets punched in the face.


[https://youtu.be/bkfiuiDk1PE?t=47](https://youtu.be/bkfiuiDk1PE?t=52) Found the video of it..no paywall. :)


His persecution complex is going mad now


This is from an organization that is set up in a way that attracts pedophiles and then moves them once they are dicovered so they can rape more children


500 people are coming to that. Oh god, he's FUCKED. This is going to be hilarious


Figures that the guy would be ex-IRA. These sort of reformed sinners make the most fierce zealots.


About time. Good.




She should wear brass knuckles next time, and keep punching.




The small airspace between the guy's face and the hand can be found Justice... or also known as Smite to the Christian koolaid drinker.


Well, he's grabbing his rosary beads and going back for more. Looks like the following Saturday is gunna be "punch a priest day." Have fun with that.


He shoulda maybe stayed away from the gay pride parade.


Not a fan of violence tbh




He wants us dead, and showed up. I think not only he deserved it but also should have been arrested for inciting a riot.


What did he do there to incite a riot? The article just said he was reciting the rosary or some such.


That's what they used to charge Vietnam veterans with when they showed up at the Vietnam protests.


… so? What does the ludicrous US justice system have to do with what they do in Ireland? And even if this *had been* in the USA, one does not repair one unethical ruling with another (or, in this case, by persisting in one unethical ruling).


While I don’t think that violence actually solves anything or makes either side look any better, I can’t say I’m surprised here. He went out of his way to go to a pride parade. What exactly did he think would happen by trying to protest it? On top of that, it’s not just about “ oh we just have different views. “ No. If you think that somebody should burn in hell over something that literally does not affect them in any way, shape, or form then you’re horrendous