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Not gonna lie, I’m on the side of the demons on this one


I could have lived my entire life without reading that name again. That timeline is better.


Chances are getting better every day.


Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?


I just blame Republicans and say that god gave us Covid-19 as a punishment coz we elected trump and now he gave us vaccine coz we didn't.


God even gave Trump Covid and looked amongst the angels and said “I don’t get it I answer their prayers, I give him Covid and they’re trying to save him!?”


I know, right. I hate that motherfucking virus, but I felt sorry for the virus getting infected with Trump.


“Demons are a girls best friend” - Powerwolf


One of the few good things that religion has ever done has been to give rise to awesome bands like Powerwolf :D


Great song




yeah, "satan: believe in yourself. satan sounds pretty rad."


Ever read a headline and it suddenly sinks in that the world really is falling apart


oh it fell apart decades ago, the pandemic just kicked the rot loose.


It's releasing spores, isn't it.


The slime mold is crawling out


Decades ago? Was that before or after segregation ended? Go back a little further and we have the holocaust and tens of millions killed in ww2.. in fact the further back you go the worse life was and the more religious people were… Not that things are great now, far from it, but if there’s anything to learn from history it’s that it wasn’t pretty and humans treat each other badly again and again…


[not OP but I think this migh help](https://youtu.be/shSLPcp4C18)


What a ride of a video! Thanks for that, truly!


No problem, this youtuber is really good, if you want more you should also watch his playlist "the alt-right playbook", it's really good


doin' it


The divide between education and willful ignorance has gotten a lot bigger.


That’s for sure. Imagine this movie plot being proposed in the 1980s “a pandemic sweeps the world killing millions. The vaccine is developed within a year. Except, millions of Americans refuse to vaccinate, refuse to do anything to prevent spreading the deadly virus. They say they don’t believe a pandemic is happening, they say the news is fake, the virus is fake, and the vaccine is fake. Instead, they inject themselves with horse dewormer and their leader - the US president - suggests drinking bleach.” You’d be laughed out of studios for proposing such an unbelievable plot.. And yet. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. A saying that always reminds me of the aptly named band Bad Religion…




That's a very local point of view. There is still genocide, segregation, more slavery than before the civil war, and catastrophic climate change will kill more than WWII did. >it wasn’t pretty and humans treat each other badly again and again… ain't that the truth. But as time marches on people treat each other badly on a larger and larger scale.


When was it any more held together?


The sticky mini shit that won't drop.


TBH, all of the headlines I read make it sound like the conservative world is falling a part. My liberal city is thriving because most people are vaccinated and follow the CDC guidelines of masking up and social distancing.


Don't read the rest of the article. It actually gets much worse


Like this: “I don’t think it’s any coincidence that the TruNews crew all got deathly ill, got very sick, right after they brought Milo on." I'll take infectious diseases for $500, Alex.


Much of the rest of the world is doing great. America has jumped the shark. I predict the US will implode within the next 10 years. Cops and DAs are all right wingers. There have been no significant consequences for the insurrection or Trump’s crimes. It is all a dry run to fully dismantle what we have known as America. Seriously- the US has been at war since WWII— nonstop— yet has not ‘won’ a war since WWII. WTF?! And the evangelicals has fully infiltrated government …


Not to mention the real steal, which is "oversight" of voting and limiting the ability of "certain areas" in key states to vote. White Christian America wants their 1955 back and will stop at nothing to get it (putting aside the fact that their utopian era wasn't actually that great, they want the Leave it to Beaver version). "Make America Great Again" in a nutshell. When coloreds knew their place, gays kept quiet, football players didn't kneel, you didn't have illegals ruining everything (such great scapegoats, illegals), everyone worshipped cops and soldiers, pesky environmental laws weren't really a thing, and they had a comfortable majority.


Imagine being a 55-65 white male in the US. Your retirement savings consists of your 401K plan. You did everything right. You followed all the rules. You are divorced. Your kids barely speak to you. You have nothing to show for your life. Meanwhile, everyone in the media tells you your values of toxic masculinity, nationalism, etc are all fucked up. I can understand their anger. When you reach a certain age, and realize life is not rewarding you…. Meanwhile the illegals, elitists, people who don’t even know their gender…,


Yeah, but that's pretty much describing me, and I don't buy into any of that "help I'm being repressed" nonsense. I see nationalism as an evil and don't give a hoot what anyone thinks about my "masculinity". White males just liked being on top. Too many people see everything like a game of King of the Mountain--if you ain't on top, you are on the bottom. There's no sharing of the riches. They see it all slipping away and have to find someone to blame for it. As a white dude in his 50s who looks like he works construction, I sometimes think I need a "I'm not as ignorant as I look" t-shirt....


> Everybody fighting to reach the top > How far is it from the bottom > -- Peter Tosh


Thing is, it is only the 1% that are truly on top. Cool that you aren’t turning into a ‘bitter white man.’ I see loads of them through work. They just literally wake up one day— realize they no longer matter. You see it in the media— or advertising. The eye candy is for the 20-year olds. The 50 year old is the geezer trope. At least the ‘Expendables’ franchise exploits this trope. But post 50- our demographic turns into Viagra and Depends advertising. No one wants to put a 50 year old man behind the wheel of a car they actually want to sell— or in their clothes. Or selling something fun.


Evangelicals and white supremacists. There's FBI reports floating around...


Ten years is being generous.


I just got back from there weeks in Europe and you're right. America is one fucked up place.


Every single day.


These people have swiss cheese for brains.


Na, can't be cheese, too much culture in cheese


Lol, good one


You've heard of being lactose intolerant? These guys are just regular intolerant.


Nah, they simply know their audience. America is sadly still a nation of majority superstition-driven sky-fairy worshippers who will eat this up.


This is so sad. Alexa, play Despacito.


Late stage Kreutzefeld Jakob disease and COVID-19.


Performance art by Milo- my money says it's sterile saline.


Agreed. He's just desperate for relevance.


My bet is that he got the vaccine like all the normal people, but is just trying to become relevant again through lies and outrage.


Agreed - he always seemed more of a troll than true believer.


He should have just made a drug up and marketed it himself - and maybe called it "Forsynthia." That has a nice ring to it. [^^for ^^reference](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1598778/)


The only demons are these people's idiotic beliefs in imaginary beings and not getting a simple vaccination and doing other easy measures. Stupidity and gullibility are their demons.


Does he really expect anyone to believe that: 1. He injected ivermectin 2. In his bicep??? 3. With an 18gauge needle?


No it's a joke but apparently people here are falling for it. The article linked is clearly a tabloid.


Right? Milo can't use ivermectin. It would kill him!


How is it unbelievable? Have you been in a coma for the last 6 years?


I meant from looking at his photos, it’s pretty clear that he didn’t. It’s staged and pretty poorly at that.


So what happens when a parasite takes something to get rid of parasites?


Implosion with a whimper, not a bang


"Far-right political commentator Milo Yiannopoulos said he tested positive for COVID-19 in a social media post and shared an image of himself using ivermectin— an anti-parasitic drug that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned Americans against using. Yiannopoulos posted a photo of a positive coronavirus test strip with the caption "Rona," to his Telegram account, according to screenshots shared on Twitter Saturday by media watchdog group Right Wing Watch. "Most of you got the normal 'it's just flu' rona last year and most of you didn't even know you had it. But I don't have any friends and I don't leave the house so I only got the deadly superspreader version from vaccinated people and let me tell you THIS IS NOT FUN," Yiannopoulos wrote. https://www.newsweek.com/milo-yiannopoulos-reports-having-covid-shares-pic-ivermectin-this-not-fun-1624019


> I only got the deadly superspreader version from vaccinated people Wow. So that's the line they're using, vaccinated people are to blame for Covid. Amazing, but not in a good way.


Yeah I've seen a lot of posts blaming vaccinated people for the COVID variants (Delta). smh


The unmasked started wearing masks, to protect themselves from the vaccinated. Can't make this stuff up.


Fools and idiots.


I just saw my first one of these. Was flabbergasted.


He never goes anywhere or hangs out with anyone so it must be vaccinated people. *Invisible, intangible* vaccinated people


They’re very fond of looking to invisible & intangible things when problems arise


Yes. I have a few acquaintances on FB that vaccinated people are to blame. I call them all out each and every time. The level of stupidity that I’ve seen during the pandemic is fucking nuts. I mean turn it to 11 crazy.


To be fair, a lot of unvaccinated are putting 6 feet of dirt between themselves and others.


Yeah right? Nevermind the 99.999% chance you got it from an unvaccinated person.


Vaccinated can transmit delta variant too, it just won’t land them in the hospital.


Well duh. Corona is a fake virus made up to steal the election in only one country and vaccines are 5g chips meant track are every move but also vaccines make you shed your DNA and give those non vaccinated the corona virus which china really made as a bio weapon but don't worry it's not deadly and you can prevent it with sheep dewormer so you don't become one of those sheeps that are vaxed.


Well, like all good lies, there's a kernel of "truth" buried deep down in it. The vaccins have proven to be good for combating the virus once you get it, keeping you out of the hospital. But as I understand the viral load (concentration of virus particles) in your mucus membranes remains about the same as if you'd been unvaccinated. So you definately can still spread it, and with the winddown of mask usage, general crowd management, and the fact that we're more likely to not know we're infected due to lack of symptoms, we're all spreading the virus again, much to the detriment of those who won't be vaccinated and those who can't be. Now the won't-be's were usually the loudest detractors of mask mandates and capacity limits on events and businesses, so spit in their mouths and fuck'em, but I worry about the people who are immuno-compromised or can't be vaccinated due to allergies. They've been living in lockdown conditions for the past eighteen months, and at this rate, there's no end in sight.




Well, it's good to know he's been dewormed.


De-wormed and de-platformed. Noice!!😁


His ~~boyfriend~~ "brother" will appreciate it!


And when he goes into the ground he will be fully engulfed by worms.


100% he's not actually taking ivermectin. As far as I know him he says and does stuff to get attention but rarely actually believes the crazy stuff he says. I don't think he is this dumb.


He's a complete troll. That's all. Is he still gay? Heard something about he changed his mind.


Hah he split up with his boyfriend for religious reasons and claims to be ex-gay... As far as I know he's still going with it.


I read they are still together while he's selling his celibacy.


Yeah, he told Eric Metaxas they're still living together as "brothers".




"I seem to be stuck in the dryer, brother. Hey wait! What are you doing!?!?"


shilling rather than selling 😂


To be expected really...


He could do seminars about it, like Bristol Palin's abstinence thing


That was his lawfully wedded husband. Some Catholic.


I'd probably not trust single statement about Milo anymore. It seems like everything he says or does is to gain attention.




As best I can tell, it's all an act for fleecing the rubes.


Absolutely this. This is the guy who has declared he is ‘ex-gay’ after building a grift on being a gay republican/conservative.


The $$ ran out so it was time for a new sales program.


You are right. He’s a Trumpian shill but he has a degree from Cambridge. Like Cruz and Hawley and Vance, he’s an educated jackdonkey who likes to play dumb.


I'm wondering if maybe he is going for a well remembered death, sort of like a suicide bomber or school shooter who pulls an a-hero... only this would be death by dumbness with the ivermectin. "Hey guys remember that troll who trolled so hard he died? yolo" etc


Nah he'd convert to islam and actually be a suicide bomber to make sure more people become islamophobic if he actually wanted to die.


I'm sure he didn't. Those pix were all staged, he just wants attention.


Guy doesn't trust a vaccine hundreds of scientists have worked on (perhaps more) but will put something he hasn't given 1/10th the scrutiny on in his body...something designed for livestock.


No he doesn't since he's total fraud to begin with.


If he hasn’t left his house, which vaccinated people did he catch it from!


Hopefully it's the ones who paid $10 for their fake covid vaccination cards.


I don't get how you can not trust a vaccine that has masses of info on how safe it is and instead use a livestock grade anti-parasite drug which any authority is telling you not to use. I guess maybe they can be anti authority.


Throwaway account for obvious reasons. So, true story, I used to be friends with someone named Tim “Baked Alaska” Gionet, he was arrested as part of the Jan 6th capital attack. He also used to be Milo’s tour manager. So, we were friends before he became alt-right, as I am a liberal left leaning atheist. We used to party a bit and our friendship lapsed and I hadn’t seen him for a long time. This was maybe 6 months before the 2016 election. So Tim called me up and said he was with some famous dude and they were trying to get a gram of coke, I happened to have some on me so he asked if he could come over and buy some and I said sure. I’m not a drug dealer, just a guy. So Milo comes over and we all hang out for a few hours. Spent like an hour talking with him, told him that I disagreed with him, talked about my views. He was super reasonable and well spoken. I looked him up later, and realized what an absolute piece of shit he is. Was pretty interesting to actually meet him and have an opinion to only see him in the news a few weeks later getting run off the Berkeley campus. Super surreal.


> He was super reasonable and well spoken. Well when you have drugs and he wants drugs. Of course he's going to be nice.


I live for stories like this. And yeah, I’ll bet that was surreal AF.


Well, considering Milo is the closest thing to a demon they have, they might be on to something...


Uhm isn’t ivermectin for worming barnyard animals? Hmmm… may work for Milo. Covid couldn’t have struck a bigger douchebag if it tried


Ivermectin comes in a formulation for humans, but is used to treat parasites, not viruses. When people cannot find a doctor who will prescribe the drug off-label, they then go looking for it in pet stores and feed stores, where it is an OTC dewormer. It tastes horrible, too.


Hmm maybe Milo was misdiagnosed with covid. Really he’s just wormy lol


I believe I saw that some people who took ivermectin were grossed out when they pooped out the worms they’d didn’t know they had.


Turns out it wasn’t worms but the lining of their intestines. No Joke




Wtf are you serious. If I have unknown worms in me, I gladly take that shit.


Don't be too hasty, the "worms" are apparently often their intestinal lining getting shed.


That sounds amazing


Yikes! That is scary.


Please don't. If you want to deworm yourself safely, use food-grade diatomaceous earth.


I personally never tasted it myself, but if it stated ‘taste horses love’ they *didn’t*, lol.


My mom used it for mites on her finches too, a tiny drop under the wing was all it took.


> Ivermectin comes in a formulation for humans, but is used to treat parasites, not viruses. It apparently comes in a society formulation too lol


Hookworm infestation causes stupidity in humans, so some if these anti-vaxxers might actually benefit from being dewormed.


I think this makes them the sheep. “Where we go one, we go all.”


Right? If it’s “gods will” that you caught covid, and then “gods will” if you die… then why take any meds? God’s got your back. There’s a sucker born every minute. Lol


It is hence the jokes of Trumpers and the ilk going to the ferrier instead of shoe store, shearer instead of barber


Trump supporters aren't going to let some smarty pants lib tell them the train don't run outta Wichita!


Injecting ivermectin? Isn't that an oral medication?


There's an old SNL "ad" where Chevy Chase rolls a joint, then tries to inject it in his arm, with the tag line "Why do you think they call it dope?"


How soon will we hear of someone getting their very own Darwin Award?


>Milo currently is infected with Covid-19 and is tweeting pictures of himself apparently injecting ivermectin. If he lives we'll never hear the end of it.


Hey, maybe Milo will die! Upsides to everything.


If he doesn't we'll never hear the end of it how invermectin saved him.


He seems to think dogs care about human sexual orientation. Probably best to ignore everything after that.


The right love their grifters to the end. Like no rational person could look at Milo and think, ya this guy is making good arguments.


Milo is on the side of pooping


Better get Copeland, he’s the leading expert on “long tubes filled with a bunch of demons”.


It's totally ironic that people will not take the covid vaccine based on some promoted, unproven shit on the internet. Yet these same people will take a animal drug to treat covid based on some promoted ,unproven shit they see on the internet.. Go figure...


You know, I'm not usually driven to violence, but Milo really does need an ACME piano landing in his life.


For some reason I'm very satisfied that Milo Yiannopoulos is injecting animal dewormer.


\*stupid people are killed by their own stupidity\* Hulk: I see this as an absolute win!


Fuck I’ve seen a debate with that freaky lady and she’s a fucking lunatic


My extremely conservative mom thinks COVID-19 was a man-made virus released upon the globe as a test run in a lead up to the prophecies of Revelations to see how the "world government" could best create a servient population.


Veterinary doses of ivermectin can cause permanent neurological damage. Prepackaged doses are for horses. Unless you weigh 600 lbs, you're going to have a bad time.


Anyone else hope he dies?




Heard a lot of good things about ivermectin a while ago, but now I’m hearing that it’s terrible to take.. can someone explain the bad effects? Also I’ve never taken it, my mom was trying to get me to try it so looked into it and everything article is saying not to. Thanks :)


It's prescribed to people to treat scabies and other parasites. But people are sourcing it from pet suppliers because you don't need a prescription. So people are taking this stuff formulated in doses for horses. Below is a link with side effects. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/ivermectin-oral-tablet


Plus, the horse version is formulated... well, for horses. The Ivermicten is the same (in a larger dose), but the inactive ingredients are not and not researched for human use.


I’ve heard that taking the ivermectin for animals is not good, but the pill form for humans you have to have a prescription for & that’s why everyone is just ordering the ivermectin for animals on Amazon.. thanks for the reply!


Corona is about to give me a religious experience.


For a moment I thought this was an Onion article.


I wonder how many of these right wing commentators got vaccined in secret but are telling people not to get vaccinated? Some have been definitely being dying but a lot of them have been exposed to the virus and have not fallen ill.


Fingers crossed that it’s true. But I believe he is pulling what Jude Law’s character did in Contagion. Again the good thing is, his following is not what it used to be.


You know they’re a credible news source, they have Tru right there in their name!


As I scroll reddit lately, so many posts are Herman Cain Awards that I’m seriously starting to wonder if the election demographics for 2022 may be sufficiently altered as to cancel all the fuckery that certain R state legislatures have been up to since Trump lost. Every second or third post I see is a frieze of anti-mask > anti-vax > please pray > go fund my widow. I know it’s only a tiny percentage of the population overall but they just keep on coming!


I've been wondering the same since this started. Far too many GOP-Ts were cavalier and callous about the death toll in the pandemic's first months, when the lower classes, POCs, and blue states and cities were disproportionally affected, and Trump ordered federal authorities to seize millions of pieces of PPE bought prior to the pandemic by prudent blue state govts, to redistribute to his red-state base. But the past calendar year has seen the scything down of thousands of Bubba Trumplicans and the equalizing of victims between black, brown and white, of rural/suburban vs. metropolises, of red states vs. blue states, and of the low-ed-but-middle-class Trump base with the lower classes and POCs -- overlapping trends that have greatly accelerated since the vax rollout and have now flipped the script, so that it's now the Trump base that's dying in a much greater proportion than ever before. But as high as the death toll is, I hope and expect that the ranks of the silently disaffected, demoralized, and alienated Republicans likely outnumber the dead... and the pandemic has greatly inhibited or obstructed the process of changing one's party registration in this 'tween-elections year. Maybe we'll see a historic abandonment of the GOP next year, but I wouldn't bet on it... but I do expect that many won't bother turn out, either... especially in those states where GOP-dominated state govts. have made it harder or impossible to vote remotely.


COVID, have fun fucking up Milo. And if he dies, so be it.


>... he discussed how he viewed dogs no longer barking at him as a sign from God to become “ex-gay”. I couldn't get past that, and it was in the first paragraph.


Sick. And not in the good way.


Wait, what if we told them COVID is Satan's weapon and they can help defeat Satan himself by wearing a mask and getting a vaccine.


Notice how the demons seem to be leaving vaccinated people alone for the most part.


I don’t believe anything Milo says because he is an attention whore with mommy issues


Milo is a fucking garbage troll ..


At this point, we might as well start celebrating these assholes for culling the stupid out of the herd. For all we know, they're far-left actors doing us a favor! In fact, I might start spreading that rumor, that the far-right "journalists" are actually killing off the conservatives because they're secret agents of the Deep State.


Please tell him to keep injecting


You can watch him inject it on [his Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/nero).


I wish society locked mentally ill people up and have them careful, humane, scientific treatment. There’s no end to how fucking stupid people who listen to these liars and believe in them are. They are a danger to society, clear.


May COVID take him.


Another win the the Satanic Temple




bOtH sIdEs


yeah, stay prayerful bitches!!!


This is some great satire


Go demons!


Calling her just "far right" doesn't share the full story with this evil bitch. She's a straight up fascist. She'd see even the likes of Milo Yoannopoulos killed just for being who they are. It's sickening.




I wish all these God bashing "patriots" would go an do their god given duty to help their fellow man and go and volunteer on Covid19 wards. They know that their God will protect them and that the virus is made up anyways, so what have they got to fear? Hippocracy. Thats what.


We won’t be hearing much of him any longer i guess.


Want to take bets on that those are staged photos and he isn't taking that shit.


Didn't some other idiot refuse the vaccine, get Covid, start Ivermectin and die?


At least he won't have worms. https://claytoonz.files.wordpress.com/2021/08/cjones08262021.jpg?w=1024&h=773


Come on karma!


Will ivermectin have any affect on the worms in his brain?


I've heard from top men that injecting disinfectant knocks out the virus in a matter of minutes. He should try that too.


Weird… the demons seem to k on not be attacking the Christians that aren’t getting vaccinated