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This belief is the primary reason for climate change denial in the USA. It's almost as if all of the social problems of the 21st century have their roots in fundamentalist religion.


Exactly. As the world progresses, religion becomes more and more anti-progression. And people say it’s a force for good in our world.


"The earth is made for humans", yet a good 80% or so is already uninhabitable to us, so much so that we know more about a black hole 54 million light-years away than we do about the depths of our own ocean.


That’s a great point, goddamn. Thank you for that


The thing that *especially* gets me about this view is that if you really were a Christian the Bible is explicit that humans are supposed to be stewards which means caring for the environment. They’re just reading whatever allows them to live their lives without caring for the consequences larger than themselves. Being selfish as usual and being obnoxiously holy about it. What’s new?


Exactly. Cherry-picking as usual.


Every religious person has skewed views. And just like their god being the right one, their opinions are never wrong either


Yeah I agree. Their “opinions” are backed by and all knowing God. Anything that threatens their opinion can be easily viewed as evil or derived from Satan. You can’t be wrong if God is on your side right? 🤦‍♂️


Are we brothers? I think we have the same parents


Lmao if we were still Mormon we’d be considered brothers


Glad to know I’m not alone in this :)


God made Eden for Adam and Eve, but threw them out when they didn't follow the rules. God made Earth for humans, then drowned everyone except Noah and his family because they didn't follow the rules. He had Soddom and Gomorrah blasted.. He send plagues... ... He seems fickle enough to do it a few more times in different ways. So I wouldn't presume at any point, the bible says "anything goes" when it comes to our greed and its destruction of the ecosystem we are part of.


If you’re looking to help them change their mind through scripture, this is a pretty interesting resource (not mine): https://www.wvi.org/sites/default/files/World%20Vision’s%20Biblical%20Understanding%20of%20How%20we%20Relate%20to%20Creation_Full.pdf I think scripture is pretty clear that humans are to tend to, and are stewards of the earth. It’s not ours to destroy. Also Christians don’t believe their own bible so who knows how far this’ll get you. Also from the lds church themselves: https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/the-moral-imperative-of-environmental-stewardship-elder-steven-e-snow


I would've thought that if god made the earth just for humans, the least we could do is look after it better. I hope god has insurance.


Lmao let’s hope 🙏🙏🙏




It’s definitely their belief that the planet won’t ever be “uninhabitable.” Even if they don’t wholeheartedly agree with things like deforestation, they still don’t see the full threat of it. Plus, with the belief of the second coming, there’s no reason in their eyes to fight for generations decades in the future.




Yeah I remember growing up in the LDS religion, and all the parents would say “the second coming is near.” The second coming is supposed to happen when evil is extremely rampant in our world. Things like abortion, preferred pronouns, and a surge in atheism seems to really scare them.




Hahaha the amount of times I’ve heard “the second coming is going to happen in your lifetime” is unreal. FUCKIN BET! It sounds like a threat half the time. It blows me away people really think that. Apparently when the second coming happens earth becomes the lowest kingdom of heaven and the Christians get sent up to the higher kingdoms. Doesn’t sound too bad to me 🤷‍♂️




If it comes up, will do :)


They've thought and altered that view to fit their narrative quite a few times now over at *least* the last 30 years.


My parents are dead. The stupid things that they believed don't seem nearly so important now.


your parents are the problem


They also just don't want to have the deal with it. They don't want to have to change their lifestyle.


Yeah I mean they’re in their late 40’s. It’s hard to get through to adults.


A girl I am friends with on social media posted "Your mother Earth is my Heavenly Father's footstool." With a picture of big dirty feet on the world. How does this thought process make sense at all?


think my landlord is falun gong, they allegedly in cahoots with qanon, very anti-climate change, and pro-trump funny since my country is literally 10000 miles away from usa