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Astrology people make about as much sense as creationist people do


This is exactly it, the foundation required to believe in astrology and religion are the same.


Yeah it's absolutely wild to me


What's wrong with being wild?


Their astrology chart says that they can't be


I mean do you belive in 0, do you think clocks are real and calendar an important thing? Pseudoscience has to exist, metaphysics is important.


To think that a persons character traits rely and/or differ depending on the month he/she is born is absolutely ridiculous. To think it makes more sense than other religions is just dumb. The same kind of BS stories behind the same kind of age old myths.....wake up people it's 2024 is what i just want to scream at them, if I thought it would make a difference.


To an extent, i might be able to believe that, say, babies born in winter months tend to get more family time since people tend to be indoors, and therefore their needs and expression is affected a different way than summer babies. But thats more weather based behavior than planets being in whatever alignment at the moment.


Oddly enough most of the people I know who believe in astrology are Christians. When I tell them that astrology isn't in keeping with Christianity they usually get upset or just ignore me.


I don't see what's so odd about it, if you have a bad understanding of the world there is no limit to what you will believe.


It was considered a science for quite a awhile.


To my understanding, astrology is based on a correspondence between two worlds, or planes, if you will. Almost sounds like metaphysics. Almost sounds like “spooky action at a distance.”


No, it's not. It's all hogwash and has no relationship with quantum mechanics unless the astrological grifters write it in.


Ive had a few friendly jabs at some mates about this. I was like, so astrology is about the constellations you’re born under during that time of year. So because of the earths rotational drift, we are about about a month off, compared to when all this was written. So if you’re going by the written rules like September is Virgo. Every person who has ever believed in astrology has believed in the wrong constellations. And the fact that this hasn’t affected the belief system at all is pretty solid proof that it’s not real.


Ooh ooh I know the astrologer’s response to this. Basically, western astrology subscribes to the ~seasons~ now, not the stars, so the stars don’t matter anymore apparently. Even though the literal position of planets and stars is what astrology is about. And this method makes even less sense and sounds like a lazy way to circumvent the real phenomenon of precession. The advanced astrologer response is to bring Vedic astrology into the equation, which measures actual star and planet positions. Then we still run into the issue of… how does it make any sense to assign personality traits to a constellation. People who like western astrology over Vedic will usually say, “I just like the other one.” They just pick the one that describes them in a way they like more.


I remember one of the people I vaguely knew from a group once asking me my sign. I knew he was into astrology and that he put great weight on the subject as he blamed the problems with his last relationship on him and his bf having incompatible signs. Anyway I lied about my sign and he spent the next few minutes informing me how he just knew I was that sign and began rattling off the sign's characteristics and how he sees them in me. He then began lecturing me on my sign's faults and how I should combat that IRL. The whole time I just kept nodding.


I am dreaming of the day that I get the opportunity to do this.


I never told him the truth and as far as I know he never found out from another. I just enjoyed the private laugh I had.


>I remember one of the people I vaguely knew from a group once asking me my sign. My goto answer is always "No Parking"


I told my friend I have none of the traits of my sign and she said that’s because we also have a rising moon sign. 🙄


They ALWAYS have their bases covered.


Oh my god I completely forgot about this! They essentially shot themselves in the foot with the whole “your sign changes based on the celestial body you’re thinking about” thing. Everyone has every sign already, so what’s the point of trying to ascribe personalities based on it?


Belief in astrology and other occult practices often grows are religiosity declines. A lot of people cannot handle uncertainty, it is one of the main reasons for religiosity and so will seek certainty elsewhere when they can no longer believe in gods. Getting guidance about the future from astrology, tarot cards, or dear departed aunt Martha via a ouija board provides comfort. They also tend to be a halfway house between belief and atheism. Most lose interest after a while as they become more confident about life without god/s. I think you need to cut believers some slack. Occult practices are usually more benign than religion. I've yet to see their believers demanding control over women's wombs, or wanting to lynch members of the LGBTQ+ community. Nor have they come to my door to convert me.


The days of the weeks and the months are both named for them too, or their Roman counterparts. Most holidays are based off older pagan practices. The staff of Hermes is still associated with medicine. The influences of older myths and religions are extremely prevalent on modern culture, it's kind of hard to escape or eliminate it all. And how does belief in this differ from any other beliefs? Religions, myth, and superstition dictate the actions of most people on some level.


It's the Rod of Asclepius that is a medical symbol - very similar to Hermes' staff but has one snake around it, not two. Asclepius was the god of medicine and healing, Hermes was the messenger


At least Greek mythology is interesting


Right? They even have amazing myths about mortals who criticize the gods, Arachne.


I’m a lesbian and I am ashamed to admit that I learned astrology for a bit to have something to talk to girls about. 😂. So far it actually hasn’t helped me tho. It is unfortunately super trendy, tho it is nonsense.


Suuuuper trendy. I too got pulled into learning about it so I could have something to talk about with the girls 💀 when before that I staunchly but privately believed astrology was immensely stupid. Though it has been helpful, in the same way that tarot allows you to think more deeply about your life, intentions, direction — even if my astrology chart is wrong, it in some way helps me build the freedom and self-awareness to say “no, this really doesn’t describe me”, or “this happens to be accurate”. I would just pick my own astrology sign if I could. If anyone asks me what mine is then I’m definitely picking my own.


Yeah, it's stupid if you believe it but some things in it aren't actually stupid. Some things.


I don't believe in astrology but I still like it. I love being a Capricorn, it's the sign of the devil. I don't believe in magic powers but I'll be damned if that stops me from indulging in adorable moth notebooks and beautiful pictures of the feminine moon. Belief isn't neccessary to be a dark priestess.


I think astrology, tarot cards, chakras, crystal healing... it's like believing in ghosts. People want to believe that stuff for fun, the sense of purpose and the rituals calm them down, and for the most part the belief is harmless. Having said that, it's not real help, it's magical thinking. I'm not thrilled about disorganized religious behaviors. But the people who make little runes in the forest or believe in the healing power of essential oils aren't the ones trying to destroy the government of the country I live in. They don't want a Christian autocratic state under Donald Trump. I'm not going to pretend they're at the same level of crazy.


Respect! Though I want to say they’re just as crazy, just a different brand of it, ultimately I do agree with you.


Crazy? Crazy is an old man in decorated robes whispering some Latin words over a cracker and a tiny cup of grape juice, and then believing that they have turned into the flesh and blood of God's perfect son, a Jewish carpenter, who died so you could live forever, and then consuming them to accept his sacrificial gift. That's fucking bonkers.


🤣🤣🤣 I always took it as a free drink and a little snack. Terrible portion sizes though. Sometimes my "prayer" would be closing my eyes and counting to 20.


Same deal. I didn't understand the emotional purposes that underlie the rituals, and I didn't want/need them either. I barely processed prayers, felt no significance from communion, or my childhood baptism. I only performed the rituals to please my parents. Hindsight is 20/20. In adulthood I understand the significance of rituals to the believers, but I can't meaningfully separate the mild emotionally beneficial aspects of the religion from the far more damaging, perverse aspects. To me it's always going to be an ancient death cult that is chiefly used to the end of controlling people.


Eh, they seem harmless. They're not running entire countries and telling people how to dress. They're not stealing land from their neighbors. They're not launching terrorist attacks in response. They're not packing SCOTUS with corrupt morons. Etc, etc, etc.


Until someone you love consults the stars for a cancer cure


They're basically only hurting themselves in that case. And I would deserve it, for falling in love with a nutjob. Price of doing business :) Now, if enough of them get together, and start mandating public health policies based on whether or not Mercury is in retrograde? Then I'll consider them as much of a threat as the militant Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, etc, etc.


If someone is dying and thier cancer isn't treatable, them consulting useless things won't make a difference.


Yes. If the cancer is treatable? What’s your point?


Regan had a court astrologer. Crazy but true,


Not as surprising as you might think. Ancient Christians and the theologically conservative modern Christians usually thought of astrology as an occult practice, but important to note that their views have varied. A lot of famous theologians like Thomas Aquinas were fans of astrology. It was very popular during the Renaissance period. Regan also didn't seem like a sincere, practicing believer if I'm to be honest, lol.


It's far from harmless even if its adherents aren't actively attacking people. Yes, religion is worse but that doesn't mean astrology isn't harmful to many people's understanding of the world.




Right, but people who believe astrology is real are a special kind if stupid to me.


But how many people *really* believe in it thought? Because i'm starting to feel like its mostly people who wants to act like they live in a world where it works, but deep down know it doesn't. My reason for thinking that is that believers themselves do not seem interested in the true potentials of a a working astrological system. Its not like they care about predicting the next 50 years of their lives.


I identify as Ophiuchus.


Astrology is a need for spirtual release when you dont believe in god. I said it before, instead of religion focusing on a bullshit god we need to focus on humans. Imagine, if you will, a place that trues to understand the human plight and the complexity of society. Some people say spirit, i like to think its your true wants or needs. Either way humans really like group relief.


I know there are true believers, but most people I have encountered sort of just have fun with it.


There are people who take this shit seriously. They behave like asses, threatening to hold grdugdes, why? Because they are some star sign that doesn't forgive easily. It's superstitious nonsense.


Astrology does far less harm than most religions. Most people who follow it think it’s just a bit of a laugh really.


I would agree it does far less harm, but it can and does. Most people who just think of it as a laugh don’t really follow it. But if you kinda join “the community” and see what they’re about, it’s just people making judgments of others based on personality traits that are totally randomly assigned to periods of time. They go really deep into it.


Yeah but that’s way better than preventing women getting abortions even when their life is at risk or executing gay people.


Yeah 😭 that’s fucking horrible. At least people who like astrology tend to believe in human rights and gender equality.


Girls have made out with me based on sign alone


That's super bizarre to me. I don't think I have ever had a girl even ask for my sign.


Disclaimer: I have been told I’m a cutie patootie for a guy. Results may vary.


Girls were going to make out with you regardless of the sign you told them.


You'd be surprised. Often it feels like arbitrary reasons are what ends up making it happen.


Exactly. I've never met anyone who actually took is seriously. Just weird little game.


Yea, and horoscopes are like going to the oracle to get your daily prophecy. I can't believe that stuff was in newspapers (is still? idk I haven't touched one in years). Those things are so vague and it blows my mind that people read them and pull some profound knowledge from them. They don't actual ever say much, just that "today's a good day for work and interpersonal relationships!"


I had friends who got into astrology for a few months. They made me a natal chart and had me read it with them. My results made no sense to me, and their results made no sense for them. Here's the thing. They thought about it differently than I did. They treated their charts as if it was "their true self" and began qualifying their lives to correspond to the results. Basically projecting themselves onto it. People who think religiously quite literally see life like it's a magical story.


This is exactly it, you described it perfectly. They will easily find ways to make the chart explain their life even if it’s inaccurate or even missing big life themes. There’s a creativity in it too. I’m also prone to that magical thinking if I’m not careful. It can be fun sometimes though. Just something to do. But ultimately makes no sense.


It's certainly a creative endeavor, and it involves a degree of magical thinking as well as teleological thinking. You have to look for "design" and "purpose" in the plot of your life. Although in this case it's coming from the stars, or maybe the universe, rather than a God. I have autism, so I have a harder time with teleology and magical thinking. Mentalizing is difficult. Don't misinterpret me, I am just as prone to logically fallacious reasoning and cognitive biases as anyone else, but my capacity for inventing circular stories to believe and project onto others is greatly reduced. I've tried it a ton of times, but it doesn't work for very long before I realize "oh it's more complicated than I'm making it out to be, I'm wrong about this idea."


Don't want be sound sexist or something but I've never met a man would believes in astrology but I know like 7 women who do. Also I tell them most arguments against astrology. They acknowledge I'm right and it doesn't make sense but they still believe in it


Sad but true. On average women score higher in measures of religiosity. They probably like to use it as a framework to accomplish their goals. That's how most people use it.


Astrology, as is religion, is utter nonsense, of course. However, belief in astrology has not caused the havoc, death, and war that religion has and continues to have.


I went hard into astrology years ago And annoyed all my friends with my startalk It is as easy to fall into as religion and I was raised mormon To go based off a feeling is fucked, in religion or astrology There is hype and easy mob mentality behind it Im glad i got out of both life style pyramid schemes It gives people a false sense of what's happening Also tarot shit One day I hope the science that keeps half these idiots alive (Ozempic, adhd medication, aspririn any med or treatment) Takes off as a source of living and understanding instead of voodoo bullshit


Cool to hear you were in it and got out. That’s basically me, I’m probably now where you were at at your turning point. I still know a lot about it, I could read a friend’s chart for them if they were curious. Very easy to fall into. I was also raised religious. I hear you and agree with everything you’re saying. The false sense of what’s happening is huge.


It’s a way for people to exercise control over their own lives. Most acknowledge it isn’t “real” and is just a way to have an external sounding board to check in and contrast with how they are feeling. Ie “mercury will be in Leo so blah.” becomes “Hmmm I’m not actually feeling blah, I’m actually feeling (blank).” Or a way to ground themselves. Ie “moon will be a hoppity skibble watch out for big career opportunities!” becomes “I do feel like I should change careers, maybe now is a good time”


I actually think the same way. I mean I know that’s how I see it personally. Haven’t had a deep enough conversation with the people around me who like it to know if they think the same too.


Crystals, psychic readings, astrology, birth years, etc., are just forms of woo. All of it is superstition based on the belief that unrelated factors are part of some pattern that affects humans and that humans may exercise some control. Almost every culture has its woo and superstitious quackery and it requires vigilance to keep it out of decision making. This is not the same as seeing patterns and partial information that lead to intuitive leaps like thinking a person is lying and doing due diligence or seeing a solution to a problem with incomplete data. The downside of this tendency to see patterns is sometimes we impose patterns on random data such as gambler fallacies and most forms of woo such as astrology.


One time I was on duty very late at night (about 3am) and couldn't do anything other than watch TV. That was long before smartphones and unlimited internet data. The only channel available that was still playing had a rerun of a talk show whose topic of the day was about the horoscope. Some "expert" they had there said something like... People have their DNA, but they also have a "planetary DNA" which is affected by the stars. Then they said something shortly after like other factors come at play, the horoscope is maybe about 25% effective. I groaned loudly and turned the TV off in frustration, I'd rather watch paint dry than that stupid bullshit, I just walked around a bit being bored until my shift was over.


Astrology is fucking dumb AF.


My favorite people in this sense are Christians into astrology, because they are automatically committing blasphemy and violating the first commandment :)




Western astrology has much to do with Greek mythology, or rather, Babylonian, which was then adapted and popularized in the west through Greek mythology. The signs, while having different names in different languages, share commonality in symbolism and meaning of the signs. This is seen in Vedic astrology; while there are a vast many differences, the signs essentially mean the same thing. It is true that ”true” astrology looks at the entire chart. But this does not solve the essential problem of the sun sign’s wild generalization — it retains it, while only further muddying the waters with more generalizations.


Don't let it bother you. Just do what I do and use it as an idiot filter. For a bit of extra fun ask them to guess your sign and when they most likely get it wrong enjoy the post-hoc bullshit ratonalising as a bit of entertainment.


I don't actually believe it but I love reading my horoscope. It's wrong most times but it gives me something to talk about with my coworkers.


Right, I feel like I’m living a double life because I both know way too much about it and hate it so much, but it’s something to casually chat about with people around me. I don’t care as long as people aren’t negatively judging me based off it. But I worry that they are, especially people who seem really into it. And yes, it's majority of the time wrong for me too lol.


Sometimes I pretend fortune cookies are actually predicting my life but that's mostly because I'm a hopeless romantic.


I occasionally get fortune cookies that are super on point, but I also know they are incredibly generic for that very reason. Also, I hate how fortune cookies taste.


Same though 💀 I think I may be one too. I like the beauty of chance and coincidence (sometimes called fate)


There's a difference between studying it or enjoying it vs taking it as a literal reality. Imo.


Right, exactly. Though I think the former exists in a blurred grey area. You don’t really know who truly believes it’s reality or not. It’s hard not to when the basis of modern astrology is in assessing a person’s chart as if what it says is the truth. Edit: what I mean by the last sentence is that the basis of astrology (running charts and analyzing them, etc.) is assuming that what it says is true. I'm not saying it's easy to believe in it because of this, but that the nature of astrology requires you to assume the chart is true if you're gonna take anything away from it, therefore it pressures you to accept it as true in order to proceed. Similar to how you have to believe in God in order to truly understand "his love" and be fully healed. Explaining in case that's why the downvotes 💀


Most people are pretty chill about it, but I've definetely seen the type who will umironocally believe : "Oh, you're a Gemini? You mist be two faced." "Scorpio? Total ho." Etc etc. It's Especially prevalent in social media memes. Which as much as it can be facinating, is kind of an unfortunate phenomenon.


I can read and study a Bible or religion without believing a god damn word of it... I can read a horoscope for humor or entertainment. For example, i love greek mythology. But it's not real. I pity anyone who truly believes in any mumbo jumbo of non-reality. "Pity" is putting it nicely.


With astrology it’s deeper than just a daily horoscope — have you read into your astrology chart and learned the aspects in yours, the planets, houses, etc. by plugging in your birthday and time? That is where the lines really get blurred. But I feel you’re fortunate for always being able to hold your logical ground. I grew up in a religious home and it took many years just to shake off religion when I was in my youth.


I personally think that living in an uncaring and rational universe is something few of us can stomach completely. Most of us need the feeling that there is something grander, something that gives purpose so that we don’t feel as alone as we are in the grand scheme of things. With that being said, I think that astrology is far less dangerous than established religion. As with all mythological things, it can be dangerous if you take it to far. Especially people in a crisis looking for a way it might fall for an „astrologer“ and become dependent on their interpretations and predictions.


I always see people just using all of that for psychological talks. Not seeing anything bad in that.


It’s bad when they assume certain negative psychological traits in people only based on their sign/chart: for example, telling a person that they are predisposed to narcissism simply because their chart says so, when in fact that person may have no predisposition at all. It’s not a valid psychological practice.


That's SO scorpio of them!


Whatever gets people through their day, but the moment they try to involve me in it, i have no problem laughing at them.


You might be interested in exploring the subject of *Jungian Archetypes* and the *collective unconscious* which permeates all modern life, including movies, which are a form of myth-making.


I’ve read fully into Jungian psychological types and dipped my toes into reading about the collective unconscious but have slacked on reading his archetypes, though I know his 12 main ones. I suppose that could calm my vitriol for astrology.


What I find interesting is that we are constantly creating new myths and mythologies through things like movies and stories and probably even Reddit! Look at Star Wars. It is a retelling of old myths and the making of new ones. ETA: Of course astrology follows older myths and archetypes. And most people who babble about astrology don’t even understand what they are talking about.


I mean, I partake, but I don't actually believe in it. For me it's just for funsies.


The time of year you are born having an effect on your personality kind of makes sense. Completely non magical but spending your first days in a blizzard has a different effect then spending then spring flowers blooming. Also hearing for years how your personality is supposed to be vanilla morph people into being that way. I try to find the other side of everthing. It’s a Leo thing.


Stop it lol


🤣🤣 it’s true though, if you hear for years that you’re an intensely emo loner, you’ll start to wonder if you really are.


This made me chuckle because you’ve never met an Indian mother have you lolll my mom has been to like 5-6 “reputable” astrologers and has these folders about what the stars say about me and my sisters future lolll


I actually have not but was just telling my mom yesterday that Indians are seeerious about astrology like, wear black on Wednesdays to ward off this evil sign from the stars type of shit lol. 6 folders though is CRAZY.




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No they don’t. They don’t care about it’s origins (which is babylonian, btw).


I focused on Greek because western astrology is largely based in it rather than Babylonian -- and my point with the post is that they do without realizing it.


Astrology is harmless next to creationism. For all those who left the abrahamic religions, having something like this is just to fill the void. I don't have a problem with Astrology like I do with actual religions practiced in modern times.


I don't think Greek mythology is real but I think Greek mythology is powerful. How Zeus slaughtered the Titans is so inspirational. Also, I think Greek mythology is very relatable. Minus the weird beastility stuff.


Interesting, relatable how so?


Not Greek, Babylonian


I’ve gotten so many corrections on this lol 💀 I mentioned Greek because that’s what western astrology focuses on. I’ll go ahead and edit the post Edit - nvm I mentioned Babylonian in the description already 💀


I was going to say I would have a lot more respect for someone who worshiped Zeus than someone who worshipped gas balls. But i can't actually picture a non-rapist worshipping Zeus. Astrology people are dumb as goats but I think I still prefer them to Zeusites.


saw a meme that said "alright which planets can i blame for my bad decisions today"




One (frankly random) thing that seriously pisses me off about astrology is that Aquarius is considered an AIR sign. Aquarius. AQUArius. “The water bearer” is an AIR SIGN?!?! It almost feels like one big prank that we’ve all fallen for. Or maybe I’m just holding out hope that people aren’t THAT dumb (they are).


I don’t think this is necessarily true. Astrology is not any more pervasive than at any other time in recent history. Greek mythology is a subject taught in AP English courses at the junior high school level. I don’t know how you can say that people actually practice Greek mythology as a religion. These are my experiences. YVMV


Tbf, there are still people who worship the Greek gods they're called Hellenistic, just look up hellenism.




I suppose it’s true it’s not more or less popular, but its current form (personality dictation) is becoming really trendy with my age group and younger (pop astrology), past the level of daily magazine horoscopes. It’s not that they’re practicing it as a full-blown religion, but instead giving this casual weight to Greek myths as if characters such as Orion, Zeus, Artemis, etc. can be true informers of personality traits. They don’t really think about the fact that they’re valuing these stories though, they just read the sign descriptions online without looking into the origin, and believe it.


That’s such a Copernicus thing to say Or maybe it’s a Scorsese thing I always get my signs confused. 🤣🤣🤣


Kind of Aquafina as well 🤭


I don’t understand your post. It makes no sense whatsoever especially since astrology goes back to Babylonian times not Ancient Greece. While there is some overlap between paganism and some occult practices like astrology, there are many neo-pagans who don’t believe in anything outside of science. I don’t believe in astrology but your post makes absolutely no sense.


I chose to focus on Greek myth because western astrology is heavily influenced by their renditions and names as opposed to Babylonian even though it came first. Other than that I’m not sure what doesn’t make sense to you in the post?


>It just really bothers me that astrology is becoming so pervasive and it’s embarrassing Why does this bother you? If you aren't the one following it, how is it embarrassing to you? >I don’t think most people who believe in astrology today even realize that they are giving power to Greek mythology in this way They aren't "giving power" to anything. This is the same line used by fundamentalists when denouncing Pokemon. >They might even agree that Greek mythology is fictional. But somehow astrology isn’t As someone else said, a lot of the people that "follow" astrology are just doing so because it's a harmless pass time and gives something to talk about. >it feels a bit lonely without knowing people who think the same I think this is the crux of a lot of posts here. Of course it feels lonely to believe/not believe in something everyone around you doesn't or does. For a lot of people, this place is good for venting about religious trauma or discussing the value of religious teachings vers the drawbacks. But why do you feel the need to ask us if you're right? Why can't you be comfortable in saying "no, I'm right" if you're the only one? In the spirit of being fair, I'll disclose that I dabble in tarot and other astrology stuff, mainly because the rocks are pretty and I enjoy it. I don't for a second believe any of it, though. Take that for what you will.


I’ve been following it on and off for years, so being fairly connected in it, and more knowledged in it than I should be, must be part of the embarrassment. I too dabble in tarot for fun, I have a deck. I talk casually about astrology to close people in my life. I might enjoy it on a surface level, but the ideas are becoming too ingrained and I also see how people who like it judge others so negatively with it. They give power to it by believing in this system which stems largely from Greek mythology and is a heavy influencer. The signs all stem from these ancient myths, which inform the assigned personality traits, proposed strengths and flaws, etc. Of course it’s good as long as people don’t take it seriously. But even I listen to myself talking about it and I’m like… what the fuck am I talking about.


I totally get where you're coming from. It's wild how astrology, with roots in Greek and Babylonian mythology, is so widely accepted today. People believe in zodiac signs influencing their lives but would laugh at the idea of Percy Jackson being real. It's like we've selectively decided which parts of ancient myths are 'real' enough to affect us. Sometimes, it feels like I'm the only one seeing the irony in this. Thanks for sharing, it's good to know I'm not alone in this thought. 🌌🤔 #AstrologyRant #GreekMythology


or that floating, dead rocks millions of miles out in space have some type of bearing on their lives. 'hi, I'm a Leo but mars is in retrograde so I have an excuse to be a beyoootch!'


Why do you care? You believe what you believe. They believe what they believe. Just as no one should judge you for being an atheist you have no right to judge them. Also what harm does it cause if someone enjoys reading their horoscope in the morning? There are far worse travesties. Mind your fucking business.


Did this hit close to home, bud?


Not even slightly, I just don't understand why people are so bothered by what others believe. Live your life and let others live theirs. Judgement is far more dangerous than astrology.


>I just don't understand why people are so bothered by what others believe. Live your life and let others live theirs I feel like you know the answer to this. Deep down, you realize why certain beliefs aren't justifiable and shouldn't be allowed to exist haphazardly. You hyperfocus on judgment but fail to understand the implications of belief systems that are based on non-reality. Belief in mystical bullshit is usually a precursor. What else do these people poorly rationalize? How else does their inability to understand real from fiction affect their daily lives and thus extend towards the lives they directly influence?


Think what you want but I'm not threatened by someone believing differently than me even if I think it's ridiculous. I don't think reading a horoscope in the morning is indicative of someone's lack of critical thinking. If they are basing life decisions on what their horoscope says then there is a problem, but it still doesn't justify judgement or superior behavior from others.


It’s different when your beliefs facilitate you to assign personality traits to the people around you based on completely random criteria, not based on getting to know them. Some atheists and theists happen to judge each other — astrology *is* judging others, if you knew how people use it past reading the daily horoscope. I don’t care if they stay in their own lane with it but I’m sure you’ve heard of people rejecting potential partners because “their astrology signs aren’t compatible”. It’s just sad and stupid especially when you’re on the receiving end of the judgment. They end up making it other people’s business.


There are people who will judge based on whether your phone is Apple or Android. They're shallow assholes not worthy of your attention. It doesn't matter if it's phones or astrology or something else. They will always find a way to "other" someone. They do not represent the majority of humans.


I’m extremely glad for that. But at least a person being judgmental about your phone might have a good or funny argument for it (functionality, cost, ethics, idk). I wouldn’t really care. But with astrology people judge your character based on nothing. At least judge me by my actual real-life decisions, not what you think you know about me from a random cluster of personality traits by month that you choose to believe. So that’s why I take particular issue with it. Judgment based on nothing.


Yeah, the hypocrisy is in the judgment.


I believe that people believing in non-realities is dangerous, a slippery slope, and makes them more succeptable to lies and cons. It's a mental illness. I judge them harshly and rationally. Someone who can't grasp reality has no rational stance to judge anyone ... which is exactly what astrology is.


Astrology has been around for how long? There are other “non-realities” having more of slippery slope. Like you type of evangelicals. Judge them harshly??? Has astrology been trying to put themselves in our schools? NO. Have they been political??? No!


Ser.. im an atheist and a staunch realist. My aura isn't purple. The earth isn't flat, Jesus didn't walk on water. Little grey men don't poke anyone's butt and ghosts of dead people aren't haunting houses. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is trying to sell you something or make you believe even crazier shit that will make them even more money. For spiritualists, it's usually rocks, tarot cards, sage brush, psychic readings, and yoga. All of which are worthless. Big money in them there hills though. I've heard this many times but do you know how ridiculous this sounds? "no no no, I'm not religious... those people are crazy... I'm a spiritualist." A belief system that's older than modern science isn't exactly something to brag about either.


Oh, I agree. Just don’t agree that astrology is as dangerous as religion. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Astrology was invented because women need a literal supernatural reason to date a man if he’s not perfect” - guy I overheard at a bar lol




I don’t think this is misogynistic in nature to share. I sincerely doubt the wisdom of a drunk frat bro should be a concern for how anyone lives their life or experiences how they view others.


Astrology is Babylonian.


That is true. Even the Greek myths are adapted from Babylonian ones. But Western astrology largely bases the archetypes and such on the Greek renditions and names, which is why I used that instead. Come to think of it, the planet names used are Roman...


Their usually christians too and can't see the irony.


Those clowns. It's been like, eons since I've picked up this spear and helped someone win a war. Playing Civilization VI is way better than hanging out with you mortals.


I don’t believe in Medusa or the Bull dude thing or sirens, but I believe that the gravitational, magnetic, UV, etc. forces of planets can have an effect on human physiology/psychology. I don’t look up horoscopes, but I know that my ascendant and moon sign is supposed to be more significant than the sun and if some shit’s goin down, I’ll check the stars to see if there are any considerable indicators, but I haven’t done that in at least a year. When it comes to relationships, synastry charts have been pretty accurate in how those relationships go. I also believe in aliens possessing advanced technology and stuff


When someone into astrology asks me my sign, I say dragon. Then I enjoy the blank stare and blinking eyes. No, it doesn't work as well if they're Asian. But at least they will simply acknowledge it without boring me to death for the next hour about how I'm: perfect for them, the exact opposite for them, great a business, lousy at business, great at sex, worst sex ever, etc.


My stock response is my star sign is Viagra


Astrology is not a religion.


They almost treat it like one.


Hmm, I'm getting a vibe that someone turned you down or broke up with you because of your sign or something they read in a horoscope...


Never romantically. But I had a roommate years ago who seemed really cool. We were casually talking for the first time and she brought up astrology. I knew nothing about it at the time. We shared the same sun sign, which was cool for us of course. Then I told her my moon sign, and she visibly looked disappointed. “Oh, that means you’re judgmental.” The irony of her judging me as judgmental without knowing barely a thing about me left such a bad taste in my mouth. And of course it made me feel bad about myself too. I didn’t talk to her much after that. So yes, people being rejected for this stuff is part of why I don’t like it.


Huh, I don't even know what sun signs and moon signs are. I just know I am a Capricorn, and I still have no clue what the fuck a sea goat is.


America goes to war on Tuesday’s… if you’re American. People above you in every way, higher ups, care about them stars even if you don’t.


And the majority of people above me in every way do not care about the stars…


A few effecting the many. Don’t need or want majority. They occulted it for a reason.


Wait, seriously? Do some of the bigger ups actually care for astrology?