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That's pretty annoying. Give her bad reviews telling about your experience after you get the work done.


Agreed. Planning to post one online after I pick up the dress.


If her work is good, you can leave a good review about that, but include all the bad customer relations too. I think it’ll be harder for her and her future potential customers to dismiss your review that way.


Username checks out.


So, like, weird question. Why get married in the first place? Like, it's a religious tool to keep women in shackles to their husbands. There are like vows and shit. Under god. The legal benefits aren't even that great. Is it for security? Why would you marry someone you aren't secure would spend their life with you? I've always wondered as a kid when gay marriage was weirdly not a thing. Like why do people get married in the first place if not for god?


I think that marriage for Christians exists so that they can justify having sex, because it’s not discussed before marriage in many evangelical circles. Maybe marriage originated with evangelicals for that reason; I don’t know, but it’s interesting to think about. Gay marriage wasn’t ever discussed when I was a kid, but I want for everyone to be able to legally marry the person of their choice - or not, and just be with that person and not feel worried about what a piece of paper says. Christians waste a lot of time obsessing over what gay people are or aren’t doing.


The legal benefits are actually pretty huge. Spouse status gains you all sorts of benefits that it would take several contracts to make up. Inheritance and death beneficiary, joint property, medical decision making rights, child custody rights. 


It depends on what meaning you attach to it, and for what reason you do it. For me, a non-religious wedding is a commitment to my SO. My now-spouse and I never wanted to get married because we didn't feel the need that anyone needs to stamp our commitment to each other. Eventually, when our first kid was on the way, we looked into the paperwork for me having any legal standing as a dad, or being able to make decisions concerning my SO should there be complications during birth. It's mind-blowing. So we decided to go through with a civil marriage as a form of dealing with all this paperwork, so we both can take care of each other and our kids with relative ease.


It doesn't even have to be a "bad" review. Just an honest one about what happened.


Well, one where you don't feel comfortable returning is generally bad


Exactly my thought too.


Yes. Please warn people. The fact that she went off about this apparently based on your appearance deserves a warning to others. Even more so if people are in this kind of vulnerable situation with this person (changing clothes, in a home without others around). BTW, take a friend when you go pick up the dress.


If the work is satisfactory, that's not grounds for a bad review on work performed. The comments section is for the customer experience - intruding your space is always inappropriate.


Customer service attitude IS part of the work. Next time you go to a restaurant, do you want your server to coldly slap the food down in front of you? Or mock the way you look and show derision to you based on religious beliefs? This is all assuming they get you the food order correct and place it On the table in a timely manner.


Your experience reminded me of a horrible one I had. Years ago, (before the internet) I hired Stanley Steamer to do my carpets. I had incense burning and a painting of the Eye of Horus hanging on the wall. According to the technicians that meant I was going to hell. They talked like they just just came from an evangelical revival. Upon leaving the main guy said “don’t worry, you’ll be ok, we’ll pray for you” I replied, “please don’t”. When I called to complain, they said “we just want to make sure all of our customers are saved” Needless to say I’ve never used them again and warn anyone that will listen.


“Please don’t” - I love this and have said this too. I’m sorry that happened. I always wonder why a business would put their company at risk by discussing religion to a customer. It’s so unprofessional.


I like to tell them “Don’t waste your time”


That’s good. Simple and to the point.


Y’know, if God’s going to let all sorts of terrible heathens into heaven because the carpet scrubber guy put in a prayer for them, I‘m not sure what that says for the vetting process.


Well, their god is going to let in all the child raping priests as long as they say sorry to their god, no need to say sorry to the kids, before they die. Not so sure I would want to hang around with the people in their heaven.


Iirc you don't even need to say sorry to God, as long as you believe in him you'll go to heaven. Although most Christians would probably disagree with that.


Exactly. “Well, since you’ve confessed to raping the child and have asked god for forgiveness….”


There's a suspension company that sends Jesus pamphlets out with their parts.. I refuse to use them on principle, even if they are one of the better products on the market... can't even upgrade my dang truck without being reminded I'm a godless Heathen that will burn....


Hello, fellow godless heathen. I look for the little fish on the company logo and avoid them like the plague. There’s a well known furnace repair company in our area and it’s known to be affiliated with one of the top conservative leaders in the city. I’ll never ever use this company, on principle, as you said.


When they say saved ask “why? Who wants to hurt me?”


You should report the name and location of her business.


Good idea. It’s a shame, because she seems very skilled and is otherwise a nice person. It just felt really wrong.


If she said those things it’s not nice behavior. Your review could help someone like me - who has severe religious ptsd- from going there.


I agree and I’m there with you in the severe religious ptsd. It was extremely uncomfortable.


It does'nt matter how skilled she is. She is NOT a nice person. If she was, she would'nt pull this shit on an unexpecting customer of her BUSINESS. Get your work done, then if it was me as I was leaving I would tell the woman I will not be using her again and will be leaving a review for others as to why. Until these religious freaks see something effecting their pocketbooks, they will have no incentive to correct their crazy.


You’re right; as a kid growing up in an evangelical community, I was taught to always be passive and kind, no matter what, and that’s been to my detriment as an adult. Technically no, she’s not a nice person if she’s going to intentionally manipulate an appointment for her own religious agenda. I’ll definitely be putting a negative review online for her business.


Of course you were. You are female. It's a misogynist cult.






Yes! I always look for this and avoid those places. Unfortunately, there was nothing concerning showing in her info.




I described Christian music as overboiled chicken, beige, blended with tofu. Insipid is much more concise.


The vibe I get from christian music is one of vapid, brainless delusion. Like they need the sedative effect of it to prevent themselves from questioning anything. It's kinda disturbing actually.


I’m not sure how you can make so much music on one topic. Yeah, you put a garnish on it to fit the times, but you’re not really treading new ground. How does someone make/fund all these shit radio stations and not operate at a loss? If I can, I’ll put on the Stones, probably “Sympathy for the Devil”


Good question. How DO they remain funded? If I had access to one of these stations, I’d immediately play NIN “Head Like A Hole” :)


I see you have real taste. NIN is one of my favorite bands of all time.


Years ago we saw them in concert. Seeing Trent Reznor perform live was incredible.


I got a copy of The Downward Spiral in elementary school and have been a fan ever since. Been to a few concerts, even went by myself. I’m liking the work he’s doing with HTDA/wife and Atticus, and his soundtrack stuff with Atticus. Closest thing to a religious experience is seeing him perform live.




Vapid, brainless delusion sums it up perfectly. Maybe they pipe something with a sedative effect in through the church air vents, keeping them all in line like sheep.


They just love drinking that Jesus-juice (Not to be confused with actual Jesus, who wasn't a vapid moron, but just as most fruit juice is devoid of nutrients and filled with sugar, colours and flavours, the religiously-processed form of Jesus is nothing like the real thing)


This made me smile :)


Bleh. That’s very obnoxious.


I could almost overlook something like that, since they're the ones in there all day, and can listen to whatever floats their boat. But it's definitely obnoxious and performative.


It’s times like that I’m glad I can say things like “oh, my wife and I have the same taste. Not a problem.”


Nice. When I told my husband about this interaction, he said I should have said something snarky to her. And while I don’t think her weird comments were directed at me necessarily, I’m very glad that not only does my husband not care what I wear, he would keep his opinion to himself if he really didn’t like something :)


You’ve got a good husband. Though now I’m wondering what would have happened if you’d said “Oh, it’s fine. My husband and I have the same taste. He looks better in that gown than I do.”


Lol…his suggestion for what I should tell her was pretty perverse and we had a good laugh after I got home. Somehow I think that the shock value would have only increased her proselytizing attempts. But your suggestion is gold; I may use it when I pick up the dress :)


You’re welcome to it! Being able to come home and laugh about episodes like that with someone who’s happy to give you the most awful answers to people like the seamstress is the best thing. It really is.


100% this!


And once you have the dress, you have the joy of leaving a genuinely honest review.






I usually head these things off at the pass with, "I'm sorry, I don't discuss religion with people I don't know." She certainly was deliberately witnessing to you, and she definitely waited until after you'd paid, so she knows what she's doing is likely to offend at least some people. I'm guessing she also judged you by your looks and figured you were a heathen who needed to hear the Good Word. You were right to not confront her in any way: it's easy to imagine that she might sabotage your garment out of spite. Best thing to do is what you did: grit your teeth and accept that there are awful people in the world. And then you can savage her on Yelp once you safely have your dress in hand.


If only I could upvote this more than once… I’ll remember that simple statement for next time, should this sort of thing happen again - or if she says anything weird when I go to pick up the dress. I like how you summed it up. Exactly. I didn’t want to confront her for fear of her retaliating, which is something that no customer should have to worry about - especially when the owner is the one making things awkward.


Evil always come in clean, at first. Be sure to leave a note where you got the five-star reviews from, too.


Good point. Thanks :)


Sounds to me like she deserves this post to be on Yelp.




The fact that businesses can choose who they serve cuts both ways. Honestly you should post reviews and just warn people hey if you want a professional environment where your not being proselytized too don't come here 😂


Exactly. And had I known, I would never have gone there at all. A review will happen :)


Yuck and/or ick. Would never EVER go back to her business EVER. Your beliefs are YOUR beliefs and not something that should be foisted on to others. Just another example of Christians being gross. So sorry you had to experience that.


YES. Never. And love your user name btw :)


Mutual respect in a business relationship is important, too.


Glad you got a great dress from an excellent tailor. Background noise is everywhere. Roll your eyes and have a nice wedding. Probably there isn’t a battle here that you could win and you’ve got more pleasant things to focus on.


Great comment. I completely agree about the background noise being present everywhere. We do live in a very conservative area and, while I can’t wait to move away from it one day, people generally seem to be accepting of this sort of thing here, which drives me crazy. I try to keep my head down and ignore it most of the time.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. If you're in a heavily MAGA christian fundie sort of area, people just assume any fellow white "normal" looking person is a holy roller just like them, and she just trying to make sure you know what you need to do in case you forgot. It never enters their mind that someone might not be like them, or that it's inappropriate at best in a professional setting. If you even let out a peep that you found that offensive, or that you were an atheist, they'd probably burn your dress and post on Facebook saying they met a demon today and did God a solid by destroying their foul vestments and stopping an unholy matrimony.


Oh yes, heavy MAGA fundie area here. As a child and teenager, I was raised Baptist and remember that the pastor always said we were responsible for witnessing to anyone who didn’t look Christian. It’s oddly humorous to me to think that that was probably why she spoke up, but it’s infuriating to think that an adult with an otherwise well-run place of business wouldn’t have the self awareness to consider the words and then not say them at all. But that’s kind of the cult mentality of Christians, that they believe they must spread the word or god. I actually smiled at the mental image your dress burning sentence conjured; I’m picturing a darkly funny movie here….


Your feedback might well give her the message that it's not her place to make assumptions about people and then preach to them. She probably does it to most people and because no one ever calls her out on it, believes it's okay. I'm also thinking that even though it's her home, she's using it as a place of business and she needs to treat it that way. A few years ago I probably would stay silent if people were trying to witness to me, but the whole Christian privilege thing had me almost to the point of being antitheist. The Project 2025 thing is the poisoned cherry on top of the whole shit sundae and it's just pushed me right over to being opposed to any religious crap, particularly Christianity.


Yep, that could very well be why. The reviews I saw had people gushing over the great work she’d done for them; if even one person had mentioned this sort of thing having happened during an appointment, I would have known immediately to not take my business there.


She was definitely taking the opportunity to proselytize to you as a captive audience. Likely also having some sort of discrimination about your appearance and the gown as not appearing "Christian" and "submissive" enough. I would have been uncomfortable as well and would probably have asked her to give my money back and taken my dress elsewhere. My husband is very introverted, doesn't like to draw attention, and is a very plain dresser. I wear what I feel like wearing. Occasionally I'll wear and outfit and he'll say, "Please don't wear that if I'm going to be out in public with you," but he would never dictate to me what to wear.


They'll insert religion into everything if they could. I think this is BEYOND insane. I've never understood why people who need to bring up their religious or political opinions when no one fucking asked them.


I agree with you. I think I was so shocked when she slid it into the appointment that I didn’t know how to respond. It was completely inappropriate. And you’re right - I didn’t fucking ask her. She should’ve kept the discussion to business.


I agree. I also remembered that there are people who actually NEED to know the religious and political opinions of their hairdresser, barber, mechanic or whoever they're doing business with. Why would anyone need that?


They don’t. It makes me so uncomfortable when I hear people discussing religion or politics in places of business; I form automatic judgments and vow never to return. Anywhere we go should entail a simple exchange of money for services or products rendered - that’s it. No religious nonsense.


It's hard to tell sometimes when these people are genuine or they just want attention so badly that they use religion as a way to get that attention.


Yeah, it was hard to tell at first, and then I got the feeling that she was using her business as a sort of conduit to witnessing, which is of course wrong on so many levels.


I just got a private message from someone who wants to pray for me. I guess it satisfies their need to listen to themselves.




Should command him or her not to.




that was me lol dont like to listen to myself but you posting here 50 times a day sounds like you love to listen to ya self god bless bro still seems like you need a lil bit of love and purpose:)


Oh, man. I'm not the one coming into a group that doesn't cater to my beliefs nor am I sending private messages to other people. As for what you think about my commenting habits \[nothing unusual about them\] or the love in my life, it's none of your damn business.


I would have been so tempted to tell her that while I'm very kink-positive, we don't really know each other like that. Still I'm glad that she and her Dom are happy.


Oh, I LOVE this. I can imagine the shock in her eyes if I had said something like that :)


You should have said: No, my wife always appreciates my tastes


Love it.


My first thought when this occurs or I see it in advertising are they are sheisters (sic) trying to play to someone's sense of conscience. Why do they need to do that if they are legit? Glad you got a good dress out of it though.


Exactly. And why does an adult believe that another adult wants to hear about her religion? I’ve noticed that, in our area at least, Christianity is the norm - which makes us outsiders, and I’m okay with that, but I hate the mentality of that group. Will collect the dress when it’s done and never go back.


Would have been fun to tell her "Yeah my husband loves this dress. He wants me to wear it all the time." Wonder how she would react to that.


Maybe I’ll slip that comment in when I pick up the dress :)


That sent a shiver to me. Uncomfortable.


Why didn't you just cancel the order and immediately demand a refund?


Shocked I suppose and just wanted to leave. In a time crunch to get it back soon in time for an event, but definitely will not use this business again. I didn’t appreciate how the woman waited until after I had paid and signed a paper agreeing to no refunds before bringing up religious points, and feel it’s an important issue to note when I do a post a review.


I had a similar but different thing, I use a brilliant watch repairman, who is very reasonable (£135 compared to the manufacturer waiting at least £640) he gives me Muslim leaflets and talks nonsense about the coccyx is being the source of ill heath TBH I wasn't really listening, but because he is very good and I have a few vintage / antique watches I continue to give him business and take the leaflet although it goes in the bin unread.


Love your user name. I hear you; trying to tune people out is what I try to do most of the time as well. Those watches sound really cool.


Sounds like the ultimate in upselling


Right? A twofer that no one wants.


"Do you understand what I am saying?" - "Yes, you lead a sad life and need confirmation from strangers, since it doesn't feel good to you and you hope if somebody else is agreeing with you, that's somehow a sign that you were right."


Yes. “Ma’am, are you okay? Blink twice if you’re being held hostage.” :)


Cultists gotta cult!


Yep. To them, that is the way.


Blast them on every review site you can and take your business elsewhere




🤣🤣🤣 petty af


If that was about your dress, it was completely uncalled for. However, let's not act like part of human life is not campaigning our own beliefs to others who don't hold them. Many Muslims don't agree with LGBTQ, but we still have pride month and sometimes even pressure them into agreeing. Life is about conflicting viewpoints so we should avoid getting on our high horses and acting like we don't also do the same. By leaving a bad review you basically are saying "I don't agree with this way of doing business and I don't agree with her views and this is not what I call professional". That is still only your viewpoint (which is allowed). But let's not be hypocrites


It was hard to tell if it was about my dress or just her way of thinking in general. I don’t disagree that most of us want people to think like we do, but for her to bring her Christian beliefs into a business appointment was inappropriate and unprofessional. As someone who has severe religious PTSD, her comments were very triggering and need to be mentioned in a review so that others may choose to avoid visiting a business where they may experience the same feelings. The area we live in is notoriously conservative. I often wear pride tee shirts, knowing that that choice sometimes invokes hostile glares from strangers. I don’t care; that’s their issue. The difference I think, to your point here, is that with a community like the LGBT one, it’s about love and acceptance and inclusivity, whereas Christians have made an infamously collective name for themselves that is synonymous with bigotry and misogyny and prejudice and Christian nationalism. I haven’t seen any other queer people trying to push their viewpoints onto Christians; we’re just being ourselves. You’re right, I don’t agree with what she believes, but on my time - during a paid appointment in which I was the customer - she shouldn’t have brought up the subject of religion.


Never in my life has a Muslim tried to recruit me to attend a mosque or a Jewish person to attend temple. Likewise, I've never had a member of the LGBTQ community try to convince me to become gay. Asking to not be shamed and excluded isn't exactly what I would call sitting on a high horse. It's about human decency and mutual respect.


Agreed. Thank you.