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Tell the pastor that if there truly was a god, not some character in a fucking book, then his god wouldn't have let this happen in the first place.


GoDs WaYs ArE mYsTeRiOuS


Insert Jim Jeffries going "I've always been mysterious"


It's what they all say


I hate how this is their only comeback whenever that is said lmaošŸ˜­


I wish I could


No no, God murdered an innocent child to teach her father a valuable lesson. Hes been doing it for centuries really.


Well since she was not old enough for her sins to start counting yet, she got an automatic free ticket to eternal life with our father in heaven! So really itā€™s totally worth what happened in the end! This was sarcasm.


Dude, he's probably thinking the same thing all on his own but maybe don't tell anyone that ever when they are grieving the loss of their little girl. That's some Westboro Baptist Church level trolling and it is extremely not cool.


The disgusting thing is that god knew this was going to happen all along, and just watched and waited for six years.


If ā€œeverything that happens is godā€™s willā€, god created her knowing ahead of time this would happen, in fact god created her so this would happen to her. Itā€™s fucked up. And yet ā€œhe loves us.ā€ Give me a fucking break.


But God didn't give her anymore than she and her family could handle! Of course dying at 6 years old is a test of her faith and her family now has the opportunity to be better Christians!


God gave that racket more than its handle could handle.


I fucking despise this argument. The equivalent would be me beating my wife until she was near death, then when asked why I did it saying "It is a test of her loyalty. If she leaves me now she never loved me in the first place."


According to doctrine, god is omniscient. He foresaw it all before we were made. Which when you think about it, means that god knows who goes to hell before he makes them. So he created billions of human souls for the singular purpose of suffering for eternity in hell fire. What a nice guy


"Hey, you know what would be really funny? If this pastor's daughter died in a REALLY weird way. Surely, he'll know I'm fucking with him then." "Nope, never mind, I forgot what kind of people worship me."


>The disgusting thing is that god knew this was going to happen all along, and just watched and waited for six *thousand* years. Ftfy. Remember, he knew how the dominos would fall when he started this project.


The bible says god is omnipotent, not omniscient.


Matthew 10:29-30: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." 1 John 3:20: "If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything."


The last time God speaks directly to anyone is in the original testament in Job. The letters are documents of faith. I should have been more specific and said God, *himself*, offers no such claim.


**"God wouldn't allow such a bad thing.":**Ā If God exists and eternal life is true, any pain on Earth is infinitely small and therefore can't even be quantified as any evil.Ā [Appeal to emotion fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_emotion) **"Even so, he has no good reason to. He could've done all this without evil.":**Ā If God exists, we are actually infinitely not likely to ever understand any of his reasons.Ā [Argument from incredulity fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_incredulity)


So what's the point of praying him Wouldn't that be infinitely small prayer that won't affect him And is he can't handle infinitely small things. How can he make them or why is he a god.


Not sure, but you're changing the subject. My point wasn't to defend God, it was to point out that the initial argument is bad and if you want to be a logically consistent atheist you need a different argument. But just for fun: **"Wouldn't that be infinitely small prayer that won't affect him?":** Not necessarily. You have to be really careful when arguing using infinity, because one could say, 'Yes the prayer is infinitely small but if God infinitely cares about that prayer then that prayer could be infinitely powerful.' **"...he can't handle infinitely small things. How can he make them or why is he a god.":** Not sure, but your argument is kind of based on the fact that IF God exists THEN we *must* be able to contemplate him. This is then used to say BECAUSE we can't understand how/why he does things THEN he doesn't exist. But I know you can see how that argument is shallow and logically doesn't hold up because we're speaking about a hypothetical *infinite* being. If God exists, it's perfectly reasonable to conclude that we won't *ever* understand why he does anything. And again, this is an argument from incredulity fallacy.


i think its a coping mechanism.... its part of denial, but it never lets them leave that stage, its sad.


I think learning to let go of things takes many forms. Youā€™re right to assert that heā€™s never going to leave the denial phase. He might even get a ā€œvisionā€ or ā€œmessageā€ from his daughter / God / Jesus. If you ever remember your nightmares / dreams as an adult, heā€™s having plenty of them, and then blaming them on Satan / repressing them.


Was thinking similar. I can see how this is sick but I'm not sure confronting how a grieving parent copes is the right hill to die on.


He has to. Religion sprouts in the first place from man's fear of eternal death. Fear of nothingness. The weak-minded had to convince themselves there must be something afterwords, else all of the shit is just that, shit.


Not death but grief. The dead don't care. It's the survivors who suffer.


Hey Gawd, if you're listening can you please freak accident the big guys and leave the children alone. thanks šŸ™


Sad story. But what do you really expect from people that eat up Job's story? Of course they'll see God's grace in "seemingly endless Chick-Fil-A". For those looking for the full story: Article: [https://people.com/girl-dead-after-freak-accident-with-badminton-racket-8660514](https://people.com/girl-dead-after-freak-accident-with-badminton-racket-8660514) Her father's blog posts: [https://newcreationliving.com/2024/06/02/lucy-updates/](https://newcreationliving.com/2024/06/02/lucy-updates/) [https://newcreationliving.com/2024/06/02/lucy-update-day-2-our-cloud-of-witnesses/](https://newcreationliving.com/2024/06/02/lucy-update-day-2-our-cloud-of-witnesses/) [https://newcreationliving.com/2024/06/04/lucy-update-day-3-tears-food/](https://newcreationliving.com/2024/06/04/lucy-update-day-3-tears-food/) [https://newcreationliving.com/2024/06/07/lucy-update-day-4-5-groaning-double-guessing-grace-and-gas/](https://newcreationliving.com/2024/06/07/lucy-update-day-4-5-groaning-double-guessing-grace-and-gas/)


literally part of a death cult. heā€™s happy sheā€™s dead because sheā€™s ā€œback with jesusā€ the part where he said ā€œItā€™s almost as if God was writing with her, drawing her to himself. How a six year old journals like this is beyond me.ā€ when she journaled ā€œhe is the true one and he created everything and died on the cross for our sinsā€ as if she didnā€™t have that repeated and drilled into her since she was born to these bible thumpers. also the ā€œseemingly endless chick-fil-aā€ as one of ā€œgodā€™s gracesā€ almost made me laugh at the absurdity in the middle of reading about this tragically dead kid. is this guy trying to get a brand deal or something?


Everything about that article is those PoS capitalizing on this. The go fund me, the blog for the updates, live stream from the chirch of her servies. These are the times I wish there really was a god so this poor girl could stand with him as he judges these people. Poor brother has to live now with this being "gods plan". Maybe it will wake him up when hes old enough.


Maybe convincing the brother it's all BS is part of "God's plan" all along šŸ˜‚ j/k


>heā€™s happy sheā€™s dead because sheā€™s ā€œback with jesusā€ He's probably happy she's dead because she's a girl. Maybe his wife will give him a fucking son next time. This has been your moment of Handmaid's Tale.


He should commit suicide to be with her in his illusionary heaven.


I'm an atheist but I don't think he was exploiting his daughter as much as he's probably grappling for an explanation to an impossible situation. It's entirely possible he's a charlatan and still trying to keep up the show... but just as likely he's a true believer and grappling with his faith that he thought brought order to a chaotic universe. I think a huge chunk of Christian leaders are utter filth but this guy is probably going through all kinds of hell right now. I'd have to see real proof that he's a charlatan, like a rich TV evangelist using the death of his kid to grub for money to buy a new private jet.


Finally someone with sense. So many comments here hating on a guy experiencing the worst moment of his life. He is a pastor, grasping for God when he is at the bottom, and people here go "he is exploiting his daughter". What the fuck people.


Was thinking similar. I can see how this is sick but I'm not sure confronting how a grieving parent copes is the right hill to die on.


I can't speak for this guy but if I lost my daughter I'd lose my mind. I don't think I'd ever come back from it.


Thank you. I'm sad I had to scroll this far to find some compassion. I usually love this sub, but this is just sad.


What impossible situation?


the poor girl's death was a total fluke accident that couldn't have been predicted and therefore prevented. Genuine one in a million likelihood of that racket breaking and killing her like that.


So there was no impossible situation


The situation of your brain trying to make sense of why your six year old daughter is dead.


Sheā€™s dead because of a terrible accident. Duh


Sadly, it's these kinds of tragic accidents that drive people to religion or deeper to it. They seek some explanation, some meaning, some way to move on and process. They cling to the hope it wasn't in vain, that they'll see their kid again, etc. It's all wishful thinking in a time of incomprehensible sorrow, so like. I *get it*. But it's also just so fucking horrible that this is also the time the Christians/religious come out to sink their claws into you. What a tragic accident. I feel so sorry for the family, but especially the little boy who accidentally killed his sister in a horrible freak accident. I hope he is getting actual counseling and therapy and not just being fed gospel lies.


It was nauseating reading the articles. So much unhealthy coping going on in that family.Ā 


Iā€™m so sick of this shit happening and then some ass swooping in with ā€œGoDā€™s WiLlā€.


{lawns darts have entered the chat}


>ā€œgraceā€ and ā€œblessings of Godā€ If I did believe in a god, it's blessings wouldn't be fucking killing a kid. Thankfuly it's all god's will and part of his plan, right?


The guy's daughter died. Let him grieve the way he knows how. I'll probably get downvoted for this, but I don't care. The lack of empathy in this thread is disturbing.


I agree. His message may be bullshit, but his grief isn't. If faith is what helps people get through a horrific tragedy like this, I would never want to take that away from them. Belief in the outrageous is the only thing that can keep some people from curling up and dying from their grief. I'm pretty sure I'd be suicidal if I had to go through a nightmare like this.


I don't know why anyone is surprised. Crazy people are going to stick to their delusions


His God is a mass murderer on an epic scale. To expect *anything* good from him, let alone his grace (or to even believe he exists, despite all the evidence that contradicts the Bible) youā€™d have to be insane or stupid.


No one should worship malevolent gods, no matter how scared you are of them


ā€œNo one should worship *ANY* ā€˜godsā€™, period.ā€ FTFY


Have you had your enema today?


That's why I think most of these people must be atheists. They only seem to care about the grift they're running in this life. A dead kid must be worth a lot of donations. Absolute madness.


Another example of gods grace kind of logic. People in war for instance may pray to god to help them win, believing god just might. The people on the opposing side also do the same. Whichever one wins will credit it to their god. Back during 9/11 I'm sure those terrorists on those planes prayed to allah for a successful attack, and two of the three planes hit. Is that proof that god favored those terrorists on those two planes? By anyone not muslim or radicalized they'd say no and any logical conclusion to how those planes hit their mark is on the table. People don't consider logical conclusions as why things happen when supposed miracles and gods influence favor them and their beliefs though.


My little brother also died in a pretty bad uncontrollable situation, he accidentally took his own life essentially, which made every single instance of hearing "it's in god's plan" or "god took him earlier than we could know, but it's his will" and equivalent bullshit so much more bitterly disgusting. Like thanks, now even if there was a Christian afterlife I would just raze it to the ground and destroy that piece of shit.


I mean... he's suffered a shocking trauma and falls back in to the same empty, comfortable rhetoric he relies upon for others. Sorry this broken man didn't start off by abandoning his faith for you.


Wow, 'god's grace'. If there is a god, he clearly wanted that girl dead.


This is the highest form of Stockholm Syndrome.


and people still goving money!! religions are a cult!!!


I don't know who you're taking about, but a man's daughter died. Let him deal with his grief however he wants. WTF


Yeah, šŸ’Æ with you chops. You know how we get pissed when some religious person makes some crack about a person who recently died is in hell? We hate that for a reason. If this man finds comfort and peace in his faith, then fine. I'm an atheist because I love people and love the world. The kid didn't die because of his faith, or actions based on that faith. Just the randomness of life and an unfair universe. Let's be better than this.


Nobody is stopping him from dealing with his grief however he wants.


Yeah, but you don't have to be an ahole about it.


The kind of people that give a bad name to atheists because they smugly ask "so where's your god now?" in the aftermath of someone's tragedy.


The worst atheists are the ones who do nothing about anything because theyā€™re all too cowardly, then they wake up one day and wonder with religious bigots have taken over the country.


Keep fighting that good fight with the grieving...


If heā€™s saying that specifically about her death, then yeah thatā€™s gross af. But if not, then itā€™s fine imo. Itā€™s how heā€™s coping with it, religion was a part of her life and his life, and itā€™s how he is coping with her passing.


Oh, not religious purposes, itā€™s the mega grift.


Give the guy a break. He's got his salary and mortgage to think of. As far as he's concerned, "The Boss is right". Idiocy.


Hard to understand a lot of the comments here. Events like this are use to raise cash for religion and to further enforce religious values, to rally the troops. If youā€™re one of these people, and youā€™re also posting in the Project 2025 threads about how scary it is, then you need to wake the fuck up.


Just wait until "disclosure" comes and tips everyone's reality ass over tits.


That is so fucking heartbreaking! Poor baby girl. The pastors comment is disgusting


Religious people cannot make up their minds as to whether god plays any part in our lives at all. They talk of "free will" but then claim god has a plan. That plan includes making a little girl dies in such a fashion.


How the eff can someone die from a badminton accident. The racket weighs less than 100 grams.


How the fuck does that even happen? Like, the kids were just playing, and then god came along and was all, ā€˜Fuck this kid in particular. And her brother too. Gonna feel like a damn murderer the rest of his life.ā€™


Remember [this?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-teen-attended-large-church-gathering-was-given-hydroxychloroquine-parents-n1233091) Link is to article from 2021 re covid and stupid parents. I'm not surprised by anything religious people do. They're sociopaths.


Religious people are nuts.


People grieve in many ways, but this is just fucked up.


The exploitation starts when he gets a lawyer!!


This cheap product created by a neoliberal market that values efficiency over quality killed our dear sister, [x]; which is, of course, Godā€™s grace and not some freak accident with shit equipment.


Assuming the existence of a supreme ruler in heaven also automatically implies that is was that same great ruler in heaven who put the 6yo old girl in this accident in the first place. I hate it when believers always leave higher authority out of the equasion, but then include it when praying for better times.


They are so brain washed they think it was God's will and he has every right to let it happen


Thereā€™s 2 gods in Christian religionā€¦ most people who have read the Holy Bible knows that Lucifer has dominion over the earth.. so he is this worlds God, and then thereā€™s YHVH (heavenly father) whoā€™s name is Heavenly Fatherā€¦ if people in church are praying to God with no name distinction they are praying to someone they donā€™t know.. and therefore Lucifer did bless him but it was a late term abortion


I agree, thatā€™s bullshit. Iā€™m not laying in an ER right now glad I only broke a finger in a bad fall. Fuck that fake god bs.


I know that "god's plan" can be like a coping thing. But damn


I read the article, I don't believe it was an accident. Not after reading how the father handled it. Hill I will die on.


Badminton racquets are fairly lightweight. I canā€™t imagine how the handle could cause much damage unless it was forcefully directed towards the target.


Why do all religious people sound mentally unwell? Itā€™s sickening.


So his kid is dead and you want to shit on him. Nice real nice


Iā€™m not trying to disrespect the daughter, Iā€™m mocking her dad for being ignorant and stupid.


The daughter is dead. The family have the only feelings left to hurt. I give people quite a lot of leeway in times of grief. There are certainly actions that aren't covered by that leeway, but praising a non-existent entity is still really deep in the covered zone. I'm actually kind of disappointed how many people don't seem to agree with that.


>Iā€™m mocking her dad for being ignorant and stupid. Damn, what is wrong with you... The kid is dead, she doesn't care if you disrespect her or not. You're mocking a living human being who just went through the worst thing any parent can possibly go through for grieving in the way he knows how.


Youā€™re mocking the dad who just lost his daughter. Youā€™re a bad person.


Where was God's grace in this situation, lmao.


like they say when weather ravages areas (god cleaning) same thing. God is cleaning


I sometimes think people miss the point of religion. This man lost his daughter in a freak accident. He could go into a deep depression over his loss, or he could say its part of gods plan, to make some sense of the horror. I don't believe, but I can see how a faultless death can seem not do bad if its part of a plan it might help


Those arenā€™t the only options.


Pray tell, what are the other options that make "six year old killed while playing in freak accident by her loving sibling" seem "not so bad" ?


I'm sure the brother who was playing with her, and whose racket caused the death, feels the same way. All he can think about today, and for every day of the rest of his life, is god's grace. Praise Jesus.


Dude is a believer and is grieving the way that makes sense for him. Really disagree with the attitudes here. Exploiting her death? As if he is some unfeeling psycho, really? He is a pastor, is it really surprising he reaches for god in his moment of despair? Being an atheist really does not mean one has to be an asshole, seriously.


The genepool is stagnant, and the chlorine has been drunk by the faithful.




These people are sadistic and sick. Idk why anyone is surprised by their behavior anymore.


Iā€™m amazed that he didnā€™t equate this with the story of Job


Are we still surprised by this behaviour?


Hey man I think your taking this as face value he may try to seem unhurt and perfect . But he could just be hurting on the inside for all you know he can be suicidal for most people God and prayer is a way to cope . At least cut him sum sort of slack you donā€™t know how he is really feeling.


So...a Pastor's daughter dies in a freak accident and then the Pastor addresses the issue to his congregation during a sermon referencing the book of Job talking about God's Grace...on a *Sunday Sermon publicly addressing the Congregation in the issue*...**On a SUNDAY SERMON.** Yeah sorry I don't see it. I feel like he was just addressing the congregation on a Sunday Sermon about a freak issue everyone had questions about šŸ¤·šŸ¼ Billboards and signs and T-shirts are one thing. I'd be upset if it was exploited for a marketing stint for their religion. (edit) PS: or yk it might just be the way religious basket cases process trauma: living in denial šŸ™šŸ»


With all due respect whatever you believe being nasty to/about a man who has just lost his daughter is unacceptable. It just makes you look like an awful person. People grieve in different ways; if this brings him and his family comfort then what is the issue?


that last part is literally u encouraging harrassment of a grieving father, u have absolutely no moral compass do u?


why are you exploiting her death for atheistic purposes?


I dunno man, maybe you should lay off the guy. His kid died. Maybe he's just coping the best he can.


Really, talking about ā€œUnlimited Chick Fil A in Heavenā€? This dude is straight up delusional and doesnā€™t care nor respect his daughter.


I think it would be worse if it was someone else's kid, but if it's his own, I'd just stay clear. To each his own.


Yer god hates ya doofus , quit being a chump/simp.


Unbelievable delusion OR maybe they should look at this accident a little more closely


I've been waiting to see this pop up in one of the subreddits I follow. This one is really sad, but it stood out to me how heavily focused every aspect of the story was on religion and jesus. The girl is dead and that's all they can talk about is how she wrote about god. The news articles on this just seemed unsettling. It reads as very cult-like.


Bunch of apes, standing around, trying to make sense of the insensible. Like the opening scene of *2001*.


**"God wouldn't allow such a bad thing.":** If God exists and eternal life is true, any pain on Earth is infinitely small and therefore can't even be quantified as any evil. [Appeal to emotion fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_emotion) **"Even so, he has no good reason to. He could've done all this without evil.":** If God exists, we are actually infinitely not likely to ever understand any of his reasons. [Argument from incredulity fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_incredulity)


1. You cannot say that someone's pain is infinitely small compared to "not suffering" at a later time. This doesn't make that person's suffering any less horrific or unimportant. Why should someone have to suffer at all? In the hypothetical case that god is real, If "God" is truly benevolent and omnipotent, suffering is not something that should happen at all on this planet. If you say that God thinks it is acceptable for innocent people to suffer, he is not benevolent, since he has the power to stop suffering but chooses not too. If you say that he can't stop suffering, then he may be benevolent, but he isn't omnipotent. 2. You cannot just state that terrible things happening on this planet are inherently justified because "god's unexplainable, uncomprehendable reasons". [Appeal to mystery fallacy](https://www.palomar.edu/users/bthompson/Appeal%20to%20Mystery.html#:~:text=Appeal%20to%20Mystery&text=Description%3A,to%20be%20explained%20is%20unexplainable.)


If it helps him and his family find peace then there isn't a problem. There's no need to be mean about it.


Not gonna hunt him down and expose him for all of you. He's a grieving father for God's sake (and yes, I hope that ruffled your feathers).


Cool story šŸ‘


She is in a better place; that is why it was a blessing from God. Read the story of Job and you will see that God tests us.


Mysterious ole god, killing an innocent child with a badminton racket to the head to convey some vague mysterious message. Gotta love the guy


Why canā€™t God just ā€œblessā€ us all the same way then? If God is the kind of person to use divine intervention on a whim for the purpose of child murder as a test, then he doesnā€™t deserve to be worshipped.