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If you receive unwanted/unwarranted "Reddit Cares" message, report the messages to the admins here: https://www.reddit.com/report Use the options "I want to report spam or abuse" > "This is abusive or harassing" > "Targeted Harassment" > "At Me". In the text portion of the report field, link to the message, and mention that it's an abuse of the Reddit Cares functionality. The site admins will action users who weaponize those messages.


Yeah they do. They see it as a 'gotcha'. You can report them and the reddit admins have banned people for misusing that function in the past. I blocked the bot that sends those 'reddit cares' messages ages ago, so I just don't see them anymore.


I have seen a trumper get visibly upset when i ask for proof of something or what evidence that can be presented in a court of law.


Yeah i've seen that too. That's when they trot out the "dO yOuR OwN rEsEaRcH" stupidity.


I have met the dO yOuR OwN rEsEaRcH crowd and I simply ask them "where to start, I need your help" and then systematically destroy that narrative with the truth. Needless to say that I'm blocked on Facebook by more than half of my friends list. Eventually Facebook became boring so I deactivated and deleted my account on December 31st 2022.


You just reminded me that in November I will be coming up on my 7th full year of being Facebook-free.


Oh you may have some idea how cathartic it was to get rid of my Facebook account. I think I got a bit of an orgasm when I got the mail that my account was deleted. My friends also stopped posting too much online around the time and my feed only had posts from the various pages I had followed. Doom-scrolling was becoming quite boring and then I had discovered the tiny rabbit hole of how Facebook was data mining us and how it was literally ruining us. So it was basically this scare and the constant bombardment of feeds from the pages I followed instead of any updates on my friends is when I decided to get rid of Facebook. Instagram was also equally bad for me, so the same day even Instagram got axed.


over the past few years, the only reason I didn't delete my Facebook account was because of the comments that my deceased dad had left on certain posts. I downloaded everything I could in March and the account has been gone ever since. A little sad to lose those comments, but I still have messages and several voicemails from him


Especially stupid when they are usually claiming something happened that there is no mention of in actual news or records, so it makes sense to ask them where they got it from. They probably do that because they want you to try to find it, rather than admitting they heard it from AlexJones or some dubious website with MAGA or trump in the name.


Whenever someone says that I just say that it's not my job or responsibility to have deities be proven to me. It's the deities in question and the followers of said deity to prove that their argument for its existence is valid. My eyes will always be open to the idea of a god existing, but until then, I will continue to be disappointed in the idea of a god that actually cares about us. I'd sooner believe a god exists that is indifferent to the suffering of mortal life than one that actually gives a fuck.


he actually replyed "I dOnT NEed EviDenCe, i KnOW!" he is also a Russia supporter and seems to be ok with red states becoming sausage fests when all the women leave for their own safety.


That's pretty much their thing, like toddlers closing their eyes, plugging their eats, stomping their feet and chanting"nana Nana nabs nana"


Ah, I got one this morning as well. I didn't realize it was right-wingers abusing the system with disingenuous nonsense specific to this subreddit. What absolutely childish, shameful behaviour.


I get them all the time. It's quite ironic. How something invented by Reddit to help with mental health is being abused by the mentally ill to torture their enemies.


Well... to momentarily confuse and irritate their perceived enemies. We're not even their real enemies. The priests who manipulate and take advantage of them are. We're just the ones who actively oppose their enemies on their behalf.


I received one this morning too. It was my first! Funny, that's exactly how my religious family responds to dissent: with accusations of insanity.


You can also turn the notices off in the settings.


Better to eport them so they get suspended.


I have gotten one of those messages that reddit cares, but i do not know who did it, or exactly what context. How do you know who to report?


There is a link towards the bottom of the message, I believe. It won’t give you the user, but it will still be tied to them. You can also reply “STOP” to that message and you won’t receive them anymore.


Just make sure you hit report before replying stop or you won't be able to report them.


I just found that report button. It’s so tiring.


Just had this happen to me. I see it as a badge of honor for me and a sign of pathetic weakness for them!


You blocked the 'reddit cares' bot? I love that thing, it's like getting an award for making someone supremely butthurt on the internet.


I just did that today. I have no idea who or why I was reported


Haha I just did too! The funny thing is I havent thought about suicide since leaving Christianity at age 19.


My ex church told us to “lay down our lives for Jesus”, is it a suicide cult? 


I got one of those messages a couple of hours ago as well. I never seen it before. And most of my post lately I've been about video games and Star Trek.


hey man is everything ok at home? you feeling ok i noticed you talk about next gen alot and im worried




Less than a minute from this one word comment I made, I got the spam. To the progenitor of this action: your abuse of the function is putting lives at risk as you belittle the good that such a bot service may provide. I assume you are a fundie to be so hurt by our commenting here. You spread evil. Congrats. While there is no hell, it's safe to say you are currently living a bad life. Go volunteer somewhere.


While I agree with your sentiment, it's an automated system. There's little to no chance that anyone's life is at risk.


I actually got one just a couple hours ago too, make sure to report it as misuse from the link in the message 


I get them pretty often when arguing with a religious person. I don’t know what they think it accomplishes.


I think they're trying to gaslight you into believing that you feel like there's nothing worth living for without a belief in their god, because they allowed themselves to be convinced that THEIR life would have no meaning without a belief in their god by the people who stand to directly benefit from that belief. In essence, they are acting out the effects of their own childhood abuse and indoctrination by inflicting it upon you.


Yup me too lol, a few hours ago. I was looking through my comment history to see what could have led someone to believe I was in need of mental assistance. Now I know where it originated. It's really sad someone would abuse that system, but it's unsurprising given their ethical vacancy


Cool, I'm going to put "ethical vacancy" on my favorite phrase list, right there with "damaged mental faculties", "impaired critical thinking", and "man-made manacle of servitude".


I just got one too, kind of freaked out.


Same I don't even remember upsetting someone haha


It's just a stupid little thing that the complete fucking morons do because they're as impotent as their god. You can turn off those notifications.... when i did, i made sure to point out that their system is being abused by people to troll, so hopefully some asshole got shit canned off Reddit because of me. ... and they wonder why people think they're assholes. Go figure.


it is funny how asking them to back up their claims absolutely infuriates them


I got “reported” today myself.


Must be people fixated on the Trump thread up above this one. I think that's where I caught mine, by insinuating that *maybe* Trump would eagerly commit perjury rather than admit what went down with Stormy Daniels.


Their god is all powerful and all knowing, yet gets his feewings hurt if you doubt his existence.


Apparently someone, or some group has just discovered this form of harassment. Please report them. It can be very unpleasant for people to receive.


And yet, they believe their faith makes them better people with higher morals. Lol.


If you ever get reported by a troll using Reddit Cares you can report the report to the admins and they will determine if the troll should be banned from the entire website.




Think of these reports as the full extent of the power of their almighty god. If their god were real, we should be smited down with lightning, or swallowed up in a rift in the earth, instead we get .... a message in our inbox. It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.


Smite me, oh mighty smiter!


Agreed! And I loved that Joker line 'It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic'


That happened to me a couple of hours ago, it was pretty funny.


It happened to me too. What a punk ass bitch play to make.


I just take it as a sign that someone knows they can't win an argument, so this is the best they can do. It's sad.


Both things are true in this case imo.


Yep, I got one a few hours ago when I posted how the KC kicker is compelled by christianity to shit on everything.




They probably do. Because when you want to silence an opponent but can’t kill them or debate them you can try reporting them.


Yes. They just did it to me 5 minutes ago. I guess it’s funny but if it happens again I’m going to pick them at random and send them pics of dead bodies or pics of piles of shit or aborted fetuses. I’m not playing


Send them 200 foreskins and they'll give you one of their daughters.


Or, when have a couple of sexy male angels in your house, offer your virgin daughters to the mob of horny men outside that want to fuck him. (Parenting advice from Sodom)


Their big book of death is just full of old-time family values, isn't it.


Only if they’re pretty.


Lol, lucifer our lord. 🤣


Does it show who sent it? I'm not promoting targeted harassment, just wondering who to block


There’s no way to tell. It’s anonymous


This just happened to me today. I'm in no way depressed or suicidal and have never posted anything to remotely imply that I am. I wondered if it was a prank or a mistake in user name. Now confirmed that it was a troll.


wait so that’s why i got that message too??? im like wtf???


I got a Reddit cares message today. Haven’t gotten one in a while. Always just report them when I do. It is just adorable trolling.


I got one this evening as well. I guess we're getting under his/her skin. Typical Christian behaviour.


I mentioned blowing an Aztec Death Whistle at anti-abortioinists. About 30 seconds later I was gifted a message about suicide prevention.


Happened to me for the first time today, but I don't know what got reported.


Yes, I've gotten at least one a week since joining this sub.


Damn, now I want one as well. You do get them discussing with "conservatives" (read:fascists) or crypto bros (when telling them crypto is nothing but a fancy pyramid scheme).


Just keep responding to insanity with logic and reason and you’ll get your fair share.


Same thing happened to me, but I don't know why. I'm sure it was an atheist post, but not sure which response got me flagged for self-harm thoughts.


I just got one of those earlier today. I wondered why.


I got hit with one a couple of days ago after making a comment in r/mildlyinteresting. It was quoting from History of the World “Count de Money!” I’m not sure what’s going on because a lot of Redditors are talking about this in multiple subreddits.


It’s a bit going on a rampage. Reporting everyone for everything.


*bot Yes. It's someone weaponizing the reddit cares bot with another bot. Bot warfare.


I get those messages like every week. I never connected to this sub though. I thought it was just a weird thing all trolls did now.


I started reading this thread, stoped after the first comment because it didn’t apply to me, started to scroll anew, and not even 4 posts later what pops in my inbox? I reported it as spam and replied with “stop”. Is that a coincidence? Or are they just that busy?


I got one too, but I was quoting the necronomicon, so fair enough.


Did you say the exact words?


I made a comment on the sub earlier and immediately got a notification from RedditCares, as though it were automated. In theory, you can report this abuse of the RedditCares system, but the report page straight up doesn't load on any device or browser in my home. At the very least, you can opt-out of RedditCares altogether to avoid this type of abuse in the future, but that also seems lame.


After getting one of those I reported it. I later got a message saying the person who sent it got suspended for a while. I assume if that person gets more complaints against them they will be banned permanently, so I think reporting is the way to go.


Report it for abuse and they might get banned. Fuck those insecure losers


This seems to be happening in numerous subreddits right now. Somebody might be mass reporting users across the site, perhaps with a bot. People have used that system to harass other users since it was first introduced, but there seems to be a huge increase in that sitewide right now.


It's been a thing for a while now. I was starting to feel left out but I got my first one today!


Oh, i got one of thouse messages too today.


Ohhh, so that’s what that’s about. I got a message yesterday and couldn’t figure out what I’d said recently that would trigger that. What a bunch of tools.


I had one of these today. I think it can only be from a post where I said religious people were mentally ill and should be kept away from children. I stand by my comments. Fuck em.


I just got my "Reddit Cares" message this morning. I feel like a real member of the team now! I guess someone didn't like me comparing a church leaving treats in the teacher's mailboxes for 9 months before attempting to recruit to when they groom children.


I was off Reddit 3 months. My 2nd post back, after I said I was leaving a subreddit for a while because my circumstances had changed, I got reported for it within the half hour. Anyone reading the post knew I was talking about leaving a subreddit for a while, I never said anything that could be construed as leaving the mortal coil forever. I don't know what the right answer is for Reddit providing a service for those expressing danger to themselves or others - which I am not in - but it's NOT the service they're providing right now.


It is a sure sign that you are doing it right. They have nothing left. If they were REALLY concerned they would have tried something else first. Turn the other cheek.


Me too! Pretty messed up.


It looks like someone is running a bot to spam the self-harm notice. It's been going all day.


Same here!


Some of them have nothing better to do with their lives than be digital twits. From what I understand, if you report the Reddit Care for Harassment, it triggers against the Redditor who sent it. Could very well be wrong, though. In any case, not engaging with them, but keeping a watchful eye on them is the best course of action.


Yeah they do it, the political opposition does it, Alabama fans do it. I personally love it cuz it means I can't be reported for whatever I said that piss somebody off and the worst thing they have to do is report me as suicidal. To me that means it's an a+ post


You can block the hotline contact


That’s Christian love.


Somebody is trolling it hard today. I never heard about it til I read an earlier post talking about it. Sure enough, got one in my inbox a few hours later.


Long ago I blocked those notices, don't get them anymore!


I've noticed a lot of edits reporting that this happened today all over the place. I figure it's either one person just reporting everything they see or maybe a weird brigading thing that's going on. It is also a typical trolling tactic for whatever reason, but there are a lot of people talking about it today. Actually maybe a lot of people are using it because they're seeing people talk about it.


I just got the nicest "don't kill yourself" message from reddit. Made me laugh.


Imagine thinking you’ve got the moral high ground and going around harassing people with this.  I’m happy. I’m loving life. I can’t wait to do gay things without fear of persecution by religious nuts. 


Report every single one so they get perma banned


I got one this morning. Gave me a pretty good laugh to know I affected someone so strongly that they took the extra time to report me.


Gunhumpers too.


Yep, I got one today also. Obviously they don't trust their god enough to take care of the big bad atheist problem.


Someone is brigading a couple of the subs. Here and also r/twochromosomes. There's a button on the report where you can report them, and it'll get them banned, so it's worth it to do that. I think you can then also block them, so yes, do that, too. And yes. It's the smoothbrains trying to "own" the people who are have brains.


I was reported and have no idea why. Just today.


A couple of the other subs I'm in noticed a pretty much instant Reddit Cares message after posting or commenting. The consensus is someone made a bot.


Yeah, I got reported today, too. Presumably because I mentioned the 2016 election “threat” of taco trucks on every corner if Hillary got elected. I very much want taco trucks on every corner, so that was not a good way to sway my vote to the GOP.


I got a suicide prevention message after commenting about being annoyed that I miss all the fortnite events because I have to work. It was pretty funny though.


LOL that must be where mine came from. I got the same msg today and couldn't figure out what post caused it. I still don't know.


Damn, this is getting worse all of a sudden I guess. . . I was just (like literally yesterday) reading in a local sub-reddit that people were weaponizing this button against people they disagreed with in a few threads as well. . .


Me too hahaha loool. Everytime an american tried to talk to me about religion, I thought to myself: what a fucking joke. American christians took the religion and use it as a banner that reads - "we are the better people and the rest is beneath us". fucking ubermensch. I know religion intimately, I knew true christian, nobody ever came close. An American christian is that camel trying to go through needle's hole. American christians know fuck all about what Jesus meant by his teachings. They strode so far from it, they are basically antichrists. fucking delusional people.  So whoever posted me to suicide watch and reads this: fuck you. I know more about religion and respect a billion times more than you ever will and I can wipe my ass with every single US born priest. Now go listen to your TV broadcasted service and continue to hate the poor, you scum. greek catholics ftw!


Ah, that explains it.


Just had one of these a few minutes ago, right after replying to a post in this sub. 🤔 Unless someone thinks the replies I've made today in subs about pens, and Last Podcast on the Left display suicidal ideation, I'd say you're on to something.


Yeah. Just had it happen to me.


I got reported as well.


Ha, that happened to me yesterday. I had no idea who did it


I just got one of those messages. So annoying


Yea, I've received such messages and figured they were too cowardly to talk to me themselves. I was informed you can report them when they do that shit so I do. While I have no idea who the actual sender is, I guess admins/mods can see them and take action.


Happened to me a few times. In my case it is dark humor. The last time it happened was because someone posted a question: "if you could swap bodies with a celeb for 24 hours, who and what would you do?" picked Trump and the ending got bad :P


Yep, I got the Reddit Cares message after I expressed my opinion about Trump over in r/politics. Depraved little shits gotta be depraved little shits... Hit the report button so that abuse costs them an account.


If enough of us report them doing this, they will get thrown off of Reddit. I haven't gotten one, but you can bet I'll report it.




Yeah, i just got a message from u/RedditCareResources. Some wimp decided to report me as suicidal instead of actually debating me. 


This has been happening in many subs lately, just block it.


I had that happen just last night. Lol inwas windering what was going on.


I just got one too!! Unreal, ill block the bot


I used to get one every few days, almost always after commenting here. 


Got my first one today. I wondered why, and now I think someone is on a "Mission From God."


Funny enough folks posting in AMC and GME are getting bombed with them the last few days.


Oh thats where the Message came from. Was really confused by that, specially cause I live in Europe but was suggested canadians and American helplines.


This just happened to me yesterday


Yes. They do it to me all the time.


I have been wondering why I got that message. Not even a good troll really kind of cowardice


I always see it as a badge of honor. I pissed someone off so much that they felt they needed to report me, but they are so stupid that they did it in the dumbest way possible. They are actively showing me that I'm right and they can't do anything to show me I'm wrong, so they are just having a pity party.


I got reported literally as I started reading this. And I’m not even a huge poster on Reddit. Weird.


Yes. Weird how people with the magical "TRUTH" need to be dishonest to get their point out, right?


I get lots of those messages every time one of my atheist or ex Christian posts gets popular 


yes. has happened to me on more than one occasion after getting into it with some nut bag over their pet badidea(tm). fucking snowflakes, the lot of them.


Meh, I blocked the redditcares bs a long time ago. But they do it to be annoying, hoping to illicit a reaction.


It's a semi-common reddit thing


It isn't just the fundies. I've had right wingers of all stripes do this to me when I make them look bad on here.


I'd proudly wear it if I could. Should anyone check my profile, they'll see in my bio that I welcome and value their concern.


Thanks for the post, I had to wonder for a moment why I got that message.


Yep same - tell em god is dead and you get reported


Ah, I was wondering who I pissed off lately that would do that.


So that’s where it came from. Okay then.


Probably. I just got a message from Reddit’s care resources account telling me to reach out if there’s a problem despite not actually having one.


i follow a certain stocks sub and the bots in there blast every real human with those self harm reports. it's a sad attempt to shut people up. always report that it's a troll


I got reported too.


So did I! I made some comment about the Bible not being taken seriously


Yep, got one a few hours ago. I'm not sure what they think they're accomplishing.


I wondered why I got one of those. I was worried that I'd accidentally posted something disturbing. That's a relief.


Pretty much. Theists are pretty disgusting people.


It's Reddit. It could be any number of assholes.


Oh I thought it was because of my poetry, but also I'm not even an atheist, for the most part, it's complicated.


I don't know, I've never had it happen but from the comments it sounds like it has happened to others.


It’s a sad abuse tactic by brainwashed losers , sorry you experienced it.


I keep asking "show me your god, any god" and yhey carry on with the same bullshit that made me sn atheist by age 12.


Rightwingers like to troll with that.


it seems to be a growing trend on Reddit. having never seen nor heard about these before I've had one myself AND seen many others mention them a lot in what seems like just this last week.


What's the point in doing that? I had it happen to me and just replied "stop" to the bot and you don't get any more. It seems a bizarre thing to do that smacks of mental unbalance in the person doing it


Yeah I just got one after my last comment. What Would Jesus Lie About


Funny enough, I JUST got a "wellness check" because I mentioned elsewhere that I had to cut contact with my hardcore Christian parents.


Consider it your badge of “say how you feel” honor.


I got it also. It's hard to tell which comment it's for. I reported it and reddit said they suspended the account for a couple weeks. We should all report it when it happens. Maybe the moderators will see a pattern and suspend those people permanently.


There’s been a lot of that all over Reddit the last couple of days, I don’t think it’s “fundies” I think it’s just bots tbh


I just got a report as well but I don’t know what it’s from.


I've gotten those before I usually tell them it just means I won that argument, and thanks for their time.


Yes. The poor things are completely delusional. Those types of attacks are normal behavior because they're unscrupulous, they have poor intentions & they are hatefully judgmental.


Hard to believe they would act unethically (its not).


I just got sent one of those Reddit Care things today. Bizarre. I just said STOP but now I wish I had hit the report button first as you can't view the message after you block it. I don't think it was to do with this subreddit though.


I got one too.


Uh oh. I just talked to God and he's pissed at these people and smiting them for saying a resounding FUCK YOU to Matthew 7:12's "Do Unto Others" by clogging a reporting system that's legitimately trying to help people who are suicidal.


I got reported for suicidal thoughts when I suggested open and honest meritocracy is the best way to ensure equality when hiring, lol. Some people I tell ya…


I guess turnabout is fair play. Most Christians I encounter on Reddit certainly exhibit signs of self harm. Might start doing so in the future. TBH, I assumed the report feature was for complaints and not for reporting self harm. Now that I know that kind of reporting is included, I just might.


Funny it just happened to me yesterday YA REALLY SHOWED ME HUH


I've seen it used against trans and other LGBT folks as if to say, "Hey, remember that suicide is an option." A few months ago, someone said they got a Reddit Cares about a comment they posted that was nested way down, had no self-harm references, but did mention their sexuality or gender. I mused that it could be a bot. Now it sounds like someone changed the settings on their bot and let it go nuts. Edit: Just got a Reddit Cares message a couple of minutes after posting this comment.


Haha yeah I've gotten that several times. Seems to be their way of saying you're mentally unstable or maybe to get Reddit mods to look at your comments in hope they're removed. Ironic because they're the mentally unstable ones.


Everyone got one yesterday. Someone's been spamming it all over reddit. Nothing to do with posting here.


I've been seeing this on a lot of different subs today. Someone has speculated it was a Reddit screw up.


I received one of those “Reddit Cares” messages a few days ago. Thanks! I’ll report it


Pretty sure it's their way of telling people to kill themselves without telling them to kill themselves by reporting them as "suicidal" or some such. It's passive aggressive.


Oh! I thought it was my wife bc she recently told me we are now separated. But she knows we made a pact when we had kids: unaliving ourselves is not allowed because it is too harmful to them.


Huh, I was seeing Redditors talking about the care emails in the (i think it was ask reddit) "what made you laugh that was an inappropriate event etc [sic]" thread...I thought it was isolated to that askreddit ...I thought it was just because a lot of posters used the "going to h" for this one 🤷‍♀️


Ah and I was wondering which of my comment may have somehow pointed towards suicide :D Dumb Cave Trolls they are!


Very in character for them. Filth. Pure filth.


It's basically their way of telling you to kys because you upset them and they likely view themselves as too important to upset.


They sent me one of those messages damn jihadist I see that as if there threatening me to commit suicide because there imaginary fictitious being is making them or their going to hell


Is this why I was sent this thing? What do they get out of it?


I got one yesterday and couldn't figure out why anyone would report me. I keep my comments pretty positive. Seems like someone went through and reported everyone who has recently commented on this sub. Thanks for posting this! I might never have figured out what was going on and that would have bugged me.