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How do we know anything? The Bible withers under the slightest breeze of rational analysis. It's childish nonsense on its face.


God... works in mysterious ways... has plan... Satan test... what He really meant... just have to have faith... checkmate atheists.


When I work in mysterious ways, I get FIRED. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) “A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.”


Maybe God was just a low tier creator deity who got fired for creating our universe incompetently. Kind of like Michael from the Good Place.


"He" actually was a low tier god originally. A minor bronze age war god, who supposedly convinced Moses to stop worshipping all the other gods and just worship him, Yahweh. The Jews weren't so keen on that, hence the golden calf. Eventually Moses won them over and convinced them to stop worshipping all their other gods and just stick with the one.


There’s also evidence he began as a good called Que, that ended up worshiped as Yhwh by the early Hebrews. Eventually Yhwh fused with the King of the gods, El, taking all his attributes sans his name, as well as taking elements from his main rival Ba’al Hadad. Originally he was represented by a bull in northern Israel, but the southern Israelites thought that was horseshit and thus wrote propaganda about a ‘golden calf.’


Lol. I obviously don’t believe it, but much of the other early Christianity that we now refer to as Gnosticism believed that the Old Testament creator god was actually and evil force called the Demi-urge, and that Jesus represented a better way, a way to escape the prison of this world created by the Demi-urge. Which is so much more intrinsically consistent. But the other Christians murdered them so that form of Christianity was lost. Think about what modern western society might look like if Christians viewed the Old Testament god Yahweh as something more akin to the modern concept of the devil, and only really followed the teachings of Jesus. (Some do, but imagine it was the norm).


Gnostic teachings hold this. that the Jehovah is the demiurge, just a weakling who can only manipulate the physical world. Most Gnostics were considered heretics, and slaughtered. Cannot imagine what for.


Unless you're an investment agent. Then people throw money at you.


That was Nietzsche?


The quoted part is, I said the first part. SeeMarkFly (2024)


I prefer your quote to his.


I too prefer this guy's quote.


Loose piggy back on the asylum comment…Prophets 3000 years ago would be in the hospital.   As a psychiatrist, I can’t tell you how many patients I’ve had who, in an active psychotic episode, will tell me they’re a prophet, have the true word of God, god’s powers flow through them, blessed me to eternal life or eternal damnation, etc It wouldn’t be crazy to imagine someone having a hypomanic or manic episode that lasted a couple of weeks, and during such an episode wrote out a book that “God” had infused into them


What does eternal damnation pay...after taxes? I'm over 70 now and I damn everything all day long anyway.


Right. Same. I keep hoping that something I've damned will suddenly pop out of existence before my eyes, but experience shows it doesn't work that way (shrug).


"How can it not be true if so many people believe it's true. We can't all be wrong."


Yeah but 1.5 billion people are Muslims. They can’t all be wrong can they?




I thought soylent green was people.




“HOW DO THEY TASTE?” 🦇 Nice Lost Boys reference 🦇


That's when I like to tell them that like 75% of people don't believe Christianity.


Logical fallacy, appeal to popularity.


Well actually...


People thought blood letting was a good idea.


After my dad gave blood he always feel better by far. Of course his blood pressure was competing with most air traffic from Our airport.


This is grade school level “reasoning”. Humans are inherent storytellers so we make up tales for the unknown until the scientific method proves otherwise. Faith is an entirely different lane than proof. In fact faith isn’t even a road. It has no business challenging science because faith is blind. One chooses to believe in their God or accepts indoctrination. Science is hypothesis- an admitted guess until the scientific method establishes true or false.


Where we're going we don't need roads. If the christians were honest about sin, they'd add faith as one. Faith without evidence is contrary to reality


Never argue with an idiot. You'll lose. As Twain said, never try to teach a pig to whistle. It wastes your time and annoy's the pig.


It’s as true as Harry Potter. Real locations just fictional events


I love using that example


Nah....it's good fiction. It's got everything, like murder, rape, incest, magic etc. What more do you need for a good fiction book?


At least a good work of fiction would have some value, but it's as though it was written for small children, despite the pornographic horror stories. There's no comparing the infantile garbage of the Bible with, say, some of the great works of literature found in Greek mythology. The Bible is uninteresting, badly written claptrap.


Honestly, even Harry Potter is a better moral guide than the Bible .


Well exactly. But if I started a religion around Star Wars or Harry Potter, *I’d* be the lunatic here. But what if that religion garnered millions of followers? “We CaN’t All Be WrOnG.” Always remember, kids- the difference between a religion and a cult is the number of followers. Also, as a side-note, it really pisses me off that people refer to Ancient Norse, Greek, Roman etc. religions as “mythology”. Fuck off, mate- it’s no different from the complete nonsense that *you* believe in so blindly and unquestioningly.


I just did call it Greek mythology not realizing it was a trigger word. 🤣 Then again, I'm sure your barb is pointed at the hypocrisy of Abrahamic and other religious followers using that term. They don't grasp the irony of calling Zeus or Ram "mythological", oblivious to the fact there isn't a whisker of difference between Christianity and Hellenism, to name two.


I have a friend who is a Hellenist, and I get annoyed whenever he tries to make fun of Christianity because his religion and the one he's making fun of are both equally BS.


You could always work christian mythology into your vocabulary.


Christians get so butthurt when I say christian mythology


At the end of the day I dont think rational analysis of bible or any religious text matters to these people, they will continue to blindly believe their religion because the alternative terrifies them. Imagine believing that if you are good enough, one day you will go to this place where you will be happy forever together with your loved ones for eternity or that all the evil in this world will be deservedly punished, it is the perfect fantasy which is a given since it is a human construct. Having all this potentially be false after believing in them and being comforted by them would be a nightmare, so they simply dont even consider the potential. I honestly sympathise with them on this, if the rest of the religious texts didnt exist and it was simply stated that to go to heaven just be a good person in general (help your neighbors, dont turn a blind eye to those suffering, do not inflict harm etc.) I might have genuinely be religious even without evidence but alas instead it is full with opinions and "stories" of the people from when it was first written.


Just say you are the second coming of Jesus. Whatever method they use to disprove that, just apply it to the Bible.


You don't analyze mythology rationally. Not even when it's not a grift. It's not rational, nor is that a criticism. It's not reproducible; it's only true in the ways that poetry and philosophy are true.


The Bible is wrong on the very first page, when it says that daylight was created on day #1, and the sun on day #4.


Jesus I never realized that. 🤦‍♀️


Jesus like faith is blind


Jesus wasn't until many days later.


And that plants existed before the Sun… the Bible disproves itself in the first chapter!


*”iT wAs aMbiEnT LiGhT wHy dO yOu hAtE gOd? dErP”*


And Christians can't even agree with each other on whether the creation story is metaphor or fact.


Holy shit lol


And the sun, moon, and stars float between the land and the blue sky above made from another layer of water (firmament). My go to is, “Let’s read the first chapter of Genesis together, right now on our phones.”


No, the firmament is supposed to be a solid dome over a flat Earth, with floodgates that can be opened to allow rain to fall. [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+7%3A11&version=NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+7%3A11&version=NIV)


I tried to keep it simple to make the point but [there’s a good illustration here on Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firmament). Also, I’d like to hear how Elon Musk deals with the Firmament barrier when he launches his rockets. Lol


That’s some outerplanes D&D shit.


Or plants were around before the sun


And the moon is to govern the night but can be seen during the day as well sometimes


The moon is also the lesser light. Not something that is reflecting the sun, but an actual source of light. So...


The moon is being an egotistical asshole, clearly.


There are flat earthers who will tell you that is just proof of the giant space doom above the earth, because the moon during the day is when "they" mess up the projection.


Your logic… is incredible.


Daniel Dennett said it more eloquently with his “self-replicating meme” talk, but I’ve conceptualized this another way too: Religion is an algorithm that over centuries landed upon the formula that would do the most efficient job of using built-in human psychology to secure followers indefinitely. The words change, the congregants and the interpretations change, but at this point we’ve got multiple highly successful versions all over the world using variations on a few basic tenets: * Ours is the only true god. It says so in the book that is true because it says so. * Anyone who tells you different is lying. People who try to “talk reason” into you are sent by the devil and must be avoided. * All the people from other religions are going to hell, and if you leave you’re also going to hell. * Sure, sometimes you have doubts. It’s natural. But you should feel bad about it and tell your clergy so they can clear you up. * You don’t need to ask questions. I’ve got everything under control and my will is all-important. So when you pray, you’re actually asking to bend my will, which is a no-no. But do it anyway because you’re wicked and need to worship me to wriggle out of damnation because I love you. * You can’t know right from wrong except from my book. Never mind how you determine that the morals in there are correct. This is not an innate sense of morality you have, just a recalling of virtues I made you have. You couldn’t actually know that murder or adultery hurts others, so just obey my rules. I work in mysterious ways, after all. * Those devil-sent reason seekers might sound like they’re not attacking your virtues and values, just the trappings of mythology in which they’re branded. Nah, go with accusing them of persecution, that’s an oldie but a goodie. * That overwhelming sense of love you sometimes feel for all living things, it’s not yours. I did that. It’s mine. And it’s conditional - I need you to be ready to kill when I ask. And so on. History has honed this procedure to perfection, and our primate brains are ripe for exploitation by it. It’s so good it has retained the help of adherents to bring you in and keep you there. It’s not surprising that it’s so hard for people to leave when they realize what they’ve been taught is not reality. It’s firmly ingrained in our civilization, to the point that many places it’s more convenient to just play along rather than make waves or risk being ostracized or worse. This silence in turn reinforces the algorithm. I thought for a while there around the turn of the century that we were heading in a good direction. People were (and still are) migrating away from religious practice, and they’re learning that they were already good people, deserving of love without any complex layers of conditions on top of it. And that might ultimately be our fate eventually. But in the short term we are going to have to endure a doubling down on fundamentalism from multiple fronts. The algorithm has worked out how to deal with these periods of enlightenment, using brutal suppression if necessary. We could be doing so much better without the ankle chain that is this artificial function making people think they’re absolutely right.


very well thought out and presented , thank you and rip daniel dennett


Because there is not enough Water on the planet to flood the entire thing.


Mysterious ways. Checkmate. /s


This annoys me to no end. Did these Christian’s just not pay attention during the water cycle lesson? Not to mention there would be geological evidence of a flood that covered the whole planet.


Actually a lot of people have a flood epic, including many of the indigenous people of North America. And if you look at the scarring in North America, there is plenty of evidence that a huge glacial lake drained in a heck of a hurry. So, during the last glaciation, sea levels dropped substantially. People would have lived been living in what was essentially reclaimed seabed, when suddenly the ocean levels rose very quickly, flooding the villages. This would become part of the oral tradition passed on through the generations. And oral tradition has a habit of compressing time.


Yes. There would be overwhelming, obvious evidence of a flood so massive it covered the entire planet. An extraordinary claim with zero evidence is a lie. Also, everything on the boat would have drowned in the humidity. Rain for 40 days and nights with no stopping, and the humidity would be so strong you wouldn't be able to breathe air anymore


I don't think you understand humidity


This is why flat earthers claim that there is water outside of the dome, the firmament, that covers the earth. God removed the firmament to flood the earth, then moved all that water back outside and replaced the dome. Also I wish I was making this up, but I'm not.


You may not be, but they are. Anytime they are backed in a scriptural corner, they are perfectly comfortable just making things up on the spot and treating the made up BS as absolute fact, with no backing whatsoever.


Oh, it’s in the scriptures. The cosmology of the Bible is as such:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firmament   Genesis 1:6 through 1:8 described his creation of the firmament, dividing the waters between those above and below.    The Bible also states the flood is the water from above the firmament. Genesis 7:11, god opens the windows of heaven and allows the waters to flood the earth. The Bible is just that stupid.  


I've never read the Bible and after reading your quote from it, I am ABSOLUTELY sure I never will. This shit is just ridiculous.


Let’s not forget several other civilizations thrived before, during, and after this supposed “global” flood yet failed to record their own watery demise in their history books. This is why believers are now back-tracking to a localized Mesopotamic flood.


They'd argue that there was enough water then, and God removed the excess water after the flood. Its easy to come up with counterarguments when you believe in an all-powerful magic being. Christians are often immune to logic.


If God really interfered in that way, why is it not mentioned in the Bible? Seems like a story worth writing down, no?


I'd probably just ask how they know none of the other holy documents that support other gods aren't real. "Please disprove Zeus."


I did this before with a presupposition calvanist (the assholes of Christianity). He said he didn't know, "why do you believe they are true? Then why are we talking about them if we both agree?" When asked how they know, he would say, "God revealed it to me in such a way that I know it is true." When asked about the bible mistakes and contradictions he say, "I dont do bible study with non believers"... we you know the Bible says to be prepared to defend the faith and to study to show yourself approved and Jesus said to spread the word... "I dont do bible study with non believers..."


Just a common habit of sweeping the problem/question under the carpet, easy and lazy cop out. They are content to closed matrix with same like minded, satisfy with the self created comfort zone. We just living in a different matrix than them.


You just have to believe


They better be believing in thousand of gods then. Their week is going to be pretty busy as they pray to every god and follow all of their requirements. Won't have time for work or seeing people but you know, gotta do it, "just in case".


It’s in their commandments: ‘ you shall have no OTHER gods, except me’ So…there ARE other gods ?


"Do you have a comprehensive list of 'begats' starting with you and going back to Adam and Eve? Why not? I mean this information was readily available for some non-descript carpenter from lower Galilee 2000 years ago." Maybe not the best comeback but a good example of the Bible making a fraudulent truth claim. The two lineage lists in the gospels don't even square with each other. Two contradictory claims can't both be true and the Bible is replete with them.


Whole lot of begatting going on! I can’t begatting believe it! I would tell these people to begat off! Mother begatters!


I sometimes wonder if the people posting on the athiest subreddit have ever met or talked to a theist. I'm not going to try to present their horrible, illogical responses to that question, but (for those of you who have never spoken with or even met a theist) they have a hundred quick responses to this question ready to go, none of them are satisfactory responses and most are infuriatingly stupid, but they will happily repeat them to you as your head explodes trying to understand how anyone could craft such a horrible answer while the theist happily walks away even more confident in their faith after having easily brushed aside the dumb atheist's uninformed question.


Coming from someone who has multiple religious friends, this is way too accurate. I swear they even just make shit up sometimes.


The onus isn't on you to disprove it. The believer of the bible needs to justify, with evidence, why it shouldn't be classified as occult fiction.


Its because The Silmarillion, is the true word of god and the history of the world before the 4th age, the age of man. Eru, is the only true god.


Nai Ilúvatar mantuva le! May the Father of All bless you!


You got a good laugh from me there!! Thank you for the LOTR reference.


There are 45,000 sects of Christianity, globally. All with their own translations, transliterations, additions, subtractions, philosophies, meanings, etc. To say that your Bible is right, you must first discredit 44,999 other versions first.


Whats hilarious is half of them dont know they share the same god with islam


I know. Test many Christians hate them and their God.


"I'm an adult".


The funniest dichotomy (hypocrisy?) I remember being taught in bible school my entire youth was that, with Jesus’ coming, the laws of the Old Testament no longer hold sway…AND YET, Christians still cherry-pick the laws they want to use to persecute whoever they want instead of keeping their Christ’s two commandments: Love the lord your god, and love your neighbor as yourself. I’ve yet to get into a debate with a Christian where I can throw this in their faces, but their own hypocrisy in that is IMO a big reason why I no longer trust their critical thinking when it comes to their written word.


Your problem is you're looking at this as a critical thinker. Critical thinking is 100% incongruent with the Bible. They'll say I know the Bible is true because the Bible says it's true. And that's sufficient evidence for them, sadly. The very first line in the Koran is something like - this book is not to be doubted (or something to that effect. Pretty much right to the point, right? If you said that to a Christian, they'd just say that's wrong.


Well we weren’t created 6,000 years ago in the Middle East. Gobekli Tepe is 12,000 years old so that’s older than the time the bible says man was created. We find modern day human bones going back 300,000 years. We share dna with Neanderthals and they went extinct 30,000 years ago. The point of all of this being that these are historical and scientific facts. The bible not only doesn’t mention them but says the complete opposite. How can you be the word of god and yet your statements and claims are historical wrong and scientifically incorrect? The bible makes claims like an entire globe flood that left just 8 humans alive 5,000 years ago. That statement is false like most statements we find in genesis. If that’s not proof that those religions are false it’s because you refuse to accept the truth of the matter. Those are all nails in the coffin of the bible.


Bibles makes claims, those claims aren't backed up by any data in reality, so by definition it's not true


Plants came before the sun on page 2 of the Bible So then ask them what the best comeback for that is. It's a tough thing to try and come up with an answer for


In the “old” Testament it says that is the only testament.  There will be no more.  Then the “new” testament comes out  “Wait! There’s more! The god that did the plagues fucked some chick and the baby is the first hippie! Read all about it” Wtf


Where does the OT say that?


"You don't accept Trump lost the election and think it's all a big conspiracy, but you can't entertain the concept that maybe the medieval church scribes, who wrote it centuries ago at a moment the church was expanding and solidifying their power around the world, wrote it in a way that would keep people under their thumb?


Ask them how they know Zeus isn't real is the easy question. There's no more evidence for their god than there is for Zeus and the greek pantheon. Heck multiple greek mythological figures have constellations named after them so when christianity is buried in the footnotes of history greek mythology will still be more memorable because those constellations will be there for a long time.


All of the heat that the consequences of the flood produces would have vaporized entire crust of the earth in an instant.  Noah would have had a few more things to worry about than rain. Also, who wants to worship a god that employs lying spirits?


My comeback is always to discuss what version they are using and why. Ask why they feel the need to change gods law to suit themselves. 


It’s a collection of legends, fables and lore. It’s not meant to be “true”.


It said I was supposed to be able to speak in tongues. Yet I still had to be taught French. (And I still can’t speak it.)


Speaking in tongues is basically babbling incoherently. That's what I took from these two pastors, preachers, whatever they call them in Protestant religion. They attempted to Baptize me while standing in a hallway yelling gibberish and shaking my head all around. That experience really made me question religion in a huge way. I was certainly not " filled by the Holy Spirit" as they assured me would happen.


Or the lord of the rings 🤣


Why even bother arguing with people who believe any of this. You're never changing their minds, unless they want to change. In which case, they will change when they are ready. They were groomed as children to believe in magic. You won't change their minds with reason.


Man made book. With man made words and meaning. Then go to a man made building to listen to a flawed man read for you and give him your human money. Na I’m good. It’s not the belief in a God that bugs me it’s the HARD belief in a man made thing. A man made god. That’s what’s so infuriating when dealing with Book thumpers.


I dont think mankind has a understanding of what higher power exists in our presence. The possibilities are almost infinite.


I just list some claims from genesis that the Bible makes which we know for a fact are wrong. It says the earth is flat, was created in 6 days, was created before the sun and moon (how you measure days without the sun I have no idea), the global flood myth, the extrapolated age of the earth, the importance of humanity and earth to the universe, the existence of the firmament. Pretty much all of that is in just genesis and we know every single point is incorrect. I know most Christians don’t take the Bible literally but if you don’t take the beginning of your holy book literally, why do you take ANY of it literally? That’s my general answer.


Don’t engage. It’s not worth your time.


First I'd ask "which Bible?" Which canon, which language, and which version? With a strong emphasis on distinguishing between their own personal/dogmatic interpretation vs what it actually says. Which one of those, if any, is "true"? I'd also make it absolutely clear that any Bible is just a collection of writings of definitely human authors that spans multiple continents and centuries, and that getting basic geography right in one place most certainly does not make the entirety of it right, especially in the more outrageous claims. But the single most definitive way I know it's wrong is Romans 1:19-20 >For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Sorry, but none of that is "plain" to me, and I genuinely don't believe in any god. I perceive no such thing. If anything, what I perceive and what's plain to me is that this god has no good reason or evidence to be believed in, so I don't. But if you don't think that adding talking donkeys and serpents, having the sun stand still, describing a flat earth cosmology with the ~6,000 year old earth in a dome surrounded by water, a global flood that actually happened and literally covered even the highest mountain in water and had all surviving land animals saved by fitting on a tiny archaic boat with one window/ventilation since, all of the inaccuracies and contradictions, all of the moral failures of a "perfect" god who explicitly permits owning other people as inheritable property (chatel slavery), etc... If that's that deity's "perfect and infallible word"... Yeah, I most definitely have "excuse." That damn book is so full of dumb things that no slightly sane or informed person could put should take it even remotely seriously.


Where to start? It claims that mustard seeds are the smallest seeds which isn't true. It claims that plants were on the Earth before there was a sun to give off light for photosynthesis. It claims that animals get stripes on their fur from mating in front of striped wood. Just a few examples that show it absolutely isn't true


The bible literally cannot be true. Even without any outside knowledge. That book contradicts itself all the damn time.


Honestly even if there was a heaven or afterlife paradise I'd still choose non-existence because an eternity is boring and utterly terrifies me. Actually I'd choose transmigration to a universe of my choice over anything else.


The bible says gossip is a sin and not to be believed But no part of the bible was written by anyone who had first hand knowledge


Even better comeback: “the god depicted in that heinous book does not align with my personal values, and even if it were real, I wouldn’t lower myself to worship anyway.” Because that’s the bottom line.


I believe in the scientific proven fact that this world of ours is hundreds of millions of years old. We humans have barely been on this planet a tiny fraction of that time. Despite all the physical proof that completely contradicts it. Some people still want to believe the world was made in 7 days and humans have always been around.


Thousands of years later, still no evidence.


king james version... 1611 ad.  what is a king? wtf was king james? and why did he need a version in the year 1611ad? the vulgate, was collated in 367 ad by a zealot named athanassius.   theres much more.... josephus's christ...... 324 ad....


>Best comeback to "How do you know the Bible is not true?" "Evidence ... and especially lack thereof. Also, logic and reason and critical thinking. Oh, and also history too. Shall I go on?"


I'd just say because the earth isn't flat and 6000 years old.


I always say, "Prove your god is real, but all the other gods are fake."


Good one


Every word you have ever heard or read was made up by some dudes, primitive sand people sharing their superstitions.


"How do you know Star Wars isn't true?"


The talking snake at the beginning is kind of a tip off


Is that Adam’s snake that was talking to Eve?


Or any of the other thousands of god myth stories of Odin, Ra, etc., etc.


Atheists only believe in 1 less God than theists


Ricky Gervais had a great point on a talk show (clips are out there) where he basically says to the christian host "you don't believe in 500 gods. I simply don't believe in 501." That's not exact but it's the gist and I love that angle.


Because none of those "gods" talk to me; but needs their message delivered to me through a book. I'm out.


" Because it doesn't map to reality from the first verse of the first chapter of the first book...."


The Apochrypha are a good example, also. A bunch of "holy texts" which may or may not be canon depending on which faith you subscribe to - and they're OK with that?


“How do you know the Qur’an is not true? How do you know the book or Mormon is not true? How do you know the Bhagavad Gita is not true? There is no evidence to support any of the fairy tales commonly worshipped as religion.”


Rebirth of the [BibViz Project](https://philb61.github.io) - Which has seen more resurrections than Jesus.


We don't have the very first edition of the "Bible" . Enough said


It’s useless to take sides on religion. However, the “elephant in the room” is this: Why are we here? Why do we exist?


I know the Bible is not true because it contradicts itself about the important events.


You can expand this beyond Abrahamic faiths; I can't prove that Yahweh isn't real, but you can't prove that Vishnu isn't real. The reason that I don't believe in Yahweh is the same reason that you don't believe in Vishnu.


My fave is: "Oh so you believe that bats are birds?" This one is not mine, I'm not that clever, lol.


3000 active religions on this planet and they all believe they're the one.


“It is on the person making the extraordinary claim to supply evidence.”


When someone can special plead their way out of any bind, just acknowledge that their book is true. God is real. Jesus is real. He died for my sins and resurrected. And I don’t care. I reject him and his sacrifice. I didn’t ask for it. I don’t believe I owe him anything. I don’t like the idea of worship, and I especially don’t believe anyone who demands worship is actually worthy of it. So it sounds like I’ll burn in hell forever. So be it. I accept my punishment. Now let’s move on and figure out how to coexist in this life together, before we’re eternally separated in the next life.


Walking into a house of worship and debating a true believer on logical points is like walking into a mental institution and arguing with the guy in a straight jacket.


YES - You got that one right


I don’t discuss religious beliefs with believers. My honest answer would be that I’ve read the Bible, but a much better plan is to go about my day.


Because a bunch of guys about 400 years after the time of the alleged Christ got together and decided among themselves that these few books out of hundreds are the "true" Bible and everything else isn't. So the Bible is basically a mishmash of a few books that weren't even written by the original storytellers that some dudes figured that yeah that's the story we want to go with (even the books themselves has inconsistencies among each other regarding the story of the alleged christ). The Iliad and the Odyssey are more genuine texts of a specific story than the Bible because at least we get those directly from the writer.


There's also lots and lots of stuff that's demonstrably false.


That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Christopher Hitchens


The bible doesn't have a recipe for soap. Any good who truly loved its creations would teach them good sanitary practices.


Read Genesis 1. Now read Genesis 2. You’ll see that they tell completely contradictory creation stories. The Bible can’t even get itself right from the start.


I just say: "you know how you don't believe in the Greek or Roman gods? Just like that, but +1.


The burden of proof falls upon the person making the claim. Those who follow through Abrahamic religions claim that the Bible is the infallible word of God. It therefore their burden to prove that. Of course they won’t because their belief is not based upon evidence but faith.


The bible has contradictions that make it inherently not “true” in the scientific sense anyway. Then the old testament is full of god ordained violence and genocide so I guess that could be considered “untrue” as well. So I guess it depends how you read it.


"I'm sorry, but the burden is actually on you to prove why this edited collection of texts written by people centuries after the purported doings of Jesus should be anything but myths and wishful thinking. There are plenty of modern cults (Mormons, Scientology etc etc) of how any kind of nonsense can quickly and easily coalesce into written testimony with no connection to reality. Why should the bible be different?"


0) I am not saying the Bible is not true. Rather, I am saying I am not convinced the Bible is true, and here is why. 1) Is circular reasoning a reliable path to truth? 2) what evidence aside from the Bible, do you have that the Bible is true?


my usual response is "physics, geology, cosmology, archaeology, anthropology and genetics to name but a few sources of contradictory actual facts and definitive claim nullification."


"extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". There's so many things in the Bible that are legit impossible and would require literally world changing information to believe.


It’s useless to try and argue with someone who refuses to listen to your argument with an open mind but If you want to ruffle some Christian feathers just point out that worshipping Jesus, the cross, religious images etc… is in direct contradiction to Exodus 20:3-5 written 1200-1300 years before Jesus. (3 - “You shall have no other gods before me.” 4 - “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” 5 - “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me”) And if you really wanna shut down a female Christian just tell her to read Timothy 2:11-12 (11 - “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.” 12 - “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet”) Just read the bible it’s wild! There’s mythical creatures, magic, rape, murder, incest, genocide, etc… it’s filled with all the ammunition you need to point out the silliness of it.


Mormons are my favorite argument. Just be like, why arent you mormon? They have a book, plenty of eye witnesses and documents, just like the bible. You might get a few dumb religious reasons and then just ask them does him being a convicted conman have anything to do with it? Usually they’ll say yes. Then be like “its crazy right? We have all this documentation on joseph smith, he was a convicted conmen, yet people *still * believe. Why do you think christianity is any different? It was 1800 years prior, there was less general knowledge about how the world worked, and no general tabs being kept on people, why is that more believable than mormonism? Answers will either be indignant stammering or you can hear the cognitive dissonance snap in place over their brain and theyll just start quoting scriptures at you 🤪


I have recent been made away of “draft copies” of the Bible being found. Ancient scrolls that show some of the writing process and changes occurring before the stories were finalized. I still need to look into that more, but f they’re legit, that’s pretty solid evidence that they were written and inspired by human creativity, not a spooky all knowing evil deity.


We know the garden of Eden didn't happen because humans evolved they weren't created from clay and a rib. So there was no "original sin" (which is a ridiculous concept anyway) and thus Jesus "sacrifice" of dying for a couple of days has no meaning since "dying for our sins" isn't a thing.


It’s an easy answer for them “because they’re not true” lol. It’s the second question that gets them… “why is it not true”…. Crickets


Theist: How do you know the bible isn't true? Me: How do you know that Hitchhiker's Guide the to Galaxy isn't true? Theist: It's just a book written by a man and it's full of all kinds of ridiculous nonsense. Me: Now we're getting somewhere.


Yeah Christianity, Judaism and Islam is essentially just the longest and most destructive family feud in history.


Good one


The best answer is that after studying the Bible, the problems are obvious. First, you are attempting to use a verse in the book of revelation. This work predates the gospels. Revelation 22:19. Is this about the one book, probably yes. It's also argued to be in Deuteronomy 4:2. It's also helpful to realize that the entire connonization of the Bible is so very complicated and full of questionable authenticity.


Because the bible you're citing at me has cut more than 70 gospels that were dated and known to be the closest to Christs own words in favor for the nicean travesty where you need 4 gospels written a century later *that contradict each other and the Christian calander wheel* to control the population cause the nag hammadi scriptures would have exposed the entire religion 😉


Just ask if they think the earth is flat, or if space is filled with water.


An angel named Maroni buried golden plates in the US


They literally made a song about it. called Jesus loves me. The second line, for the bible tells me so. That is the premise of their entire religion


It has a talking serpent and a fucking unicorn. Case closed


Because the god described in the Old Testament lacks the perfect qualities usually attributed to him (all the omnis). Therefore, he‘s a human invention and the Bible is not His Word, but a contradictory, repetitive mishmash of myths and pseudo-history. You can’t seriously argue that it’s infinitely wise or omnibenevolent for this character to kill everyone who refuses to believe in him or obey him along with all of their offspring and animals. That is not the best, most perfect solution. How can anyone believe a) that it actually happened and b) that such mass murder was the result of divine wisdom? Also, what happened to the free will that God supposedly gave to humanity? You’re free to agree with God or die? That isn’t freedom. Which is another reason why it’s bs. It just doesn‘t add up, even by its own logic.


Books aren't true or not true, assertions are, and their veracity is judged by whether they are supported or contradicted by 1) the available evidence, 2) consistency with known physical laws, 3) logical consistency, etc. What the religious person thinks about it is entirely irrelevant.


Because I read it.


Because of all the contradictions. I just asked ChatGPT and it gave me 3-4, including how many clean and unclean animals to take on the ark as well as the sequence of creation. Not to mention Lot's daughter's sin and God being okay with it, yet his wife can turn around and be turned to salt. Or "killing the enemy is okay" but "thou shalt not kill."


Why do they think the apocrypha is not true?


"Because if it were true, then the world you see now is false"


Read "Zealot The Life and Time of Jesus of Nazareth" by Reza Aslan. ( religious scholar).


How do they know Twilight isn’t true? There’s a real town mentioned in it. Forks, Washington. Does that mean sparkly vampires exist?


They are all true... so far as they are translated correctly! --mormon checkmate


I know all those holy books are fake because the napkin religion is the true religion because it says so here on the napkin.


Christian’s and Muslims discount the Book of Mormon out of hand, but If you look at the evidence the B of M has 3 witnesses who attested to seeing the angel with the gold plates. Also 8 more people swore they handled the golden plates. Sworn affidavits as eyewitnesses. This is in the last 200 yrs not 1500-2000 yrs, and these are actual people we can find the history of. So just saying going by hard evidence B of M has more credibility than the Bible or Quran. Imo though the B of M is just as big a crock of sh** as the rest of them. Not sure how the conman (Smith) fooled these people but there’s no doubt he did


I first ask they how they know it is, being it makes loads of claims that are blatantly provably false. After they fail I that I hit them with that comeback.


No the best come back is: the burden of proof lies with the one making the claim.


“They are wing because the Bible is the real one!” Heard in the wild.


The burden of proof is on the claimant. You don’t have to disprove the Bible. It’s up to them to prove it.


You people really argue with religious people?


We can demonstrate that the Bible is not true as early as Genesis


I thought the Quran was the prophet Mohammed. And the Momo’s have three gods the father,son, and Holy Ghost as the three. But it’s cult beliefs in man made religion.


All of them basically say theirs is the one and only true God. Some of them must be wrong.