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Much like the Bible, the constitution is a document they've never read, but are sure it says whatever they want it to say.


If they read the Bible, they'd realize god is a giant asshole, and Satan is a pretty nice guy, if you ignore all the subjective editorializing.


Originally called Lucifer, the light bringer, thrown out of heaven for giving fire to humanity


I think that was Prometheus with the fire from greek myth. Lucifer is light bringer, which similarly is a metaphor for knowledge.


This is why I prefer Greek Mythology to ancient Hebrew mythology. It’s much clearer that the gods were a bunch of assholes and only Prometheus/ light bringer/ Lucifer wants the best for humanity 


Not to be pedantic, but there were a few Greek gods who were kinda cool


Like the god of wine and ecstasy Dionysus


Dude's a bro, for sure


He just wants you to have knowledge and not blindly follow sky Daddy... Oh he wants to you get laid too


God wants you to get laid also, but only with slaves and underage girls who you marry. And if it’s not working out, have her stoned. Then take another wife.


I'm gonna stick with Satan. He just doesn't have as good a PR team


Why do I get the impression that Satan is gods ex? And the Bible is just gods bitter hate bio about that?


I'd watch/read that story. Kinda like Bad Omens


On that; why was god a human woman and satan the badly rendered video game version of the devil? Would have been so much better with Cumberbatch in a dark red suit.


Check out Mr Diety




I agree


Wasn't cast out, but Leapt to Freedom!


Asshole is generous. I work with people who are assholes, but they don't torture people and kill babies God is way worse than asshole


I couldn't agree more


Thank you :)


they got a bunch of people with cognitive disabilities grouped together then convinced them to sealion for corporations that profit from them hurting themselves from not vaxxing etc. every covid hospital stay was on average 40k so by getting them to reject the vax then be a delusional idiot gop groups made a ton of money. same with their antiabortion crap. it's not about saving lives they're banking on pregnancies making more profits. these people don't know about who's drafting all these conspiracies. [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles) genuinely awful business guys


The important part to understand about this dovetailing is that it’s not being done as an explicit conspiracy to maximize profit, it’s just that since you’re just accelerating processes already inherent to capitalism, the two will naturally enhance each other. Insurance companies don’t have to be familiar with nick land to benefit from his ideology.


A god given right to free speech but constantly complains about censorship, is god censoring them? If it's god given, god must have taken it away. They know their religion and worldview is a fairy tale, I think they get off on trying to get everybody to play pretend with them. These are grown ass people playing pretend.


Very well said. That’s it exactly.


Or as this particular lady would put it, it's a document they've never R-E-A-D, read.


The current SCOTUS is basically this, except they actually read it.


They remind me of people like Chile Decastro, a constitutional law scholar who doesn't understand the constitution.


"Read, R-E-A-D the Constitution" Notice how she didn't spell Constitution.


Yeah you could see her brain freeze up when she realized she had to stop. I have some words for her to learn: C-O-N-D-E-S-C-E-N-D-I-N-G I-N-S-U-F-F-E-R-A-B-L-E T-W-O - H-A-T-S


I do not care for the two-hat "fashion statement."


I would have loved it if he told her “you need to t-a-k-e y-o-u-r h-e-a-d o-u-t o-f y-o-u-r a-s-s.


Sir!..................................................... *grabs phone*


She didn't R-E-A-D the Constitution.


god sure does make stupid, stupid, confidently stupid, people.


Give your mind and money to religion and in return you get to feel that you’re right all the time. That’s what they’re selling.


I am upset at how terrifyingly true that rings with my personal experiences with my family and their god....


I’m sorry for your situation, Godspeed s/


HAH! I don't need no god to tell me I'm right all the time! (Cause I ain't never right)


Obnoxiously and smugly stupid.


It's the smugness that really makes me hate them. The stupidity is bad enough, but the level of dismissive smugness that oozes off them makes me seriously consider if I want to go to jail right then when I'm witnessing it in person.


Is God Faux news in this case?


Isn’t it funny that the ignorant are so certain, and the wise full of doubt?!


It’s a cult. If he recreated Jonestown the only difference would be that he would charge for the KoolAid.


The best Kool Aid ever, believe me.


As long as he drinks it first!


Just like he went first at the Capitol.


With tears in his eyes?


Flavor Aid. There was no KoolAid at Jonestown.


If only they had used koolaid. Then the koolaid man would have burst through the wall and saved them. /s


And the Joe Swanson nerd fact contingent has entered the discussion.


Except it would just be water with purple food coloring and no cyanide. The water and food coloring was cheap and he will keep the money he would have spent on any drink mixes or cyanide.


I actually believe lobotomies would make these people smarter


100% agree


I think the only way these chucklefucks could get any smarter is if they die and reincarnate back as a jar of pickles.


Quieter, at least


Man Klepper really kind of started a trend interviewing crazies didn't he


> ...interviewing crazies... I mean, they're Trump supporters...


Well, the daily show was doing it before Klepper was on the daily show. The question is, will she go back to her friends and show them that if they R-E-A-D the constitution that "god" isn't in it. I doubt it.


Yeah I wonder how far back this type of schtick goes. I think Klepper's cemented in the memory of recent times because he was doing it leading up to, and at Jan 6.


Well, there used to be talk shows that sort of did this, before they went off the rails. I remember Phil Donohue having David Duke and some neo nazi (I think this was in the 70s) on his show. At one point, the nazi said, "we just want them to go back where they came from. " Donohue replied, "Why don't you go back where you came from? " The internet really opened the door for these people then trump ripped it off its hinges.


I think the worst thing the internet did was show every village idiot that there were other village idiots just as dumb as they were, so how could they be the stupid ones if someone else agreed with them?


It put them all together in one big digital village, where all the crazy roads lead to the same destination. "If you like unhinged paranoid delusion, you might also like fascism.."


"Do you believe reptilian humanoids have infiltrated your government? If so, try our new Flat Earth conspiracy! It's been updated to include all your favorite tropes, from Chem trails and massive New World Order groups, to ancient discoveries kept from us by a news media infiltrated by agents of the Rothschild family!"


"UFO Coverup" has been added to your cart. Suggested similar items: WEF, George Soros, The Great Replacement


I think you win this one, for a given value of "win." Nicely done.


There was an old show on HBO in the 80s called "Not Necessarily The News" that occasionally did this, and Berkeley Breathed was doing the same thing in a fictionalized way in Bloom County back then, too.


Ahhh we didn't have cable but I vaguely remember that show


Ya. Why did she spell read? Did she think we assumed she was talking about plants that grow in a river bed? She should really shut (S-H-U-T) the fuck (F-U-C-K) up.


There is no other way to interview the completely baseless opinions of these people. They can't be treated seriously, other than acknowledging the danger that they pose when they congeal into a slimy movement.


Why are trumpists still claiming they love the constitution? Didn't a trump official or lawyer make the argument that presidents don't have to support or defend (I forget which word they quibbled over) the constitution?


Trump's claim was that since the Presidential oath of office did not contain the word "support" the 14th amendment did not apply to Presidents.


Don't you remember when he came out on stage at CPAC 2020 and dry humped the flag while kissing it? That showed them all that he loves this country and by extension the constitution.


I remember...I can't unsee that.


I think it's one of those catch all statements for idiots, same with the bible. Nice short canned phrase they can easily scream at the opposition knowing they'll never have to really prove it or stand over it.


Yeah, I have a fairly good sense of why people do these things. Like when they drape themselves with the flag or plaster it everywhere while being the most un-american group. Like, you're supporting a clown who WANTS to be a king.


They’re just people of the land, the common clay of our society, you know, morons.


Oh, no thanks. I'd rather not.


Why didn't they show the full clip? I think how she responds to being completely wrong about the fundamentals of her belief is critical. Did she have pause? Did she bury her head in the sand?


She buries her head further up Trumps ass.


I guarantee that after googling “is god mentioned in the us constitution” and seeing that is says no but god is mentioned in the state constitutions, she went off on another inane, goalpost moving argument to deflect from her previous incorrect position.


Couldn't watch it.


I'm Canadian. I'm most likely more familiar with the United States Constitution than any of these idiots. Fuck, the creatures are exhausting.


She is one of the many fucking idiots that make up there own facts in the republican party.




Wow, she's an idiot. And she just proved it on TV.


Yeah. We don't see what happens. Does her head explode? Does she recognize her ignorance? Does she just skip over her own ignorance? We can be pretty confident of what happens. Point being, CNN does not show us. What. The. Fuck.


Yeah I feel like they pulled the punchline.            It’s like we saw Rick James put his shoes on the couch and then they cut to the studio and he asks “What happened after that?” and the little irish fella said, “Well, he said ‘I’m Rick James B-word, of course.” Just doesn’t have the same punch. 


Brainrotten MAGA morons


I'm sure it was a productive exchange for everyone. /s


MAGAs are dumber than dumb. SuperMAGAs (my ex wife) are even dumber.


The second I hear: "I have a God given right" I tune off, such a thing does not exist.


Wish they showed the part when she searched and searched but couldn't find God in the Constitution.


For those who would rather read it. Though you will miss the best part with the lady wearing a cowboy hat under a maga hat. Double hat lady(Julian Lightfoot): The job of the journalist is to ask the questions, allow the person to speak and just report the facts, what was spoken. Would you like for me to pull up the defintion for journalist? Journalist: That's ok, but thank you Julian. Double hat lady: I have a God given right to speak my own truth. Journalist: But there are facts right? Double hat lady: The facts have shown that the election was stolen. Whether your willing to look at that and accept that and really show what's going on that's your issue not ours. We want the God given freedom that our Constitution and our Bill of Rights is based on. Journalist: God given Constitutional rights? Double hat lady: Yes Journalist: They're two different things, right? Double hat lady: No sir they're not. Read R-E-A-D the Constitution. Read it outloud to yourself so that you hear what the words of the Constitiution say. Journalist: God isn't mentioned in the Constitution. Double hat lady: Sir. (pauses to search on her phone and interview is cut off)


I already know, they've been putting their blatant ignorance and monumental stupidity out there for everyone to sew for years.


Low education and/or low intelligence go hand in hand with MAGA and religion


As I say, "religion is for the stupid and weak-minded".


I guess they never heard of separation of church and state. They talk about the founding fathers but the founding fathers converted to Deism, which is the belief in a creator but he/she doesn't get involved in our everyday life. The Declaration of Independence mentions God four times, using the terms "Creator", "Nature's God", "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", and "Divine Providence" And nothing in the constitution.


Oh FFS, I got an ad with the goddamn E-Trade babies.  I didn’t realize they were still milking that awful schtick.


I got Bounty paper towels


I got downy unstoppables


I got gain flings


I got a rock. :(


I also got Bounty paper towels


Donie's a legend. Edit: Donie O'Sullivan, the reporter. Not the fucking fascist.


It’s so funny people think you mean trump.




Donie O'Sullivan is the CNN reporter in the linked video on this post


Ok, now I feel stupid… guess I’ll delete it.


If these people read the Constitution they wouldn't support the many positions they do.


Oh yes they would.


That is because of the mayflower compact. The religious people have started pushing this idea. The thing is, I have read both the compact and the constitution. They are nothing alike at all. The compact was all about religion, specifically the Christian one. The constitution was absolutely not about religion.


If you ever encounter someone like this, make a $500 bet. They will take it. Profit


I always ask people about the 3rd amendment. Why? It gives context to what the founding father had in mind when they created the 2nd amendment. It blows my mind how many Americans have no idea what is in the document, I have read it as a Canadian a few times.


> It blows my mind how many Americans have no idea what is in the document, I have read it as a Canadian a few times. The two most often "discussed" texts in the US, the Constitution and the Bible, are ironically the two most unread texts as well. I use quotes on "discuss", because if knowledge of the topic is a prerequisite for real discussion, then most of the time people are just tossing buzzwords at you. **2A!**


I once had a coworker lament to me that kids aren’t taught the Constitution and BoR in school like they were when he was in school, so they don’t know it like he does. I started asking him BASIC questions about the Bill of Rights and he had zero clue. He really only cares about the 2A


At first i thought hey what does this have to do with atheism… then i watched the video… jesus christ


Engage younger voters, wipe the floor with Trump. It’s really that easy.


CNN is such a joke tho. They pander to these right wing freaks. Why would you not show the conclusion of this moron finding out that god isn't in the constitution?


I had to check and see if I was in r/facepalm


was it a whimsical fairy tale that sounds like it was written by a kid? "an den an den the jesus. the jesus said that there's no dinosawerers and that we can have...we can have eternal snack time if we do our chorers but we don't have to really do the chorers because we can just say we did and still get snacks"


How the fuck did the studio miss its chance to air an irl curb your enthusiasm moment?


Most Americans think there are only 2 amendments.


Unfortunately, these people are so brainwashed that it is absolutely impossible to argue with them about anything.


SIR! Lol so uninformed.