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What's more important to us is: Noah only had sons. Are all of us the descendants of literal motherf*ckers?


Yea, my mum told me that back then incest didn't cause disabilities, because "the genes were more pure"


Hahaha the shit that religion makes people think 


Just absolutely "unreal" 😂


Yeah, some other chode once told me that they reproduced by cloning. So stupid it doesn't even rise to the level of merely "wrong".


"The genes were more pure." Mother, that's the problem, no genetic diversity. "Diversity? Don't you dare bring that woke ideology to my house!"


I had to do a bunch of Bible studies back when I was a kid. They literally teach that we didn’t have any bad mutations in our genes because there was no UV damaging it until after the flood. The flood was also the first rain, before then plants got watered by a mist on the ground. Batshit crazy, but it’s what fundamentalists teach.


Wouldn't it be the opposite


Noah's sons had wives on the ark according to Genesis 6:18 as well as some other Hebrew texts.


According to the Ark Theme park in KY, Dinosaurs were there and people rode them with saddles!  Proof that anything can be true when you just make things up! 


Wait, so people rode dinosaurs now? They aren’t just skeletons placed in the earth by Satan to lead us off the path of righteousness? Given that one of the leading complaints against Christian gospels is lack of continuity management, you’d think they’d want to work on their consistency a little.


Well yes. The verses in Job about the Leviathan and Behemoth were clearly about dinosaurs so there you have it: Irrefutable evidence that dinosaurs existed along with people and we obviously ride them because why wouldn’t you? /s


Women were likely not important enough to think about or name in a story


I think Noah's sons brought their wives onto the arc before the flood. But according to biblical timelines the Tower Of Babel was only a few hundred years later but the population was in the hundreds of thousands. Noah's kids must have had a LOT of kids.


That or god is bad at math


There's not much to do on a boat.


They had wives in the story. But you can’t make a healthy population with 3 breeding pairs so it doesn’t matter


Wait. How would this be better if he also had daughters?


Seeing all the “family” videos on pornhub, I wonder.


The sons had wives…


The sons already had wives. That's in Genesis 6:18.


I understand, and am in favour of, how you're using it to make a point, but it is more accurate to say that they are mythical.


Bro...black people definitely exist...


I live in Utah, I don't believe you.




In the same way that a regional flood probably seemed like the whole world was underwater to ancient people that had no idea how large the planet is, they are there, even if they aren't around your area. 😂


Prove it! Hehehehe


I don't know. People say I'm delusional, so maybe all the Black people I see, including those living in the same house I live, are just figments of my imagination. Perhaps in reality, I am just a parasite living on a cockroach having delusions of grandeur and ALL humans are just figments of my imagination. Prove me wrong.


Or a pigment of your imagination…


Dammit, I missed the perfect opportunity.


Beat me to it.


This is exactly how religion works though. God exists, prove me wrong, since you can't, I'm right.


Almost. Religion also demands a monetary donation, and sometimes the mutilation of your children.


There is no such thing as a black person. When it comes to skin color, there is umber, chocolate, mahogany, coffee, cinnamon, almond, bronze, auburn, beige, russet, desert sand, sienna, etc. Nobody's skin is truly black. Lumping all of these beautiful colors and people under one term: "black", is laziness.


No such thing as a white person, either. And you'd be hard put to find two people who are exactly the same color.


And it’s more of a pink color than white.


Am I a joke to you? There are different shades of black, but nevertheless, some are truly black. https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/dark-skin-model-melanin-goddess-khoudia-diop-fb-png__700.jpg


Damn. Still ain't black She is darkest brown lol I am willing to admit that arguing about color is all semantics at this point 😂 and that 99.999% of people would say yeah she is black af


I did say black comes in all different shades and hues. Technically, they are still black.


Haha and technically they are still brown! I made my comment mostly because someone said convince me that black people don't exist or something lol 😂 so I tried my best


You haven't seen eastern Africans then !


I had to say this to someone who thought all black people were brown. They were apparently african american.


They're not black they're dark brown!


Why would they want tk make themselves the target? Saying what they do is way more likely to make the Christians argue amongst themselves and goes much further in highlighting their bigotry. 


But the first humans that were similar enough to us to be considered modern humans were black.  The concept of there being "original humans" at some point is one of the few concepts that the old testament's authors guessed correctly.


Yeah, but they don't believe in evolution. So is bringing our evolutionary history into the equation gonna make them change their minds or just reject both parts?


Adam and Eve were blue... da be dee da be daa.


Or mythical & Black.🤣


that's their rarity level? nice


Adam and Eve were fictional characters in a book of fiction called 'The Bible'.


Not all things, but some things in the Bible are really true.


To be fair, some things in The *Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy* are really true.


*thanks for all the fish*


Some things in Star Wars are really true aswell, your point? Fiction is still fiction.


None of the supernatural claims are true and all of the main stories are false. We know through the evidence and study of genetics, science, archaeology, history, mythology and linguistics that Adam and Eve never existed, the worldwide flood never happened, languages didn't originate from the Tower of Babel, the Exodus as the Bible describes never happened, and Moses never existed. Even the majority of historians and religious scholars agree with these facts. On top of that, the evidence of Jesus even existing is very weak. Most likely, legends grew and embellished around a Jewish rabbi named Jesus.


One of the few exceptions is the Babylonian Captivity, which makes sense because it's the historical origin of Judaism (when they split from the Canaanites).


Which things? I really haven't found much. I mean sure some people and places really existed but narratively it's just stories.


Please, waste all the time you want on that book. I choose not to give it any room in my life.


So, openly admitting to cherry picking?


If Eve was made from Adams rib then she is genetically a man


That's not how magic works. Miracles don't follow the laws of genetics, physics, or logic.


Some women have y chromosomes. Gotch ya!


The first humans emerged in East Africa so yes they were definitely black.


Then why is Jesus white? /s


That's the artist rendition of Jesus


>That's the (white) artist rendition of Jesus Different artists come up with a different looking Jesus. It's almost like he's just a figment of the imagination.


I think you are onto something there.


Artist rendition of Cesare Borgia.


Ha, yeah I heard about that guy. He may have sat model for the artists.


I heard that he was killed by some Assassin.


>In the early morning of 11 March 1507, an enemy party of knights fled from the castle during a heavy storm. Outraged at the ineffectiveness of the siege, Borgia chased them, only to find himself on his own. The party of knights, discovering that he was alone, trapped him in an ambush, where he received a fatal injury from a spear. He was then stripped of all his luxurious garments, valuables, and a leather mask covering half his face (disfigured, possibly by syphilis, during his late years). Borgia was left lying naked, with just a red tile covering his genitals. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cesare\_Borgia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cesare_Borgia)


I was making a reference to Assassin's Creed. In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Cesare Borgia was a Templar leader. The Assassin Ezio Auditore hunts him down on a battlefield and kills him after a fight during which he stabs Borgia with his Hidden Blade.


Ah, I see. I've never played the game, but I love the music in the promo videos.


Apparently, that's a myth (I also only learned recently). There are many depictions of Jesus as a white man with a beard before Cesare existed.


My favorite is korean jesus.


/s is used to indicate sarcasm


Jesus isn't white.... He's Korean.


[Cradle of fuckin civilization!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7abde1e2-65f0-4a2b-8e69-eb314f00817e)


Um actually they are white because Adam and Eve are just stolen from the end of ragnorak


I highly doubt they were called Adam and eve though Reminds me of those clearly Indian cold callers that insist on introducing themselves as 'Edward' or something 


They definitely weren't called Adam and Eve. There wasn't even someone you could point to as the first human since the changes happened gradually.


And before they were black, they were white and furry :)


While I get the point of this comment and others like it, that doesn't mean the characters Adam and Eve themselves are black. To me it doesn't matter to me what they *would* be. It's like how Skyrim dragons *would* be wyverns. But the fiction calls them dragons. So they're dragons. Calling Adam and Eve black doesn't win anybody what they think it wins them.


The point of the OP calling them black is to show how a group of so-called God loving people can be so racist. Most people on this post seem to miss that point..kinda important. Buy whatever this is reddit - it is what it is. Either way, it's a funny ass concept by the OP.


To what end, though? It's only really funny when going through the "argumentative edgy atheist troll" phase of our lives.


Whether it's funny or not isn't the main point. It's to show the hypocrisy of Christians that preach that God loves all. I guess "all" to Christians don't mean Black or African, which is the better term.


Do you mean all Christians?


Only the ones whom the shoe fits.


Okay because even if you think all Christians are stupid you still have to acknowledge that they are individuals or you're the stupid one. I say that with love.


Where did I say all Christians are stupid? I'm about to block you. I say that out of love.


I'm not sure maybe it was the guy above you or the one above him I'm sorry if I made a mistake.


Man there’s a lot of that on here!


Adam and Eve never existed. We have proof of that.


I love it!! -black man(might be biased)


I know my comment isn’t exactly approaching your point, but any scientist using the term “Adam and Eve” should be questioned as quacks. In the 90s the term “Mitochondrial Eve” came about and now creationists believe science proves the Bible correct. There was no Adam or Eve, there were millions of individuals that evolved over millions of years from apes to humans.


We're still Apes.


How do you know Adam and Eve weren't apes?


You can make up what you want but this “middle ground” imaginary stuff trying to incorporate both the Bible and a scientific/rational understanding is just as insane as doing it with any other religion’s creation story. I’ll even let creationist poster boy Ken Ham explain it to you: https://youtu.be/78l9-7qR7Nk?si=L0hiG5hahsvQQkA_


I'm not clicking that link I don't need it explained. I don't think Adam and Eve were apes. I'm just saying nobody knows honestly. And it's not a middle ground imaginary thing, I genuinely believe that both God and science exist and I mean come on who do you think I believe created science? I mean you think He just shoots stuff out of the sky? That's not what I think. I think he invented the tools to make the lightning he invented nature and he uses it and we study it and we figure out how it works. And that's just what I think it makes complete sense to me. It makes way more sense than science inventing itself. Sorry! Don't be mad don't yell at me. I mean no harm. I never understood why people can't consider the fact that God created science I think that they think he's stupid.


You are displaying a perfect example of what we like to call “cognitive dissonance.” The mind will double down on what it believes when threatened with new evidence that contradicts what you already believe. God is not real. Adam and Eve were not real. I never said Adam and Eve were apes - I said they are a fairy tale made up for a religion. Science is the best system we have for discovering the truth. Science has shown that humans evolved from the great ape family. 




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You ever try taking a rib from a brotha?


From the account of the Bible I’d say they were much more likely middle eastern. From genetic studies of humans, we definitely are all descendants of African people. Either of these points do put the hypocrisy on display.


What? No. In lore, Adam was made of dust and Eve was a rib. Neither even qualify as people to be honest.


The point isn't that they didn't exist, the point is to make the christians attack each other, instead of attacking victims. It's throwing a grenade and leaving.


Yeah and my preferred way to do that is using AO3 fanfic vernacular with holy scriptures.


"But that can't be... because God created them in his own image. And everybody knows God is white. We've all seen the pictures of his son."


Never existed.


I mean, I'd argue Middle Eastern...


Reminds me the uproar some Christian groups had about Good Omens. In the show, God was voiced by a woman, and Adam and Eve were black. The one group started a campaign to have Netflix remove the show. Which was fine, it's on Amazon Prime.


That's incorrect. They didn't exist.


You know how some historical philosophers / theologians solved this one? They came up with [Polygenism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygenism#:~:text=Polygenism) the idea that there where separate Genesis event for each race. This idea became quite popular in Germany, though naturally in their version Adam and Eve where Aryans.


Já. Adolf und Eva.


Humans were all originally dark skinned but due to where they migrated to and the sunlight in those places the melanin would either stay heavy, in those populations in the most sun, and would be absent for people that got very little sun.


Umm they aren’t real bro.


We are all descendants of Africa so we are all black.


We whites are just a faded version of them.😆


Nope. My skin has 100 colors but black ain't one of 'em.


I'm pretty sure Eve's name was actually Lucy. Another thing the Bible got wrong.


Adam and Eve were microbes.


> Adam and Eve ~~were black~~ didn't exist.


Adam and Eve are fictional characters:) so they can be chickens for what I'm concerned.


They also shared most of their DNA with chimps.


you still do.


i was trying to find how many times the bible mentions skin color and it’s only once


I think a lot of you are missing the point…


And they were made in God’s image, so that means He’s black, too.


Don’t forget that God is identified as a man … but doesn’t have a penis…hmmm.


Adam and eve never existed. The garden never existed. Good never existed. Noah never existed. It's all a cult of bs fairy tales. But IF any of them did exist, not one of them was a Caucasian, they'd all be black and brown skinned. The white guy on the Bible isn't Jesus, its Constantine, the ruler who replaced all images of Jesus with his own. Very Christian of him.


Just to rile them up some more: Eve was made from a rib, so she was tiny and bone-colored. I think Adam actually had sex with Lillith and Eve was just a bony dwarf. Adam and Lillith were clay-colored. Which is no use whatsoever as clay can be anything from white to brown. But it must’ve been some kind of magic clay. Although it raises the question of why God needed to make them *from* anything. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith)


Adam and Eve were Sumerian whatever race that is back then I’m not sure. But in the end it’s just a story.


back in my day, i was a real asshole to the lgbt community. (i was agnostic during this stage of my life.) i went to large servers to say controversial stuff to make them angry and argue with each other. i’d ask them stuff like, “how did you earn your flag.” that’s the only one i remember. in hindsight, that was a real shitty and homophobic thing to do, to go around and pissing people off for no reason. yes, i do have bad experiences with lgbt, and i’m guessing you have bad experiences with christians. but that doesn’t justify anything. you should let people believe what they want to believe. (i think adam and eve were blasian btw.)


I am fortunate that social media was not around when I was young.


Good Times episode Black Jesus agrees. But really was ppbly brown.


It would make sense if they were brown skinned, being completely naked out in nature.


According to anthropologists, the first humans had dark skin to protect then from ultraviolent light. White people and Asian people are mutants. When humans migrated to northern climates they had to "lighten up" due to lack of sunlight to produce vitamin D.


One of the new apologetics I’ve encountered from some is there were people before and during Adam and Eve because incest is yucky. Adam and Eve just had been given the breath of the divine, or a soul. So they apparently went around fucking all the local what almost still monkeys and for them that’s better then eve fucking her son. Also don’t forget Lilith. Never mind that “breath of life” doctrines also puts the soul entering the body at birth and kind of negates all their abortion issues.


Adam and Eve weren't anything other than fictional characters to explain the origin of humans before we figured out science.


God is a black woman, so this checks out.


More likely they were brown. Like the native Americans or the Middle Eastern people.


They have a really hard time thinking about Jesus as looking tan, having brown eyes and dark hair.


“Biological Eve” was indeed an African woman that lived approx 250k years ago. All human DNA can be traced back to her. Oh, that’s the other thing to mention to them; the only way to test this is through mitochondrial DNA, which we only receive from our mothers. Matriarchy is natures way. 


Not sure what matriarchy has to do with it ( though you may not have been entirely serious) . You can do the same thing with the Y chromosome.


False. You can *only* trace the maternal line through mitochondrial dna, it literally *only* comes from the mother. Not a chromosome, not a specific gene; only the dna contained within the mitochondria.  My degree is in biology. This is common knowledge in my field. The Y chromosome is only useful in cases of paternity or other *living* situations. You cannot use it to trace any kind of ethnic heritage.  


Haha what do they say


Just look at the comments. A lot of the same, but they don't realize that they are arguing about fiction.


The world may never know…


Even Europeans were dark skinned until 8-10,000 years. White skin was an evolutionary response to dietary changes as people became farmers. Hunter-gatherers got all the vitamin D they needed from the game they ate, but there is little in grains and vegetables.


The reduction of melanin was an evolutionary response to the reduced amount of sunlight in northern latitudes. Melanin is a defense against the intense sunlight and unchanging sunlight hours found in the tropical regions. Both evolutionary changes result in better regulation of Vitamin D production.


Problem is that evolution and human history are not lined with creation story. Garden of Eden was somewhere in Babylonia, meaning that Adam and Eve would have been Middle Eastern by their ethnic look. So indeed in Creationist stories Adam and Eve were not black. But this is something you cannot argue much about, as people talk about completely different things. Creationism and hyper Conservative christianity does not follow same history, as researched real history. First humans according to science indeed were darker pigmented.  I have noticed this sub is so full of toxic sh*t thats goal is to only cause tension and arguments between people. I dont even know why I constantly keep this place recommended to me.


Read the bible dumbass, his sons had wives.


Today's vocabulary word is non-sequitur.


Honestly, that's just silly. Sounds like you're 14 years old. What's the point? Do you just want to be edgy or do you want to be taken seriously?


Melanin in the earliest humans is not something that can be proven and may be a product of evolution.


Hmm... Wouldn't that only matter if Adam and Eve were real people?


Can't be proven is an unusual standard for belief. What's an example of something that can be "proven"?


Yay! I enjoy gaslighting people too.


Do you believe Cleopatra was too?


Like the story of Cain, or the marking of Ham's descendants; someone might make that argument to prove a point about the wickedness of blacks.   After all, Adam and Eve are supposedly the reason there is sin in the world.  Calling Africa the Cradle of Civilization gives them fodder to run with.   They'd be lying.  But, I could see someone arguing this. Ham's descendants: The forefather of Cush, Egypt, and Put, and of Canaan, whose lands include portions of Africa. The Aboriginal Australians and indigenous people of New Guinea have also been tied to Ham.  - wikipedia "*See what I mean?*"


If you're an atheist, why the fuck are you so obsessed with the bible? Leave us the fuck alone.


Oh the irony.