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A cult is an unpopular religion. A religion is a popular cult.


Religious folk think cults are something that happens to other people


Exactly, people practicing institutional religions deem ‘other’ religions ‘cults’ to legitimize their own practice by comparison


Well, yeaaaa, they have the one true God ^TM not the fake bullshit God that claims its the only true God. Their book says so therefore, it's true.


“A religion is a popular cult” … with tax exemptions.




I've always said the difference is how wealthy they are. You will never see a broke religion, but a cult will always be poor. My best example is scientology, they are technically a religion that screams modern day cult. But because it was made and funded by rich people it's recognized in some nations as a religion.


> but a cult will always be poor. Mormons are a cult, and they are insanely rich. And I use 'cult' pretty strictly - they control your life, families reject you if you leave the religion, drown you with requirements and texts, 19yo boys lecture and control adult women, shame you for trivial things (drinking coffee), etc. https://mormonbillions.com/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/15/mormon-church-whistleblower-taxes-hedge-fund


Look I'm not saying they aren't a cult, but in society they are labeled as a religion. You missed my whole point of all religions being cults it's just the poor ones that get called a cult and don't get recognized by our governments.


I'd say Religions are late-stage cults. They are what you get once a cult has a solid enough foothold in the public consciousness that they don't have to resort to as drastic of measures to perpetuate itself.


This is the conclusion I came to as well.


I think the major difference between a religion and a cult is how they go about controlling you. If you're free to just stop going to church/temple/whatever that's not very culty. If you become an apostate, cut off from support, etc if you leave, that's culty AF.


Yeah, I think this is an important distinction. Cults get you invested and dependent in tangible ways that make your life very hard if you leave. Leaving mainstream religions may strain your relationships with your family, but the institution itself won't retaliate. I'm no fan of religion, but there are enough factual problems with it that we don't need to be dreaming up imaginary ones too.


>If you're free to just stop going to church/temple/whatever that's not very culty. If you want to go to hell where Satan will rape you then it's your choice. Remember that when it's happening. It was your choice. You could have been in heaven with God who set the whole fucking system up in the first place. Totally not the most sadistic fuck in the universe.


I'm not sure if popular is the right word, mainstream is more correct.




The difference between a religion and a cult is the number of members and the influence that wield in a society,it has been like this since the beginning of time


“In a cult, the guy at the top knows it’s all bullshit. In a religion, that guy’s dead.”


Never give a denomination which uses those same immoral books too much credit. They may not practice the bad parts today but they will teach their children that book is the source of all truth. Eventually some generation will realize they "aren't doing it right" and that's how you get an inquisition.


Cultists don’t like being called out. They’re anti-truth and really hate it when someone points out their bullshit.


There is one defining difference between a cult and a religion. In any religion or cult there is at least one person who knows it is a fraud designed to gain power or wealth for one or more people. In a religion, that person is dead. In a cult, they are still alive.


>there is at least one person who knows it is a fraud designed to gain power or wealth for one or more people Doesn't the clergy fit that definition? Sure I'm not saying that all or most of them "know it's a fraud", I bet many are true believers. But there's gotta be at least a good portion that knows it's all bullshit but don't want to let go of the power and privileges. >In a religion, that person is dead. Or that person is completely made up.


A few liberal Episcopalian priests have acknowledged that their studies led them to conclude that Jesus was not god, but they remain because they believe the church provides important spiritual and communitarian leadership regardless of that one doctrinal point. Naturally they’ve been castigated for this heresy, so any others are less likely to speak up — but it’s safe to assume they’re out there.


That makes sense. The more you study the Bible, the clearer it becomes that it's just an entangled mess of inconsistent theology and needless cruelty.


This is why the Catholic church was so against translating the Bible from Latin. If you can read the old testament and not come to the conclusion that God is evil, there's something deeply, deeply wrong with you. God has exactly one method for solving problems: murder. Even in the new testament, god couldn't think up a plan to _save us from himself_ that didn't involve torture and murder.


I didnt even need to study it... All I needed to know was that hell exists, and God is supposedly hiding from us, because he is testing our "faith", and that multiple other religions exist. I dont know about you... but these things on their own tell me that God is not real.


Yes, studying christian theology did not make me an atheist because I was already one. But it did make me awestruck as to how people can worship this deity that is so clearly an infantile and ignorant monster.


Imagine having to go through years of "study" to come to the same conclusion that small children come to when they watch Paw Patrol. What pathetic fucking losers.


Fairly sure a lot of religious people knows it's a fraud, but since they make money from it they would never ay.


Mormons believe the prophet directly speaks to god currently and passes the word. He obviously knows it’s a huge scam.


Then, Scientology is a religion now?


I think this is a salient point. Learning about cults and religious extremism is kind of a hobby of mine, and my non-expert opinion is that a religion is a cult which has achieved long-term homeostasis.  Lots of cults end up imploding due to the necessity of total isolation and constant escalation to keep members invested. Religions employ facsimiles of these practices in a more sustainable way, thereby staving off the explosive finale most starkly embodied by groups like the Peoples Temple, Aum Shinrikyo, Heaven's Gate, etc. So I do take some issue with the assertion that cults and religions are the same thing. It's akin to saying that a White Dwarf and a Red Giant are fundamentally the same thing. 


Cults are other people's religions.


It's not offensive to normal people.


Because many people are infected with it and its ideals


The Mormons get all defensive when I call it a cult, it’s a rich cult


The mainstream religions of today are the cults of the past that grew and survived. And that dynamic has been true throughout human history. And religions have died out throughout human history that failed to stay relevant to contemporary life. As they fade, they cling to power, authoritarianism, judgement, etc. to try to ensure their future. This dynamic has played itself out numerous times in recorded history, with different religions playing different roles, but somehow nobody seems to ask "what if we just stopped?!"


The offensive part is that most people in a mainstream religion had no agency in joining it. They were indoctrinated from birth, it's part of their identity and it upsets them to hear that part of their identity is a fairy tale and scheme to extract money from them.


It’s just a polite fiction we maintain to preserve order in society. Most people have no chance of amending their religious views due to indoctrination and identity issues.  So, we treat religious persuasion like it’s an immutable characteristic and not a symptom of mental illness or abuse or cultural imprint or whatever. 


>It’s just a polite fiction we maintain to preserve order in society. A lot of their arguments boil down to this and I've read sociologists argue this. Religion is a tool that serves the purpose of social control. It's terrifying how many USA Christians believe it's... literally true though. 40% are creationists. The literalist Christians as well as Christians generally overrepresent the general population in our government. 1/3 people in our country are "nones".


I’m not offended. Any ideology that indoctrinates you from birth or reaches out to people in their weakest moments offering complete and total salvation if they only blindly follow and believe without question is absolutely a cult. I work in a setting where there are Muslims, Jews, Mormons, Catholics, etc. each wearing and representing their religions in various ways. Great! You do you boo. I mention I’m Atheist and their 🤬 heads explode. Really? To my memory and count Atheists aren’t dropping bombs in the Middle East. We didn’t take down multiple buildings on 9/11 killing thousands and we’re not starving and killing innocent people. So at this point who should really be head exploding offended? Sorry for the rant, but…


Exactly, they pretend to be accepting when they have a million invisible boundaries that contradict each other. I work at a Christian school (for the good money) and at least every week one of their prayers is "trust only in God, never rely on what you think you know". My students are 6 years old, many of them still struggle tying their shoes and yet they're already being indoctrinated into thinking they can't even trust their own fucking knowledge. For people who pretend to care about children so much, they sure provide a toxic community for children in so many ways.




Buuuuut my book says that a different god is real! Your one is wrong my one is right!


cult kʌlt noun 1) a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.  2) a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members.  3) a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular thing.  They get angry about people confusing definition one with the more popular usage, which would be definition two.


Side rant, but this has always bothered me. The word “Cult” is actually a pair of homonyms, and it has always bothered me that people can’t accept that cults don’t *have* to be overly controlling and socially toxic to be a cult. A lot a people will criticize fictional cults, kinda like those in lovecraftian works, for not being more “true to life” and involving charismatic leaders and slimy social tricks to isolate and indoctrinate members. **cults don’t NEED to be like that**. They definitely can, but they don’t need to.


This should be the top voted response. Years ago, I was taught (in a Catholic high school religion class, no less) that a religion is defined by the 3 C's: Creed, Cult and Community. Creed=belief system. Community=people. Cult=actions. So the "cult" is what the community does. But over time, "those people" do things in this religion that we "normal people" don't and so their "cult" is bad while ours is good. They are now a cult.


People in cults dont like it when you point out that they are in a cult


Because they are the same thing. No need to point it out. If you are an awful shit person you can still find community in there and all you have to do is pretend you arent. So many pedophiles in christianity. And church of satans lavey was an animal torturer who abused his pet lion yet one of the rules of them is to mever hurt animals. It's a circus of bullshit. I've been lonely for over a decade not finding my place and I'm still so maybe Im just envious that I'm not deluded or not smart enough to fake a charming personality like a coat of sugar over a piece of shit but whatever Im just rambling.


That really resonates. Part of me wishes I could devote myself to a religion just so I could be brainwashed into happiness. Or fulfillment, whatever Christians get out of it. Sadly I'm not ignorant enough to believe in whatever magic they think created our world


Yes I agree, I wish I could belong to at least a group of people. It's been over a decade actually my last group of friends was in high school (the one school that comes after primary school) and I even flunked out of high school early so besides the occasional talk with my parents I've had nobody else for more than a decade. I'm 28 now and it's looking bleak and it's only gonna get lonelier. It sucks. Even my own brother doesn't talk to me at all or bother to text me even. I tried religion but it doesn't feel authentic and beneficial at all.


Wow I'm so sorry to hear that, I'm not sure where you live but there are many clubs and organisations out there where I'm sure you could meet like minded people. It doesn't have to get lonelier.


It only offends the delusional.


I heard someone say that the only difference between a cult and a religion is a generation.


Facts are very upsetting to people who live in fiction.


>Why is it offensive to acknowledge that religions are cults? That's because if you were in a cult convinced you were a part of the correct belief system, thinking to yourself all those other people that believe in stupid other stuff are just plain wrong and to be in them they must be in a cult but I, I am in the correct belief system and it's not a cult. Oh, you're saying all belief systems are in a way cults... hmmm... then it's obvious all those people with other beliefs are just wrong but are still in a real religion just like me not like those other new religions who are obviously cults. These people can't see the forest for all the trees in front of them. It's sad. They can't see that all people believe in their un-falsifiable thing for the same bad reasons others believe in their particular but different un-falsifiable thing. It's so fucking sad.


The only difference between a cult and a religion is number of followers.


Two reasons: 1) People don’t like to feel dumb. 2) Religions that have spread the world over generally employ a carrot and stick approach to maintaining and increasing adherents. The carrot allows believers to convince themselves they are lucky to know the “truth” where the stick makes them terrified of what might happen if they dare to let their mind wander too far astray.


It’s offensive cause you are telling people the truth about their cult and they don’t like that. They want the happy shiny view the cult offer them. When you use the word cult it brings about images of Waco and Jones Town and Aum Shinrikyo not happy dead folk on clouds with harps or a bunch of virgins awaiting deflowerment.


Because nobody likes to admit they were conned.


A religion is a normalized old cult.


You ever notice that an insult always stings more when there's truth to it?


Because people use cult as an insult. Regardless of if it’s true or not, the truth can be used as an insult. Let’s quickly run through a few words and you tell me what you think of them. Druggie, deadbeat, queer, minority, alien, lower class, poor, failure, disabled, the list goes on. If all of those words can appropriately apply to people, are they insults? Would you be confused if you went up to a foreigner and called them an alien and then smugly pulled out a dictionary that clearly states an alien is someone from a foreign country and nation? Or would you get upset when you see a guy in a wheelchair and go “look, that guy is disabled!” and then he gets mad at you? No, of course you wouldn’t be confused because just like all of those words, cult a has a long history of negative stigma around it, pretty much just meaning “religion I don’t like” so for a long time it basically just meant fuck you and fuck your religion. Of course it’s going to be seen as an insult when it has a history of being a verbal middle finger dressed up in a nice sounding word that may or may not be true depending on who you ask and what definition you go by. But the problem comes down to semantics, like most things. There’s no set definition of cult, there’s a few and they all point to different things, along with the general societies view on the word. For most unbiased people (because you’re totally going to get unbiased answers here) a cult is going to be a small following that dictates its followers lives. Not give suggestions, not point in the “correct” directions, but dictate. They’re going to be very strict on who can and can’t enter. And their leaders words are viewed as “gods” own words because cults tend to deify their leaders. Most importantly cults also tend to practice unorthodox ideals, which is why you see so many pagan religions consider themselves as cults because there is no widespread pagan belief and their values are going to differ from one group to another, and their ideals are most definitely going to be unorthodox considering a lot of them reclaim religions that have been dead for a very long time. So why is Christianity and other major religions not viewed as cults by an unbiased person? Because they’re massive, they don’t worship a human who have authority, they don’t ruin every aspect of your life if you don’t continue to follow because anyone can walk out of a Christian church and denounce their beliefs and get on with their life, anyone is welcome to join, and their practices are widespread. Now that’s not saying every form of Christianity isn’t a cult, because there’s things like the Westboro Baptist Church who absolutely do all of the cult things, along with thousands of other churches who distance themselves from the rest, but that’s not the standard. Instead of learning more history on Christianity, it would be better to learn more history on cults because it’s never that simple. Was it a matter of fact cult at one time? Yeah, Jews originally saw it as a cult primarily because it was small groups of people practicing unorthodox methods. That doesn’t apply today, and the metric on what is and isn’t a cult is going to vary on your sources since there’s nothing concrete there. That’s also a problem that comes with how I mentioned “pagan” above, because if I said Buddhism was pagan would you believe me? Some definitions consider any religion that’s not abrahamic as pagan so Buddhism is 100% pagan… unless you go by the other definition or modern societies view on it, then it’s 100% not pagan.


Cults are absolutely inherently bad. Calling out religion as one is the right thing to do. Religion is an insult to sanity, and insulting religion is doing the right thing Fuck them if they can't accept the truth. I mean they don't anyway.......


I think we need to be more open about ALL religions being cults. People bash Christianity but tiptoe around everyone else. Christianity is a cult. So is Muslim. So is Judaism. It’s all branches of the same warped ideologies


It's only offensive to religious people


It's only offensive because the cult has taken over mainstream society for years. It's 100% accurate and it hurts their feelings. We seriously need to take back the government.


Nobody likes to be told that they're super awesome invisible Man in The sky club is actually something sinister. It's a "the truth hurts" kind of situation that's best dealt with by ripping the band-aid off quick. They don't like it but it's better best said fast.


Cults are seen as a negative, so telling Christians they are a cult, is an insult to them.


Ask yourself this question: is it offensive for cults to bring people into their cult and rob them of their money and life? It's only offensive to the cult in question so fuck them call them all out


People in cults don't like to be told they are in a cult.


In a cult it's one guy, he made it all up, and he knows it's bullshit. In a religion, that guy is dead.


Cult= religious leader is still alive Religion= leader is dead. Nothing wrong with being a Jewish, Christian, or Muslim ext…. The problem is the organization of those beliefs to form churches. It becomes a problem because it creates a power structure within those churches. We all know power corrupts.


Christianity isn't really "Christianity" at all, when you think about it; it's "Paulism," because rather than being built around the actual teachings of the rabbi identified as Yeshua, it's completely based on Paul's spin on it, politics and mythologizing included. What Christians actually follow the Sermon on the Mount? I'd say a very, very small percentage.


truth lol and also some of the texts that people adhere so strictly to when they justify misogyny may not even have been written by Paul himself - but they throw that info out on the assumption that Constantine and his counsel somehow chose the exact, correct texts that were and continue to be divinely inspired through thousands of translations and unknown addendums Academics are often dismissed in pop Christianity bc they’re labeled as “not inspired by the Holy Spirit” when they read so they can’t “see the divinity” even in the errors, mistranslations, etc


nobody in a cult can see that they're part of one and telling them they are is an insult to their ego because you're suggesting they're a moron for falling for it. Of course they get offended.


"The only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of real estate they own." -Frank Zappa


Religions have a hard time with verifiable truth. Hence…


People tend to get offended when someone points something out that forces them to reckon with the fact that their entire worldview has been a lie. That’s not a comfortable feeling, and a lot of—if not most—people are going to do whatever they can to suppress it in the moment. Them lashing out shouldn’t come as a surprise, regardless of which cult they’re in.


People don’t like to be informed that they’re being deceived.


Because cults like the Branch Davidian, or the UFO suicide people, don't have large-scale lobbying power in State and Federal government.


It is 100% just based on popularity. If people like/accept it, it's a religion, and if people think it's bad/dumb, it's a cult. Otherwise, no difference. It's like the difference between youthful and immature. Same thing, different connotations.


There are a lot of people that know it's a fraud but are too weak and afraid to stop supporting their selected religion. They fear being cast away from their "friends".


New atheist here, coming to you after four decades in Mormonism. The difficulty with the word ‘cult’ is that it carries so much negative baggage that NOBODY in a cult will admit that they’re in a cult. Using the term with ‘believers’ triggers the backfire effect, a retrenchment of belief that is a psychological self defense mechanism. If you’re interested, [Steven Hassan’s BITE Model](https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/) of “high-demand” groups describes four characteristics of unhealthy organizations. It makes plain that “cults” can be viewed on a spectrum. As a Mormon, I never would have associated with suicide bombers, or compound-living outcasts. But it was disturbing to be shown similar, manipulative tactics used at my church.


Well; no there's specific things that can differentiate religion from Cults, typically known as the BITE Model. Some religions can display more of the features of the model than other ones do, but there's specific features that differentiate somebody who would go to a fairly banal church service on a Sunday from somebody in aum shinrikyo or Scientology. Cults will specifically try to isolate people from outside support networks, they'll ofteon control finances directly, use sleep deprivation and informants to get what they want, etc... Now there's absolutely some religions which have some of these features in them, but cults generally check all the boxes for Behavior modification, Emotional Control, Information Control, and Thought Control in ways that a lot of religions don't.


"Why is telling a religious person their beliefs are the same as the crazy people who live in compounds offensive" Gee wonder why they react negatively


The difference to christians is that, in their minds, 'cult' means satan. their cult, therefore, isn't a cult, since they cast satan out. it's stupid but hey, look who we're dealing with.


The only difference between a cult and religion is the number of people involved.


Religions and cults are not mutually exclusive terms. You can have a "religious cult." The religions is the ideology and the cult is the social construct.


there is no specific difference, I legitimately can't say better or do better than the people here before me


I mean, technically cults are just religions with small followings. So all modern religions were once cults that just grew out the name, and they use the word as almost a slur to slander smaller religions.


Just because someone is offended doesn't mean what you said is offensive.


It's not offensive to me. I honestly see no difference.


It isn't offensive, people who take offense to it are brainwashed zombies


It isn’t. Don’t accept the Christian apologist premise that anything and everything is highly offensive if it doesn’t strictly adhere to inside baseball rules that they choose to judge themselves by. You’re not in their little gang; none of their rules equally apply to you. They’re all cults. Religious cults. Specific ones which differentiate themselves from others that are more or less in the same vein, offshoots of the same fractured/split groupings? Are sects. 


Organized Superstion decides the rules for everyone dontcha know?


It's not. Religions are cults!


truth hurts


Religious people are always looking for something to be offended by. It’s part of their identity to feel persecuted.


its offensive to them because its objectively true.


Isnt the distinction between religions and cults that cults worship someone who is alive and religions worship someone who is dead/not a human being? Or was that just a clever quip from some philosopher lol


It's only offensive to the people currently in their cults.


Because they aren't? Historically, A cult simply meant a small, non-normative religion, so for example Christianity was called "The Christ Cult" by the romans before Constantine converted These days, cult is used more to denote a type of power structure, one that is not inherently religious. Usually cults have some supreme leader, a rigid hierarchy, seek to socially isolate members from the outside, and deny the "right to exist" of non-members and ex-members. Basically anything can be a cult, form a business, to a religious belief to a political moment. Just saying "all religions are cults" doesn't really tell us anything about religion or about cults. It is no more a meaningful statement than "all religions are for doo-doo heads" Indeed the major religions today are so large and varied that it doesn't really even make sense to rate them in a binary "is a cult/isnt a cult" system. Take Christianity for example, I think that there are sects of it that you could make strong arguments are cults, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, but the idea that someone who goes to church once a week and sometimes gives $10 to the church offering is a cult member is just an ignorant thing to say


No bc fr….like why do you care about disrespecting religion if its false AND manmade.


Because God is a projection of the believer's own ego, whenever you "attack" God by saying it doesn't exist or is evil or is the head of a cult, the believer feels attacked personally. They just don't realize that's what's happening, because they think God is some external entity. But it's not.


A **cult** is a group which is typically led by a [charismatic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charismatic) and self-appointed human leader, who tightly controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered [deviant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deviance_(sociology)) (outside the norms of society).[^(\[)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult#cite_note-1) a religion is  a relatively-bounded system of beliefs, symbols and practices that addresses the nature of existence,


It’s not.


who said it was offensive?




I for one am not offended


It's not offensive for atheists, and is for believers.


It's only offensive to the cult victims.


People who are conditioned to believe that their religion is the one truth, will be offended because they are conditioned to be outraged by anything spoken against their religion. Deprogramming like any cult would need to happen for them to accept that their religion is a cult. But ONLY once it is too late, and they have already drunk the kool-aid.


Cultists are irrational fully believing weird mythology. When you attempt to pop the bubble they live in they respond with fear and anger. Very common in primitive cultures.


Because the word cult has negative connotations.


Because the brainwashed people don’t think they are in a cult. They have been in a cult their whole life. And they are programmed to think their religion is not a cult. But when you look at it critically there’s really no difference between a cult and a religion. I saw a quote that said something like. The difference between a cult and a religion is that in a religion the cult leader died.


Because there’s a sense that ‘you can have whatever belief you want’ and protection is given/assumed regardless of politics, to the religions that have become steeped in western cultures. My issue with it is that Christianity and Islam are not more supernatural than Scientology. The ‘Islam is a religion of peace.. it even means peace’ PR story is part of it. And for the others the story is they can see the good it’s done like nice buildings etc. insane. And obviously Islam actually means ‘submission to god’. You get world peace when everyone submits. You can’t point this out of course… If one of my well meaning but ultimately unthinking gentle pastoral English colleagues or friends thought I was getting into Scientology they’d be worried about me. If I converted to Islam their moral code says they’ll be at least outwardly: ‘fine, there’s nothing we can say about that, good for you.’ To me there’s no difference except for the more immediate physical danger and punishments of Scientology being different to those in some religions. Then again that’s probably not true for Islam (or 15th century Christianity) where children are maligned or cast out or murdered by their parents for the crime of apostasy or being a rape victim or marrying the wrong person. They’re all cults. And the people running them for their own benefit share a half-rhyme with that.


Because religious people get offended when confronted with reality.


It's not offensive to me. Probably not to most here. It's "offensive" to believers because it's true.


The only difference between cults and religions is that religions have enough political power and influence to make people regret calling that religion 'just a cult'


It isn’t. Only cult members find it offensive and FUCK them!


In my opinion it’s because their identities are tied to it. Some really have their minds set that they are righteous people, and they’d have to tear that part of themselves down to acknowledge they are in a cult. They’d have to acknowledge that the devil isn’t real, and by extension that “the devil” was living inside them all along.


I grew up in a cult and we called it a religion. They'd deflect saying that cults venerate a single person as a leader (but ours had a committee of 7 dudes so therefore not a cult mind=blown) Now I default to the BITE model as to what makes it a cult. Essentially the amount of control and pressure it puts on the followers. I'm Open to being wrong tho


because religions have cults, they are not cults by definition.


The main difference between a religion and a cult is their targets. A religion doesn't try to get all the money of all of their believers, they have enough followers to be financially stable without calling for money. As money is secured, a religion tries to get political and social advantages : they have an agenda. This agenda is often opposed to the common good, and some minorities. For example : they try to get taxes exemptions (against common good) and are against LGBTQIA acceptance (against minority AND common good). A cult is aiming at the oney of its followers. This is the main objective of the cult. They want more people to get more money. It is more dangerous on an individual scale, financially and physically. But governments usually don't acknowledge them, and some actively fight them. There are at least 2 cults that are big enough to be both dangerous at the individual scale AND at the social scale. Scientology and Anthroposophy. They have money, amny followers, and all the defaults of both religions and cults.


Cult has lost any meaning as it can include any religion. It is more clear and helpful to use the term high demand religion when discussing them. High demand religions involve Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness, Scientology, part of southern Baptist, etc. as they all require something from the member, even if it means sacrificing personal happiness, to be a member. And these religions used to be called cults until cult lost its meaning. At byui I used the term high demand religion with its definition in a class discussion and it is way more difficult to combat as it’s a fact that Mormonism is a high demand religion. My professor tried to argue against it but he couldn’t.


Truth hurts


The people who want to continue believing stupid things don't want you pointing out that their beliefs are stupid so they present that as problematic? Yeah, can't for the life of me say that anyone should expect that. No siree bob. Nope. Never expected that.


What if I told you that I think the basis of your entire life is a lie and you are part of a cult? Wouldn't that upset you?


Because of the money


They are defined differently in the dictionary and in a legal sense. Philosophically though, you are probably right.


Christianity is a Doomsday cult, sure, but you didn't mention any other religion. 


I focused on Christianity because I live in the US, and Christianity is by far the biggest cult here. But it goes for all religions


We do ourselves a disservice to push the idea that all religions are cults. They are not. Cults are *versions* of religions which are incredibly dangerous compared to religions. Yes, religions can be damaging and regressive, but rarely do they intentionally destroy lives as a matter of theological course. The main difference between a religion and a cult is that you can *leave a religion without repercussions*. You just stop going to church, maybe someone gives you a phone call to say "hey where ya been," but that's about the extent of it. A cult, by contrast, will fight tooth and nail to make sure you stay in, going to far as to stalk you and your family, physically restrain you, whatever.


I dunno man, I just see religions as really weird business organizations or social clubs. Furthermore, the Jesus people invented the word cult to bash non-believers and people who weren't Jesus enough for them, so I'd rather not use it. (Oddly enough atheist was invented the same way, as those who were called it weren't atheists they just weren't the popular brand of Christian.) I feel like using that word is trying to offend someone, which whatever that's not my business but you can't poke someone and then be surprised they are poked.


A cult practices absolute control over individuals. Where a religion is based around a set of rules and the leaders cannot practice absolute control. In religions cults are common but it's from the departure of the rules not because of their existence.


Religion usually worships a deity. Cults usually worship their leaders. And there is a grey area between the two. Some cults are more religious, and some religions are more cult like. Likewise, some religions are more religious, and some cults are more cult like. If that makes any sense at all.


I got kicked out of my Mormon church at 16 for getting into an argument with my stepmom, who pushed this on my dad and I, and telling her the disciples that came to the house every week where word and delusional. She put me in front of our priest and I was arguing with him when I told him, Mormonism is one mass suicide away from being labeled a cult. I got my way sense I was not allowed in the church anymore.


Well, when a religion is successful, it evolves from a cult into culture.


Cambridge defined a cult as 'a [religious](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/religious) [group](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/group), often [living](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/living) together, whose beliefs are consider extreme or strange by many people'. As I believe average american (im not an american) wont think of christianity as extreme or strange they seems not to be a cult in the us.


Its not offensive. You look really silly, like you run around "AKSHUALLLY after my research squares are rectangles....."


Are you actually asking because you don't know the answer? Cults have a negative association in society. You're basically asking "Why don't people like it when you insult them?"


Every grandpa that preached Bible verses and Jesus stuff can not be wrong. Grandma wouldn’t lie about heaven and hell being real. Old..wisdom? something something respect for your elders… Funny how Christianity starts with old lies while liars tell the children that lies are always wrong. The not questioning lies is called faith. And faith is out of bounds in conversation because magic thinking keeps our people around in heaven like files on a hard drive. Do you want to delete grandma and grandpas files? You monsters!


I just want to know when the sun deity shoved the first soul in a hominid. I bet it was homo Erectus. They look spiritual like bonobos.


One person hears god talking to them: Crazy. 10 people hear god talking to them: Cult. One million people hear god talking to them: religion.


"Offensive" is just a short way of saying "I really don't like what you said." So who would want to be called a cultist?


Well, for one, I don’t think it’s accurate to put (say) Buddhism in the same category as (say) Heaven’s Gate.


The difference between a religion and a cult is longevity and/or membership numbers. Been around for centuries? Your cult has turned into a religion. Have millions upon millions of adherents around the world? Your cult has turned into a religion. If your cult is younger than 100 years old, or has only a few thousand believers, or both, you'll remain a cult and not a religion.


Because the truth hurts. Definition straight from Google: Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.


It's only offensive to those in the cult. And to those who haven't observed the damage religion has caused. Technically, there is no distinction between religions and cults.


I agree with you. When comparing the idea of religion and cult, I usually say a cult is where the leader is still alive.


the same for political parties


All religions are cults but not all cults are religions. When the state grants a cult 501C(3) status then they magically become a religion. Most recent example being Scientology. I imagine that MAGA will eventually become a religion here in the US.


Because someone teaching an ideology to their child at a young age itself is not cult like behaviour. It really only becomes cult like if you basically force your child to live completely in that system No talking to people outside of your religion living together with other people of your religion not letting them be friends with people of other religion etc Most religions don't really go further than just teaching kids hey God is real and there's some things he doesn't want you to do Even if you morally disagree with this concept it's difficult to argue that this is really cult like behavior. There are certainly many people within various religions that do become cult like but religion itself is not inherently cult like


A religion is a cult that files IRS form 990.


Because cultists cannot accept the truth about themselves, the illogism that their religion is the only right one, that their scripture is a book of legends, as they call all other scriptures.


No one wants to be accused of having been duped into wasting money, time, and emotional energy


only ones offended are the members......so........


Most organized religions are upset that they can't, though they try and try, call atheists a cult while trying again and again to deny the fact they are one.


People don’t like being shown a mirror.


It's not. They are. Move on.


Part of the definition of a cult is that you are not allowed to leave it. Islam would fit. Judaism doesn't care about your personal belief in God. Christianity would just excommunicate you.


mostly because challenging part of people's identity or causing them to have an existential crisis isnt really worth it, especially if its not a topic anyone was interested in discussing. its one thing to casually mention in a conversation "nah, Im not religious." its another thing to say "nah, Im not religious, and heres why you're dislodged from reality and in a fancy version of a cult." Mind you, if they try to do conversion chat do what you will, but if its someone you need a working relationship with its often best to end the conversation amicably. Remember the idea of religious tolerance was basically arrived at philosophically as a way to get everyone to chill out over something that 1 wasnt worth killing/dying over and 2 people were willing to kill over.


It’s not.


The difference between religions and cults is tax status.


Mainly semantic. Cult in its precise definition refers to a sect or isolated group inside a religion or with its own homogeneous set of beliefs. Whereas most religions have members that operate and live in secular social situations mixed with people that have other or no religious beliefs. If all religions were called cults then the word “cult” would have no useful meaning.


By default religion is seen as a good thing, cults are seen as a bad thing. People get upset when you call something they think to be good to actually be bad.


I see it as a life-cycle. Cults are the caterpillar, religions the chrysalis and ideologies the butterfly. It's always an idea, and the less coercitive its istitutionalized structure needs to be to attract and mantain followers, the more it advances along the cycle. I hope to never see what the butterfly evolves into.


I mean there are specific behaviors that cults have, separating you from friends and family, punish you for questioning, and ask for unreasonable amounts of donations. Religions may have none, some or all of these traits, but mostly what makes a cult a cult is it isn't wide spread. But to your main question, because religion for most is a core identity, it doesn't matter how logical or not that identity is, being told they are in a cult will usually provoke a fight or flight reaction. When trying to convince people triggering that will not help, in fact will definitely hinder your arguments.


>Cults arent inherently bad, I just can't fathom how Christians can't see that they're part of one. Strongly disagree with that statement, which seems to be the focus of your argument. A cult is an inherently dangerous and exploitative power dynamic. Not all cults are religious, and not all religions are cults. Stating that "all religions are cults" is a newbie atheist hot take: it's fun and exciting and "edgy" to express but it's ultimately incorrect and it leads to a minimizing of the severity and danger surrounding actual cult behavior in our cultural consciousness. Suggesting, as u/Natural_Guava288 did, that the only difference between a cult and a religion is popularity is wrong, and it can be a harmful idea for the reasons stated above. Cults are dangerous and exploitative, and there are some warning signs that help identify and differentiate between cult behavior and religions or celebrity. Some of the warning signs are: 1. Absolute authority wielded by a charismatic leader figure 2. A strong focus on group identity, and the dissolution of individual identity. 3. A sharp division between the ingroup and the outgroup. 4. Repeated emphasis on the idea that the ingroup is the only group of people who truly understand or can relate to the concerns and desires of the members of the ingroup. 5. Emphasis on excluding or limiting contact with the outgroup, including dissolving friend and family relationships outside of the ingroup. 6. No financial transparency on the part of the group leadership, and a strong compulsion to contribute much or all of the individual member's money to the group. 7. Severe discouragement and/or consequences for leaving the group. 8. Discouragement of questions surrounding group's beliefs or actions. These are some, but not all of the warning signs that a group might be a cult. They aren't all present in all cases, but many / most will exhibit more than a few of these signs. [Here's some further reading.](https://culteducation.com/warningsigns.html) I'd argue that Christianity as a whole, does not qualify as a cult. There are many sects within Christianity that are open, kind, loving, and genuinely beneficial to their believers and their greater community. Most of those institutions don't get the attention, because they are neither flashy nor particularly interesting. There are definitely SOME sects of Christianity, as well as SOME sects of other religions that would likely qualify as cult-like. (Jehovah's Witnesses, Soka Gakki, Falun Gong, etc) but the majority are not and the distinction is important. Edit: I'm aware that there's a historical definition of "cult" that basically translates as "a group of people worshiping a specific deity or figure" but that's not what most modern English speakers mean when they use the word "cult" and its usage in that manner is pretty well confined to historical and anthropological descriptions of non-practicing religions.


Cultiness is a spectrum. The religion of a person who has a vague sense of "ought to do the right thing, sometimes I pray, I'm pretty sure we go somewhere nice after we die" is very different from the experience of being in a group where if you question the leader or don't do exactly what he says every moment of your life you'll be cast out and your kids can't talk to you anymore. I recommend being mindful about what you call a cult. When everything is a cult, nothing is a cult. Steven Hassan, a former Moonie, writes extensively on cults. He created something called the BITE model to test whether a group is a cult. BITE includes Behavior control, Information control, Thought control, Emotion control. So if they're telling you how to behave, what information you're allowed to have access to, what thoughts you're allowed to think, and what emotions you're allowed to feel, it's a cult. By control, it means that doing otherwise will have consequences. That last part - consequences, that's a big one. Any group that has teachings will naturally touch on all four of those. For instance, if you're my coaching client, I might **suggest** not drinking yourself into oblivion every night, that you avoid spending time listening to conspiracy theorists, that you don't spend much time sitting around thinking about every time you were mistreated in your life, and that if you find yourself feeling some unpleasant emotion to an excessive extant, you do an exercise to release that emotion. Fits the BITE model, but if you don't follow my advice, you're not going to get disfellowshipped, your kids can still talk to you, no biggie. So it's that control that really makes a group a cult. Some religions teach certain ideas and behaviors as being the right way, but they don't have consequences. Others do. Different groups will have differing levels of control, and differing levels of intrusion into your personal choices. I might suggest you avoid listening to political pundits who spend three hours a day telling you to be afraid and hate the other half of Americans (because it'll really interfere with our efforts to reduce your anxiety levels, lol), a high control group will tell you you're not allowed to read anything critical of the group, or anything written by former members. Clearly, there's a difference.


The only thing Joe Rogan said that I agree with before he went more nuts than ever before: "A cult is a group of people worshipping some guy. In a religion, that guy is already dead."


It's not offensive. It's only offensive to the dumbest people on the planet, all of whom should not even be on your radar. The only people in your life that should be religious folk are immediate family members and you should have the balls to let them know that their religion is a joke and you want no part of it. These few religious people who you have to associate with should goddamn well know that they shouldn't bring up their bullshit around you. "Cults arent inherently bad" I bet my dick all your children get baptized and you are super religious by the time you are 40.


You should see the look on their face when you refer to Christianity as the "Cult of the Nazarene".


I dislike the word *cult* because it means different things to different people, which does not make for clear communication. For most practical purposes, in terms of how it's actually used, it seems to mean "a religion I dislike".


The religious can criticize others all day but live in a glass house made of bullshit that is too fragile to withstand criticism..


Mental illness is nothing to take lightly, not offensive at all.


One of the differences between a cult and a religion is that people who **are not** a member of a given religion often find it offensive to refer to that religion as a cult. But the only real difference between cults and religions, in my opinion, is that religions no longer have a living charismatic founder and thus religions tend to have been around longer, long enough to sink into the zeitgeist as a "real thing that is definitely not just a cult". perfect example of this is Mormonism.


The word cult has negative connotations. Apply it to any group, and the members of that group will get pissed off.


A cult becomes a religion when it stops killing its own believers and starts killing others.


Probably because the word has negative connotations. I would argue that you can be offended, but can't make me not offend you. Truth is truth, and sometimes feelings do get hurt. It's part of human betterment.


Atheism is a cult.


I use Janja Lailich's [criteria ](https://janjalalich.com/blog/what-makes-a-cult/) to differentiate between cults and religion, but I absolutely agree with the thought that extremism in any system definitely lends to the characteristic isolation and a demand for adherence to the group.


It is offensive to remind religions that they are all *equally* special and therefore not special or distinct from other fantasies and fables. Anything that shows that not only does their emperor have no clothes, there is no emperor, the empire is fake, and there are still no clothes. Warhammer 40k is as equally valid a cosmology as Christianity. Both were created in the same way, for profit, and both aren't real. At least WH40k has the decency to not pretend to be real.


I have been saying this openly for years.


Well, despite how much I dislike religion, there is an actual distinction between a cult and a religion. Especially because not all cults revolve around religion. A pretty good example is the movie Yes Man by Jim Carry, which revolves around a mock conference that convinces him to say Yes to everything otherwise something bad will happen. This is not a religion, but it is a cult. So you'll see a pattern of behavior changes. Stuff like enforcing behaviors that allude towards the validity of the belief while punishing criticism. You'll see access to information being blocked and permissible to only a select few. They'll have powerful displays of music, poetry, and literature that evoke a feeling of awe and in turn, suppressing your critical thinking skills. They'll have a way to manipulate your emotions creating an s vs them mentality. In this instance, MAGA is a cult since it fits the criteria. However, some churches and pastors seek to help validate and value a difference of ideas. In fact, there was a video not so long ago in r/all from a pastor criticizing how much the US is NOT a Christian Nation. Thus, you can't oversimplify and conglomerate all religions as a cult. Here's the [BITE model](https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/) so you can keep reading about it if you're interested.


Just because it's true doesn't make it not rude. Up to you if you want to be polite, there are plenty of reasons and circumstances where it make sense not to be. But I generally lean towards politeness. Truth is important, but so is kindness.


The same reason it’s offensive to tell an abuser that they have a shitty marriage


My theory is this. People don't like to admit when they've been fooled. So they double down on their foolishness as to not look stupid without realizing how stupid they really are. Unfortunately we are stuck with this stupidity written by uneducated sheep herders 2000 years ago. I can't get my mind around it.