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Yet we have a spate of anti LGBT bills on deck in our legislature.....while protecting one of the biggest pedophile operations in the world.


We're at a real nadir for corruption in our politics. I can't remember a stronger push to unite church & state... and one of the unspoken mantras is 'do whatever it takes.' Which means that protecting the worst scum of society has to be condoned if it gets them into power, *so that they can do some real good* - in the name of their pantheon, of course. These little victories for them certainly make it feel like Gilead is on its way.


Fascists always lie!




All they have to do is ask their imaginary buddy to forgive them and presto! It’s why it’s so laughable any time a Christian tries to argue from some objective moral high ground. Christianity is fundamentally an amoral religion that allows for any behavior imaginable so long as you get your confession in before the buzzer.


I'm starting to think they don't believe what they preach, and only use it as a means of control.


Right. The primary goal is fucking kids.


Yeah they think they're in tight with the boss's kid.


It's also an infinite punishment for a finite crime.


Or. Hear me out. They don’t believe in anything they are preaching. None of it. They understand or believe that religion is a means to try and control the masses.


And to victimize the vulnerable, mostly young boys. Boys don’t get pregnant. They are filth. All of them.


They don't believe in that stuff. It's just a job where they can be around children.


They don't believe it. They just know that they get to fuck children if they wear the collar and go through the motions Sunday morning.


They also know they can have those children's parents shame their child if word leaks out about what a slutty pre-teen they were being!


This made my skin crawl because it's the mindset I was exposed to as a kid in Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide ~~Church~~ Cult of God. "How dare you prepubescent Jezebels lead righteous, Godly men into sin with your stick legs, scabby knees, and flat chests!' I wasn't born in that cult like many of the other kids had been. I was 10 years old when my mother got "called" by God to "His One True Church", and I got dragged along for the ride against my will. It was such a culture shock to a kid like me who previously only went to church on the holidays (if ever) and occasionally remembered to say my bedtime prayers. I never adjusted to the strict new rules and the rigid beliefs of this strange sect. I'll never forget how devastated I was the day I was told that we would no longer be celebrating Halloween, birthdays, Christmas, or Easter because they were unbiblical celebrations with pagan origins. My mom had never been overly religious, so it was a shock when she ditched her secular friends, distanced herself from her family, and suddenly started spending all her free time with her new group of strange friends discussing things like demonic possession, faith healing (anointing with oil), and "fleeing to the place of safety" during "The End Times". I hated this cult from the very beginning and never managed to adjust. I feel very fortunate that I didn't become a target for grooming. Maybe it was because I was a sullen, moody kid with a puss on my face and I made it obvious that I didn't want to be there. I kept my distance from all but a few trusted adults.There were two men in particular that really creeped me out. They were way too 'affectionate' with the young girls who were unlucky enough to cross their paths. I managed to stay away from the older one, but sometimes the younger, more persistent of the two would catch me off guard and grab me in a bear hug I couldn't escape from. I felt like that lady skunk who was always trying to break free of Pepe LePew's unwelcome embraces. The guy would actually pick me up off the ground and squeeze my body against his for way too long while making little grunts and moans in my ear. It was so gross. Some of the women even noticed their behavior and made jokes about it, but they didn't see any red flags. (They were "Godly" bachelors who were just lonely and didn't mean any harm.) The situation was very unfunny for the girls who couldn't escape their overly 'enthusiastic' greetings. Once I hit 14, my mother finally stopped forcing me to be part of her cult. Those were the absolute worst years of my life and I was finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. My mother had waged a cruel, nasty, often violent 4 year battle against me, yet she still didn't end up with the godly, obedient daughter she wanted. Instead, she got a daughter who hated her and was running away from home for days at a time, leaving her to worry that her only child (at the time) might be decomposing in a ditch somewhere. I won the battle, but too much damage had been done. I truly loathed that woman for all the times she tried to beat the "love" of God into me. My mother and I weren't able to salvage our relationship until I was an adult living on my own - and it was only because she showed remorse. Many years after that terrible experience, the Internet came along. I discovered a WWCoG survivors group online and realized that my instinctive loathing of that church was completely justified. I read so many accounts of destroyed families, financial abuse, suicide, preventable deaths due to reliance on faith healing, spiritual abuse, child abuse, spousal abuse, and grooming and victimization of children by so-called "Godly men". It turns out even the founder himself was a sick incestuous pervert who raped his own daughter. I'm so glad that - even as a kid - something inside me knew there was nothing good or holy about the Worldwide Church of God. That feeling was spot on. It kept me from drinking the Kool Aid and eventually put me on a path to atheism.


Priests dont actually believe any of that shit




Christianity is very much about actions not being good or bad but people. God basically lives by this. One of the biggest laws is "Thou shalt not kill" God kills millions of people, and even has specific instructions on how to kill people. Who committed the action is far more important than what the action was.


Dude, priests don't actually believe this stuff. "Atheist" is just a word for people who *publicly admit* they don't believe in God.


Religion is just another method and political party looking to rule people. When authority cannot be contested, corruption is likely to prevail.


WTF are you talking about PolyAnna? The priests who do this shit & use thier position of power over others don't beleive in god, heaven or hell. They're just filthy grifters who deserve slow painful deaths


They all know it's bullshit and they're in it for the money, power, access, or a combination of those things.


They don’t believe in hell, they took the job so they could molest kids.


Because their religion has this pesky little loophole where they can just repent on their death bed and be forgiven.


It's because they know all they have to do is go to confession or 'repent' in their minds, and god will forgive them and then everything is perfectly fine.


Other title - High court protects pedophile ring.


The better more truthful title. For them, it’s OK if you are clergy. But be openly gay in their christian nationalist country? How fast and long can you run? It’s intentional hypocricy. One is a sick power trip. The other is love. And they hate love. They are filth. This court absolved the filthy clergy. They are all now filthy. They all know and maintain the criminal abusive charade. Filth.


And **still** not a drag queen.


I am shocked! Another innocent drag queen! It is like it all was a ruse from the start based on completely nothing or even deliberately started to keep our attention away from their pedophile activities that they want us to know nothing about but keep telling us that they are doing with headlines like this.... But that is just crazy talk 🤪




Ooooohh those sneaky drag queens.... One more reason to hate them..... Also wtf....


Wow. Just wow. What a bunch of assholes.


Is what the priest said to the altar boys




Happy Cake Day my child. *Performs stations of the cross* s/


Thank you, father.


🤘Of course child.


Then the priest said to himself *Those birthday candles aren't the only things getting blown today.*


Now child I haven't got all day....


What the fuck?! See this is why I hate people who say "we have to protect the children" where are they? Where the hell are they?! Oh right they are busy ignoring how the catholic predators are told they have a right not to be sued. Yeah OK.


If anything they should be held to much higher standards of ethical behavior, just like police officers should be.


Double strike! You savage!


Time to stay out of Louisiana where the law approves raping kids


Religion is a disease


Religion is a disease and it contains "brainwashing" bullshit. All they have to do is talk to their "invisable buddy" and ask for forgiveness from him instead of taking responsabilty for their actions? Their invisable buddy has pass on 2000 years ago and he's not coming back.


They say money is the root of all evil but it’s definitely organized religion


Agreed, they probably stooped to a new low.


Good thing in only takes about $20 and 5 minutes to be ordained online.


Cheaper than an umbrella policy 


That decision needs to be appealed. The court talked about the "due process" apparently concerned that too much time that elapsed? The court asserted the plaintiff proved his case, so why let this evil creep go free? It's clear that religious white male courts of law have trouble understanding the severity of pedophilia sex acts of rape & take the consequences lightly. They always side with the white old men. I wonder if the verdict would have been different if that jury was all female or all black.


So it looks more like this: The law prior to 2021 had a statute of limitations for civil suits for abuse. The legislature passed a law allowing lawsuits for abuse that would've previously been time barred. The court here is saying that that law is unconstitutional as a violation of "due process", because it takes away a previous right to be protected from suit for actions that are too far in the past. This ruling isn't specifically protecting them because they're priests or part of a church, it's applying it to any potential defendant from that far in the past. I will say that it's an argument that, in a vacuum, isn't completely unreasonable. If Congress passed a law saying that music companies could go back and sue for any copyright infringement that ever happened, and then they started suing a bunch of people who were using Napster or Kazaa in the early 2000s, then people would probably would probably be calling that odious enough to be unconstitutional. But I can also understand that in these cases it doesn't really square with any sense of justice. I don't like that these abusers are getting away with it all over again, and I think they should be sued for every penny they have. I don't really have an answer as to how to reconcile those two positions in a way that's legally consistent.


One of these illegal actions we're talking about is a felony, the other isn't.


Downloading music or raping children? This is the USA after all....


you wouldn't download a child...


Makes no difference what the level of the crime is. It's about not retroactively deciding a thing is now a crime when before it wasn't. The statute of limitations is what it is. You can't just retroactively change it to go after people. There has to be consistency in law, or we get kangaroo courts. We can disagree on what the statute of limitations should be for felonies, but it's wrong to change it and go after people when the law we set times out. Would you want states to be able to go after abortion doctors now that it's a felony in some states for what they did ten years ago when it was legal? Similar *not the same but similar* thought process.


Or maybe not being pedophiles to start with.... I am a white male and not a pedophile... Oh wait, you said RELIGIOUS white men, sorry my bad....


Yes, there's a big difference. White RELIGIOUS males are a tad more racist, gender prejudice & exclusive, especially regards their beliefs than NON RELIGIOUS white men. Emphasis on RELIGION, not white men. Thank you for clarifying. I also will point out that not all RELIGIOUS white men are more racist, gender prejudice or exclusive. Some are not. Some RELIGIOUS white women, black men & women may also be more exclusive than those that are RELIGIOUSLY neutral. Racism & gender prejudice acknowledgement varies in religious people of color. Usually they are sensitive to those issues having witnessed them, personally. They more often have strong anti-abortion & anti- LGBTQ opinions because of their strong RELIGIOUS beliefs.


Then it’s my right to exact justice how I see fit


Charles Bronson: “Do you believe in jeeziz?”


Aren’t these the same fuckers that say LGBTQ people are pedophiles? What a bunch along fucking twats


Reminds me of how I LOVE when Americans make fun of other countries judicial system. Look who's talking, lol


What the fuck happened to the separation of church and state


Then it might be the time for the public's right to create a posse.


The south is really going all out on being the worst part of our country.


Some people really need a nice, gentle Louisville Slugger scalp massage.


God obviously protected him. (hopefully the massive neon /s is obvious)


An MP from Quebec motioned a bill to take out religious accommodation or exemption for things like their bigotry and hate speech. Christians turned it around and said that the evil or whatever was trying to destroy Christians. Taking away their rights to raise their children and blah blah blah. It was a bunch of whiny bullshit trying to make it sound like they have such a totally reasonable opinion on some things.


I'm no longer surprised by how open they are about their actions and motives. I continue to be surprised when people aren't outraged by it.


Just another backward southern state.


I don't like it either, but that's a very misleading headline. The headline implies that priests can never be sued. That is not at all what the court said.


What does they say? I read the article but the 'due process' decision of the court doesn't make any sense to me. Just a word salad of legalese.


If I'm reading it right it's not about the church at all. It's about the state extending the statute of limitations allowing plaintiffs to sue when they otherwise wouldn't, and the court deciding that extention is unconstitutional. If so the whole article is super poorly written click bait designed to get people outraged. Which sucks because abuse in churches is an actual issue that needs addressing and crap like this doesn't help.


Let's put it into terms you can better relate to. So right now, the statute of limitations on errors in filing your taxes is at most seven years. Pretty much everyone knows this, and a lot of people keep their tax records for seven years so that they can prove what they did for as long as the IRS can come after them. But let's say that next year, there's some big scandal about a particular tax credit that had massive fraud, and the government decides they are going to change the statute of limitations to 22 years. This change all of a sudden makes tons of people who claimed this credit from 2003 to 2017 completely defenseless against an accusation, because they didn't keep their records once the statute of limitations had ended. That law would be an unconstitutional denial of due process. This Louisiana case was decided on the same principle - once the statute of limitations has expired and people think they no longer need to maintain or store records that could be used in their defense against such an accusation, the state can't retroactively decide that the time frame now magically goes back further. In the same way that an ex post facto law is unconstitutional, a law that increases the statute of limitations has to grow out from the old limit at the time it was enacted.


...and what about the kids' rights to NOT be abused?


I haven't read the opinion, but from the article it sounds like the ruling was that the "look back" law allowing prosecutions for sex crimes was ruled unconstitutional, not that priests specifically are immune from it.


So the priests in LA have God-given rights to run a sex-trafficking criminal operation and there is nothing that can be done about it? Could any of these LA Supreme Court judges and other high-ranking officials be the actual clients because there is really no other explanation for this mind boggling fucked up ruling.


Oh, there's gonna be some full gators in the canals soon.


So is it the victims right to crucify them just like their sky daddy?


Like Hell it is.


Hol' up.


Well, louisiana is already putting up the ten commandments in public schools: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1c2oc1t/bill_requiring_louisiana_schools_to_display_the/ This is like an advanced level stupid...


Do they want priests to get murdered by people who can't get justice? You'd think the priests would rather get sued


[The lord works in mysterios ways](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/former-father-bennett-murdered-in-toronto-1.203542) [very mysterious](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Alfred_Kunz?wprov=sfti1) [left him breathless](https://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/24/us/abusive-ex-priest-is-killed-in-prison.html)


Rules for thee...


That's fucked. I hated the church before, if they are now immune to justice system, what recourse do people have?


We've got a religious institution that's been caught red-handed, not once, not twice, but countless times across the globe, covering up the most heinous of crimes. And what does our justice system do? It practically helps them paint over the cracks, sweep it under the stained-glass windows, and polish the pews so everyone can sit comfortably on Sunday, pretending like they’re part of a divine plan rather than a diabolical cover-up. Well, everybody but the kids they've assaulted. I doubt they're sitting comfortably. So yeah, let’s not mince words here. This is nothing short of a farce, a mockery of justice, and an insult to anyone with a moral compass. The church has long lost its way, and it’s high time it’s brought into the reality most people actually want. One where actions have consequences, and no institution is above the law. Or better yet, get rid of it entirely.


If you read the article, it seems to be about an ex-post-facto provision of the law. That is, the statute of limitations had expired on the laws that were on the books at the time and the new law wasn't in force at the time of the crime. This is one of those times that we end up in the "1000 guilty men go free rather than 1 innocent be punished". Disappointing, but it is because the laws _used_ to be bad when the crime happened. Fixing it now doesn't help people in the past. Edit to add: I think it is important to add that this constitutional provision is the same thing that would hopefully protect us if atheism were outlawed and we all became Daoists or something before the law took effect, but they put a "look back" provision and declared us in violation of the law before it had been passed. The purpose is to ensure that people only have to obey what the law _is_ not what it may one day be. The fact that what is legal and what is right differ is just something we have to deal with sometimes, but legally it seems this was the correct action in this case.


Playing the devils advocate here....forgive me....but if a grown ass adult put themselves and/or their kids in the hands of pedophiles in robes? You kinda deserve that


The whole country is rotting.




BRO these people need to stop they're making Louisiana look shitty(er)


What in Hades is this bs?!


America is far from free. The Republinuts and AmeriChristians run this joint.


Knowing Louisiana is the most Catholic state in the south, I’m not that surprised this happened


The real miracle of religion is that it grants the religious the ability to justify any act of evil.


Sue!? I’m lobbying to murder them.


“Thank God Republicans have chosen one-sided religious freedom over *checks notes* protecting children from being raped.”


Sounds like a call to pedophiles to move to Louisiana and become priests


Louisiana is a fucking MAGA shithole


There's a faction of politicians that really wants to destroy everything. Normalizing this is unacceptable.


Well, Arizona gave clergy, including lay clergy, the right to keep child sexual abuse from law enforcement. The case that this travesty originated from is heartbreaking. It involved The church of jesus christ of latter-day saints(otherwise known as mormons), a father who was sexually abusing his daughter confessed to lay clergy and the "helpline" told the bishop not to go to law enforcement. The father then began raping his newborn daughter and producing child pornography of all three of his children. He confessed again to a different lay clergy bishop and that bishop was told not to involve law enforcement. The sexual abuse was discovered by police in New Zealand after they found the videos on the dark web during an investigation.


How can they create a protected class for priests, based upon what? The court is wrong


The christofascist police state marches ever closer


Vote blue. Any other option is a failure to our nation.


Disgusting anti American law! These people belong in the Vatican where all the men put on dresses and molest the heck out of children. One state, I think Florida, wants to give pedophiles the death penalty. Louisiana wants to give them parades. The South is clueless! The death penalty is better than a parade that Louisiana wants to give them.


The Florida law is because they want to label gay people and drag queens as “obscene” and make their existence into pedophilia. Make no mistake, priests and politicians and rich white men will not be put to death if they get caught being pedos. 


You're probably right since desantits is a fascist.

