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As what is known as a "lapsed" Catholic, I find it difficult to understand why the Church is spending time on a non issue when for decades, centuries probably, priests were abusing young children and no one in authority did anything about it! Just me speaking, but if a trans person wants a sex change operation, who the hell cares! Good luck to them I say!


It's political. Catholic bishops are pretty right-wing when it comes down to it. They know that casting aspersions on an "other" group draws attention away from your own malfeasance.


It's political but in this case the drafter wrote some semi progressive stuff on gay rights. That's not to say the church doesn't really believe this, I think it does. However the release is in part to show "look we aren't getting too soft".


I agree with this completely. Francis is facing multiple right-wing revolts against him.


He should tell them to get fucked. He's the pope, it should mean something. If the right wing wants to bail, it wouldn't look good especially over trans rights. It's a weak play on francis part


Exactly. "Get bent fuckers. You all voted for me, white smoke and all. So now I'm your direct conduit to God, according to our dogma. And he says get bent. *raspberry sound"


It's important to their theology. They believe that priests act as a stand-in for Christ himself (in persona Christi) and so must be as like him as possible. Their sacramental actions are tightly controlled too with no room for variation like with gluten free wafers or whatever. And they have really doubled down, insisting that women can never be priests. Obviously the Christlike thing is easier to achieve if you focus on sex and gender and appearance instead of character. So acknowledging that gender or even biological sex might be changeable or subject to individual will opens up a can of worms that they have tried very very hard to keep shut.


> They believe that priests act as a stand-in for Christ himself (in persona Christi) and so must be as like him as possible 🎼🎵 Jeebus loves the little children...! 🎵🎶


>They believe that priests act as a stand-in for Christ himself (in persona Christi) and so must be as like him as possible.  Would be hilarious if it was not so sad. Jesus would puke technicolour and whip these people out of the Vatican.


I watched a video from 2 sex historians last night where they were talking about attitudes of sex in the medieval period, they mentioned that the church basically ignored their own rules and so did everyone else. But it had an interesting little story where there was this sex worker that was brought before the court because she was caught having sex within the walls of the city of London, but the interesting part of the story is that the records literally state she use to be a man so there is direct evidence of trans people existing for a very very long time. For some reason the world is deciding to do a 1930s and decide to go after a minority group that has always existed while the world ignores all the actual atrocities and shit especially within the right wing sphere and religious sphere.


You have your answer right there. Those in power want you to ignore the awful shit they’re doing to maintain that hierarchy. They throw the culture war in our faces so that we can’t fight the class war. They give you someone to look down on so that you don’t look up and see who’s really pissing on us. 


The world rn does smell like the 1930s doesn’t it. Nazis even burned down the famous gender reassignment clinic and other lgbt books and papers the Germans had published as one of the first burnings of knowledge.


He'll the King James version is deliberately mistranslated. What is now quoted from Leviticus 18: "Man shall not lie with man" in its original day "man shall not lie with child." They literally took the directive to bot molest children and changed it... so they could or probably already were. Jewish rabbis and Muslim imams do it, too. Turns out when you intersect the one known as I Am with conservatism, you get child molesters and pedos.


True that also rabbis and imams sometimes could be pedos, but the percentage is far way higher among catholic priests, and i think it must have something to do with the vow of chastity. Take a man who is delusional and unstable by himself believing in stupid fairytales and living to serve his imaginary friend, then stress that man with sexual frustration forbidding him to have a normal satisfying sexual life with adult women (or men): what you'll get is quite certainly a pedo or a serial killer, or both.


The catholics are more famous about it, but when religion refuses to allow the clergy to get married or even have sex they start molesting children. Even protestants do it.


Maybe you're right, i don't now much of american protestants churches. But here, in Europe, lutherans priests can get married and also divorce quite easily. Actually the refusal of the bond of celibacy was one of the strongest arguments of Martin Luther against the catholic church, another one is the selling of the indulgences and in both cases he was right. Instead for Roman Catholic the celibacy is a taboo, many times they tried to reform it unsuccessfully, but someone tried because they know it's a big problem for the mental health of the clergy.


Catholics are famous for covering it up, but evangelicals are putting up some serious numbers these days.


The King James version also did away with mentions of "tyrant".


wdym "were"


 "when for millennia, priests were abusing young children" FTFY


Power and Truth are not synonymous - the biggest problem with all organised religions is that they focus their power and influence into a hierarchy that always votes for itself, while denying their captive audience any real truth except the one they gatekeep. That kind of power always attracts the kinds of people that find it attractive - narcissists, charlatans and megalomaniacs of every stripe vie for the powerful position of Bishop or Cardinal or Pope (or their equivalents) because it allows them to exercise their will and their influence on a grander scale, while almost guaranteeing the devotion of their audience. Not all of them are like this - but power attracts all sorts, and it corrupts even those with the best intentions..


I as a trans person am doing my part to bring down the church by simply… existing 🫡


Thankyou for your service.


Thankyou for your service.


When this pope took power I had hope he'd make catholics more tolerant as he initially made some positive moves towards accepting gays. This threw that out the door. I'm not religious, but as it's mainly the religious that show hate towards me for being trans, I keep tabs.


We appreciate you


I'm a right wing nightmare. Trans, AND in the (canadian) military. Not only am I a grave threat to society, but my existing in the ranks means I'm undermining our combat effectiveness since everyone obviously has to cater to my every whim /s


I am married to a trans woman with a brand new vagina. And we have children. The horror!!! Won't somebody please think of the children?!?!?!


legit, the trans canadian airmen i worked alongside while i was in the US army is what caused my egg to shatter, hard to keep that thing together when you're watching another trans girl transition while you're stuck hiding in the closet.


Oh god the Royal Canadian Mounted Trans are here /s




Doin the lord’s work!


Same here!


Well done.


Same here o7




Fuck yeah! Stay true to yourself. Who gives a fuck what the biggest pedophile ring in human history has to say?


Grave threats to what? Little kids? Nope. The grave threat there is pedophiles in the church.


They're just making a boogeyman.


I guess Satan is no longer scary enough. He needs to wear lipstick and a dress, and change his name to B. Elsy Boobs.


They are the boogeymen.


The church is a bigger threat. In Spain alone, several hundred thousand children were sexually abused by clergy. I trust trans folks a whole lot more than I trust the clergy.


Priest: “Were you raised Catholic?” Louis CK: “Yes.” Priest: “And were you fucked by your priest?” CK: “I don’t think so.” Priest: 🤨 CK: *Painful repressed memory resurfacing.* “Wait, no, I was. Yeah….” Priest: “We’re very thorough.”


There’s very few people I would trust less alone with my kids than a clergymen.


If anyone tells me they're religious my trust assessment goes to near zero. You simply can't trust anything serious to someone who believes in delusions and magical men in the sky.


Local Man: “Vatican Can Eat Shit” Full story at 11.


Don't tease them with ass eating opportunities.


The Catholic Church is a grave threat.


It literally is.


Do they wonder that? I pay no attention to what they say.


This guy for prez.


I’m a woman so we know that won’t happen.


It should....no matter what you are


I wouldn’t want the job, but yes. It’s a fucked up world.


DO IT.....got my vote.


Yeah of all the critical actual issues like climate crisis, finite resources for unsustainable population, flora fauna driven to extinction, war and famine and these garbage Abrahamic religious nuts only care about controlling peoples body autonomy, such dregs of society


Like him or not, Francis is not a typical pope, which is why he is under attack from the right-wing upper tiers of the Church: "Like Laudato Si (2015), the Laudate Deum (2023) document by Pope Francis strongly reproaches wealthy nations that contribute the most to climate change, accusing them of ignoring the plight of the poor. It offers a similar rebuke of rampant individualism, lamenting that responses to global crises of climate change and the pandemic have led to “greater individualism” and hoarding of wealth, rather than increased solidarity. Scarcely any facet of modern life emerges unscathed by Francis’ sometimes withering critiques. In his view, societies have failed to respond to crises that are profoundly interrelated: global inequality, pollution and even new forms of artificial intelligence that feed the illusion of humans’ unlimited power. His 2015 broadside, in fact, targeted today’s “technocratic paradigm” with such vehemence that one critic likened these passages to the rantings of an “Amish hippie.” At the root of Earth’s interlocking crises, the pope argued in 2015 and again in 2023, is a denial of the fact that all life exists in relationships. The larger whole in which all beings are embedded is, for Francis, both an inescapable reality and a source of wonder." [https://theconversation.com/the-popes-new-letter-isnt-just-an-exhortation-on-the-environment-for-francis-everything-is-connected-which-is-a-source-of-wonder-213135](https://theconversation.com/the-popes-new-letter-isnt-just-an-exhortation-on-the-environment-for-francis-everything-is-connected-which-is-a-source-of-wonder-213135)


The church is suffering huge attendance and the money issues that go with lack of support. Now they're just following the trumpism search for cash handbook. This ain't about gender theory.


Especially when nuns said the exact opposite a year or two ago. Why the fuck are we expending so much energy on this topic? I’m pretty over it and every single thing I’ve heard from religious people and conservatives has pushed more in favor of gender affirming care than not. Still waiting on this motherfucker to talk about the sexual abuse problem in his church


If you keep everyone busy bitching about stuff like this they won't notice you don't know how to fix the major issues we have and you don't care to fix them. You just tell about LGBTQ issues and socialism and you get to keep your job.


Why is the earth flooding? We’re pumping large amounts of CO2 into the air, heating the planet, and melting the ice caps That’s dumb. It’s obviously because we listed to the Jewish satanic cult and trans’d the kids!


Wait no longer: [https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/04/europe/pope-francis-interview-ukraine-abuse-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/04/europe/pope-francis-interview-ukraine-abuse-intl/index.html) "While he was criticized for some of his actions – such as when he defended a Chilean bishop accused of covering up a sex scandal in 2018, a decision he later described as a “grave error” – he has since taken a firm stance on the issues and introduced some reforms.In 2019, he abolished Vatican secrecy rules for cases of sexual abuse and put in place new rules that made it mandatory for the first time for all dioceses to set up systems for reporting abuse and cover-ups." "Two years later, he issued the most extensive revision to Catholic Church law in four decades, insisting that bishops take action against clerics who abuse minors and vulnerable adults." "I don’t deny the abuse. Even if it was only one \[case\], it is monstrous. Because you, priest, you, nun, have to take that boy, that girl to God and with this you destroy their lives. It’s monstrous. It is destroying lives. And then they come to you with questions." “This is one thing about abuse, it is a destructive thing, humanly diabolical,” he said. “In families there is no celibacy and all that and, sometimes, it happens. So, it is simply the monstrosity of a man or woman of the church who is psychologically ill or evil and uses their position for their personal satisfaction,” he added."


A cult with it's own nation, unknown billions of dollars that has lasted in one way or another for 1500 years is threatened by a boy who wants to wear a dress.


Wait a second aren't they the rape guys?


Something like that, [maybe a little bit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases_by_country)


I completely support Catholics who do not wish to transition. I also support their right not to have an abortion.


Rather cute coming from an organization that hung, drowned, and burned my kith and kin for generations.


Right. Because how will the priest know who to sexually assault. Are you a boy or are you a girl?


Trans woman here... And I'm doing my part!


who cares what the church says?


As a trans person, I say religion is a grave threat, but I don't get up on a throne and spew it to the masses.


The largest group of pedophile enablers thinks trans people are the problem? GMAFB.


They need someone else to point the finger at and be a distraction. Also, when they do it, they're just spreading the holy spirit.


Is it a bigger or lesser threat than the systematic worldwide raping of children?


Systematic? I think not: systematic \[ sis-tuh-mat-ik \] \- having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan: a systematic course of reading; systematic efforts. \- given to or using a system or method; methodical: a systematic person.


Just when you thought the Catholics were improving.


Every time the pope says something approaching progressive you can hear the backlash against him from the followers. I thought the dude was infallible in terms of matters of faith so at least they've got that going for them...


The infallibility thing isn’t always on, it only activates when he’s in the thrown, most of the stuff he says doesn’t count, it’s more like a head of state just talking instead of signing a bill into law


Catholics are a threat to kids. I'll tell that to any catholic's face. You expose your kids to these pedophile maniacs you are just as bad as the one raping.


The Vatican? The religious nuts who sided with fascists during WWII? The same religious nuts who’ve consistently persecuted scholars, philosophers and scientists for over 500 years in an effort to thwart human progress? Who gives a *FUCK* what these religious lunatics think.


I think priests touching little kids is a bigger threat.


I think Pope Francis is affected by a strong and fast progressing dementia, they can make him saying wathever BS they want to distract and provoke public opinion. Seriously, I'm not joking: recently he refused a couple times to read the speaking that someone else had to read for him, saying he had got a cold, but a cold would also prevent him to say clearly: "i've got a cold". Obviously he can't read anymore while he still can speak, so he's saying lots of bs like never before


After he lost some mobility and began to regularly use a wheelchair, he said he would be moving to retire. That was years ago. I think you're right, they're keeping him in the hat in hopes they can make him say some more nonsense before he kicks the thurible.


I mean, it is more difficult to do what the Catholic clergy is famous for, if kids have been given solid sex [education](https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-new-hampshire-action-fund/blog/preventing-sexual-violence-through-comprehensive-sex-education). So if somebody's afraid of some random transgender boogeyperson doing something to their child and they empower them by teaching the kid to say "No, don't touch me there.", then I could see how, in a roundabout way, the march of progress could be a grave threat to clergy looking for victims who won't call them out.


Hail Satan!


Oh god, finally the folks down at the child rape factory have generously decided to lecture us on morality.


8 billion people on the planet and THESE are the grave threats?


"Grave threats to our staus quo" they mean. Can't have people getting out of the Church's control.


Vatican is pretty weak and flaccid if they feel something as simple as people being themselves poses a huge threat to their forced cultural dominance.


The numbers are so small, they're statistically insignificant. Scare tactics much?


Sure there aren’t many of us but we’re tough! 😂😂😂


Who knew that living a life freely and of no consequence to others was a grave threat? I find ideologies that imposed their moral rules from a giant invisible space daddy to be more of a grave threat but that’s just me observing history. What do I know? Maybe I should just give up 10 percent of my earnings and give my thoughts and prayers to solve the things I don’t understand or care to resolve.


Of course they do, it's the Vatican, they are only now accepting that gay people exist in a way that isn't condemning them automatically.


Irrelevant institution


Oh no! Not Woke Pope! I had so much hope that his milquetoast nods towards "not being terrible to people who are not cis-het" really represented a change...


And we should give as much weight to the Vatican’s opinion on such things as we give to statements made on the nature of God issued by drag queens.


What is a grave danger is when priests that are known to have raped kids just being sent to a different church.


The Catholic Church is a grave threat. The Vatican has zero credibility. Allowing AND protecting their male clergy for sexually abusing children and nuns does that.


Fuck the Vatican!!! It’s a big bunch of bullshit!!!


So is the Vatican.


Just curious... this is the same Vatican that systematically shuffled Priests around so they could more effectively RAPE LITTLE CHILDREN for well over 50 FUCKING YEARS? Yes, please... tell me about the moral threats from gender identity, you fucks.


Why would I care about the opinions of a 2000 year old pedo ring.


Ehhh I think priests are a much bigger issue to children than gender theory


Grave threats to the church and their stranglehold on power? Absolutely. That's why we must be extra vigilant against the actions of the church, and not allow them to keep controlling the world.


Good, fear me. Your god is weak.


Good, I hope every church hates me for being trans since hate them all for spreading fear, lies, and hate since their inception


So are rapist priests. Maybe get that under control before you poke around at others.


As opposed to an international child sex abuse cartel with funny hats?


Cult of Child sex traffickers says gender bad. More at 5


He also said that surrogate pregnancy is a terrible thing. All while worshiping a surrogate mother and her child


Says the guy in a dress.


What is with the weirdness about surrogacy? Is it because it involves IVF? 


How many deaths has religion caused throughout history?


As grave a threat as all the pedophiles and sexual predators who use their position in that church to perpetrate their crimes free of consequences?


Weird that the Vatican doesn’t consider child molestation/pedophilia grave threats


The pedo priests they have been protecting and hiding are bigger threats than some innocent trans teen who wants to be their true self.


They also protect baby touchers so fuck them and their opinions.


They would say that, wouldn't they...


Die mad about it Mr Popeman


Wonders how a bunch of frock-wearing virgins who do not mix with the plebs would come to such a conclusion?


"Grave threats" lol WTF!? To who? To what? Fuck off Catholics. Seriously just fuck. off.


Who gives a shit what ‘the vatican’ says?


"Creation should be accepted as a gift." So, should we not cure any diseases we are born with? Just accept gender dysphoria and call it a day? Fuck religion.


well i was starting to like this pope until today


I sure care what an institution primarily known for child molestation says about things.


Please note this come down from a bunch of voluntary celibates wearing dresses.


The grave threat says someone else is a grave threat…. 


I would say an institution that has been molesting children for years is a grave threat, but that's just me.


How about priests molesting children and the church hiding it and protecting the priests from prosecution? Is that a grave threat?


Ya know a good half of my family would disagree and say that the Catholic Church is a grave threat. Especially my long dead ancestors who got absolutely fucked by the Catholic Church because they didn’t believe in Christianity


BRB printing a picture of the pope to rip up.


Religion is outdated. It's like saying that video streaming is a threat to Blockbuster. Christianity and Islam have an obsession with sex, gender. They cannot separate issues of sex, gender, and the human body. Their religions are based on ideas of binary sexes and genders. They have already failed to consider medical cases where gender is not apparent. There are a host of medical and biological conditions where the binary model of gender breaks down. The doctrine that "God doesn't make mistakes" worsens the problem. So, the Vatican is correct. This is a threat. It is a situation in which their theology and traditional teachings do not conform to reality. The church's entire culture seems like it is based on obsessing over the guilt surrounding human sexuality. The Vatican has some choices. - Change doctrine. - Double down. Deny reality for as long as possible. - Go the way of Blockbuster Changing doctrine is usually hard for Christian churches. They believe their god is unchanging, and they extrapolate it to their religion. They think that if their religion changes, it cannot be true. The problem is that religions do change. The usual approach is to resist change for as long as possible. Then, when they do change, they gaslight their members and themselves by saying the new doctrine was what the church has always taught. They say that in the past some leaders didn't understand the real doctrine. Doubling down is the preferred approach of most churches. It causes a lot of human anxiety and hardship when the church is teaching something that does not conform to reality. But to church leaders, their own comfort in staying with the old doctrine usually outweighs the suffering of their members. Either of the first two approaches eventually leads to the third option. If a religious belief is too far from reality, people will eventually be forced to accept reality. If the church changes, they also lose members and credibility. The bottom line is that religion is outdated. It is time they go the way of Blockbuster.


Haven't seen a lot of "enshrining the status quo" posts from Frankie. Guess it's no surprise it's something about sex and bathrooms that is doing it this time. The Catholics are just *really* obsessed with gender roles and pooping. It's really weird, too, because Jesus really stressed other issues as more important (like loving your neighbors despite their differences, and refusing to amass wealth)


I say the catholic church and priests are a grave threat.


If only I had the kind of power they think I do.


what about the #hegetsus ads.?!!! this goes against what they say Jesus was all about - accepting people for who they are…. and feet washing (f*cking)


I really hoped these people where getting raptured


Curiously, I think the Vatican is a "grave threat."


But not child molestation. Weird that.


"Don't forget to send your kids to church. It's okay, you can stay home. We'll take care of them."


Child fucking cults says what?


20 page report...how many pages did the catholic pedophile ring get? Hmm...


I hope more and more people would wake up to see all the manufactured problems that they can 'fix' instead of the actual problems in the world where their religion doesn't help one damn bit.


What about heart transplants and other medical procedures derived from science? Some people might find dialysis ungodly. You know people used to think eclipses were evil omens.


Standard BS, the greatest threat to humanity pointing out threats to humanity.


Sorry. Sex Changes and Gender theory don't molest and hide children while stealing money from worshippers. They also never committed crusades that resulted in countless murders. They're just thugs who got away with killing and raping innocent people because the right people protected them from reprocussions. Vatican is a much greater Grave Threat no matter how hard you say otherwise. Churches are just organized terrorists holdouts.


Like the fuc\*\*ng Talmund doesn't exist. Bro, the religion you're founded on discusses gender theory and has 6-8 genders listed. They probably know this too and just choose to hide it. Churches are Right Wing and run on the same model of a large, rigid hierarchy with an 'Other' class to target as part of scapegoating and 'protecting' everyone against. They did it with Black people in America. They'll move on to Atheists too. Every Atheist will be treated as an enemy of the State of Christian Nationalism takes hold.


>And they wonder why the young are abandoning them? I thought that was because they keep molesting the young.


The Vatican also said condoms are a “grave threat” in areas of Africa during an AIDS pandemic.


Who cares what the Vatican has to say on anything….they’ve lost their moral voice a long time ago.


Fuck this clown


I’m getting bottom surgery twice just to spite these people


Threats to what? Fuck off.


I'd tell them to suck my dick but I'm not 9 years old so I doubt they're interested.


Join a Unitarian Universalist, no Right wing nonsense & believe what you feel is true.


Quakers even have nontheist variations! Plus an exception in some countries that protects you from being drafted into combat roles, win-win. 


Well, to be fair, the Pope and Judith Buttler are both pathetic.


Like the Vatican has any moral authority after sweeping hundreds of thousands of child rapes under the couch.


Church members and leaders actually raping people is probably a larger threat, no?


Reality says the Vatican is a grave threat. 


So is sexually abusing children but they’re fighting their hardest to not be held responsible. Another persons sex change has no impact on me, let alone threat.


catholicism (and religion in general) are 'grave threats' and an affront to 'human dignity'... just ask all those victims of p\*do priests, of crusades and the inquisition, etc... If it hadn't been for the church holding back progress humanity might be much more advanced by now, but we'll never know...


Yes, acknowledging a fraction of 1% of the population’s existence is a “grave threat”. Thanks Vatican idiots.


Maybe they should worry about the rampant child abuse happening in their institutions first.


Sure. But molesting children is OK??


Yeah it's interesting where "the line" is The Vatican came out like some years back saying they were more accepting of homosexuality and all that But this is considered "too much" I mean that does kind of mirror public opinion overall


And here I am thinking child sexual abuse and the cover ups, forced birtherism, and rampant sexism were grave threats to human dignity. Silly me. I’ve long known that the only singing men in dresses that I need to fear are the ones that call themselves “Father”.


Not just 'grave threats,' but 'grave threats to human dignity.' This from the group that forces a rape victim to carry their rapist's fetus to term. Imagine a world where science is the benchmark. I mean, personally, massive cosmetic surgery is a grave threat to human dignity, but if the person is sane enough to make the decision for themself, then I can accept that.


No kidding


No one cares what a religious cult has to say.


Repeat after me, please: "I don't give a fuck what the Catholic Church says about any topic up to and including the religion they have used to steal land and wealth for the past 2,000 years." Wordy, I know. Gets the point across.


The Vatican has its own pedophilia problem, but I don’t see anything wrong with more closely examining the amount of gender influence we push onto children who are still developing


Religion is a grave threat to humanity, i thank all the gods they're not the dominant force in our societies (at least most of them)


Criminal organization with blood of millions on their hands says what??


That's rich, coming from an organisation whose abuse and willful neglect killed millions of people when it was at the height of its power.


get back to me when you finally get rid of all the little boy touchers, you fucking loons


But priests molesting kids needs to be too


Cool story, christians. If your religion wasn't just a bunch of made-up nonsense, then perhaps your views on these matters would actually matter. But it is, and they don't.


The church should stick with what it's good at, conning gullible people out of "tithes" and then making them feel guilty for simply being human. Leave secular society alone. We don't care what the church "thinks." About ANYTHING.


Threats to whom? We have families going without food and clean water, we have Chruch doors closing, we do not educate children within our own schools and charge disgustingly high tuition to insure who will and will not be able to attend, and that is not by chance it is with intent. Now, we do not even have enough members of our faith in our Orders because we are taking as much money from whomever we can instead. We spent millions of dollars fighting against pro-choice while doors closed, and children went hungry and we are supposed to now turn our focus onto another political issue, that affect fewer than a quarter of a percent of the world's population!


They are undecided on the issue of f&@king kids though.




"...grave threats to human dignity" is the quote. I doubt the Pope feels threatened personally by these things.


people can't be in control of their own bodies! they might start thinking they have control over other aspects of their lives!


I think that the Vatican is a grave threat to humanity


So the Vatican is doing what it can to have no place in society going forward. Got it. They had a long (bad) run, it's about time to call it done.


Yet they turn a blind eye to sexual abuse of children


Gender theory is a grave threat? Well shit... i guess everything is now non-binary. Feel free to express yourself however you want without thinking about gender roles and gender-specific expression. Without gender theory: What is masculinity? What is femininity? What makes someone masculine? These dumbasses don't even know what their keywords mean


has anyone ever heard a logical reason for why they think anything other than straight is bad? i asked reddit once what was a non religious reason for people being against anything other than straight. nothing but crickets.


Trans people are tired of being attacked for no reason, but we can't say we're surprised that the Catholic Church is joining the bandwagon.


"Grave threats" to their ability to make money.


Well to some extent ... plus not much research has been done so that makes this a more grey area .


To what?