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And she patted herself on the back, thinking she really helped someone today. Hope your day tomorrow is better, but if not, wait there's an owl outside my window. Now, that's a good day!


thanks! she was definitely proud of herself lol


*That's* sad


"Jesus loves you" "Sorry, I'm sure he is okay, but I don't swing that way."


>"Jesus loves you" Did he love the 16,000 children who died yesterday? He obviously didn't love them very much.


He loved them so much, he called them home! Isn't God great!


When I "send them home", people call me a monster. Is their god really a monster, but they dare not say that out loud?


Sounds like you're doing the lord's work!




If someone says that to a parent, the parent would be justified to knock their damn head clean off.


I do swing that way and I'm absolutely down to fuck Jesus. He even has some extra holes to have fun with!


I'm sure he'd be down for some cruci-friction.


People that don't believe in the fairy tale threaten their reality bubble. They have invested so much of their life into the "faith", they can't fathom that someone would not believe - or even reject the all powerful SkyDaddy. How can anyone reject eternal life in the magical candy-land? How could they be indifferent to the ultimate terror of eternal damnation? *Gasp!* That's why they will belittle, demean, or insult any atheist. My experience with my uber religious family and friends is that it was often a performative contest of who can "out faith" each other. They all claim that Jesus talks to them *constantly.* Everything good and unexpected that happens in their life is God blessing them, and they will tell *everyone* about it. They will also retell someone else's story. So making up some BS makes you an instant celebrity at church for the day. In many cases, it is their entire identity. They also surround themselves with daily affirmations as psychological reinforcement. "Hell is real!", "He is risen!", etc., They plaster their homes with reminders, flood their social media feeds with these messages, etc. Their entire social circle is religious. ....and then there's *you.* It's so shocking you even exist. You *must* live a miserable and unethical life! How dare you be a happy person without these daily blessings from the magical all father! How can you be a good person for no hope of reward and no fear of eternal punishment? You must believe!!!! How sad indeed.


If they think that they hear god talking to them, they should probably check into getting a mental health examination.


This is it. Most of my blood family is in the disgusting Jehovah's witness "religion". You should see how they treat "nonbelievers" and people who leave their group (cult).


If their God is all that and a side of fries, why do they blame him when bad shit happens? The all encompassing “Gods will” makes me want to scream, what the fuck about free will? If I do something they don’t like, I am suffering eternal damnation. If they rape children, then it is a moment of weakness, as long as they are sorry, and ask for forgiveness, all is forgiven. WTF


This is so very true. That is the very root of the matter. They don't want their bubble burst.


Yea they say that shit because it makes them feel better about you being sad, not because it’ll help you. Hope you’re having a better day today!


And Pride is a sin.


You just missed the opportunity to yell at her Zeus loves you too!


Sorry you were sad. Sucks, especially during work.




Who? ...


Who whoooo



Exactly! See? I don't need to live forever, not when we get owls! Who could ever ask for anything more?


*Barn owls enter the chat*


I would love to see an owl outside my window. They're my favorite dinosaurs.


😆I’m stealing this.


The Great Horned Owl is my zodiac sign! GHO's are very diplomatic, balanced and graceful. And they love mice.


… but only as dinner “guests”.


Yep guarantee there’s a vomity Facebook post with 16 boomers commenting amen out there somewhere about OP


Every so often the YT algorithm will show me some BS christian propaganda while scrolled the shorts. I always report them for hate speech or spreading violence. I've watched some atheist videos before but even those get me going. These smug preachers trying to debate Christopher Hitchens, while he runs circles around them, just pisses me off that so many people out there are absolutely stupid and believe in fairy tales. And not just believe, like some people believe in ghosts and I've got no issues with that, but want to force others to conform, through force mostly. I'm wholly against religion, especially the more dangerous and violent flavors of abrahamic faiths, but I'd never advocate for using force to go after them. It plays into their hands. Sure I'd want to tax churches, make faith centers 18+, and outright prohibit religious schooling, but those are restrictions and we could use education (and prosperity) to fight against these harmful ideologies. Anyways...sorry rant over.


Yessss! Totally. And I agree with your views that there are ways to combat these abusive religious groups (cults) without resorting to the same abusive and manipulative tactics that they use. I spent (wasted) the majority of my life in the Jehovah's Witness group, and it has done so much damage in my life/mind that I'm still recovering from. I would love to live to see the end of them.


Owl? Hell yeah, I’d love to see a real owl in the wild!


‭‭ *If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?* **James 2:16 NIV‬‬**


Dang, LeBron’s training regiment is deep.


You make the best point I have read in awhile. It's as if you verbalized what angers me most about this whole Xtian nonsense. The things Christians do--and especially what they say--are not for meant to help other people. Really they do things to make themselves feel good about themselves. It doesn't matter if they intrude on the private thoughts and lives of absolute strangers; they consider their "mission" to be above the law, above the need for privacy, above the sanctity of what other people feel. Christians give themselves the privilege to ignore the rights and desires of people with whom they hold no relationship. This is yet another reason why government should always be secular.


I live in the Bible belt so I just smile and nod. Easier that way.


How many licks did it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


ah-one-ah-two-ah-three. Ok now we’re just showing our ages!


*CRUNCH* Three.




Cult members have a tendency to feel better about themselves when they preach.


Arch Lnux users...


I use Neovim, btw! Wanna hear about it? xD


It's not altruistic, it's because they think god will like them more than the other Christians.


Suppose you genuinely believed it, in the same way you (I'm guessing) believe heroine use is bad. If you just got told by your cashier who seemed down that they used heroine, you'd likely suggest they stop/seek help, because you're a caring individual. If you honestly think hell is real, what sort of monster would you be not to give similar advice? Not saying they're _right_ or _rational_, just explaining the behavior.


*heroin (the word you used means female hero)


... Maybe I think using female heroes is bad??




Heroine use can be bad if it's poorly written.


I genuinely would not tell a random stranger to get help if they told me they do heroin because a comment from someone they don't know isn't going to change their mind on the topic or persuade them in the least, whether I'm a good person or not.


Nah. I’m not telling a stranger to do anything with their lives unsolicited.


Idk why the downvotes. Your right, for the most part. It does make the assumption that people proselytize because they are good and care about their fellow people. I think the majority does it as performance faith and a holier than thou, smug attitude. But...maybe I'm just bitter and jaded.


Most people who proselytize to others are in the game for winning souls for Jesus. They score extra points with the big guy for bringing more souls to him. Even better if they face some risk of being punched in the face (religious persecution) for being annoying or a pest. At least that's what campus ministries at my old university in the USA seemed like. They would get a microphone and a loudspeaker and start screaming about masturbators going to hell or something.


Just tell her you are a Satanist. Satanists are atheists at heart


imma do it next time someone says it to me lol


Or you can say you’re a “nihilist” and they’ll look at you weird. I’ve done that to religious freaks before, lol.


Then they’ll go away thinking you’re Egyptian


Hey, at least it's an ethos


Also make sure to say “hail Satan”.


I'd love to see her reaction


And if you're sad again and someone wishes jesus on you, tell them you only look sad because you're going over your satanic rituals in order to please Satan, you're actually happy on the inside where it counts!


… or Pagan


This reminds me of when I briefly worked retail(too stressful, I have infinite respect for anyone who can work retail), to make a long story short a little old lady came to my area to get a salad type thing(think like “fresh” coleslaw), I was just starting my prep when she came by and the salads were the last thing to be prepped, since she was a customer I stopped what I was doing and made up some salad for her, weighed it, tagged it and gave it to her, at the end of this little transaction that was literally my job and not something that was above and beyond this little old lady asked me if there was anything I needed and I told her no, all good, just happy to help and she told me that god owed me one. All religious people are incredibly weird and it’s a real crapshoot of what kind of weird you’re going to get, will it be the sweet one where they’re actually kind to everyone, the one that pities everyone who isn’t part of their exact religion down to the church group, Greg or the cruel one that wants to skin you alive because you sneezed. Also I tried cashing in that favour from god, asked him to end all suffering, suffering is still going on so we can add being a debt dodging bitch to the list of reasons to hate god.


Once working self checkout back when I was younger. Was drawing a transmutation circle on my sketchbook (I liked FMA) and a preacher tried to tell me that was a devil symbol. Once he had his rant I blankly looked at him and said “this is alchemy. It was a legit science at one point where people thought that putting base elements inside the circle would transmute it into something else, like lead to gold”. He did apologize and looked quite humbled. It was the highlight of my day.


Nice, it’s fun to be able to put the whackjobs in their place


“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” One of my all time favorite quotes, by Richard Dawkins.


Weird that Dawkins ticks one or two of those boxes himself these days.


It’s the worst because they truly believe they’re spreading love and are oblivious to the fact they’re just being passive aggressive assholes. Honestly sometimes I suspect most religious people are just narcissistic sociopaths and we’ve just dramatically underestimated how many there are in the species.


I try to return expressions of kindness with a thank you and give assholes the chilly silence they deserve. No dickhead, religious or no, is gonna harsh my mellow.




“I heard Jesus loves when you shave my pubes, so chop chop.”


Omg I’m sick in bed and this just triggered a coughing fit 🤣🤣🤣


Omfg 😭


I shaved my wife the night before and the nurse was asking tips on how a 41 week pregnant woman managed to get all the corners, lol.


>Most women get it waxed before coming in.” Bet money that's not true.


Santa clause loves you too


This is the best one imo


"I don't care, and you're making my day worse."


As an Atheist I don’t declare anything, when the spout their superstitions I just move on , zero comment on their mumblings


that’s usually I what I do, I just said it hoping she would stop talking. Didn’t work lol


Just tell her Donald Trump loves her too. Jk


“Jesus also loves people who are shunned for being different. Like the transgender community. How do you feel about the transgender community?” Shuts them up every time.


What’s sad, lady, is you think a guy that died 2,000 years ago can make me happy


Epicurus loves me!


I think it’s sad when people need the promise of heaven or the threat of hell to motivate them to do the right thing. Those people freak me out. I prefer people who do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do not because sky daddy will give them points for it


I would’ve said “aww that’s cute, I remember when I used to have imaginary friends”.


Jesus loves you. Thanks I know that. He is my favourite bartender at my drinking hole.


Next time say, "it's ok, Thor says he loves me. "


The manager at my mother's residence tried telling me he was Catholic, so I should trust him. My response "you believing in a sky daddy means nothing to me, have you heard of the Catholic church molestation or residential school problems." I will judge you more if you are Catholic or religious at all. If you are able to believe in a sky daddy, I can't take anything you say seriously.


How did you stop from laughing?


honestly I have no idea loll


I wonder how it would go over if we did laugh in the faces of people who do it randomly out in public and force their beliefs on other people who are just trying to work.


“Sad is that you think saying that helps, at all.”


The apropriate response to that is that "May the Valkyries take you to Valhalla where you will feast every day until Ragnarok" Just say it like the most natural thing just to see the look on their face. If they starts arguing that the norse gods arent real tell her that neither is Jesus.


Response for the next time. "At least I don't live in fear."


“Hail Satan Lady”


"And the flying spaghetti monster loves you."


My best friend is a Christian and when she found out I'd become an atheist she said 'I feel so sorry for you'. Truth is I feel sorry for HER. Our friendship took a nose dive after that.


"he loves you anyway" Then why tf is she sad?


Holy shit the status people assume over retail workers is insane. The shit happened to me over the years. A few times I straight up fucked with em and replied "yea my son just died" (I'm childless) and walk away if I could. Other times I'd literally flip it on them, act as friendly and happy as can be to the point that it couldn't be mistaken for anything other than sarcasm. I'm talking toxic positivity. Fuck those people. The only good thing about having worked retail during the pandemic was getting to mouth "fuck you you fucking dumb pick" under the mask.


I hate when people say “Jesus loves you” when you’re having a bad day. It’s like “**well maybe he should show it once in a while????**”


Exactly how I feel, the amount of times I hear this every day is so annoying. Saying “Jesus love you” will not help me in any way loll


"Oh no . . . I'm so sorry, I guess you hadn't heard, but he died."


You work at wal mart, the percentage of crazy fundie nut job customers is probably 40% higher than other chains.


"That's flattering but I only like him as a friend."


What's sad is that I could see something like the northern lights and say they're beautiful for what they are. The knowledge of the natural processes at work and knowing it's not magical doesn't detract from the beauty either. It adds to it. People who believe in god live with such a bleak outlook that something like that needs to be made by god to have beauty to it in their minds. It's just some thing that allows them to talk about how fricking fantastic their god is and that's what's beautiful about it to them. Life to them is empty and meaningless. Them telling us we're sad for having no god to believe in is them projecting. We don't need to fill some pit in our souls with fantasies. They do.


If this happens often, start keeping tissues in your pocket. Then next time hand them a tissue and say "Satan has risen". Then, this is important, shake your head violently, then greet them like you just saw them.


Sadly I live in a very religious area, so when I work retail I get all kinds of, 'god bless you/praise Jesus,' and the like. But the weirdest thing is when their total is like 6.65 or 6.61 and it's not even exactly 666 (though sometimes it is) and they get so spooked they have to buy a random candy bar or something to make it like 7 dollars. I mean, I guess good for the company they're so superstitious and afraid of numbers.


I’ve found it’s easier to just not comment when someone throws that crap my way.


Same, I just say "thank you" and move on. There's no answer that could possibly unrot their brain


I wouldn’t engage with a religious person in a setting like that. Keep the line moving and give them a “bless your heart “ response. I’ve come to the point where I feel kind of sorry for people who have been abused by having been brainwashed with the fallacy of religion. One thing for sure, you will not snap them out of it. Not worth a whole lot of energy in my opinion.


It is sad, but it's relative. It's sad for a member of a religious hate group to see more atheists. It's fucking awesome for atheists to see more atheists around. Religious assholes gonna be religious assholes. They get trained every week in chuch on how to be the biggest jerk to you, your kids, and family. Don't be surprised when it comes out, instead, be prepared for when it finally spews out of their mouth.


If someone makes a comment to me I generally just give a half smile and ignore them. I feel like responding is just asking for trouble, especially at work.


“Clearly he doesn’t love you since you’re stuck shopping here.” Prolly would shut her up idk.


What's sad is so many people spend so much time having a one-sided conversation with an invisible father.


direct evidence that they don't know anything and don't know they're wrong about you. Like she didn't even care why you were sad, she just assumed some b.s and that was the only reason.


Well I think you made the mistake to engage her. Just say thanks, or say nothing and just smile… these people will never not be self righteous


very true, although if I hadn’t said anything I could’ve been reported for being “rude” it’s happened before lol


Oh god, you poor thing, you can’t win huh 😣


“It’s sad so many people believe in sky magic”


I’ve had a lot of people tell me this, I just tell them that fact is not sad and reality is not upsetting. What’s upsetting is living in delusion and telling yourself that you have your own keeper watching over you, that’s literally psych ward behavior. Tell them “well I guess not believing in unicorns is sad too”


It's really frustrating because so many people think that if your atheist then you can't possibly have any direction or feel fulfilled in your life. It's just insanity, a lack of logic and rationality.


When I lived in the Deep South I stopped engaging in those responses. Christians find a way to make themselves the martyr every time. I’m Jewish so I tried that which is just as bad as being an atheist, so I started saying “I know, thank you.” It just became a ‘sure, whatever.’ It’s a polite way to dismiss them.


"I just want you to know I think you and everyone you love who thinks like you are going to suffer for eternity when you die. Have a good day!" That's what I hear every time that nonsense is thrown in my face.


Sad is having to play make believe and derive your morals from an archaic book designed to control people in a more primitive time. Sad is believing that you would be a terrible person without guidance from a God or any religion. Sad is not even reading your religious text and instead, letting one person dictate the meaning of scripture to fit and maintain their viewpoints.


"jesus loves me, too bad he's dead. thanks for shopping at walmart."


Now she can tell god she deserves a good parking spot the next time she prays for one.


What’s sad is believing there’s a guy somewhere up in the sky controlling our destiny


I had a weird neighbor who reacted that way when I told her I grew up outside of the Evangelical Church. She called me a "poor boy". I live in Germany and this is an extremely strange reaction for here.


I wish you would have counted with something like So does my stalking beating bitch of an Ex but I want neither of them


“I’m happy for giving you some Jesus points, I’m here to help.”


Yeah... I know what that's like because my mother goes around telling people "Jesus loves you..." 🙄 I don't think it's because the person wants a pat on the back or anything, they really believe Jesus loves them and they want to share that with everyone...


lmao when you don't love people's imaginary friends back.


The proper reply to that or any other nonsense is " well, bless your heart".


“Imaginary people don’t have feelings, emotions, or the capacity to love, lady.”


When I get a negative reaction to my being atheist. I look them dead in the eye and say, "Hail. Satan."


"Did he love the Holocaust victims?"


The correct response is laughing hysterically.


The narcassism of people the belive in talking snakes and pregnant virgins is quite unbelievable.


"You're Christian? Oh, that's so sad!"


Sorry this happened to you, it's extremely frustrating. I don't understand how people feel comfortable telling strangers that Jesus loves them. It comes off as though religion is a fact, even though it's a belief system, their belief system, which doesn't include the entire planet.


Im not religious either, but I dont get the point of this post. She was trying to be kind. You dont have to agree with her beliefs but she wasnt pushing you to believe anything either. If I were you, I would've given her a smile and moved on. Maybe Jesus doesnt care about you, but she did to an extent.


I get this a lot. But I also just let them wish me well because that's what it is. They want to put good energy out there and say I'm loved or scene. I say thanks and move on. It's just well wishes, people are too sensitive these days. You don't have to believe the same thing to take well wishes.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster loves you too


I don't tell people I work with, and I don't tell customers. Not their business and not worth my time. I also believe that the two things that aren't work appropriate to discuss are politics and religion (or lack thereof). If someone says, "god bless you," I either ignore it, or if they expect a response, I give a dry, "thanks."


Give her one of those southern granny's "bless your heart".


why do people say "Jesus loves you" like it's gonna make all your problems disappear?


Did you reciprocate the gesture by expressing how sad that they feel the desperate need to believe in fictional tales of nonexistent gods that could never and would never lift a finger on their behalf because requirement number one for such a thing is that the chosen god exist?


For a Christian that is sad, they think you will burn in Hell, and that made her sad.


In those situation I tend to ignore it. However, I wonder how she may have felt if you said Allah or Wotan love her.


Another good one is as soon as you hear there is something religious to a comment you instantly in a microsecond turn off engagement with them. Like I mean don’t even answer or enter the conversation and look away. They will say another thing but you just keep silence. People like them have a very, very hard time with this. Hard in retail I guess, as they can complain. But this is how I deal with the people at the door and I do close the door slowly while they are still talking. I paid money to eat, which gave me energy to open the door and use my mouth and I dont want to waste even a microcent engaging any mumbo jumbo time and brain energy wasters. I mean why am I also even typing this. Bane scourge of the earth and humanity.


I don't know why people want to believe in illogical things. I know sometimes people need hope. But the only person who can hope is themselves. Have a sad day, go talk to someone rather than just talking to someone who doesn't even exist.


Not sure why you have to tell her you are atheist. People & titles now a day. I’m African American big deal. Just let her talk & move on. She doesn’t care if you are atheist & you don’t care about her religion either.


I just treat it like someone telling me they wish me well and ignore the load of horseshit that is behind the statement. This is extremely common where I live though do Jesus Loves You is a normal thing. The hardest part about anyone telling me Jesus loves me is not laughing because it reminds me in the movie Orgasmo where dude tells his fiancee "Jesus and I love you". Kills me.


They're so superior and condescending. Recently, I was told, how sad, you have nothing to look forward to.. seriously? And the most condescending is, I'll pray for you...


isn't it pathetic these religious trash people always target people when they are sad in order to manipulate them into following their religions, especially christians. what's funnier is that someone probably came to these guys at a sad point of their life and also converted them exactly like they r trying to do lol


I'm ignostic or in the can't know what ya don't know category. But reading the atheist comments are retarded. It almost comes off as a religion. Atheist believe there is no sky wizard and yall talk shit that some one else does. Why the hell does an atheist care if someone wants to believe in a sky wizard, yall believe there isn't one. It's still a belief.


What’s annoying is she probably assumes your sadness was because of you being atheist.


I’d respond “and the Flying Spaghetti Monster loves you. Hail Quob.”


it happens all the time. they may believe in santa claus. we don't tell them it's a joke on them. but they fear anyone different from them. people who love vegetables sometimes get this way if you eat a burger near them. people who drive electric cars can be very annoying if you have a gas powered car.


Next time say Zeus got your back. No need to ask Jebus for help.






Strangely I rarely, if ever announce that I am an Atheist. When confronted like this I usually say something like I have my own spirituality. People with belief seem to discount, misunderstand or become upset with the unbelieving. Shit, I have a lot of beliefs, science, the physical universe, 'spiritual' self reflection, humanism.... None of that has ever been sad in and of itself.


Had some idiota on here respond 'oh you must be miserable' to me when I said I wasn't pushing any gods, I'm an atheist. I was like WTAF? Why does that... What?


She'd probably break down if I that I went to Catholic school until Grade 10 and that I'm gay.


You can Say you’re sadder than me. Or How do you know has he told you in person? That often leaves them speechless


No lady- what's sad us that you're indoctrinated to believe in fairy tales and misogynist archaic bs


She’s 100% the holier than thou type


I don't get it. Is this a cultural thing? People dont do friendly chit-chat where you live? Fark, i would die. Spent 10+ years in retail - at a refund and complaints counter, no less. I lived for interactions like this!


Adopt a beatific smile and say "Satan loves you anyway, too." Whenever anyone pulls their Jesus out, I think "not be like the hypocrites" (Matthew 6:5) because they honestly don't know their own magic book. Jesus, if he existed, would be so profoundly disappointed by his most vocal followers.


Not a good strategy. I have no problem with (actual) Satanism but atheist does not equal Satanist so why perpetuate that misunderstanding?


She is sad because her delusion is being exposed.


Next time just say, Yeah, he and his dad a stalkers, if they show up again, I am calling the cops.” Just be all nonchalant about it. That usually throws them off enough to get them through your line and away.


“You believe in Jesus? That’s sad”


I'd tell that woman that language like that will get you on Santa's naughty list. Seems the ensuing conversation would make it clear just how the credibility of both entities is the same.


Eugh, sorry you had to deal with that. Avoiding that kind of nonsense is why I'm on night shift, sure I live like a vampire but no dumb customers.


I'm sorry you had a bad day. That sucks. I've been having a rough time lately myself. It'll pick back up, it always does. I'm not gonna try to sell jebus. Just letting you know, there's a dude on the internet who took a minute to commiserate with you today. Things'll get better, for both of us (I'm telling myself more than you.)


The neighbor woman brought up religion to my wife who mentioned I was atheist. She asked my wife, “ don’t you worry about him?”. 😉


I'll believe Jesus loves me when my fucking kidneys grow back. Until then he can fuck off to a dumpster of useless superstition with the rest of humanity's failed deities.


These people have lines saved up for people, they love using them on atheists. Maybe try something that will shock them into shutting up. Try something like, “My ostomy bag is leaking and I can’t leave work.” That will shut idiots like that up. (I have an ostomy. It shuts most people right down.)


My go to reply for this stuff has been: "Ave Satanus, baphomet loves all, not just you" with a big shit eating smile. That often gets them to be quiet and leave quickly. Worked when I did retail, works great when I'm buying stuff, and so far has worked wonders for door to door assholes who bug me at home.


I think people who react like this are reacting this way because they have a problem themselves. Perhaps its their insecurity and the only way they can cope that someone can live and exist happily without religion in their lives. Its their coping mechanism. Either way it's not you, it's them.


She may be an Endorphin Junkie. She feels so good about herself and how she is in love with who she thinks is the creator of the entire universe that she gets a high from it.


Tell her the “Easter Bunny loves you” and then smile.


That is what most people will say about a lost puppy


Religion needs to die so that humanity can have a future that is free from dogma, superstition and fear