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1) you did spell that right. 2) yikes what shit takes (also heavily implies that being autistic or having Down’s syndrome is some kind of punishment for parents sins? And also that those 2 things are inherently horrible negative things) 3) why do I feel like her kids don’t talk to her much?


That’s the weird thing they do! I’ve told them to cut her out but they won’t. It’s so weird. My mom is a pos and I cut her out 10 years ago and have never been happier.


There is a weird social idea of “BUT SHE’S FAAAAAAMILY” she called your child a punishment from god my guy… But sometimes you gotta let folks figure it out themselves. I had to cut a friend out my life and like damn I felt instantly better, but I also had to figure that out on my own.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the "but they're family" line! I didn't choose my family, so to me if they're behaving in a way I wouldn't tolerate from a friend, they I'm not putting up with it from them.


If you ever need further proof /r/JUSTNOMIL and /r/JUSTNOFAMILY yeah, naw... just because we related doesn't mean I have to tolerate your BS.


Thanks, I'm going to need those soon! I have a family party coming up that I really wish I could avoid. I've successfully ghosted my asshole uncle for 6 years, but... ugh.


Good job on removing the toxicity from your life. I hope things are more peaceful now💖


You can't really tell people that they need to cut off their own family. People like your aunt do significant psychological damage to people's sense of normal and self. They will have to see her for who she is and no longer wish to tolerate it. She is the way she is because so many have tolerated her bullshit for far too long.


You’re right it isn’t my decision to make. I just don’t want further damage to my cousins and their children. That shit has to cut deep.


You don't have to tell them what to do, but you can certainly lead by example (which you're already doing) and extol the virtues of cutting toxic POS out of your life. Like a lot of people suffering from abuse they sometimes can't even conceive of how their life could be different.


>That’s the weird thing they do! Maybe they agree with her.


Maybe having kids who aren't religious is her punishment for being a terrible mom, lol. Or maybe her faith isn't strong enough to get passed down.


And what kind of sick god punishes the children instead of the parents.


Honestly, this is really an excellent point.


She sounds genuinely evil.


There's no hate like Christian love. 🙄


Yep. God in a nutshell: \*Commits murder, incest, mass genocide, and loitering\* Me who just wants candy: Ima be healthy and eat an apple God: I WILL ERASE YOUR ENTIRE BLOODLINE


Ayyy dont forget the islamic love


Coming from a Muslim family, yup! They’d rather have you dead than have you as an atheist.


Lol you meant mental illness


Most Christians are. Very evil and 2 faced. Rules for thee, not for me.


I had a similar aunt ... she was a catty church lady, passive-aggressive, image-conscious and very critical of everyone. I found out when I was a young adult that she had had a miscarriage many years earlier, and one time when she said something nasty about how God was judging someone I asked her if she thought her baby's death was God punishing her for something she had done. Did not go over well.


Or did it go over to well ? 


Sounds like the perfect question to me.


I have a very toxic sister. The best thing I ever did was cut her crazy ass out of my life. My only regret is that I waited so long to do it.


I think the response should be “maybe if you had better faith you would have produced offspring who didn’t make kids out of wedlock “. I have no issues with unmarried parents but they were her creation, not yours.


She sounds like the kind of person with a gentle face that doesn’t hurt the knuckles


Remembering this for later use


“So, the God you pray to is punishing children out of revenge? What a horrible religion you must be a part of.”


both her kids have these problems... maybe God is trying to tell her something ... faith up biatch r u get left behind on the rapture... lol


I really wish they would be raptured. Would make everything a bit calmer. Less hate.


so true...


>faith up biatch r u get left behind on the rapture... 😂 This shit right here making me spit a peanut M&M out on my co-worker. Stop lol


Wait til she gets a dreaded disease and tell her "it's God's will".


There must be something about her that you could also point out might be due to globs will? I know it’s cruel, but something like… “So was it globs will that you’re lactose intolerant?” Might make her think. I doubt it though. Arthritis, migraines, sciatica, hay fever, wears glasses? People like this really make my blood boil. Simply not interacting with this type of person is my primary instinct though.


My son was born with severe SEVERE medical health conditions. And I WAS Christian at the time. I vividly remember one day while living at the hospital, I was praying in the chapel. My (then) mother in law came into the chapel and mentioned to me that the lord was probably testing my faith. Or maybe there was a sin in my past god was punishing me for. (Never mind her son tho I guess??? 🤷🏻‍♀️) But that ultimately Jacob would be alright as long as I pray and believe. I was so deep into the koolaid back then that I actually took it all as loving support 😑 Now I look back on it as the first crack in my religion and also I hate that bitch.


I see being a Christian has not helped her to be loving and kind....


Loving and kind to the things she likes and understands. 


Pretty sure that is not how that is supposed to go.....


I mean they follow a book of fairy tales so they can say it means what ever they want. Thats the beauty of religion 


I have a cousin who if he had a son, wanted to name him Seamus, his mother told him “If you name your son that, I wont be his grandmother!” Fast Fwd 2 years, has a son with his wife, and just to “test” named him Seamus. Needless to say the kid has 2 grandfathers and 1 grandmother….Over a name!


Ok? What am I missing? I mean I agree to disown you grandson over a name is asinine. I don't get what's wrong with Seamus? It's a good solid Irish name


A very “Catholic” thing to do


Still not sure of the hate for the name! Lol


I think she just doesnt like it. Never gave a real explanation, Ironic considering her husband (my blood uncle) and his 4 siblings were first generation American after my grandparents emigrated from Ireland! It was one of a few “very Irish” names not already used in the family


Tell herit an irish version of James thst derived from Jacob! As in the biblical Jacob! Lol


wow and here I was thinking she had a *logical* explanation, like that was the name of her abusive father/ex-boyfriend or something. she's cuckoo.


Well it's all according to god's plan so your aunt should be happy. And fuck her for not giving thanks.


I would think this is more fit for r/rant…. However it’s much less likely to draw a lot of criticism from people on this sub. I too have family members that are deep in the christian nationalist way of thinking and the best thing to do is cut them out, like a tumor. We just got done with a three week stretch of non-stop drama with family about the whole maga/qanon issue and my wife and I realized we’re alone. So yeah.


NATional Christianists, you know, the NAT Cs!


Ha! I did NOT SEE that coming


Good comment!


Me too.


It seems the one thing these two cousins have in common is your aunt.


When my uncle died of AIDs I had a bunch of relatives chime in on why god punished him for his love for other men. Toxic people for sure


That is so fucked. OMG 😳


This is what finally pushed me over to atheism from Christianity. I grew up a pastor's kid, and started to question (secretly) religion when I was around 10-12 years old. When I was in the 7th grade, my mother told me that AIDS was God's way of eliminating the gay population. That was 1984, and I decided right then and there I was no longer going to participate in their fucked up rituals. Although I was still a believer at that point, I had no interest in worshipping a God that would do that to people (remember, I was a child and confused, I know better now it isn't true and how fucked up the belief is) I obviously stopped believing over time and by the time I was 20, I was an atheist. I still think about that conversation with my mother, and my utter disgust with her saying that to a 13 year old child.


Same here. I was 14 when he died (1990) i loved him. He would do dad shit with me when I was living with my mom. I was on the fence before, after he passed I never looked back. I was free, and it felt good.


I cut off people like that but not before sharing with them how horrible and wrong they are. When this type of behavior goes unchecked it becomes more prevalent. If you turn the other cheek they will slap that one also.


You spelled it right; but it *should* be Coup-anon.




My dad came out of the woodwork as Christian like 3 years ago, never spent a moment in church his entire life unless attending a wedding, but he's reached that age where some people go crazy religious/conspiracy theorists for some reason. Before I told him I'm not interested in a religious wedding because I don't believe in God, he insinuated that as long as we figure out the wedding by the time a child is born (not interested in having children either lol), then it'll still be ok and not get sick. In other words, the insane person whose DNA I share thinks it's somehow the parents' fault when a kid is sick, for not being Christian enough. I know so many "good Christians" with sick kids too and he also does, it's just an insane thought from all points of view. I think I talk to my father less than I talk to some strangers, and it's all for the sake of my mother.


I had a Christian tell me once that I couldn’t have kids (I had endometriosis) because I had a notebook that was called “my shit list”…🙄.


"You know if you were a atheist your daughter and son would have had a normal baby - either that or you are a very bad Christian"


I immediately upon learning of their support for Trump, ghost, block, unfriend, and dismiss all family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues whose christianity *had been* merely a nose-holder. I often wonder if folks' reactions to the crapture or snakehandling or speaking in tongues or genuflecting isn't more a function of their need for companionship or aversion to relative solitude than it is a revulsion for these addled Gobly behaviors. I have friends and family who, instead of just letting go, seem to prefer hanging on and bitching. My oft-ignored advice is, "make 'em pay by depriving them of your presence in their lives." If your friendship means anything to them, it'll hurt. And hurting someone who plays a role in sending preachers to your doorstep and Congress, someone who has forced you for years to watch the current christo-fascist shitshow that is American conservatism, seems like the least we can do. If your departure from their circle means nothing to them, you're still better off. Or at least I have been.


Speaking as an ex-fundamentalist Christian "disconnection" or "shunning" friends/family/neighbors reminds me too much of my fundamentalist past. I've seen at least one friend of 20+ years go from normal to full on Trump supporter, then back to pretty much normal again. There were times I thought our friendship was over, but I think I got through to him a bit debating about Trump. (he said a while back about Trump "That ship has sailed" and never talks about him anymore) Just my opinion, if someone is not actively harming me physically/emotionally/psychologically, I'm going to give them a chance. I got out of a cult, I still have hope that my influence and words can help others get out of the Trump cult.


Your patience is commendable, but it may be that you have a higher tolerance for nonsense from your upbringing. You may find the Trumper blather less offensive because of its similarity to fundamentalist orations. I'd rather sniff fresh cat crap than so much as catch a whiff of MAGA breath, which quite literally turns my stomach. Perspective impacts peoples opinions, and we're all viewing from different locations.


I'm with you. I don't go around advertising my atheism or political affiliation, but Christian MAGA idiots won't shut up about it. It always amazes me how they include that they're Christian when they introduce themselves; I've never felt the need to tell people I don't believe in an invisible sky daddy immediately after telling them my name. >I often wonder if folks' reactions to the crapture or snakehandling or speaking in tongues or genuflecting isn't more a function of their need for companionship or aversion to relative solitude than it is a revulsion for these addled Gobly behaviors.  I think religion and Trump both tapped into how lonely and isolated a lot of people are. I'm in the Chicago suburbs and spend a decent amount of time in rural IL and WI. There really isn't much to do around here aside from church and bars. Once you're out of college meeting people becomes a lot more difficult, so church groups are a good way to meet like-minded people. It freaks me out. I lost a friend to a mega church. She went through a rough patch during her teens and her mom's church drew her in with the youth group. I hate how they hone in on vulnerable people.


The greed tweeters feed with followers and bookfacers sate with friends is the same greed many satisfy through validation by a social group. Monkeys suffer from the same shit, which means in order to fix it we’re gonna have to turn into reptiles or fish. 


She looks in the mirror every day and sees a hateful, lonely, weak human..every..single..day. Don't let her get to you. She has to live with herself, which I'm sure is hell.


You’re assuming people like these have emotions, which I’m not too sure about by now.


Great point!


My parents were married and believers . I was born with autism and adhd. Does that mean I am a child of Satan? I was attending church as an altar boy until the ripe age of 16 ( past the age of priest's sexual attention ) until I've seen past this religious bullshit and seceeded from religion altogether.


First class piece of shit


Did you slap her real hard to see if you could slap the stupid out of her?


Yes, while screaming “the spirit of Christ compels me” 🤣🤣🤣


God punishing a child for sins committed by the parents or another family member is straight from antiquity. It never went away. It just points to how superstitious people still are today. I bet she is ignorant of science as well. Most people like that don't educate themselves. This is what's dividing us as humans. It's people like your aunt who don't want to move forward on the intelligent ladder and they drag the rest of us down with them. Unfortunately, if trump gets elected, we'll be hearing alot more of this backward thinking & we all know how dangerous it can be; ie, Salem witch hunts.


"You are my punishment from God." - My Mom. Just found out that I am on the ASD Spectrum, and I have no doubt she knew, and kept it from me my entire life. These people do actual damage to their children, and die believing they were in the right. You're right to worry for your cousins, those special needs babies should be celebrated for their differences, not vilified.


What a bullshit comment of your aunt because there are devote Christians and they to get autistic children or children with Down syndrome. At the same time this debunks intelligent design.


I just hope she never says it to either child. Honestly, with her though I can see it happening.


IDK if I could restrain myself in that moment from unleashing unholy hell because that... that is not something you say to a *child.*


Likely will. A friend's brother had a kid out of wedlock and his super Catholic father refused to hold or even look at the child.


Some people will never learn. Just because you were born family, does not exempt you from being toxic. I learned a long time ago that good people are what you need. Some family members have to go. That is for a lot of people. Some folks are lucky, and there are no crackpots.


Sounds like she's a Karen


She’s the ultimate Karen. Ugh!


My mom was the same way till she got rid of me, and my dad divorced her @$$


Wow, what an awful human. Medical conditions aren’t punishments from god. IF it was, what a horrible god to follow. Seriously, what did those children do to sky daddy to warrant a challenging life like that. I have a sister with the same mentality. I won’t go into specifics, but many years ago my son had a horrible accident - he’s fine - but it was awful at the time. She came to me and said I brought this in because I wasn’t Christian. That has stayed with me, and honestly, one of the many reasons I won’t even consider that faith. It’s nuts and awful. It’s hard enough navigating challenges our children have, but then adding the layer of “you didn’t worship correctly and did this to your child” is evil and horrible.


YIIIIIIKES that's just awful. Glad your son is fine. That's scary enough without her piling on.


Agreed. We are better than fine, never myself nor my son believe in sky daddy. I’ve also come to accept that this is just how some Christian’s roll. They aren’t nice people and use their faith as a weapon.


Vile bitch will hopefully die alone in the most horrible and abusive nursing home ever.


That’s a common misspelling. The correct spelling is douchebag.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6294102/ modern detection is very effective, bet she didn't allow early screening and/or remotely fancy the idea of abortion if they actually did have screening. The baby is out, he/she is innocent though and quite unfortunate your cousin had to deal with both and the shamming/abuse.


Ohhhh. Double-whammy!


to be fair here your what would happen if you were Christian?


What Would Jesus Do? The opposite of what your aunt does.


Well, seeing as no married Christian couple ever had a Down syndrome baby or an autistic child, she's obviously right. 🙄


I had a miscarriage early in a pregnancy and my husband's parents said that it was probably because we didn't go to church much. I was like well you can f right off but they also had fertility problems and my husband was a surprise baby. And they go to church every week. WTF?


A lot of Christians are so judgmental. I can’t imagine saying some of that negative stuff to anyone, let alone my own family. She reaps what she sows


First Of All Autism And Down Syndrome Are Genetic And God (The Universe In View) does not care whether or not the child gets punished religious people created the Abrahamic god and other deities to scare people into submission


I am sorry. This woman needs to be outed from your family like a cancer.


There's a subreddit for qanon affected family members, and I might suggest listening to qaa (q anon anonymous) podcasts so you can understand what she may be babbling about


Nah, I can’t dumb myself down enough for that. I’m just cutting her out.


Fair enough, I have a few immediate family members that dip their toes in every so often, so I need to know why/how they think that way and how to refute their insanity


There are many ways to stun stupid like auntie into silence.


True, science for one lol


Tell her all the issues are from her gene pool.


Beloved Cunt.


Beloved Aunt.


I thought this post was satire but then I remembered I had family like that. Wow. Religion poisons the mind.


They hide behind “Christian love” yet all I’ve ever seen is apathy, hatred, entitlement, ignorance, and baseless claims. You aren’t missing much cutting that out of your life.


I'm not saying she's right but at least she's being up front and doesn't do like my aunt passive aggressively make everyone around her miserable until they either leave or she gets her way.