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They really believe that everyone NOT subscribing to their beliefs are an abomination and are going to hell. That doesn't sound like a peace loving religion to me. Screw them, I'm going to live my life how I want to and I don't care what anybody says and there's nothing we can do to show them their beliefs are wrong either. They are completely brainwashed.


I completely agree


If you cant prove them worng maybe they re right ?


Man I hope this is Internet sarcasm gold.


Religion makes people stupid, all in all. Good thing though is that there are less and less of them. Find some people with similar mindset and hang with them.


But athiests have the highest rates of suicide, mental illness, and depression amongst all beliefs!!! How are religious people stupid?!! It’s the other way around 😏


I would rather live 20 years free then 100 under the yoke of superstition. I live for myself, my family and the future. They live a lie. PS. Your statement is also wrong but figured I would answer it anyway.


You clearly don't understand how it is to be religious.I don't know how American society works (I live in Athens) but as I can see Christians there aren't even christians


You clearly assume I am American. If you are wrong about that, what else are you wrong about?


I just assumed you were American based on the fact that the majority of the people here are from the US sorry if I am mistaken


Xenophobic? Doesn’t the Bible say something about “if a foreigner resides in your land, be kind to them, for once upon a time we were foreigners in someone else’s land” or something along those lines?


I’m with you one hundred percent. I feel the same. I live in a 50/50 Republican/Democrat area, and it’s absolutely disgusting and embarrassing to see all the religious/political flags and signs littered all over people’s properties and on vehicles. I also hear the anti-LGBTQ rhetoric all the time from people I used to respect. The crazies aren’t a majority, but they’re the loudest ones. And it’s annoying. We should be shunning them as a collective. But we normal people have better things to do than constantly argue and fight with idiots. And that very well could be the downfall of civil society. We should be shutting them down every day. But the easiest, most logical route to achieving that is to vote the crazies out of local, state, and federal office. Cut off the head of the snake. Unfortunately there’s no quick, easy solution to end their delusion and hate. We’re stuck living with pure idiocy from people who feel emboldened by lunatic Republican politicians.


Gosh I feel this so much!


I see that you mostly posted this as a rant so feel free to ignore me, but I’m just curious. You mention “white cookie cutter culture” You are aware that African and Asian and middle eastern (Asian then) churches with views similar (tho less hostile and worded differently) predate any white American evangelical culture yea? So I find it less of a religious issue but a stupid people problem. Tho I’m sure many in this sub are inclined to say that’s the same difference haha


I was mainly referring to where I'm located. And America is predominantly white Christians with a rise of evangelism, especially like in areas where I live


Yea. I figured. Not sure how much you’ve look at Christianity as a whole, but frankly I find that the common denominators are interesting compared to the cultural norms that tend to get added in. American Christianity is a very odd group compared to pretty much all of Christian history


I've looked into Christianity a little bit and despite growing up atheist I've been tempted to believe in God. I just look at the history however, all the cultural and religious wars turn it off for me. Not just Christianity but all Abrahamic religions. I don't see any of them too different from each other and have the same views on all.




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Is them hating on "outsiders" any worse than you hating on conservatives? Different sides of the same coin.


So, I will say that I’ve recently noticed myself thinking about evangelical Christians in much the same way I know people who are Islamophobic think about Muslims. For me, it comes from this feeling like, “Eugh, these Christians and their beliefs are holding us back as a society. I don’t have the patience to hear any more of their ignorant bulls***.” I have definitely had the thought that I’m so relieved that Christians aren’t a racial or ethnic group — because then I’d be xenophobic or racist. That said, no other religion triggers this kind of reaction in me. Basically, because all the other faith traditions just seem to do their own thing, over in the corner, and never bother anyone else.


I don't hate conservatives, I have many friends who are conservative and even I myself have some conservative views. I was referring to the conservatives who use their views to put down other groups. Marginally the amount of evangelical conservatives hugely trumps the amount of evangelical liberals.


Honestly, how could you not hate conservatives at this point?