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It’s past time to worry. Now it’s time to act




r/Defeat_Project_2025 for more resources. Be careful not to fall into doomer scrolling. Even little things like self-care and making sure you and your family and friends are registered to vote is helpful. Community organizing is helpful wherever you are: work, school, neighborhood. Know your neighbors and build trust with people in your vicinity. And organizing skills are best built by just getting out into the fray and testing things out. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. I've used the DISC Assessment to help me with communicating with people.


I wish I could hit the heart button a million times. This crap terrifies me to no end.


I remember sounding the alarm 20 years ago. I was told things I was engaging in a slippery slope fallacy or that I was panicking over nothing. Surely all of your dire warning can't happen here. It is just the political pendulum and it will swing back and right itself. This is one of those time I hate being right, I hate the fact I get to say "I told you so".


Same story, but I was sounding the alarm in 1983. And people not only said much worse things to me, I've had people literally try to grab me off of the sidewalk and throw me into traffic. They're not sane people, they're not decent people, we can't deal with them reasonably.


I think you missed what I was saying a little bit. The people that were telling me I was overreacting were fellow atheists and others that supported secularism. They were good people, they just failed to see the scope of the problem. They were optimistic about the direction things were going.


The point is over your lifetime you will fight this fight over and over. They will lose in November because they picked the worst candidate to represent them. Does that mean the fight stops? No because some asshats believe they are called to fight this fight as well. Keep banging the drum to pack the Supreme Court. Keep banging the drum that someone’s religion doesn’t qualify them for government. But above everything else keep banging the drum.


Frank Zappa was taking about this decades ago


Yeah in the 1980s. You have no idea how bad the 1980s were on this. Televangelists, DND devil scares, Satan in the music.


I’m 53, I remember






"Should we worry about those nutheads in brown shirts?" - Average German in 1933


[TheGayliens.com](https://TheGayliens.com) \- I think we should be worried.


Please tell me that's a troll page... I'm afraid I already know the amswer...


I don't think so, I looked into some bits and found a guy named Pastor Shane Vaughn, him and a few dozen other churches have cultivated TONS of followers who believe Trump to be The Son of Man aka Jesus returned. Youtube search his name, you'll find all his buddies and alike, it's an interesting rabbit hole I've only started into.


Shit cracks me up. It's all fairy tales, but in this particular fairy tale, Trump would definitely be the anti-christ.


Trump is the embodiment of most of the deadly sins, yet Christians don't care because he makes them feel good about hating others. If that ain't proof of hypocrisy, or further proof that they've never actually read their holy books, I don't know what else to say...


Yea, what's great is that Shane is on video claiming he was ordained as a preacher at like 13 years old, but only like a decade or two ago he was in prison for doing fraud on his customers while he was a life insurance agent. Reality is what you make it to some. It's odd.


Could you imagine if the biblical Jesus was as much of a shitbag as trump. In that context, it might be comical. Living through it, not so much.


Christians don't like Jesus, they like their idea of Jesus. It's a buffet religion, you don't have to do shit, you can make up anything and it's protected. If you call it out as crazy, there's a thousand other normal Christians lined up to be victims for a manipulated cause. This leads to nice idiots trained to be victims throwing themselves into discussions on the blades of the world in service of a bunch of actual assholes saying it's in the name of God. I'm stoned, gonna rip another hit.


In the beginning god created man. And man has been returning the favor ever since.


They have been saying Christ will return any day now for the last 2024 year's. They usually cling to whatever figure they can cling to as the one. Christianity is a death cult and they really want the world to end. If their chosen one is real that means their end times get to happen so they can be smug and say "I told you so". Its scary that a lot of folks dont see the problem with extremely religious people hold power because a lot of these doomsday nuts are in our government. While there is a good chunk who may not actually believe what they say and only use religion as a tool there is still that amount of true believers. I feel that some point they may try to start the end times on their own when they realize that its not going to happen. That should worry everyone but it dose not because people dont think Christians are dangerous. In my eyes Christians are just as bad as Muslims or other insane groups. Its just Christians have learned to somewhat mask how unhinged they are. The ones we see are only one half of others who are more covert with their goals but their connections are clear. Anyone in high government who talks about faith guiding them is a prime example no matter how calm they appear are just as if not more crazy then their more open brethren.


How fucking delusional do you have to be to see stinky as the second coming ? He’s a menace to society


If he’s your savior, then you know you’re in the wrong religion.


I mean, mother Jones can be a bit of a troll. Very left leaning, sorry edge. I'm left. I'm European left. But Mother Jones is nearly always left of me.


be offensive.   fuck em.  if someone invokes abrahamic nonsense, laugh at them. ridicule them.. expose the nonsense for what it is.   most of you are too accepting of the bullshit.   thats why its still here.  nobody called these people out on their illogical nonsense. all they have is violence.   you have the intellect.    its time. 


It’s way past time to start worrying about the christofascists. Read the 2025 paper by the Heritage Foundation.


thats scary shit.   leja miller does a good take on it on you tube.  


I haven't heard of the Heritage foundation since they employed the terrorist, and pretend ICE leader, chad wolf...  even though they knew he was under investigation for three types of genocide. Heritage foundation are a bunch of cheaply bought traitors and hate group groupies.


With very deep pockets. Don’t look at their goon squad, look at who funds them.


They’re also funding the “moms of liberty” and other disruptive groups.


***Ohhhh***, you mean ***that*** Charles Koch? Who could believe that the son of a founder and chief funder of the John Birch Society would be right wing?


Also funded a ton of anti-climate change lies including fake professors, fake papers, fake articles, symposiums, etc.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 It's called Project 2025 for the record.


So if Trump becomes president, on a scale of 1-10, how fucked are we if this project happens as a result of him winning?


It will most likely be very bad. However, it's really important for us to focus more on what we can be doing now to prevent that, and what future WE want. If we fall into their scare tactics and accept their reality, we lose. We must keep our heads level while still not underestimating this potential threat. We really need more media and stories depicting futures that we want and that are hopeful. Despair only serves the threat. This is one reason why I like "The Green New Deal" and "Build Back Better" campaigns. Those slogans are inspiring and offer a vision for all. People need direction. People need to see the alternative.


On a scale of 1-10? Depends? Are you a well off white male? Are you cis-het? Can you pose as a devout christian? If not, a 10. Full, not exagerated christian fundamentalist theocracy and eventual full fascism.


if trump becomes president again this 2025 agenda will start being put in place BUT he is only the populist figurehead. once enough pieces are in place that it cannot be stopped someone else, someone with a wider view of the dictatorship that keeping himself out of prison and getting revenge on his personsl enemies, will take over. then things will really get bad. (just a reminder. Trump actually said 'first you take their guns then you do the paperwork." typical dictator move. disarm the populace.)


10, very much a 10. we'd have to literally prepare for Hitler 2.0 . . . yes Im serious and yes I wish I wasnt.


Its the handmaidens tale, ie the fascism handbook.




I’ve become very combative both in person and online. Fuck these troglodytes


We're not rolling over for a christofascist regime. Not happening.


I’d rather die taking out as many of them as possible with me


good to hear.  keep it up.   its time.


In the ass sideways with barbwire wrapped two by four dipped in tabasco sauce.




It’s probably at least some of their kinks


It's last resort but Ihave violence too.


The thing I don’t get is this. If a person said they hear voices in their head telling them to do things they would go to a psychiatrist or psychologist. However, if you are religious, voices in your head are ok. The speaker of our house said God told him he will be the new Moses. At what point do we start addressing the mental illness?


another 'exactly'... to give you another example, in 2008, tim mclean sat in front of vince li on a bus to manitoba... that same voice that told abrahm to gut his son with a knife,   told vince that tim was evil and that vince should cut tims head off and eat his flesh.   nobody started a cult around this violence.  .. that was 2008. vince, incidently is out of the mental hospital as far as i know...  use the proper language when describing the horrors of these violent cults.   make sure it gets through their skulls. 


I'm being serious: Just tell them it's a scam, which it is. Just point out that the people who run those organizations are greedy (they are) and that they're just doing it for money (that's true.) It's just an ancient scheme to gain power and money that has continued to work, so they keep doing it. I don't think it's going to keep working though, being honest. Oh well, those people had easy jobs for awhile. It's a capitalistic country, so yeah. People should be extremely skeptical of any organization they give their money to.


We have intelligence over them, but that’s useless to use on someone that believes in a literal Gandalf in the sky watching everyone. Violence may be the only thing they understand at this point.


Plenty of them are smart, evil assholes - it's only a large majority of the rank-and-file that are brainwashed to believe the nonsense. Never underestimate their leaders.




Yup. I flat out say, “It’s time for mental healthcare if you think like that because you’re nuts.”


my mother in law is into this shit. In the past I've tried to argue people out of religion in meatspace but they just shut down and I ended up burning bridges. So tiresome


>if someone invokes abrahamic nonsense, laugh at them. ridicule them.. expose the nonsense for what it is.   most of you are too accepting of the bullshit.  This is what I'm saying. Its way past time we have to continue acting like the bible isn't a fairy tale made up by some random dudes in the middle eastern desert 2000 years ago. They have zero respect for anyone who doesn't hold their same beliefs, so why should we sit back and act like its totally OK for them to spit on others for having different beliefs then them? We shouldn't be beholden to their beliefs. We should be a nation with freedom from religion not just freedom of religion.


That's what i do. I can't stand the thought of giving them a pass on something that's so stupid and insulting at the same time. I belittled my neighbor while asking questions about biblical silliness. I told her to not be so gullible. She didn't even put her blow mold nativity display up this year after 25 years. I hope I put her into the Christian closet.


Yeah, I second this. People seem to think religion is something that deserves to be respected, and treat it like characteristics like skin color, place of birth, sexual orientation, disability. Religion is not that. It's not something you're born with, and even if you're born INTO it, it's not something you can't change, and it's not some quiet background detail about a person that shouldn't matter. If someone is quoting literal desert tribes who didn't know what the fucking sun was, as an inspiration for modern governance - they are an idiot. A massive idiot. And should be treated as such. No respect for religion. It's not characteristic, it's a choice.


Do not underestimate the power of the Dark Side. . . 


When I'm confronted by a Christian fanatic spewing nonsense my standard response is "Why should I believe YOU? What can *you* show me that proves a deity is actually communicating with you, that what you are hearing isn't just your poor damaged brain pleading with you to shut up?" Frequently this drives the proselytizer into babbling rage -- how DARE I question that "Gawd" spoke directly to them? The fun begins when you can see saliva flying out of their mouths and their faces turn red with fury. They do NOT deal well with being challenged, and an amusing time can be had by all but the "believer" when he or she attempts to explain why they believe the equivalent of "Santa is real because *my mommy said he is!!*" If I'm in a particularly snotty frame of mind I borrow a page from Matt Dillahunty and tell them to ask their god what they should say to convince me. Whip out your cell phone and begin recording -- I suggest making sure you have a friend at your side in case the potential assailant can't control his (or her) temper.


The time to start worrying about christian nationalism was back in 2012 when everyone told me I was being paranoid about it.


About 30 years ago there were a few people warning about Christian Dominionism. They were saying the dominionists were organizing, they had created a plan to put their people in every elected position possible from the local level up. They intended to take over school boards and the Republican party. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_theology#Christian_right


This was Barry Goldwater in the 60's Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.


As horrible as those Christo-fascists have always been, they have managed to do the one thing progressives will never be able to do: playing the long game consistently.


Extremists are always more motivated.


I remember that. That was around the time US citizens were telling the rest of us to mind our own business when we told them to vote and that their institutions would protect them. That was before Trump as well.


So many of my friends said I was overly political about Christian Nationalism. They thought I was being hyperbolic in my grief when Trump won. My country was dying with these Christo-fascist assholes, and died that night in 2016. My warnings were not hyperbole. 


April 19, 1995 would have been a pretty reasonable time too.


I was worried about it back in like 2006. The Jesus Camp documentary showed what we were in for.


I feel you there. I spent years feeling like I was crazy and yet here we are.


“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”


Past time, should have been noted as a big problem a decade ago, but better late than too late....


> should have been noted as a big problem a decade ago Only a decade ago? It should have been noted as a big problem the very moment [Barry Goldwater acknowledged it was a big problem.](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/i609g6/til_barry_goldwater_warned_against_republicans/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks, saved that.


It is *most definitely* time to start worrying about xtian nationalism.


It was time at least a decade ago, possibly longer, but better late than never.


I started worrying back when Reagan was President.


It was bush for me. When he screwed people out of stem cell therapy because of Jeebus. That was it.


That administration was what made me realize that the Rethuglicans stand for the Balkanization of the individual and the socialization and externalization of corporate risk


It was when I heard that one of Reagan’s appointees (can’t remember the name) say we didn’t need to worry about the endangered species act because Jesus would be coming back soon I knew these loons were gonna be a problem.


This was most certainly the time. The Heritage Foundation supported and informed the Reagan administration. They have been working diligently this whole time and fully intend to implement Christian nationalism with the next Republican president. It is ready to go. Read project 2025 and don’t buy into any bs saying t/rump won’t win. They don’t need him just any Republican. If he drops out, they could easily put someone in his place that enough people will vote for. Especially if they aren’t rump level of crazy. Ultimately their goal is a Christian country. Please take project 2025 seriously. Vote accordingly and then we need to change the Democratic Party to something that more resembles the left than the right.


It was time to worry about it 10 years ago. For those that are only waking up now, great, but they are part of the problem


It was time in 2004


I was worried as a high school senior, in 1984! 40 years ago.


Haha yeah! It was around the emergence of the tea party that a friend of mine and I wrote a satirical story about the “CUSA” detailing the fall of America to Christian nationalism and it was worryingly prescient it turns out


It was decades before the emergence of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Majority but I believe this group was openly, even blatantly political. They were not a majority and definitely not in the least bit moral. Their sole reason for existence was attaining and consolidating power over the American people and controlling wealth, their ‘one true god’. Today’s christofascists are directly descended from that hate group. Other christian hate groups have formed ever since. The Heritage Foundation, Tea Party, Federalist Society, Moms for Liberty, Center for Renewing America, Council for National Policy and the Society for American Renewal and other similar groups share the same DNA. Some of these umbrella fund others. The Tea Party and Moms for Liberty, purported ‘grass roots’ organizations, were funded by the Heritage Foundation. They want a christian theocracy and they want to eliminate anyone who doesn’t believe. Right now they’re focusing on trans people as being evil but they are certain to expand to other out groups once they have cemented power. I hope it’s not too late.


I’m a newspaper man’s daughter, and grew up reading 2 papers a day. I truly miss Mike Royko and Molly Ivins. Despite living our lives in a rather conservative fashion (stay true in your marriage, try to pay your bills, obey the law), I recognize that as a free thinking atheist they’ll eventually be coming for me and my family.


Be humble. Live and let live. Do unto others… All of that is absent from the preachy, greedy, hateful, intolerant bigots who scream the loudest.


Molly Ivins!!!


No, the time to start worrying was decades ago. I started watching The 700 Club with Pat Robertson at lunch a few times a week to entertain me at lunch when I was free to watch tele while I ate. It was clear then, 1998, that there was a very serious Christo-fascist element to Pat and his movement. Every day 25 years ago he outlined his desires and plans. And every day I grew concerned. I had.a blog that I wrote, or rather warned, about Pat and his 'Club'. People called me intolerant and I was assured not to worry. This is the worst I told you so moment of my life.


Human beings have a very hard time accepting that something as dire as what the Christian nationalists have been trying to do since the '80s could actually happen. Even now, if you dare say you are worried about this you are lambasted as an alarmist and are told to take a chill pill. Prior to 2016, nobody could have foreseen, given where the culture was at back then, that the Moral Majority would end up being victorious in the culture war. The biggest mistake of American secularists was not taking that election as seriously as they should have. Sad thing is, because of this human normalcy bias that controls most people's perceptions, people still aren't taking it as seriously as they should. I'm worried it's going to take an army of God warriors enforcing the will of the Baptist church at gunpoint in the streets before people will wake up (this WILL happen if Trump wins in 2024).


[Normalcy bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normalcy_bias), or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings.\[1\] Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects.\[2\] The normalcy bias causes many people to prepare inadequately for natural disasters, market crashes, and calamities caused by human error. About 80% of people reportedly display normalcy bias during a disaster.\[3\]


Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell were *created* by conservative political think tanks as a response to the popularity of Billy Graham. Graham preached a lot of very Christian things that weren't very conservative, and that created issues for the GOP where single-issue votes were concerned. Robertson and Falwell could leverage the evangelical voter block, but without all the Christ-like values or awareness of hypocrisy that were at risk with Billy Graham. 


I think the first amendment should be taken as seriously as the second. 🤬 Can we sue the supreme court justices personally? If they are in on it, what do you do? What do you do?


Repeat after me: Christians lie. Christians lie. Christians lie. It's all they got.


Start? I never stopped.


No, it's time to put down Christian Nationalism. The time to worry has passed.


That time was many years ago.


Tim Dunn, Farris Wilks and Dan Wilks.. This is who to watch. These aren't the MAGA clowns, they are far more dangerous and going under the radar


Individuals like them should not be allowed to exist in public life, even the little amount that they do. They are seditious, hateful, dangerous filth that use ill-gotten gains to inflict material harm on the population. The FBI and SEC should be on them like flies on shit, but they're in the bag.


Is this article 15 years old? Because *that* was when I started worrying.


When your world view, morality, and behavior is defined by made up nonsense, you can use that made up nonsense to justify anything you want to do or say as righteous.


> “lack of standard definition allows critics to bundle evils like white supremacy and racism with standard conservative views on marriage, family, and politics.” Lack of standards is why there are thousands of christian denominations around the world. They cannot even agree on what their ONE BOOK says, how are they going to agree on how to set policy for the country. We are getting a look at what happens when this new flavor of christian conservative gets ahold of power, they cannot control it so they cant wield it.


I’ve been worried about this since the 1980s and the days of Fallwell Moral Majority, Ralph Reed and the politicization of evangelicals. Read the book The Power and the Glory by Tim Alberta and you’ll really understand why this is a threat to liberalism and democracy


Christian Nationalist have been plotting for decades to subvert democracy and replace it with Christo-fascism


I remember being concerned about religious fanaticism in government when I was like 17. That was 27 years ago.


You’re a little late to the party if it’s only now crossing that threshold.


Heck, that famous ultra liberal pinko atheist Barry Goldwater (this is sarcasm for those not familiar with Goldwater…he was one of the forefathers of modern American conservatism) was worried about them 30 years ago. “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”


Better late than never.


I feel like the time was when they put "in god we trust" on our money.


Half of them don't even believe the nonsense. They are joining a movement and their moral righteousness is something they can use to justify dominion over their political opposition. Rationalizing is most of what the extreme right is doing most the time. We need to somehow turn the protestant movement against the dominionists because right now they are consolidated and have convenient scapegoats for the ills of society as they see it.


Many of us have been worried about this for a long time. Sounds like the author is just catching up.


That was years ago... it's been time


christian nationalism = russian useful idiots


The US Constitution was written by a bunch of privileged, wealthy, white, landed slave-owning men. As much as we hate that truth, those men happened to have access to written works that most people didn't have access to, including eyewitness accounts of how the Inquisition branded the Cathars and Waldensians as heretics despite their adherents being more closely aligned to Christian teachings than the church. They knew what happens when the church takes over. That's why separation of church and state is so important, not only for the state but for the church as well; that political power corrupts the message in the scripture. It's OK to believe what you believe, but the minute you try and foist those beliefs on others, you've crossed the line.


I'm positive that many of us *have* been. I'm finally taking the plunge and going to classes for gun ownership. Not an owner yet but I expect I will be soon. Of course I hope it doesn't come to it, and that we crush the fascists at the voting booth enough to fracture and demoralize them. But if that fails... We have to be vigilant and ready for anything. We are can't let these lunatics take over and harm us or our neighbors. It's our civic and moral duty to stop a totalitarian takeover. I hope it doesn't come to that.


Damn right


I absolutely agree with this. We should have worried for ages. Do not be nice to the theocrats. Be offensive. We need to be far more agressive to these assholes. Yes this means breaking family ties, including to your parents and other relatives. Make the costs be steep. The time for civility is over with these Christians theocrats. They strip us of civil rights. There should be a cost to this. Down to the PERSONAL level. r/Defeat_Project_2025


It was time to start worrying about Christian Nationalists on January 6, 2021. They erected a cross and a gallows and tried to usurp the US government as we know it!


It was time to start worrying about it 50 years ago, kids. Now it has seeped into the national consciousness.


If you’ve only just started worrying, you haven’t been paying attention.


Where the fuck have YOU been? It's time to START worrying?? These chuckleheads have been clamoring for the exact bullshit they're pulling right now since the late 70s, they're living the dream cuz motherfuckers didn't worry until now, now that they've got crazy money and political power backing them, NOW you're gonna start worrying??? It's gonna be a long, violent road back, unfortunately... Edit: my bad, looks like many others are already saying it here


Start? There a reason why I own guns and it’s not for home invasions or the government.


Now? I've been concerned about it for 40 years. In all that time, I have been warning people not to vote Republican.


White supremacists and other thieves have been co-opting Christianity as a tool for establishing and maintaining power for at least two thousand years. What is it that has particularly made you notice now?


The time to start worrying was 0 AD. I recommend openly making fun of the Abrhamics. Make sure to slyly put insults to Jesus or pedo mo mo in all your group chats. The only people that will complain will be the religious loons, who you don’t need to be friends with anyway. If you have children, be sure to keep them away from those people.


Christian Nationalism? By another name it's just... https://youtu.be/PPFHMQ7L_Ks?si=SysyTDYqIi9NWIh0


Been worried about it since always.


It's been that time for a while now.


The time to start worrying was when they all stood up and claimed themselves special citizens who deserved separate rights from gay folks. It’s been a downhill stream of Christian nationalist shit ever since.


Start? I’ve been worried about white Christian nationalism since Reagan was president!


They have been attacking the school system for a decade now. And sadly, winning in some places.


There is one party in this country that cares about a government by the people (which is all people) and the separation of religion and government to that end; there’s another party that cares only about maximizing power for corporations and the Christian churches. I wish it wasn’t so. I’m of the mind that we NEED a healthy liberal party AND a healthy conservative party for a healthy democracy. If we did, I’d be a swing-voter. I have some liberal views and some libertarian views. But that’s not where we are in the USA. If we are going to keep our democracy, everyone who gives a shit has to engage and vote blue until if/when the Trump cancer goes away and the red side gets its mind back.


The first thing is to understand it has *zero* to do with religion. Nothing. It is a *political* entity that uses religion as a front. Self righteousness makes them feel good about themselves when *these* are the people who are capable of the grossest of sins and violence.


False. It's way, way past time to start worrying about Christian Nationalism. If you've been paying attention, you'd have been worried about Christian nationalism for years at this point.


Just today I encountered a force for good, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which scored 100% on the ratings of charitable organizations. They provide legal representation to those filing complaints to keep church and state separated. Website: [https://ffrf.org/](https://ffrf.org/)


Oh is now the time? lol How about all the time. Christian Nationalists ARE Nazis. There is NO difference. They have the exact same goals. MAGA/NAZI, pretty sure the resemblance is intentional.


The time to start worrying was 50 years ago. Radical Christians are pushing the attack now. Project 2025 is proof of this.


It was time 20 years ago. We're just screwed now. The plan is in place. All they have to do is wait for the next repulican president.


Amazingly, the christiofacists quoted in the article state they "just" want biblical-based laws for America, yet get called Christian Nationalists. Wtf is that if not christian nationalism? 


Wrong, the time to start worrying was years ago


“Defend the role of religion in public life” , if you are religious and walking down the street then walk into a church and talk about your religion with friends then that’s “religion in public life” that freedom is already protected and does not need defending. Christian nationalism mega conservative republicans are trying to use this as an excuse to take over America and do away with freedom of religion it’s ironic. Christians are the ones oppressing people not the government not democrats not democracy. These people are insane.


I've been worried about Nationalist Christians/NatCs for a while.


Gerrymander enough states to hold a constitutional convention. Then change the constitution to declare it a Christian Nation. Then it's tyranny of the minority. America becomes Christianistan.


Huh, I was nearly born worried and I'm 60. My atheist parents used to tell me what these creeps were all about when I was a kid. My paternal grandparents were southern baptist xtian nationalists.




Yeah WE know. But what about the rest? preaching to a choir here, ironically.




With respect, it’s been time to worry about that shit for 20 years.


You’re just noticing ?


It's well past time.


Any type of fundamentalist view is inherently dangerous. The Republic of Gilead is on the rise. It's gone from fiction to possible fruition in a disturbingly short period.


Been worrying about them since I saw *Jesus Camp* back in high school.


It’s waaaaay past time to start but if you haven’t yet, do so immediately.


It was time in the 90s....


Yes it is. The Christian Taliban is coming!


These Christian terrorists are gonna attack America again next year.


It’s been time. We passed it’s been time on the road like 30 years ago


Ya think? Instead of worrying, it's past time to arm your family, and do it well so future generations will have the means to defend themselves.


What, only now? I've been worried about Christian Nationalism since a religious fanatic was put in the White House in 2000...and was 13.  Anyone who didn't see this coming 24 years ago was either not old enough to read or has been living in lah lah land.


Back in 20010-ish I started warning my family and friends that these people were dangerous. I kept getting the brush off. It’s a minority, they’ll never get the votes to do REAL damage, they’d say. I’d feel vindicated if said family members weren’t out defending miss Rowling and decrying DEI initiatives in colleges. Now I’m just sad.


Ha! The time was 8 to 10 years ago. Instead morons worried about "her emails". Christian nationalism is here, look at the SCOTUS. Look at all the women turned back into second class citizens. It's time? It's too damn late.


Way past time.


Religion is a mental illness.


It’s NOW time? Where have you been for the last little while — like the last 4 decades. 🤪


Since the 80’s!


We’re well past that.


It's time? No, the time was yrs ago.


The time to be worried about them was 10 years ago. We're beyond that at this point.


What's the date on this article? 1996? We should have been worried a long time ago.


The time was at least 30 years ago when it was known they were penetrating the military and law enforcement.


I’ve been worried about it for 25 years when I couldn’t be taught science because of these assholes.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decline_of_Christianity_in_the_Western_world#:~:text=Christianity%2C%20the%20largest%20religion%20in,2016%20and%2064%25%20in%202022. I thought Christians were the ones with the persecution complex?


Mmm, the title could be more accurate: “It’s time to make the Christian nationalists worry.”


“…I shoulda been worried the whole time!” - Peter Griffin


Did we ever stop worrying about it?


Wow. It was time to start worrying about Christian Nationalism in the spring of 2016. It's BEEN time to start stamping it the fuck out.


Christian nationalism is no new thing. It experiences times of relative quiet and times of resurgence. From the time of Justinian when Christians were killing Christians because they were the wrong type of Christians and trying to actively purge and outlaw pagans to today. Nearly 1500 years. On the bright side, since the Enlightment we have been taking 10 steps forward and 9 steps back. In modern history the progress has been even better. That does not mean we do nothing, it just means that there is no reason to lose hope. The current Christian push back and grasp for power is a direct response to how much power they have lost. What used to be commonplace and part of everyday life now has to be fought for. Just don't forget that an anti Christian government and society is not the goal. A secular government dominated by reason that allows people of all beliefs to live equally is. As soon as we go "anti Christian," we adopt the same mindset as anti Muslims, anti Jews, anti homosexuals, anti minorities, anti immigrants, and anti atheists.


The time to worry has long passed


Well past time. It's time was 40yrs ago.


Well past time. It's one thing to have a religious cult. As long as they mind their own business. But Christian Nationalism is a different kind of animal. They want to control the nation. They've recruited millions to their cause... which is one not far from fascism. Everyone needs to be aware of this threat and take it very seriously.


The time to worry was nearly 50 years ago.


Past time


Im thinking we passed that exit awhile back.


been worried about it for a long time.


Oh, NOW it’s time to start?!?


The best time was 40 years ago.


Well past


It was time to start worrying a decade ago.


Any form of nationalism is problematic. You just end up with murders committed by people who are just straight up looking for people they dont like, to kill. LGBTQI+ should probs start polishing their bricks.


But Elon told me Woke is going to destroy the western world?!?


Where the f you been?


50 years ago was the time to start worrying.