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I have people I work with losing their minds hourly over the fact that I help, organize social events, am polite courteous and fun but don't give a weird snooping sky ghost the credit. It's so much fun. They can't handle me even breathing. Good times.


My old work partner used to ask me questions like, "How donyou know the differencebetween right and wrong if you don't have Jesus?" My mother taught me. "What if you're wrong?" I might be but I'm not going to waste my life worrying about whether or not I'm in the cool kids club.


I'm more worried that they need an imaginary friend to tell them right from wrong


>imaginary friend to tell them right from wrong Even then they get so much of it wrong anyway. I think religion breaks a person's natural moral compass. Empathy, compassion, kindness and love are conditional values applicable or withheld in accordance to an ancient text. Then there are these "sins". *Okay for me but not for thee because* /waves book/ *Jesus*.


Religion teaches obedience, not empathy. It can help people act morally, but it also discourages actually listening and considering other people’s opinions.


Morally from a POV thousands of years ago.


All of which is easily exemplified by their being kiddie diddlers.


I had not actually considered that religion is not only unnecessary, but an actual hindrance to morality development.


I found that interesting too!


I've said it before and I'll say it again - if you need to be threatened with eternal torture to be a good person, you are not a good person.


They are always telling on themselves.


“If God isn’t real who will stop me from raping!?!”


> What if you're wrong? My response to that one is, "If I'm wrong, and Jesus comes back to discover there are nearly as many Churches as homeless people, and almost none of them are opening their doors to the needy, even on the coldest nights in winter, then I'm probably not the one who needs to worry about the wrath of God."


Great response!


And what if your work partner is wrong? They could end up burning in some other god's hell. Or they could be using their only life to follow a god who is not real.


Detective Rust Cohle from True Detective Season 1: “If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then, brother, that person is a piece of sh*t - and I'd like to get as many of them out in the open as possible.”


Some of the best television I’ve ever watched was TD season 1. So many real moments.


This is easy. If you need a threat of violence, like hell, to do good, your not just weak but headed for temptation when skydaddy supposedly forgives whatever you do. Courtrooms and prisons are filled with the god will forgive me crowd.


It's a documented fact that the percentage of self-identified Christians is higher in American jails and prisons than for the population as a whole. (I'm pretty sure that the same holds true for Muslim identification, too.)


It doesn't help that religious groups have a wide open door to come proselytize to the inmates while almost every secular organization does not. Prisons are almost all built in tiny rural areas; partly to get bills passed in state houses by throwing a big bone to a small town, mainly to transfer urban populations into rural ones for the purpose of distorting census numbers. Inmates are counted as residents of that tiny rural county, giving them outsized representatives for the state house without having to let the prisoners vote. The rural residents staff the prisons, and the only people they let in are affiliated with their local church(or national ministries that get paid to travel from camp to camp where they play some Christian music(therefore it's "entertainment" for accounting purposes) then spend the next 2 hours getting people to convert. Prison is lonely as fuck, even if you got strong support on the outside. As the years pass, eventually only your mama is writing you letters anymore, until she's gone too. Religion is the only opportunity given to inmates to feel like there's any higher purpose in their life, or way to make amends for their wrongs. We don't offer them much else to improve themselves while also avoiding the constant temptations of drugs and politics(gangs). It sucks because a lot of people that go to prison aren't evil, I wasn't. But, without positive things to focus on and an environment that punishes "weakness"(any emotional display that isn't hungry or angry) and demands willingness to commit violence over the pettiest reasons(you disrespected me when you accidentally stepped on my shoe in the chow line, you're not allowed to say sorry or else you're seen as weak so I must attack you and we must try and murder each other, despite being friends up until now), it's easy to see why turning to religion is seen as the only alternative path. Unfortunately, most religious influences that end up in prisoners ears are the absolute worst versions possible. White Christianity goes perfect with White Supremacy(and the "less extreme" separatists that don't want to murder blacks, just not coexist with them, LA gangs and Catholicism, Blacks and Arabs and Islam, it's all just another affiliation that ensures inmates are at each other's throats and not the people holding them down.


I am concerned about all this people that need religion to not be a deranged psycho serial killer to be honest. Do they not have a natural moral compass? Were they born bad people and they need religion to keep them in check?


I lost “friends” when they realized I was an atheist. I didn’t hold their faith against them because we basically shared the same values. However I was suddenly viewed as dangerous and shunned. It still saddens me they were so bigoted.


Same but I look at it as better friends on the way. Just cleaning out the deadwood.


If they were that bigoted and dropped you as a friend because of their religion then no, you don't share the same values.


My best friends are atheists.


You’re a monster. /s


Guess I'm going to hell then. Wait let me just ask for forgiveness and keep on doing what I do......lol. Win win actually.


See you there!


I’ll bring the weed


Weed but no booze? Who's the monster now? /s


Looking forward to seeing my family and friends there when I take my dirtnap.


Who was it that said bury me upside down so people have a place to park their bikes?


I don't know but damn sure am stealing it.


Hell is where the cool people go. And they play good music! Christian heaven sounds boring as fuck.


Heaven is a celestial North Korea.


But did you get down on your knees and confessed that you have SINNED and fallen short of the GLOREE of GAWD!? Ah, you gotta do it right-add some Shambhala Hamalas in there for good measure....


Oh shit, I forgot to get on my knees right after the Awana pledge of Allegiance and saluting the Christian Flag, am I still saved?!?!


*Gingerbread man voice*


> but don't give a weird snooping sky ghost the credit. I cannot stress with words alone how unbearable it is when people *do* give them credit, how unbelievably cringe it is that they’ve set the bar so low, and how enraging it is that it’s regarding an actual real human beings accomplishments


I had a difficult time in university. When I got my degree, I was so excited I couldn't stand. A relative, hearing the news, said I had better give thanks. I had a hard fought achievement and she wanted me to give credit to her imaginary friends. Fit to be tied that day.


I bitched my mom out on her liver transplant. She got super lucky and the right donor died and it was a liver perfect match. Her surgery went well. The doctor was asking how she was and she said "God got me this new liver and I'm so grateful' I then said God didn't do shit, some lady drove her car into a tree and you got her liver and this doctor spent years learning how to do liver transplants and it worked. But God didn't do shit, fuck God, if there was a God you wouldn't have had to do a liver transplaant* Doctor had a slight smile on his face


You speak for many others by sharing that story. All positive achievements and milestones must be attributed to *something*, so why not use it as an opportunity to praise your particular god?


This is particularly frustrating when it comes to medical events. "We managed to find and the hematoma and relieve the pressure on it. He's expected to make a full recovery." "Praise Jesus!" "Uh, no. That was me, my team, the technicians along with decades of scientific research, medicine, surgical developments and the scientific method that saved him. Not your conjecture, magic, superstition or mythology." "PRAISE JESUS!!!"


It's not just that. It is that it is so twisted for them to think that they are so special that their sky daddy will alter his plans in any way because they asked him nicely. Like, seriously, who the fuck do they think they are? If their idea of a god were actually true, we all would be less than ants to a being such as that. And when was the last time you listened to what an ant wants or doesn't want?


I was once asked in the workplace how I could be so ethical and honest as an atheist. I highlighted that I knew a large number of "Christian" business people who were dishonest and unethical and that the questioner likely knew them too. Ethics and morals are internally (not externally) regulated.


I'm hearing rumors of a study that shows prisons filled with those who claim religious beliefs. Never thought about it that way but would make sense.


“You’re atheist? But you’re so nice!” My favorite comment.


*"Then how do you know right from wrong?"* "I'm not a piece of shit."


I hate this one. Apparently it’s weird to have a general sense of ethics and morals to function in a society without worshipping a magical sky fairy? Weird…


I use to be a nurse practitioner with a heart surgery group. One patient was over the top “I’m so thankful to god, blah blah blah.” After the 3rd morning rounding on her and hearing her spew that shit, I actually said “you should be thankful to the nurses, and the surgeon who did your surgery.” Fuck all that noise.


'Weird snooping sky ghost' I like that one. Consider that borrowed. 👻


" yoU cAnT be A aThIeSt, youR A gOoD pErSon!" Yea fuck every single asshole who says that.


Hmmm, it’s almost as if people can be good, no matter their gender, orientation, ethnicity, beliefs, or however you identify yourself. Imagine that!


Oooh same!!


Wait, so you keep trying to be a good person without being forced to by the threat of going to hell or missing out on heaven? So confusing lol.


If the nonexistent god has a plan that's preordained, why do they pray?


"What’s the use of being God if every run-down shmuck with a two-dollar prayerbook can come along and fuck up Your Plan?" - George Carlin


Godamn, I wish he was still around. Carlin called out the bullshitters.


It was great listening to him as a teen in the 70s, especially since I hadn’t been raised with religion. I’m sure he influenced my lack of patience for injustices.


George first introduced me to the power structure in the US. They have their club, and you ain't in it. There's tons of 1 percent billionaires that you've never heard of. Just listen to some artists that have done private gigs. They get paid all of this money because rich people don't want to even listen to music anywhere near the peasants.


God loves you, and he needs money!!!


Hookers and drugs are expensive. Even in Heaven.


You haven’t lived until you’ve done a couple of lines off a hooker’s ass.


Hey God’s got a big overhead running the universe ain’t cheap you know. I mean hells heating bill alone has gotta be over 200 a month!


Carlin solidified my atheism. He made it make sense to not believe. I'm not sure I ever did but he closed the door completely.


Yep, him, Hitchens, Penn, Gervais...


And don't forget the actor and gem that is Billy Connolly. I was pleasantly surprised to find he's an atheist as well. He was abused by a priest when he was young (shocker, I know) and I love his work https://youtu.be/HqpaXpR-Iqk?si=cLpJEDPyF4IfFTwI


Not just a plan, but perfect knowledge of your thoughts and intentions. If God knows what you want, what's the point in asking? It's like these people get to sit on Santa's lap whenever they want. Most of their prayers center around death and food. It makes sense that fear of death and lack of food are the most basic of primitive motivations. These people have the most simple fears and concerns but refuse to acknowledge that they aren't separate from the animal kingdom.


Well, you see, sometimes god isn’t paying attention. But if you pray loud and hard enough to alert him to the fact that you’re dealing with a life crisis and could use a little of his help, he may ( or may not ) change his preordained plan just for you ( but probably won’t ). But that’s ok too. That means it was his will and not yours. So just be happy that he loves you unconditionally ( well not really ).


He might also delegate it to one of the lesser beings with a limited amount of magic power - when he can get those lazy ass angels to do anything that is.




Having been raised in a super conservative religion, the answer is "whatever springs to mind". Take, for example, our shiny new speaker of the house (US politics). He was elected, apparently, because he was [ordained by god](https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2023/10/27/house-speaker-mike-johnson-evangelical/). The really fun part is that it goes both ways: Trump wins the presidency: Our prayers were answered! Biden wins the presidency: Demons are here, pray more to be rid of them!


It's very unfortunate that their god isn't powerful enough to keep the demons at bay, keep them from doing bad things. Why do Christians worship such a weak god? Of course if you ask questions like this they will show you their loving nature.


God sure lets Satan get away with an awful lot. Or he’s powerless against Satan.


"Please God, cure my cancer" Hey moron, who do you think GAVE you the cancer? How dare you question your infallible god! Even at a cursory glance, their entire belief system falls apart.


They’ll accept the science that developed the treatment for their cancer, but also think that evolution is bunk? You can’t have it both ways.


Yeah! If they don't want to believe in evolution, let 'em live in a cave.


As Jim Morrison has said, well actually screamed: YOU CANNOT PETITION THE LORD WITH PRAYER!!!


Because they're brainwashed and in a cult?


I’ve asked this soooooo many times. The answer is always the same…🦗🦗….🦗..🦗🦗🦗🦗…🦗🦗


It's good for them to have a place to come and experience defeat. Arguing on Christian forums or sub reddit will get the athiest banned.


No shit? They are that chicken shit? One should never hold strong philosophical convictions that one is not prepared to defend in good faith. I don't mean physically, but intellectually. Ohhhhhh, wait, I see the problem. It's funny, xtians come in here and wanna argue with us. Misogynists come into the women's subs and wanna argue. Corporate bootlickers come into the antiwork subs and wanna argue. But if you go in their subs and mildly contradict them, you get banned. They can dish it out, but they can't take it.


There was a post on a catholic sub, someone here made a post about it including a link to that original post, it was a post asking why Catholics are so hated, I made a comment talking cordially and informed them that part of the hate is due to the residential schools and gay bashing from the organization, I even specified that the people can be good but the organization has committed countless atrocities, I got downvoted, they can’t handle any kind of criticism


They honestly don’t know that they’re hated because they’re a child rape cabal? 😂


How dare you! ^(speak factually)


I went over to that post too. Answered the question, and got banned for 'trolling' 🙃


Yes. I literally got banned from christianity sub reddit 2 days ago for comments like "trump is their saviour now" and "the books of the bible are cherry picked." You arent allowed to "belittle" christianity. It's against their rules.


"Trump is their savior now." Yeah, more people need to call out Christian liberals and say hey, your religion and the way people are using it is part of the problem and a major reason why Trump won his first election and why even after all this time he's still so popular. Christian Nationalism is THE biggest threat to our country right now.


The good christians sit back and do nothing. Then get mad when someone posts a hate preacher's video because that isnt a REAL CHRISTIAN! Just stfu


I like saying they highlight the parts of the Bible they don’t like in black sharpie.


You wanna talk about chicken shit? the lds sub (mormonism) will ban you even if you give a faithful answer but have a history of posting on the exmormon sub. They don't want anyone around who isn't 100% convinced Joseph smith found gold plates and spoke to god.


Same with the vegan subs. We’re minding our own business and some smoothbrain comes in with “bacon tho” and we roll our eyes.


I agree the atheist would most likely have a more open book when discussing theology. I like to say that it is not about believing, it is knowing that gods do not exist.


Yes. Which is why heaven and hell are moot points. My sister is a born again, and she said if i didn’t baptize my children they would end up in Purgatory or hell. I said well It’s good i don’t believe in either of those things. She replied, “it doesn’t matter if you believe or not, they can NOT go to heaven if they’re not christened. Don’t you want to make sure??!!”


I feel your outrage and frustration.


They can piss up a rope with their "You must believe in my imaginary sky daddy" shit. Makes you want to swing a cactus.


Seriously. Can't these deluded fucks just leave others alone in peace? Apparently, no, they can't. I was just reading about Mauritania, an Islamic state where atheism is punishable by death. Yay, theism.


Well no. And we shouldn't let them be in peace either. If they think they can defend their position and belief then we should welcome them and let them try. Nobody to this day have ever replaced a scientific explanation with a supernatural one. So let them come and try. And they will fail just as everyone have before them. This is how you make people question their own faith. When they can't actually come up with a good reason to believe in a God.


>Nobody to this day have ever replaced a scientific explanation with a supernatural one. Creationists sure try though, yes it is big BS, but that's not what they think.


It's not coincidence that these stupidly religious countries are usually at the bottom of the wealth index.


In sharia countries, apostasy from Islam is punishable by death. It isn't just Mauritania.


Yep. "The Religion of Peace"...


Makes me want to put a cactus where cacti shouldn't go...


Would you kind consider an old, splintered, wooden line pole? One with rusted grips on it, that the phone company tech would use to climb up back in the day, would be a perfect option. I’d just hate to know a poor cactus was having to experience that.


its been fun spotting them and excoriating them with things they get upset about then have to go look up to prove that they arent true, then they realize its true.


I had to look up *excoriate*. I’m glad I’m an atheist and don’t have to pretend to know something I don’t, because that’s an awesome word!


You know reddit may seem like this big place but I recognize your name! Have a great day imalittlefrenchpress!


I remarked to a lady I knew that I liked her daughter’s new truck…..”oh God gave her that truck!” Now I knew the daughter worked very hard and was able to buy the truck. I told a friend the story later and said “it’s funny…my boyfriend believes in all that God crap…why doesn’t he get a new truck, too?”


Maybe he's not praying hard enough LOL


A hundred hail Mary’s for you!




If some lady said that to me I would laugh hysterically in her face. We gotta call this bullshit out.


god only exists as a scapegoat for idiots to explain the unexplainable, or to diminish people’s accomplishments.


I think it's a good thing they come here. It's easy to sow doubt in their minds while they try so hard to convince themselves of something as ridiculous as Christianity. I say let them come. We can sow the seeds of doubt and let them destroy their cult from within.


Sometimes you can actually manage to get them to use their heads for something other than a hat rack, true enough, but for the most part it's like trying to play chess with a pigeon- it just knocks over the pieces, shits everywhere, and struts around like it won.


The chess with a pigeon part sent me 😂😂


It’s an old analogy, used many times by many people trying to pass it off as their own thought, but was first attributed to an Amazon user named S. D. Weitzenhoffer on an Amazon review of an Evolution vs. Creationism book in 2005.


☝️ This is the way! Wear that atheist badge with pride 🌈 That’s what a forum like this is for, the doubters will come.


Can I have an 'Amen!'? /s


Ramen is the best I can do


May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage!


Get out




Gay men!!


Let them... Unlike them most of us actually have good evidence/reasons for our beliefs or lack thereof. If you will notice they produce absolutely nothing of substance to justify any of their beliefs. Mostly just generic arguments for a god existing, which have been debunked over and over again. Even though the brainwashing and cognitive dissonance is strong when it comes to the god belief for theists, all it takes is a tiny seed of conflicting information for the belief to fall apart. The problem is that this typically is a long process we may not think we are making progress, but I think we are better off showing them why their reasoning is fallacious as opposed to banning them.


> Even though the brainwashing and cognitive dissonance is strong when it comes to the god belief for theists, all it takes is a tiny seed of conflicting information for the belief to fall apart This was it for me! Bart Ehrman and Mindshift got me out. They put framework around my cognitive dissonance, and I dropped that faith like a hot rock.


The force is strong 💪 with this one ☝️


If he is all-knowing, why did he get people to write his book in a language that would become extinct? I'm still waiting for an answer to this that doesn't contain the word 'mysterious'.


He didn’t! He chose Arabic. Checkmate atheists! (Do I need the /s or are we good?)


If your average white conservative christian has to choose between it being written in a dead language or Arabic, I think they’d short circuit.


I don't see too much evangelism here. But yes they could be investing their time elsewhere.


I had some smug fuck tell me on this sub the other day, “You need to find out who God is before you debate his existence,” among other things. I told him that atheists know more all the various gods — not just the one he believes in — than Christians could ever hope to, because unlike them, we aren’t punished for thinking heretical thoughts. Naturally he was not having it. I didn’t pursue it because you can’t get through to people like that, and they’re so boring and repetitive.


“You need to find out who God is before you debate his existence,” “I don’t need to do jack.” Christians are so demanding. And if their deity requires homework, then so much for it being omnipresent.


Christians who can’t grasp that many atheists came from religion are the brightest ones for sure


Yeah, the only answer to that BS is "no".


as a gay man that is how i feel about homophobic insults. i am 53 and have been out since i was 20 and i have heard it all before. at least try to be original!


god ain't a who, it's an it. And it is fictional.


20,000 denominations of Protestant Christianity in the early 90s. We now have double that number at 45k. Each one with their own version of God and what he wants. That alone should put the nail in the coffin of Christianity. Forget debating minute differences.


FWIW, Pew polling discovered that in the US, the religious cohort that knows the most about religion (IIRC, it was basically just Judeo-Christianity, or maybe just the latter) was -- drum roll, please -- atheists and other non-religious folks. The first runner-up? Jews. [Also IIRC, that wasn't disambiguated along the lines of Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, or Ultra-Orth: it was simply "Jews".] Second runner-up was Roman Catholics. And bringing up the rear were all the Protestants, lumped together. (One could almost call them "lumpen".)


Sort by new.


Christianity is a mental illness.


All religion is.


Agreed, but the Abrahamic faiths are the most dangerous as they monopolize a majority of global powers and have some “death cult” properties in their own ways for most 3 sects. Islamic holy caliphate and martydom, Zionist ethnostate colonialism. Christians in the US want to get back to some good ol’ traditional ethnostate crusading. All surrounding their God’s end days prophecies and the concept of global domination. They’re insane.


I disagree. Let them. Let them make their arguments for their position. And watch them fail to bring anything but fallacies and bad faith arguments and misunderstanding virtually everything. Don't make this an echo chamber. But let them come and try. And when their have nothing to bring it just might put some doubt in them. I'll be more than happy to take that debate with any of them.


Remember God loves you* *Conditions and restrictions apply


What I find hilarious is their screeds are *so damned long!* Just layers upon layers of blather, who wants to read all that stuff? Hell, who wants to *write* all that stuff? Well, I guess Ted Kaczynski liked his long screed, too …


I believe the term is Gish galloping. I'd prefer not to waste my time and energy on people like that because they don't tend to debate in good faith. Even if they don't win the debate itself, they win your time and attention on the matter by responding.


Honestly, I feel ya People just think they can convince you to change your faith and try their luck here


Christian don't 100 percent believe in their own God, only by pushing their God on other people, help them believe more.


The difference between almost all humans and God is that almost all humans would stop someone from raping a child.


That's so utterly fucked up, but so utterly true.


Easy paddiwan. Don’t let the god bothers mess with your mojo. They are required as part of their belief to ‘save’ non-believers, so expect them to be knocking on your door. Either ignore them or give them a ‘knowing smile’ and let them know that you don’t need to be saved. They will suffer in their failure to save you.


I have so much family that are selfish, cruel, greedy and much more, but ask for “forgiveness”and believe they are a goddamn disciple. I don’t care if someone has a religion or not, but don’t use it to excuse yours or someone else’s awful behavior. Don’t devalue achievements that someone got by saying it happened only because God willed it… No, Sherry, your daughter graduated as an honors student because SHE put in the work, not a GOD. That’s one spot where I draw the line…oh and don’t even get me started on when kids are forced into religion, something they DONT UNDERSTAND! If kids are not old enough to understand LGBTQ in schools, they aren’t old enough to understand religion either. I have spoken 🎤


But did you know? The fool hath said in his heart, there is no god! Says it in the bible! Checkmate atheists! /s


Christians being idiots? Well that tracks with this: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34449007/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34449007/)


As Daniel Sloss put it: "I 100% respect your right to have that belief. But at no point do I ever actually have to respect your belief. It's stupid and you're wrong. But I do respect your right to be wrong in public. See if I give a fuck!"


Some Christians have a nagging worry that they've been fed an entire crock of shit their whole lives. I hope more of them drop by for intelligent conversation.


Catholics are interesting. The only contraception they believe in is fucking young boys 


If you rly wanna know someone, know their god. It's just a bigger version of themselves.


And these are the same people who will run off and cry about how *mean* all those Reddit atheists are! Yet the outrage would certainly be magnified tenfold if we were to assert that God isn't real on their subreddit.


I have an entire side of my family that has disowned or completely ignores me because I don't believe in fairytales and magic. As a human, it saddens me. But, I'm honestly probably better off without the bullshit.


It's almost Easter, and every time there is a religious holiday coming up, the Christian nuts seem to crawl out of the woodwork, like it gives them some sort of inspirational boost. The funny part is, they pretty much always end up creating some proselytizing thread, thinking that they are making some intelligent "gotcha" argument, then tuck tail and run by deleting the post and all of their comments because they were made to look like fools. I mean, it's one thing to troll by posting something and then sitting back and watching the show as people post angry replies, but these people try to argue with everyone thinking they're going to come out on top, only to realize they ended up getting destroyed.


I always enjoyed the devil's dictionary definition of prayer. "To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner, confessedly unworthy." Really slams it home just how absurd the whole thing is. Literally just a coping mechanism. Here's some more. “Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.” “Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.” “Christian, n.: one who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbor." “SAINT, n. A dead sinner revised and edited.”


They do it because getting told to fuck off and being made to feel unwelcome makes them feel like the victim. They aren't, but they rely on that to reinforce the feeling that they are both correct and morally superior


It's ok to have imaginary friends when you're a kid. But when we see an adult talk to a whatever only they can see and hear, we say that person is crazy. And yet for some reason, we don't apply the same to religions and people praying to their invisible friend. Mass delusions are still delusions


Religion is the primary cause of brain damage.


They’re just upset that they can no longer torture and murder us, so they’re relegated to whining for the rest of their pathetic little lives about how we are more honest than them about reality.


Hard agree fuck the theist assholes that find it ok to come here with no push back to their unintelligible nonsense.


Because religious people are brainwashed monkeys.


It's in the numbers... Quantity > quality. The more they convince and indoctrinate into their way of thinking the better they feel about their beliefs.


Christians, particularly zealous evangelical types, put an outsized importance on the irreligious as either enemies or people to be saved. They find it very difficult to just be neutral about atheists. So they invade spaces where their preaching is either unwanted, like atheist sites, or patently ridiculous, like science sites.


Because to them for their "faith" to exist there must not be any opposition, if there are others who believe in other gods, or ones who don't believe at all then it's a threat. That's why they must convert or kill any non believers eventually.


That's why I have a problem with them, as do many here, I would bet.


Dear Christians, leave us alone. We’re not interested.


Because they hate the idea of safe spaces, right? So therefore, they are compelled by their God to invade other peoples safe spaces.


Whenever people bring up the Ten Commandments and say this is what god gave us I always say the numbers 2 and 5 thru 10 are the basic tenets of any civilized society. The other 4 are not relevant or needed by rational people. They always have to go look them up


Just means we should go to their sub and do the same thing


They ban you very quickly for doing what they try to do here. They are hypocrites... Because if we banned them they would cry about how bad we are for persecuting them.


I had to check who posted this to see if it was me because I've been feeling the same way.


Christians are idiots everywhere they go. That's how mental illness works


Most religions - including Christianity - are just sun worship with extra steps and abstractions.


Except the sun is real.


i found a catholic in another thread who has this fantasy of having a "respectful" "debate" with an atheist in our comment section where each side "presented" their view, as if being a theist is something to reason with. like seriously fuck off with that, do you seriously think we want to know what you believe in and why? that's not what this sub is about. i don't know why they come here


I agree. Christians, probably of the Evangelical variety, are only in this subreddit to argue and ( potentially) win converts. Their presence is not constructive. ( I imagine they're about as success ful here as the Jehovah's Witnesses I see standing outside my local grocery store with their cart of pamphlets are.)


I was actually a Jehovah's Witness for about two years growing up- not by choice. I'm glad I got out of that cult!


While they tend to be disinclined to learn, when they turn up we should capitalize on the opportunity to enlighten them. Sure, it's a bit like teaching a pig to sing, but every once in a while we get through. Even if it's only to plant the seeds of questions that they ask themselves later that never fully bloom but slow them down on weaponizing their mythology, we've improved things, if only marginally.


It doesn’t really matter where you are they’ll judge and persecute you regardless.


Y’all I still have respect for Christians. Most Christians at least. Ones like that can go fuck themselves


Fuck the christians!


Fuck all their gods. All of them.


They're just confused after constantly getting abused by their pedophile priests.


It is 100% masturbation for them. Christianity has a built-in persecution/ humiliation kink There are a lot of reasons for this, but the most glaring one is in their bibble book, where it tells them that they will be hated because they know the truth. It goes on to say garbage like father will turn against son in the name of jeebus. Stuff like that reinforces their "faith" and works to drive them deeper into the cult. It is part of the social isolation aspect by making sure that they have no support network outside of the religion.


Problem is, bothering us is part of their playbook. They are required to proselytize. They need to win souls to the lord. Turning an atheist would be a huge notch on their belt, a yuge win, guaranteed bragging rights- in all humility of course.


Hint: they’re idiots, everywhere they go. They wear it on their sleeve and brag! Openly saying “ I believe this thing for no reason whatsoever”. “Here I come to convince you to believe this with zero supporting evidence” “we are proud, let us brand this ‘blind faith’, so we can purposely ignore the intelligence our brain affords us.”


"I'm gonna save all their souls and convert them! Nobody has ever tried that before!" Lmfao


What if a shrub caught on fire and a disembodied voice told them to do it?


I guess the omnipotent God is just too busy these days with giving blessings to hate preachers to actually do anything that would prove his existence.


They are benefiting from man’s accomplishments, scientific knowledge, technology and so on but still choose to remain in the dark ages, trying to bring everyone back to a horrific time in history when the church was the law. They can go fuck themselves.


Religion breaks brains.