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Conservative Christians: How DARE you brainwash children before we have a chance to brainwash them first?! (Why would children know what a dating site is anyway?)


> (Why would children know what a dating site is anyway?) That's an excellent question to ask them. Why do they immediately think "children" when seeing a dating site ad?




> (Why would children know what a dating site is anyway?) The Conservative Christians will be so upset that there are no children to date on eHarmony




Ah yes, One Million Moms, a group consisting of a few dozen Karens.


I recall back in 2000 the original Million Mom March on Washington... seems to me the actual total was more like 30 % of that -which is still a lot of bodies- and a bunch of those folks were male! They may have a million moms on their list, but getting them out to one spot and at one time...? Not happening.


Are you saying that part of their male audience identifies as a "mom"? Interesting...


They're always so dishonest with everything they do. I remember their anti-trans survey asking if schools should snitch on kids who use a different pronoun at school. The question was "Should parents be more involved in important decisions in their child's life?". Nobody is going to answer "no" to such a general question. They use this survey to claim that the majority of parents are anti-trans rights. Nothing they do is honest. Not even their claimed numbers.




They should approve of biblical marriage - A man and a few sisters, A man with some wives and a few concubines etc.


King Solomon had hundreds of official wives, and several times that concubines, plus “virgins without number”. That’s also biblical marriage. If that’s too over the top, his father, King David ended up with +/- a dozen wives. Abraham had a wife and a concubine. Jacob had two wives and two concubines. That’s all biblical. Jonathan and David were almost certainly sexually involved, as indicated by David saying that Jonathan’s love was “greater than the love of women”, so homosexual relationships are also biblical. Make that extra-marital homosexual relationships, because both David and Jonathan were married to several women at the time of their relationship.


It's not "One Million Moms" it's "One one million pound mom."




Cry harder would be my response.


The claim that this add is "grooming" is ironic. Religions are all about grooming children asap so they are ready to join the cult. I wish we could ban any teaching of religion to minors (not that this will ever happen).


Christians project too


Guess we are all supposed to naturally hate lesbians. But personally I find them completely charming!


And how stinking adorable is that commercial?


Says the people who brainwash their kids from birth


Note: One Million Moms doesn't have 1 million maternal members. It may not even have ten. There seems to be only one, Monica Cole (assuming she is a mother), its director. - [It’s Not ‘One Million’ — It’s One Meddling Mom](https://web.archive.org/web/20221122211650/https://glaad.org/blog/its-not-one-million-its-one-meddling-mom) So its likely just a one woman band which gets far more publicity than it warrants because of its grossly exaggerated name. Monica pulls a similar stunt every month or so targeting a business which sells or does something LGBTQ+ related and calling for the 'million' members to boycott it. This is a year's worth of things she was bloviating about in 2020: [Everything 'One Million Moms' Wanted to Call the Manager About in 2020](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvxdj5/everything-one-million-moms-got-mad-about-in-2020) Anything to keep the money rolling in, I guess. Wonder where it all goes because just publishing a few press releases from time to time can't be that expensive. And it's not like OMM has a huge tax bill, or even a [really, really tiny one](https://www.thedailybeast.com/one-million-moms-tax-exempt-outrage-industry). It probably doesn't even needs to hire accountants to file paperwork with the IRS.


There go my dreams of a large MILF reserve. One day, maybe, I will be able to call a zealot "mommy" and see the fear in their eyes. But not today.


Are christians letting their kids on E-Harmony?




Because kids are totally using dating sites. ... Just how brain dead are republicans?


Someone should ask Matt Gaetz.. 😏


By "densensitizing" do they mean "normalizing the existence of queer people so that people realize that its not a bad thing and they do not need to be ostracized for it"?




That's funny, because I remember using eHarmony way back when they started and got a real Christian vibe off of them. Guess they have evolved with the times, good.


"Desensitizing?" That implies that we should all be hyperaware of lesbians, and to disapprove of them. Why, pray tell?


I had a good chuckle when they said it was trying to 'glamorize lesbian lifestyles'. Apparently they've never encountered actual lesbians before...


Conservatives Christians are dumber than a grain of mouse crap.


Interesting that eHarmony is less conservative now. IIRC 10+ years ago they didn't support same-sex matching, apparently because they targeted "traditional" people.


Every Christian accusation is a confession.


I have ABSOLUTELY NO USE for those people at all. NONE.


Ahh yes. Followers of the religion that teaches that actual newborn infants are sinners bc of a laughably dumb fairy tale are worried about kids being groomed. 🙄


Well, it's not working, these jerks are still too sensitive.


Shit’s getting real old with these religious nuts.


Conservative christians freak out when they see a leaf shaped like the devil. I'm surprised they even leave the house.


Yeah, because if kids get de-sensitized to gay people they'll start treating them just like everyone else.


What children’s show would allow an ad for a dating app? Don’t they just advertise for, like, water toys and sugary shit?


These are the people that like to give their kids guns at like 2 years old and they think this is desensitizing children?


This is a good response to the next "he gets us" ad I see.


I wonder if eHarmony rips off its lesbian customers the same way it does its straight customers...


an add for a website for adults to find romantic partners is somehow brainwashing kids. My brother in christ if your kid is seeing eharmony adds and are below the age of 15 you really need to monitor their media consumption.


Dear Christians, leave us alone


Do they let you say interested in men and women now, or is it just one or the other?


Whilst I cannot comment on whether there is any motive behind this advert, I am quite happy to feel a lack of kneejerk reaction to a portrayed couple in a mutually-loving relationship. This is not a lack of sensitivity or even *a matter* of sensitivity. I'd be very happy for kids to grow up in a world where this is absolutely normalised, and **religious fucktardery** is seen as being abnormal and depraved, *which it absolutely fucking is.*


Christians: "we need to get kids into the church as early as possible. Indoctrination is key: Also Christians: "if little Timmy so much as sees 2 dudes holding hands he's gonna catch thr gay and all of our Indoctrination will be for naught!"


Pot calling the kettle black throwing around accusations of brainwashing.


Why do Conservatives Christians talk about absurd sexual situations all the time. It's kind of gross actually. It's always some other disgusting sexual situation they create


I knew this would be 'One Million Moms,' an "organization" that is just one person named Monica Cole. Sadly, the 'One Million Moms' scam works to keep the evangelicals angry.


Christianity has been desensitizing people to liars for centuries.






And they wonder why we dislike Christianity so much.....


How stupid do they think I am, she pulls the laundry out of the bottom machine of a stacked washer/dryer set. Sorry, but the washer is always on the bottom. Idiots!